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Pregnancy 4 weeks what to do. Fourth week of pregnancy: signs and sensations. A clear sign of pregnancy or

To get pregnant and become a mother, you should try to be in good physical shape. A few months before conception, you should quit smoking, not abuse alcohol, and try to take less medications. You should also avoid harmful or stressful work.

If you or someone in your family suffers from any congenital disease, consult your doctor to see if this will threaten your pregnancy. During ovulation, your body temperature rises slightly.

If you measure your temperature for at least three months, you will notice a pattern: it starts out at about 36.6°C, then rises during ovulation. Three months before conceiving, stop taking medications and get a rubella measles vaccine.

Your last menstrual period has just begun and you can already plan your pregnancy. Preconceptional pregnancy planning is a very good idea. However, if you have not started testing before your planned pregnancy, at least take a prenatal vitamin and 4 mg of folic acid per day to help prevent neural tube defects.
2 weeks pregnant
Most often, a woman becomes pregnant in the middle of the cycle, on the 14th day. As a result of ejaculation, millions of sperm move through the vagina along the fallopian tube. Several hundred sperm are sent to the egg, secreting their special enzyme, and only one sperm will be able to break through the defense of the protective layer of the egg. This, in fact, is the moment of conception. After this, a special chemical process begins that does not allow other sperm to enter the egg. The sperm is resorbed, and its nucleus, which carries genetic information, is reunited with the chromosome of the egg.

your child

The gender of your unborn child will depend on only one pair of the two chromosomes that actually make up a human cell. Reproductive cells, sperm and egg, carry only one chromosome. A woman's egg is always an X chromosome, a sperm is either an X or a Y. If a sperm with an X chromosome penetrates into a woman's cell, you will have a girl. If with the Y chromosome, you will have a boy. So the sex of the child depends entirely on the efforts of the father.

The fertilized cell divides into two, then into four: continuing to divide, it moves along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. By the time of “arrival” there are already up to 30 such cells. A cluster of them is called “morula”, which is translated from Latin as “mulberry”.

The sperm connects with the egg. As a result, one “large” (smaller than a grain of salt) cell is formed, which contains 46 chromosomes inherited from the parents (23 chromosomes from each). In addition, the fertilized egg includes the entire genetic set of the future person: height, gender, eye and skin color, hair, facial features (father's or mother's).
3 Week Pregnancy
A few days after fertilization, a morula embryo attaches to the inner wall of the uterus (endometrium). You are now officially pregnant! The number of cells in the morula grows to the state of a germinal vesicle: it secretes enzymes that cause restructuring of your body. So, for example, because of it, your periods stop.

your child

In the early weeks of pregnancy, the embryo develops rapidly. Every day is a big change. After all, in just seven days, a whole ball of hundreds of cells grows from one cell! Although it is difficult to see any system even under a microscope, all cells act in an organized manner. Some of them will become an embryo, some will work for its life support.

A blastocyst is a hollow, fluid-filled germinal vesicle, a collection of cells: it is still barely visible to the naked eye and its size is about 0.1-0.2 mm in diameter. The blastopista is attached to the upper part of the internal cavity of the uterus, from the side of the ovary, which released the then fertilized egg. The bubble begins to attach on the fourth to seventh day: it is more securely attached around the tenth day.

A mass of villi forms on the surface of the vesicle, which sink into the endometrium. Through the blood, the embryo receives nutrients from the mother and discharges waste products. Gradually, the uterine mucosa grows, enveloping the fertilized egg: the placenta is formed - an organ that will nourish and protect your baby throughout pregnancy.

The embryo becomes one tenth larger than its previous size!
4 weeks pregnant

You suspect you are pregnant, but in the early stages only a blood test can confirm this. The fertilized egg secretes a special chorionic hormone (HCG), human chorionic gonadotropin, which is present in your blood. You can use a home test for hCG in urine, but the latter is not so reliable, since the period is very short.

While you are wondering whether your period will come or not, you may experience symptoms reminiscent of the premenstrual state: nausea, breast swelling. You may begin to feel tired, urinate more frequently, and experience mood swings. – the most critical time for your child’s formation.

your child

This week the fertilized egg begins to turn into an embryo. Three types of germ layers begin to form, which will serve as the beginning for the formation of various tissues and organs. The inner leaf layer (endoderm) is responsible for the formation of the lungs, liver, digestive system, and pancreas. From the middle layer-leaf (mesoderm) the skeleton, muscular system, kidneys, blood vessels and heart develop. The outer layer-leaf (ectoderm) forms the skin, hair, eye lenses, tooth enamel, and the nervous system. Then the cells from each of the leaves “disperse to their places.”

The head of the embryo is formed - tender, like a drop or a tear. A transvaginal ultrasound can show the fertilized sac and corpus luteum, which nourishes your baby before the placenta becomes fully functional and takes on the role of “nourishment” and protection.
5th week of pregnancy

The first suspicion that you are pregnant - because your period has not arrived - arises 2-3 weeks after conception. But the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) can have other reasons, so do a quick home test either at home or with a gynecologist. Your doctor will calculate your pregnancy based on the start of your last period. the same as last week. Some women may experience headaches due to rising hormones. There are women who will not experience any signs or symptoms of pregnancy at all; they will go through the first trimester of pregnancy without nausea or vomiting, simply put, without morning sickness. DO NOT panic if you are late but have no signs of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is usually divided into three periods called trimesters. The first trimester lasts until the 13th week: during this period, the embryo develops rapidly. It is at this time that the risk of miscarriage is especially great. The second trimester is the 14-27th week, the third trimester is the 28-40th week.

your child

There is a certain logic in cell division. You can already imagine where the legs will be, where the head is, where the back is, where the tummy is. The dorsal chord and along it the so-called neural tube are distinguishable. These are prototypes of the spine and spinal cord. We see how, expanding upward, the neural tube is flattened - this will be the anterior part of the brain. In the center of the embryo we see a ball of tissue: there will be a heart. Gradually, blood vessels begin to form.

By this time, it is possible to distinguish where the head and legs of the embryo will be. The embryo is curved in the shape of the letter C. Segments of tissue called somites form along the neural tube. From them muscle tissue and other tissue structures subsequently arise. The embryo is protected by two membranes. The formation resembling a large bladder is called the yolk sac: this is where blood cells are produced for the embryo.

Important news - your heart will start beating this week! It's amazing how much can happen so quickly. Transvaginal ultrasound will show approximately 90% of the gestational sac and corpus luteum. It is now possible to differentiate the baby's head from his tail. By the end of the week, the folic acid you take will help promote nerve development and connection. Your baby is now an embryo! The average length of the embryo is 1.5 – 2.5 mm.

  • The embryo floats in a fluid-filled bladder.
  • The brain, spine, and central nervous system appear.
  • There are four depressions on the head - these are the child's future eyes and ears.
  • The digestive system, mouth and jaw are in an intermediate state.
  • The stomach and chest are developing.
  • The heart looks like a bulge on the chest.
  • Towards the end of this period it will begin to beat.
  • A system of blood vessels is formed.
  • Four tiny limb buds were formed.
  • At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother already clearly feels the signs of her new position. This stage of fetal formation is extremely important, because right now the active development of all organs and systems of the unborn child begins. Now a woman needs to take care of her health. The exclusion of external and internal negative factors during this period is the key to happy motherhood.

    Signs of pregnancy in the fourth week

    At this stage, the woman already understands that she will soon become a mother, because menstruation is most likely absent. Other early symptoms include:

    • Emotional swing. Due to fluctuations in the level of progesterone in the blood, a pregnant woman experiences frequent mood swings. This manifests itself in tearfulness, irritability, and sleep disturbances.
    • Increased frequency of trips to the toilet. At 4 weeks the uterus increases slightly in size. In this regard, pressure on the bladder increases. Even when it is not completely filled, the woman feels the urge to urinate.
    • Basal temperature, which should decrease slightly 14 days after ovulation, remains elevated.
    • Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. This sign is not always a harbinger of pregnancy. The stomach often feels tight even at the beginning of menstruation. If conception has occurred, such manifestations may indicate the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus and the growth of the reproductive organ itself.
    • Changes in the chest. The mammary glands become dense, sometimes the sensitivity of the nipples increases.
    • Scanty spotting. This sign indicates the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

    The physiological state of a woman changes noticeably. Drowsiness and fatigue appear. Fatigue is felt even in the first half of the day in the absence of significant physical activity.

    Often, the expectant mother notices an increase in sense of smell and a change in taste preferences. Dishes that she liked before may be disgusting. At 4 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis and weight loss often occur. In the morning, nausea and vomiting appear. Sometimes sweating and increased salivation are observed. This does not happen to everyone; many women do not encounter this unpleasant condition.

    Embryo development at this stage

    4 weeks of pregnancy is an important period characterized by the transformation of a fertilized egg into an embryo. Now the embryo is a tiny body that looks very much like a disk of three layers. What happens during this period? The changes are as follows:

    1. Formation of extraembryonic organs from the outer leaf. The embryo develops an amniotic membrane or amnion, a yolk sac and a chorion. Thanks to them, the respiratory, protective and nutritional functions are performed.
    2. The outer shell is presented in the form of a chorion. It will later become the placenta. The conversion process will take up to 12 weeks. The placenta is very important for the normal development of the embryo. It provides it with oxygen and other vital nutrients. An important role is also played by the vascular network, which appears in the area of ​​​​contact between the fetus and the uterine wall.
    3. The amnion or amniotic membrane is the cavity in which the embryo will be located in the future. Later it transforms into a fetal sac. In this space, the child is protected from the negative influence of the external and internal environment.
    4. The yolk sac is responsible for the function of hematopoiesis. It performs its role for up to 7-8 weeks.
    5. The ectoderm forms the unequal fetal system, skin, visual organs and tooth enamel.
    6. The mesoderm is transformed into bone, muscle, and connective tissue. Forms the reproductive, excretory, circulatory system.
    7. The endoderm is the rudiment of the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems.

    The end of the 4th week of pregnancy is called blastogenesis. The head of the embryo at this stage is already marked and resembles a tiny droplet. The initial stage of embryo formation is completed.

    What's happening to the baby

    At the end of the first month of development, the fertilized egg enters the embryonic stage. It is now growing rapidly and going through a number of changes. Externally, it strongly resembles a disc-shaped body with three layers. At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the neural plate forms in the small organism. This is the rudiment of the spinal cord and brain of the fetus. On the tiny head you can see the rudiments of the eyes. The diameter of the embryo does not exceed five millimeters.

    Starting from the end of the first month from conception and ending with the tenth week, the active formation of all organs and systems occurs. Some organs are even starting their work. At this stage, there remains a fairly high risk of miscarriage and abnormal development of the embryo. In this regard, a woman should take care of her health, eliminate bad habits, emotional turmoil and eat right.

    The risk of spontaneous abortion remains high until the 12th week. The young mother must take all necessary efforts to preserve the life of the fetus.

    Changes in the body at 4 weeks of embryo development

    After fertilization of the egg and its attachment to the wall of the uterus, changes begin in the woman’s body, which are still barely noticeable. The production of progesterone provokes a slight enlargement and swelling of the mammary glands, and increased sensitivity of the nipples.

    A pregnant woman gets tired quickly and becomes drowsy. Girls experience toxicosis, expressed in dyspeptic disorders such as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and belching. Mood changes are common. Many people gain weight, which becomes a reason to suspect their interesting situation.

    6-7 days after conception, human chorionic gonadotropin is produced, known to many as hCG. Against this background, a decrease in immunity occurs. This is necessary for the adoption of the embryo. Without hCG, the body will perceive the fetus as a foreign body and simply reject it.

    Human chorionic gonadotropin is sometimes detected in girls in the absence of pregnancy. Normally, its numbers do not exceed 5 mU/ml. When conception occurs, the amount of hCG increases rapidly. In case of twins or triplets, which often develops as a result of IVF, the amount of gonadotropin doubles or triples.

    Woman's feelings

    It is impossible to say exactly what a pregnant woman will feel at 4 weeks of fetal development. All women are different, and therefore their feelings are different. We will name the symptoms that are most common in expectant mothers at this stage.


    At the 4th week of pregnancy, the mammary glands increase slightly in size, their sensitivity increases, and many girls notice the appearance of veins. This is a completely normal phenomenon, indicating that the body is preparing for upcoming motherhood. If your breasts were very sensitive at this stage and then stopped hurting, don’t worry. During the period of bearing a baby, the female body undergoes many changes.

    During this period, you need to think about a comfortable bra. Under no circumstances should you wear too tight or synthetic underwear. In the future, this may negatively affect lactation and the health of the mammary glands.


    At the end of the first month after conception, a woman’s belly does not increase in size. Although the uterus is beginning to grow, it is not yet visible from the outside. The shape can become rounder only if there is an increase in appetite and rapid weight gain.

    Often, at the 4th week of pregnancy, a woman feels that her stomach is pulling and discomfort has appeared in the lumbar region. This is explained by hormonal changes and rapid growth of the uterus. Typically, such pain is temporary and does not require medical treatment.


    Under the influence of progesterone, the reproductive organ swells and acquires a soft structure. This is necessary for the development of the embryo and the creation of comfortable conditions for tiny life. The size of the uterus increases slightly.

    In addition, this stage is characterized by the formation of a special mucus plug. This is necessary to protect the embryo from infections throughout its development.


    A healthy pregnancy is characterized by the absence of menstrual bleeding. In rare cases, the so-called ablution of the fetus is observed, when in the early stages menstruation occurs in the usual manner or is more scanty.

    The only normal condition that causes bleeding is implantation bleeding. During the attachment of the embryo to the uterus, a woman experiences a small amount of blood, but this sign is not always observed.

    Normally, discharge during pregnancy should be transparent in color and have a mucous consistency. The mucous base also has a plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. It performs a protective function and prevents infection of the fetus. This plug comes off just before childbirth.

    You should worry if the nature of the secretion is as follows:

    • the presence of an unpleasant odor reminiscent of fish or sour milk;
    • the presence of itching, burning or other unpleasant sensations;
    • the discharge has a cheesy base (speaks of thrush);
    • brown, yellow, reddish discharge;
    • the volume of secretion is large and brings discomfort;
    • discharge is accompanied by pain and cutting.

    If one or more of the above symptoms are present, a woman is advised to immediately seek medical help.

    HCG and progesterone at 4 weeks

    After conception, many changes occur in the female body. First of all, the hormonal background changes. This is expressed in the increased production of certain substances, namely progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin. Each of these hormones performs its own function.

    The role of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG):

    • supports the function of the corpus luteum for up to 7 weeks;
    • takes part in the development of the fetus;
    • helps suppress the immune system, which is necessary for the body to accept the embryo.

    6-7 days after conception, the amount of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman increases several times daily. Around week 10, the amount of the hormone begins to gradually decrease.

    If we talk about the fourth obstetric week, then the amount of hCG here should be approximately 101 - 4870 mU/ml. In the fourth embryonic week, its amount is approximately 1110 - 31500 mU/ml.

    In addition to human chorionic gonadotropin, when conception occurs, there is an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone. Its function is as follows:

    • participation in the formation of certain fetal tissues;
    • stimulation of growth of the reproductive organ;
    • decreased immune system function to prevent embryo rejection;
    • stimulation of mammary gland growth;
    • an increase in subcutaneous fat in a woman to provide nutrition to the embryo.

    What is visible on an ultrasound during this period? Ultrasound examination is carried out using a transvaginal sensor. The method helps confirm the onset of pregnancy, identify ectopic implantation of the ovum and other possible pathologies. At week 4, an ultrasound shows the embryo in the form of a small dot, the diameter of which is no more than two millimeters. The fetus at this stage is already visualized quite well.

    It is not yet possible to see the tissues of the embryo, but after 7-10 days it will be possible to see a small embryo. During this period, the corpus luteum continues to actively produce progesterone. In the ultrasound photo, the fetus looks like a small dot.

    By the way, if you want to view the entire calendar of intrauterine development of the fetus by week, you can do this by.

    Diagnosis using a test

    On the shelves of pharmacies you can find many pregnancy tests that can easily determine the onset of conception from the first days of the delay. All of them are based on the indication of hCG in the female body. 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body is sufficient for the test to detect it. If the result is negative, this may indicate an incorrect determination of the due date or absence of pregnancy. In such a situation, it is recommended to repeat the test after some time.

    Such diagnostics are carried out at home. To do this, you need to carefully read the instructions for use from the manufacturer. The procedure should be done in the morning. During this period, the concentration of hCG is highest.

    Why does the stomach sag and hurt in the early stages of pregnancy? During this period, discomfort is considered normal if the woman feels normal and there is no bleeding or other negative signs.

    Painful sensations in the abdomen and back may indicate the following problems:

    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
    • risk of miscarriage;
    • pathologies of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis);
    • inflammation of the ovaries;
    • frozen pregnancy.

    If the pain is frequent and intense, you should not risk your health and the health of your tiny body.

    Pain in the lumbar region

    In the lumbar region, pulling and discomfort in the 4th week can occur due to various reasons. It is normal if these pains are moderate and there is passing coughing. Usually this indicates an increase in the size of the uterus and preparation of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus for bearing a baby.

    Causes of pathological pain include:

    • excess body weight and increased load on the spine;
    • diseases of the spinal column that occurred before pregnancy;
    • kidney pathologies.

    If you notice such pain and its dynamics increase, you should definitely consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis of certain problems will help eliminate many complications in the future.

    Bloody or brown discharge

    As already mentioned, normally, spotting in the early stages of pregnancy can only be observed in the case of implantation bleeding and during the ablution of the fetus, when menstruation occurs after conception. In other cases, brown, pink and bloody discharge may indicate the following problems:

    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • embryo freezing;
    • cervical erosion;
    • beginning miscarriage.

    A scanty light brown smudge may appear after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. Do not hesitate to inform your gynecologist about the appearance of such a sign. If the problem is identified in a timely manner, this significantly increases the chances of saving the baby.

    Causes of elevated body temperature

    4 weeks is the first trimester of pregnancy. This period is very exciting for the expectant mother, because she has not yet had time to get used to her new position. In this regard, she has many questions. One of them is why body temperature may increase?

    First, let's figure out what the basal temperature should be. This indicator varies depending on the woman's cycle. It is known that during the period of ovulation, BT increases by 1-2 degrees. After 12-14 days it decreases. When pregnancy occurs, due to the production of progesterone, the levels remain elevated. Therefore, if at week 4 the temperature remains within 37 - 37.3 ° C, then this is an absolutely normal condition.

    The situation is different if the thermometer readings are quite high and amount to 38-39°C. Such marks may indicate serious problems. These include:

    • inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
    • ectopic or frozen pregnancy;
    • influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

    If the fever is caused by a common cold, the woman is advised to drink plenty of fluids and eat fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C. Drug treatment should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. A specialist will help you choose pills that will not harm the fetus at 4 weeks.

    You cannot neglect your health while carrying a baby. During this period, the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own life.

    An ectopic pregnancy is a rather dangerous condition. If it is not diagnosed in a timely manner, the consequences will be extremely negative. In order to promptly suspect a pathology, you should know its symptoms. These include:

    • absence of menstruation;
    • toxicosis;
    • breast swelling and enlargement;
    • pulling sensations in the back and abdomen;
    • maintaining basal body temperature within 37-37.3°C;
    • change in emotional state.

    With the further development of the pathology, the woman is often diagnosed with severe pain and bleeding. Treatment is carried out with medication or surgery.

    The following factors can provoke an ectopic pregnancy:

    • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
    • infectious diseases;
    • congenital diseases of the fallopian tubes;
    • hormonal disorders in the female body;
    • bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
    • previous abortions;
    • the presence of an intrauterine device.

    The most dangerous is the attachment of the fertilized egg in the ovary. The growth of the embryo provokes rupture of the organ, which is accompanied by acute pain, bleeding, nausea, vomiting and other dangerous symptoms. In the absence of timely assistance, death is possible.

    Carrying a child is a complex and lengthy process, during which things often don’t go according to plan. Fading pregnancy can occur for the following reasons:

    • genetic disorders of the fetus;
    • hormonal imbalance in the mother's body;
    • the presence of sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia);
    • as a result of serious illnesses (flu, rubella, meningitis);
    • in case of Rh conflict;
    • due to abuse of cigarettes or alcohol;
    • if a woman has a history of two or more abortions.

    Freezing of the embryo can also occur as a result of severe physical and psychological stress.

    Signs of fetal freezing include bloody spotting, a sharp cessation of toxicosis, and intense pain in the lower abdomen.

    If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately make an appointment with your doctor.

    Up to 12 weeks, the threat of involuntary miscarriage remains quite high. At week 4, a woman should be very attentive to her health, adhere to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

    Symptoms of an incipient miscarriage:

    • bloody or pink discharge, often containing elements of germinal tissue;
    • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and back;
    • dizziness and headache;
    • Sometimes nausea and irritability are observed.

    A miscarriage can last from several hours to several days.

    Is it possible to have sex

    Sex is not a contraindication during the 4th week of pregnancy. If doctors have not diagnosed a threat of miscarriage and the woman feels great, sexual intimacy with a partner is not prohibited.

    Sexual intercourse is contraindicated in the following situations:

    • the presence of a threat of miscarriage;
    • the woman has a history of miscarriages or fetal death;
    • sexually transmitted infections in a partner;
    • leakage of amniotic fluid;
    • congenital pathologies of the reproductive organs.

    In such situations, it is better to abstain from sex in the fourth week.

    Nutritional features for the expectant mother

    It cannot be said that a girl in an interesting position in the early stages of bearing a baby should strictly limit herself in some way. The main thing is that the menu is varied and balanced. There should be a large amount of vegetables, fruits, cereals, and fermented milk products on the table.

    Is it possible to fly on an airplane?

    Flying during the 4th week of pregnancy is often contraindicated. This is associated with the following conditions:

    • severe toxicosis, accompanied by frequent vomiting;
    • threat of miscarriage;
    • leakage of amniotic fluid;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • anemia.

    During this period, the body already endures a colossal load and many changes. It is better for a woman to be at home in a familiar environment.


    After watching this video, you can learn a lot of useful information for yourself.

    When you are 4 weeks pregnant – do you feel it? How does the expectant mother feel? There are already a lot of questions at this time. After all, in the early stages, every day is important.

    Calculations using different methods

    When doctors work with pregnant patients, they do not go into detail about ovulation and the day of conception. The gestational age will be calculated using the obstetric method: from the first day of the last menstrual period.

    Using the embryonic method, the period is calculated from the estimated ovulation and is “late” by two weeks in comparison with the obstetric period.

    Sometimes women count the period from the moment of delay. Then the fourth week will mean the eighth obstetric or sixth embryonic. Is it easy to get confused? Then it's better to stick to the medical point of view. After all, the expectant mother will have to communicate with doctors quite often.

    Fruit size: more than one cell

    As soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, rapid division of the zygote begins. If you think about it, it's a miracle. One single cell forms many others. They are completely different, and their roles are different. And each cell “knows” where it should be and what to do.

    If it is the 4th obstetric week, then it is too early to talk about the fetus. The zygote gradually passes into the embryo stage. Now the unborn child is an almost invisible lump of cells, which scientists call a morula. Under a microscope, it will look like a berry covered with “pimples.” If the fixation of the morula in the uterine cavity has not yet occurred, it will definitely take place. And then the real cellular magic will begin.

    How does an embryo work?

    The size of the future fetus at the 4th obstetric week is comparable to a “poppy seed”. Its weight is about 0.5 g, and its height is 0.36-1 mm. However, this is literally momentary data. The embryo grows rapidly due to constant cell division.

    Embryo structure

    Doctors often use the concept of the germinal disc, which is formed by the germ layers. These are special layers of cells:

    • the inner layer (endoderm) will give rise to the digestive tract, liver and lungs, as well as the pancreas;
    • the middle layer (mesoderm) is the future kidneys, muscles, heart and blood vessels, as well as the baby’s skeleton;
    • The outer layer (ectoderm) is responsible for the formation of the nervous system, head (including eyes, teeth and hair), and skin.

    Extraembryonic organs

    The miracle of nature is also that one single fertilized cell, when divided, provides the baby with everything necessary. Including full meals. This is done by the so-called extraembryonic organs. There are three of them:

    • chorion: a sort of hairy sac that will later become the placenta;
    • amnion is the future amniotic sac, a strong “packaging” of the fetus;
    • The yolk sac is the food supply for the embryo.

    The last extraembryonic organ is especially important. It is its dysfunction or pathology that can lead to miscarriage. Based on the condition of the yolk sac, the ultrasound specialist will obtain some important data about the pregnancy and the embryo.

    Scientists have established an interesting fact: it is mainly the male genes of the embryo that are “responsible” for the external embryonic organs. It can be said that the function of provider and protector is inherent in the deepest levels of the human being.

    Future mom

    At the fourth obstetric week, a woman may still not know anything. The active development of the zygote in the female body can either give the first signs of pregnancy, or have no effect at all on the condition of the expectant mother.


    If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she is full of expectations. The main question now is: did it work or not?? At the 4th obstetric week, the mother’s feelings are more emotional in nature.

    Physically, a woman may feel slightly unwell. Slight weakness, barely noticeable discomfort in the lower abdomen, and drowsiness are possible. This condition is almost the same both in early pregnancy and on the eve of menstruation.

    But the sensitivity of the breasts and nipples may increase noticeably. The mammary glands sometimes swell from the first days after conception. Also, by the end of the fourth week, the expectant mother may well have her first. In this case, someone will simply empty the refrigerator, and someone will run to the store for something “delicious” and special. It may also be the other way around: nausea will set in and you won’t want to eat at all.

    External changes

    Even in the fourth week, a woman’s waist can increase by 1-2 cm. If all the clothes are “tight”, the woman will definitely notice it. The main thing is to react correctly. If pregnancy is not planned, the expectant mother may not recognize her condition. Then she will rush to the gym or to a nutritionist. This is why it is important to take good protection. And if pregnancy is allowed, you need to be careful. Then even minor symptoms will give the right clue.

    The expectant mother may feel slightly heavier. Weight gain in the early stages is explained, like many other things, by hormonal changes. It, in combination with early toxicosis, sometimes leads to slight weight loss. If the expectant mother is feeling good, there is no need to worry.

    Vaginal discharge

    During a normal pregnancy, the next menstruation will not come. If for some reason the zygote cannot gain a foothold in the uterus, menstruation will occur. In this case, they do not talk about miscarriage. Often women do not even know that they could become future mothers.

    If pregnancy is confirmed, bleeding is an alarm signal. You should immediately consult a doctor.

    Implantation bleeding - This is a very slight bloody or brown discharge. One or two smears are possible when the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity.

    The female body uses mucous secretions to create a special protective plug. It will literally clog the cervix and will come out normally only before giving birth.

    A woman will need to be examined if her mucous discharge is unusual.:

    • with an unpleasant odor;
    • yellow;
    • too abundant;
    • thick and white;
    • similar to cottage cheese flakes.

    Ways to confirm pregnancy

    How soon will the expectant mother be able to verify her new condition? How long will it take to get the most accurate result? It all depends on the method.

    Pharmacy test: will it show or not?

    Some modern tests can recognize pregnancy even before a delay. Therefore, if the pregnancy is 4 weeks, the test can be applied if there is no patience. Still, it’s better to wait until the first day of your expected period. The result will be more reliable.


    At the beginning of the fourth obstetric week, the study is unlikely to help in any way. But in the end, with high-quality equipment, a good specialist will already be able to see something. This will be a uterus with a thick layer of endometrium and an embryo - a small black dot. If a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy, a specialist doctor will definitely check the entire female system.

    Blood test for hCG

    Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels increase during pregnancy. Therefore, a blood test at the end of the 4th week will help confirm that conception was successful.

    Visit to the doctor: is it time or can we wait?

    Modern women are often very busy. Work, family life and hobbies take up a lot of time. But now the expectant mother will have to take care of two at once.

    In the fourth obstetric week, it is still too early to register. The pregnancy itself may not yet be confirmed. But if you already have a positive result, you can go for a consultation. What will the doctor do?

    1. He will examine the woman and externally assess her general condition.
    2. Collect primary data.
    3. Prescribe a suitable vitamin complex and folic acid supplements.

    If conception was planned and was under medical supervision, the woman will still visit her doctor. The doctor will confirm a successful conception and prescribe measures to maintain the pregnancy. This is especially important if the patient has already had miscarriages.

    What to pay attention to

    It's amazing how many aspects of life you have to evaluate differently when pregnancy occurs. Special recommendations for expectant mothers should be followed as early as possible. If this hasn't happened before the 4th week, it's time to pay attention to a lot of things.


    Completeness and balance: these are the main requirements. Fasting days are now a thing of the past. It is also advisable to give up canned food, semi-finished products and fast food.

    When preparing meat dishes, it is important to ensure that there is no fat. Fish, on the contrary, can be consumed in fatty varieties. Is there a contradiction here? In fact, none. Fatty fish contains many useful organic acids, which are completely absent in animal fat. It should be noted: we are not talking about frying in oil. It’s just that some types of fish live in cold seas and oceans, so they acquire a fatty layer for their own warmth. The most famous are salmon, trout and salmon.

    If you want something sweet, marshmallows or marshmallows are better than chocolate or cake.

    Vegetables and fruits are essential components of the “pregnant diet”. They can be eaten fresh, boiled or stewed. Plus cereals and dairy products.

    Expectant mothers often ask: now nothing “like that” is allowed at all? And if you really want sprat, chili compote or chips to the point of nausea? If you approach diet issues strictly, then there is only one answer: yes, nothing “like that” is really possible. But if some food, even “bad” food, helps the expectant mother cope with nausea or cheer up, then why not? It’s only better to consume unwanted foods in microdoses. “Stretch” a pack of chips for a week, and do not eat canned food with a tablespoon straight from the jar.

    There is only one absolute “taboo”: alcohol for an expectant mother is strictly contraindicated! And it doesn’t matter how many “degrees” there are in the drink. All kinds of homemade liqueurs are also alcohol, albeit as natural as possible. The best strategy for an expectant mother is to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.

    Food poisoning is dangerous for the unborn baby. Therefore, it is very important to protect your diet in the 4th week of pregnancy. There is no need to try exotic dishes and products at this time. The body may not accept them and react with gastrointestinal upset. And not only the expectant mother will suffer, but also the embryo. Right now he is very unstable to any negative influences.

    Protection from harmful factors

    The expectant mother's body can be very vulnerable. Some protective mechanisms have not yet been formed at the 4th obstetric week. Therefore it is very important:

    • quit smoking yourself and stay away from people who smoke;
    • take careful care during epidemics of viral infections;
    • monitor your mood and let only positive emotions into your life;
    • avoid sudden climate change.

    Additional measures

    Stretch marks can seriously ruin both the appearance of a woman’s skin and her mood. One of the skin protection measures is olive oil. It is recommended to rub it into problem areas even before the tummy begins to grow.

    Pregnancy and sex

    At the 4th obstetric week, the couple may not yet know that someone else has already been born. Therefore, the intimate life of future parents proceeds as usual. Some women, after intimacy, feel an unpleasant heaviness in the labia area.

    If conception is planned and carried out under the supervision of a doctor, he may advise taking a break from sexual life. This is especially important if the woman has previously had miscarriages. In rare cases, uterine contractions during orgasm can prevent the embryo from fully implanting in the uterine cavity.

    In all other cases, if the couple feels well, there are no obstacles to sex. There is one psychological moment. Perhaps over time, the intimate sensations of the expectant mother will change. She may experience awkwardness, discomfort, or simply fear when being intimate with the man she loves. It is highly advisable to warn your partner about this. The future father must be prepared and patient. At the slightest negativity in her intimate life, a woman should not withdraw into herself and view sex as a duty and obligation. The child's father will probably feel the tension. Without knowing the true cause, problems in family life are possible. Therefore, mutual love, respect, attention and frankness are especially important now.


    In the fourth obstetric week, the concept of miscarriage is used extremely rarely. In most cases, a woman does not have time to accurately confirm pregnancy or even fully understand her condition. Therefore, for many, bleeding during a miscarriage is equal to menstruation.

    Some symptoms may indicate a possible interruption.

    1. My stomach hurts and feels tight. This is pain, not mild discomfort.
    2. Bleeding is profuse, sometimes with clots.
    3. Bloody discharge is brown in color.

    But even all of the listed signs do not always signal that a miscarriage has occurred or spontaneous abortion.

    Termination of pregnancy can also be intentional. Every woman has the right to this. However, the decision must be responsible. Nothing should be done in a state of nervous breakdown, out of fear, or in retaliation against someone. Modern medicine tries to spare women under any circumstances. But no one has yet canceled the adverse physical and psychological consequences of abortion.

    Overall result of the 4th week

    1. The fourth obstetric week can be the time to confirm pregnancy.
    2. The embryo undergoes not just division, but a functional distribution of cells.
    3. The first, barely noticeable signs and symptoms of pregnancy appear.

    The lifestyle of a pregnant woman in the fourth week will largely determine the further development of the tiny creature - the future baby.

    Video guide: 4th week of pregnancy: what happens, symptoms, sensations, signs

    The 5th week of pregnancy is the second obstetric month. If you look at it by week, 29-35 days have passed since conception. Pregnancy at 5 weeks has its own characteristics. What the baby looks like, what sensations the expectant mother experiences at the 5th week of pregnancy from conception and other aspects will be discussed in this article.

    Development and size of the fetus at 5 weeks of gestation

    The fetus (embryo) changes its appearance at the 5th week of pregnancy: it resembles a small cylinder 4-7 mm long. During this period, you can see the head, tail, rudiments of arms and legs, fingers, oral and nasal slits, and ears. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, the pancreas, liver and upper respiratory tract begin to form. In addition, the baby’s heart begins to make its first beats, and blood vessels are formed.

    What does an embryo look like at 5 weeks of pregnancy - photo of the fetus

    What happens to the mother at 5 weeks of pregnancy?

    The 5th week of pregnancy for a young mother can be characterized by discomfort in the mammary glands, the sensitivity of the nipples increases, which significantly affects the emotional state of the woman. At this stage, the uterus enlarges, but no external manifestations of this process have yet been observed. The uterus resembles an egg, and its enlargement occurs asymmetrically. Over time, it will change its shape from elongated to spherical.

    Psycho-emotional state

    The 5th week of pregnancy is a period when the expectant mother may experience sudden mood swings for no apparent reason. The energy level is minimal, as the woman complains of increased fatigue and drowsiness. Along with this, a change in gastronomic preferences is possible.

    Ultrasound and tests at 5 weeks of pregnancy

    An ultrasound at 5 weeks of pregnancy is performed to confirm the fact of pregnancy and determine the size of the uterus. During the study, the doctor will be able to determine how many fetuses are developing, and will also give certain predictions regarding the subsequent course of pregnancy.

    If you did not know about your condition before the 5th week of pregnancy, then the first test will be hCG, which will confirm the fact of pregnancy. In fact, this is the only analysis necessary at this stage, but it happens that a woman is registered at 5 weeks of pregnancy. What does this mean for the expectant mother? She will have to donate blood for HIV, RW, Hepatitis B and C, blood group and Rh factor, smear and culture, biomaterial tests and even, if necessary, some types of hormones. All this to determine health status and identify hidden threats.

    Ultrasound photo at 5 weeks of pregnancy

    Temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy

    The temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy may be accompanied by a slight increase to 37.3 degrees. This phenomenon in most cases is not associated with colds or inflammatory diseases. Most often we are talking about hormonal changes or acceleration of metabolism. But if, along with a fever, the expectant mother is bothered by a runny nose, discomfort in the throat or pain, she will most likely need to consult a doctor. At the same time, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

    Abdominal pain at 5 weeks of pregnancy

    Each woman's pregnancy progresses individually, however, even at such an early stage, nagging pain in the lower abdomen may appear at the 5th week of pregnancy. There may be several reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight at 5 weeks of pregnancy:

    • increase in the volume of the uterus;
    • hypertonicity;
    • infectious diseases.

    If you are unable to determine on your own why your stomach hurts or feels tight during the 5th week of pregnancy, then you will undoubtedly need to be examined by an experienced doctor. This is especially important with additional accompanying symptoms, for example, temperature, discharge, etc.

    Why does the lower back hurt at 5 weeks of pregnancy?

    The 5th week of pregnancy can be accompanied by lower back pain and have a variety of origins. A pregnant woman should take special care if lower back pain at 5 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by bleeding or fever. These signs may indicate a possible pregnancy failure, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Most often, women who have an increased amount of male hormones are at risk of losing a child at 5 weeks of pregnancy. Expectant mothers with hormonal imbalances will have to register with a doctor much earlier than those women whose hormones are in perfect order.

    It is worth knowing that 20% of pregnant women may menstruate during the first few months of pregnancy, so spotting does not always indicate a possible miscarriage.

    Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 5 weeks

    You can learn about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 5 weeks from the materials on the website: . And also watch the video on the topic:

    5th week of pregnancy - Discharge

    Particular attention should be paid to discharge at this time. The nature of vaginal discharge can be very different. Brown discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy, and even more so blood, is the first sign of miscarriage in early pregnancy

    Discharge in the 5th week of pregnancy, if this occurs, be sure to consult your doctor for advice:

    • yellow;
    • gray;
    • green;
    • curdled;
    • brown or red.

    Brown discharge or spotting mixed with blood is an alarming signal. It is not always associated with a miscarriage, but do not leave this discharge unattended by a gynecologist. Discharges of other colors may indicate a bacterial infection or dysbacteriosis. Only a doctor can confirm or make a diagnosis after a thorough examination and microflora analysis. Therefore, do not worry in advance and keep in mind that some mucous discharge may be normal for the 5th week of pregnancy and their appearance may be associated with hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

    Photos of bellies. What does the belly look like at 5 weeks pregnant?

    5th week of pregnancy - Cold in a pregnant woman

    The 5th week of pregnancy is the period when colds and viral infections at the initial stage of pregnancy are quite common and not a coincidence, since the protective powers of the expectant mother are significantly reduced. This is directly related to the birth of a new life. Pregnancy is a certain stress for the female body, as you have to “work for two”. What to do in this case? First of all, at the first sign of a cold, consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. A timely examination by a specialist will ease the course of the disease, as well as reduce the likelihood of subsequent complications.

    The 5th week of pregnancy is a time when prevention is also important, but it is better to discuss all measures to strengthen the immune system with your doctor. The doctor can prescribe you juice therapy, vitamin supplements and other methods of improving your health.

    Causes of miscarriage at 5 weeks of pregnancy

    Young mothers are susceptible to the fear of losing their child and this fear haunts her throughout her pregnancy. To prevent this from happening, you must listen to the doctor’s recommendations and follow all his instructions.

    It is worth noting that difficulties during pregnancy may arise for the following reasons:

    1. when the first pregnancy occurs after 35 years;
    2. if a woman suffers from infectious diseases;
    3. for gynecological problems;
    4. with a variety of physical injuries.

    Toxicosis at 5 weeks of pregnancy

    Toxicosis at 5 weeks of pregnancy can be called a fairly common phenomenon. Traditionally, by the third month of pregnancy it goes away, but until this time you need to somehow cope, especially since some expectant mothers suffer from toxicosis for almost the entire nine months. There are several rules that will help maintain normal well-being and ease attacks of nausea during the 5th week of pregnancy:

    • eat right, eat foods enriched with proteins and carbohydrates;
    • drink enough fluids, and if drinking causes nausea, eat citrus fruits and melons, which help cope with attacks;
    • fill your diet with fortified foods that will help the body overcome toxicosis;
    • do not take medications on an empty stomach, or without first consulting a doctor;
    • do not eat food that you think has an unpleasant odor;
    • start eating if you have an appetite;
    • don't overeat;
    • Monitor your blood sugar level, as a decrease in it can provoke attacks of nausea;
    • get more rest, take care of the quality of your sleep;
    • get out of bed slowly and without sudden movements, it is better to lie down for a few minutes after waking up;
    • an attack of nausea will help reduce the usual cracker;
    • choose a toothpaste that will not cause you discomfort, and after brushing your teeth, do not forget to rinse your mouth;
    • Anti-toxicosis medications should be prescribed by your gynecologist.

    Sex at 5 weeks pregnant

    In most cases, sex in early pregnancy has no contraindications. If a woman feels well, has no pain, and does not have any individual restrictions from the doctor, then sex will only bring benefits.

    At the same time, due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, attraction to a partner may decrease significantly and even disappear completely for some time. This is not the worst thing that can happen, but if a couple is worried about this, it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

    Immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance, because with timely treatment, tragedy can be avoided. Don’t be afraid to bother the doctors, because now you are in a special situation, so your health and peace of mind are very important for a successful pregnancy.

    The mammary glands will enlarge throughout pregnancy, halos will change color, blood vessels may appear on the skin of the breast, nipples will be hypersensitive - this is how nature prepares the expectant mother for the upcoming lactation, that is, breastfeeding her baby. Now blood circulation in the mammary glands of a pregnant woman increases.


    Of course, if a girl is pregnant, the next menstrual cycle will not be soon, after childbirth. During a normal and healthy pregnancy, vaginal discharge should be light, colorless and without an unpleasant odor.

    Implantation discharge is scanty (1-2 smears) bloody discharge, indicating normal fixation (implantation) of the blastocyst in the uterus. They are normal.

    Curdled white discharge may indicate the development of an infectious disease in the body of the expectant mother - thrush.

    Pain and bleeding

    At the very beginning of your happy journey to motherhood, during the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge from the vagina are possible.

    Most likely, these signs are observed due to:

    • sexual intercourse;
    • examination by a gynecologist (very little discharge);
    • cervical erosion;
    • frozen pregnancy (spotting);
    • ectopic pregnancy.

    In the last three cases, the woman should immediately contact a medical facility for qualified help.

    Frozen pregnancy

    Possible problems in the first weeks of pregnancy also include frozen pregnancy. It can be provoked by:

    • hormonal disorders in a woman’s body after taking medications that are contraindicated when bearing a child;
    • genetic abnormalities in the embryo;
    • sexually transmitted infections, viral infections, somatic or psychological stress of a woman;
    • conflict of Rh factors of mother and baby;
    • the woman has a history of repeated abortions.

    A frozen pregnancy cannot have any specific symptoms at this stage. It is almost impossible to diagnose it without the participation of specialists.


    If the expectant mother follows all the recommendations of a gynecologist, adheres to a healthy lifestyle, and there is no genetic incompatibility between the embryo and the mother’s body, a miscarriage - that is, spontaneous termination of pregnancy - is extremely unlikely.

    What signs can tell a pregnant woman about a miscarriage in the fourth week? Acute and severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, vaginal discharge of a bloody, scarlet or red-brown color mixed with tissue.

    It is possible to increase body temperature above 37.5 degrees. If you experience such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Toxicosis at 4 weeks of pregnancy

    In the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy, corresponding to the second embryonic week, the expectant mother will most likely experience early toxicosis, which will last the entire first trimester of pregnancy. It is manifested by nausea and vomiting, intolerance to certain foods, and an acute reaction to odors. The likelihood of early toxicosis is higher if this is your first pregnancy.

    Early toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy is not at all a necessary companion to an “interesting situation.” You may not have one.

    For what reasons does this phenomenon occur in the female body?

    1. Dramatic changes in hormones in the body.
    2. Untreated gastrointestinal diseases in women.
    3. Intoxication, as a result of the penetration of waste products of the “belly” into the blood of a pregnant woman.
    4. Genetic predisposition (if the mother of a pregnant girl had early toxicosis).

    Nausea in early toxicosis is accompanied by high salivation, possibly vomiting. It most often appears in the morning, before breakfast.

    Fractional meals have a positive effect - 5-6 meals a day in small portions.

    Visiting the doctor at 4 weeks pregnant

    There are several ways to confirm pregnancy. First, the pharmacy test will show two stripes. The second way is to wait for the expected date of the new menstruation and make sure that there are no periods, that is, a delay. The third way is to do an ultrasound examination at the end of the fourth obstetric week, in which you can see the embryo (small dot) on the surface of the endometrium of the uterus. A photo at the 4th week of pregnancy (at the end of the 4th week - the beginning of the 5th) will clearly indicate the fact of an “interesting situation”. The fourth method is to take a blood test for hCG.

    You should go to a doctor for a consultation only if the fact of an “interesting situation” is confirmed by one of the indicated methods.

    In the fourth obstetric week, it is still too early to register with a local obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic at your place of residence. This can be done up to the twelfth week.

    During your initial visit, the doctor will conduct an external examination, collect your data, recommend multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, give lifestyle advice and prescribe the necessary tests and examinations for the next visit.

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