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Composition for soap bubbles recipe. Soap bubbles at home - recipes, proportions of components and safety rules. With sugar syrup

What child doesn't love blowing soap bubbles! And many adults are not averse to pampering themselves with this exciting activity. But store-bought balloons have a drawback - their solution quickly runs out, and at the most inopportune moment. Homemade soap bubbles, which can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator, will help avoid this.

Secrets of successful soap bubbles

Surely many have tried to prepare liquid for soap bubbles on their own, but these attempts were unsuccessful and the balls did not blow out or burst instantly. The quality of the solution depends on the soap component. This could be regular soap, shower gel, dishwashing detergent, bubble bath or shampoo.

In order for the bubbles to come out well, it is important that such a product has high foaming properties and contains fewer additional components - dyes and flavors.

To prepare the solution, it is recommended to use boiled or distilled water. To prevent soap bubbles from bursting quickly and coming out dense, you need to add sugar or glycerin dissolved in warm water to the liquid. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will be difficult to blow out the balloons. Ideally, based on the suggested recipes, you should choose the proportions yourself.

Recipes for making soap bubbles at home

To make soap bubbles at home, you can use one of the following recipes:

  • Combine 1/3 cup dish detergent with 3 tbsp. glycerin and 2 glasses of water. Stir and refrigerate for a day.
  • Dissolve 2 tbsp in 2 glasses of warm water. sugar and combine the liquid with 1/2 cup dishwashing detergent.
  • In 150 gr. distilled or boiled water, add 1 tbsp. sugar, 25 gr. glycerin and 50 gr. shampoo or dishwashing detergent.
  • For large soap bubbles, you can use the following recipe. Combine 5 cups of warm distilled water with 1/2 cup Fairy, 1/8 cup glycerin, and 1 tbsp. Sahara. To make the solution more viscous, you can add a little gelatin soaked in water. Let sit for at least 12 hours and then use.
  • Mix 1 cup of baby shampoo and 2 cups of distilled warm water. Leave the mixture for about a day, add 3 tbsp. glycerin and the same amount of sugar.
  • Strong soap bubbles come out with glycerin and syrup. Using the solution, you can build figures from balls by blowing them onto any smooth surface. Prepare sugar syrup by mixing and heating 5 parts sugar to 1 part water. Combine 1 part syrup with 2 parts grated laundry soap or other soapy liquid, 8 parts distilled water and 4 parts glycerin.
  • To make colored soap bubbles, you can add a little food coloring to any of the recipes.

Soap bubbles are always a joy, especially for young children. But store-bought jars quickly run out, sometimes they accidentally spill, and they’re not cheap. Learn to make soap bubbles yourself! At home, you can prepare a whole jar so that the holiday is always nearby. To make strong bubbles you need very little: glycerin, a few secret ingredients and a good mood.

Glycerin and other secret ingredients

Almost all recipes for making soap bubbles contain a “fixing” component - glycerin. With it, the walls of the bubble become strong, it does not burst for a long time, and with good composition and proper preparation, it even bounces off the fingers.

In addition to glycerin, gelatin and sugar syrup have fixing properties. Professionals who organize soap shows recommend using polyvinyl alcohol or washing powder with ammonia in the preparation.

In almost all recipes, Fairy detergent is used as the soap base, stipulating that any is possible, but Fairy is still better - proven by practice.

In order for a small child to be able to blow bubbles, it is important not to overdo it with glycerin, otherwise the mixture will turn out to be too strong.

Some useful tips to make your soap bubbles happy:

  1. Soap bubbles are made using soft water, so unboiled tap water is not recommended for use.
  2. It is advisable to prepare the mixture using distilled or boiled water, or melt water.
  3. If you are making bubbles for a child, use only safe ingredients. For example, take baby shampoo as a soap base.
  4. The water should be warm or hot, but not boiling.
  5. It is recommended to leave the finished mixture for 12 hours to 24 hours until a solid soap film appears on the surface.

Table of proportions of components for preparing soap composition

The table shows the proportions of the components of the soap mixture for bubbles. Let’s say in the last recipe you take a jar of glycerin as one unit, then you will need half a jar of gelatin, and 2 jars of detergent.

How to make a mixture for different bubbles at home

There are a lot of recipes for making soap bubbles, since usually successful mixtures are obtained experimentally.

A simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients

To prepare, you only need three components:

  • soft water (boiled, melted or distilled) – 300 ml;
  • “Fairy” detergent - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 50 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the required amount of warm water into the basin.
  2. Pour in Fairy.
  3. Add glycerin.
  4. Mix everything carefully without raising foam.
  5. Let it sit in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

The mixture is ready, you can blow bubbles.

A simple way to make soap bubbles - video

Recipe using sugar and baking powder

We use the following components:

  • distilled water - 300 ml;
  • soap base - 50 ml;
  • glycerin - 25 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 5 teaspoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

The process of preparing the mixture for soap bubbles:

  1. Pour sugar and baking powder into the bottom of the container.
  2. Add glycerin.
  3. Pour in detergent.
  4. Fill all components with water.
  5. Mix thoroughly without foam and leave to infuse for 12 hours.

After the soap film has become dense and solid, the bubbles are ready.

Soap bubbles with sugar - video

Recipe for giant soap bubbles

Ingredients and their proportions:

  • distilled water - 400 ml;
  • “Fairy” dishwashing liquid - 100 ml;
  • glycerin –75 ml;
  • sugar –5 teaspoons;
  • gelatin – 5 teaspoons.

Cooking process:

The mixture made according to this recipe produces large and strong bubbles.

A little secret from the professionals. If you use bubble bath as a soap base, your bubbles will also have a pleasant smell.

Giant soap bubbles - video

There are a huge number of recipes for making soap bubbles on the Internet. Often they are similar in the set of components, less often - in proportions. The main thing in cooking is to follow the basic recommendations and be ready to experiment. There is no universal recipe for soap bubbles, find the one that suits you best and perfect it!

Who among us didn’t love blowing soap bubbles as a child? Perhaps this is one of the most popular games for kids.

Having become mothers, we remember this hobby and introduce our children to magical soap bubbles. First, they look at the transparent balls floating in the air in surprise, then they try to catch them, and after a while they learn to blow soap bubbles themselves.

Bubbles can be bought now at any kiosk - or you can easily make them yourself. Soap bubbles at home - today on "".

How to make soap bubbles?

Soap bubbles recipe No. 1 “Classic”

Bubble solution can be made from water and soap. Save fragrant toilet soap or original homemade soap for other purposes - to make soap bubbles we will need the simplest laundry soap. You need to pour the soap into hot boiled water and stir until completely dissolved. To make the soap dissolve faster, the mixture can be heated over low heat, stirring constantly.

Soap bubbles recipe No. 2 “Simpler than simple”

Mix a glass of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, 1 tsp. sugar and 2 tsp. glycerin.

Soap bubbles recipe No. 3 “For a large crowd”

Mix 3 cups of water, a cup of dishwashing liquid and half a cup of glycerin.

Soap bubbles recipe No. 4 “For those who like difficulties”

Mix 3 cups of hot water with 2 tbsp. detergent in powder form, add 20 drops of ammonia. The resulting solution should infuse for 3-4 days. Then it needs to be filtered.

Soap bubbles recipe No. 5 “Colorful disgrace”

Mix half a glass of baby shampoo with 2 glasses of water, 2 tsp. sugar and a small amount of food coloring.

We evaluate the quality of the composition of soap bubbles

It is advisable to place any solution for soap bubbles in the refrigerator for 12 hours before use. After this, the solution is ready for use.

Take a straw (tube) and dip it into the solution. Holding the straw so that a liquid film forms at its end, carefully blow into it. If it turns out that soap bubbles prepared at home are too small or watery and burst easily when touched with a finger, you need to add more soap (dishwashing liquid) and a few drops of glycerin. This way, through experimentation, you will achieve the optimal composition of soap bubbles - and you will get them big and beautiful.

Now you know how to make soap bubbles with your own hands - and very soon I will talk about what games you can organize with children's soap bubbles.

The history of bubble creation is connected with the invention of soap. Already in ancient times, children knew how to inflate balloons from soapy water. This is confirmed by wall paintings found in archaeological excavations and thematic works of art. And the painting “Soap Bubbles,” painted by the artist John Millais, was so successfully used to advertise soap by one British company that already in the 19th century, English soap makers began producing a special liquid for blowing bubbles. Since then, the popularity of the “soap” opening has only grown.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the foaming liquid has been sold everywhere and at a very affordable price. Today, a bottle of soap bubbles is one of the most popular and best-selling children's toys. Many parents want to please their children with bright, unusual balloons. Why not? This dream is completely achievable, because making a solution for soap bubbles yourself is not at all difficult.

Main components and what to blow

There are only four traditional components of the solution: soap, water, sugar and glycerin. The main thing is to properly prepare the liquid for soap bubbles, observing the technology and proportions. Then the blown balls will be light, large and long-lasting.

Five tips on how to easily make soap bubbles.

  1. Water. It affects the quality of the foam. Use cooled boiled water, but the best option is distilled, melt or rain water.
  2. Soap base. Choose soap or any detergent with a neutral aroma and a predominance of natural ingredients.
  3. Additional ingredients. To make the balls stable, add glycerin or sugar to the solution.
  4. Density of the solution. Adjust the saturation of the composition: a dense solution is difficult to blow out, and a weak solution, on the contrary, it will be easily blown out even by the smallest ones, but the quality of the bubbles will also be weak.
  5. Cooling the soap solution. It is recommended to keep the solution in the refrigerator until the foam completely settles.

Here are the options for blowing:

  • straw or hollow grass;
  • cocktail straw;
  • long pasta of any thickness;
  • confectionery shaped molds for baking cookies;
  • student pen body;
  • thick paper rolled into a roll;
  • an ordinary plastic bottle with the bottom cut off;
  • carpet beater;
  • wire twisted into a circle or oval;
  • a purchased children's bubble gun.

How to make soap bubbles: classic and cool recipes

A purchased bottle of soap solution usually runs out in an instant. It’s quite possible to make your own mixture for rainbow balls with the same quality as in a store, but with a larger volume. Ordinary soap bubbles are made from improvised materials.

From laundry soap

Peculiarities. Laundry soap is available in every home. Well, glycerin is easy to buy at your nearest pharmacy. An alternative to laundry soap is regular toilet soap based on natural oils (without fragrances). And glycerin in this recipe can be replaced with two tablespoons of very sweet water.


  1. Let's boil two liters of water.
  2. Add one glass of grated soap.
  3. Stir until the chips are completely dissolved.
  4. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of glycerin.

From liquid soap

Peculiarities. Any liquid soap will work for this recipe. And if the child is allergic, then it is better if it is for children, so the baby will not have to come into contact with “dubious” components.


  1. Mix 100 ml of liquid soap and one and a half tablespoons of distilled water.
  2. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. After the foam disappears, add ten drops of glycerin to the base of the bubbles.
  4. Place it in the cold again for a few hours.

"Sweet" way

Peculiarities. Sugar strengthens the walls of bubbles no worse than glycerin. So, if the latter is not on hand, feel free to replace it with a sweet component. If the finished composition is put in a cold place for almost a day, the solution will become clean, without bubble wrap.


  1. Pour half a glass of fairy type product into a bowl.
  2. Dissolve two or three tablespoons of sugar in two glasses of water and pour into a container.
  3. Stir well.

From baby shampoo

Peculiarities. Children love not only blowing soap bubbles, but also popping them right away. Your child will be able to do this completely calmly if they are based on baby shampoo that does not sting the eyes.


  1. Pour a bottle of shampoo for children into a container (usually 200-250 ml).
  2. Add 0.4-0.5 liters of water accordingly.
  3. Let's put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  4. After a day, add three tablespoons of glycerin to the cooled and infused mixture.
  5. Mix well.

Huge Bubble Mix

Peculiarities. Thanks to this composition it will be possible to get giant bubbles. You can take a large basin, increase the dosage of ingredients proportionally and launch large soap balls using a sports hoop or wire twisted in a circle. By the way, in this case there is no need to blow bubbles; they will fly out on their own while lifting the ring from the bowl.


  1. Pour 0.3 liters of water into a half-liter jar.
  2. Let's dilute four tablespoons of sugar and glycerin in it (about two and a half tablespoons).
  3. At the final stage, fill the remaining free space in the jar with dishwashing liquid.
  4. Mix the soap contents well.

Mix to make garlands

Peculiarities. Or you can make sure that the bubbles are blown out in hundreds and woven into real garlands. This is exactly the recipe.


  1. Take one glass each: dish soap, shampoo and shower gel.
  2. Pour everything into one container and mix.
  3. Dilute the resulting mixture with seven tablespoons of water.
  4. If the liquid is thick, dilute it with more water.

Mixture to make pyramids

Peculiarities. Here is a recipe with a special composition. A little imagination - and soap castles, space characters, and fancy designs will appear on your child’s desk. You need to blow such balls onto a smooth, flat surface, piling soap figures on top of each other. It is most convenient to use the body of a ballpoint pen or a cocktail straw.


  1. Let's prepare three glasses of hot water.
  2. Add to it one ml of ammonia, two or three tablespoons of washing powder, half a glass of glycerin.
  3. Let the solution sit for at least three days in a cool place, then filter it.
  4. Store in the refrigerator.

Mixture to prevent the balloons from bursting

Peculiarities. You can make unpopping soap bubbles without glycerin. Sugar and gelatin will act as fixing components. Therefore, before
How to make strong soap bubbles, make sure you have a few bags of gelling agent at home.


  1. Dilute 50 g of gelatin in a small amount of warm water.
  2. Leave until it swells, and then strain.
  3. Add 50 g of sugar here.
  4. Place on the stove and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Dilute the resulting composition with water (about 0.8 l).
  6. Carefully, so as not to form foam, add 200 ml of dishwashing gel.

Making strong, “tenacious” soap bubbles correctly is not difficult. To ensure that the balls keep their shape well and for a long time, send the mixed solutions to “ripen” in the refrigerator for at least a day.

Secrets of creating colored...

And let's go back to history again. American inventor Tim Kehoe devoted more than a dozen years of his life and several million dollars to realizing his cherished dream - creating colored bubbles. The highlight of his “soap-colored” discovery, which occurred already in the 2000s, is that after a certain time, blue, red or yellow bubbles burst and leave no stains at all.

At home, you can get spectacular multi-colored bubbles by diluting ordinary food coloring in any recipe solution. And to arrange a real color carnival, pour the soap base into several containers and add your own color to each.


The “fragrant” recipe for a solution for inflating soap balloons is very simple. It involves combining one part water with three parts bubble bath. In this case, the bubbles will not only play beautiful tints in the sun, but also smell appetizingly like strawberries, vanilla, chocolate, lemon or pine.

... and frozen balls

Pay attention to the consistency of the composition for hardening balls: it should be at least a couple of times thicker than usual and resemble viscous, transparent glue or strong sugar syrup. These bubbles solidify on contact with the surface and are prepared in four steps.

Let's make a thick sugar syrup. To do this, pour two heaped tablespoons of sugar with one spoon of warm water.

  1. Rub a quarter of a hundred gram bar of soap.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of glycerin with soap shavings.
  3. Combine everything and pour in five or six tablespoons of distilled water (boiled water will do).

Quality control

Taking any of the recipes as a basis, you can safely experiment. The main thing is not to overdo it with certain components. You can check the condition of the finished liquid as follows:

  • blow a bubble;
  • Remove some foam from the top of the prepared solution with your finger;
  • Touch the bubble with a foamy finger.

If the ball bursts, you need to add additional soap, drop glycerin or sugar syrup. The bubble remained intact - the composition turned out to be correct.

Bubbles from the Guinness Book

The art of creating and blowing soap bubbles is very popular and widespread. True professionals in this field not only keep unique secret formulas secret: they have been honing their movement techniques for years, and have a keen sense of the “correct” natural conditions (humidity and wind).

The most phenomenal cases are included in the Guinness Book of Records. For example, the largest soap balloon was inflated in 1996 by Alan Mackay. Its diameter was 32 m. And another record holder, Sam Hist, managed to fit as many as 50 people in a giant soap bubble, measuring 1.5 by 3 m. This extraordinary event happened already in our century - in 2007.

If you think that soap bubbles are exclusively summer fun, then you are mistaken. In winter, transparent balls take on a fabulous look. You already know how to make soap bubbles with your own hands without glycerin. Use this recipe and watch how the frosty air decorates the balls with fancy, lace patterns. The same as on home windows on the coldest winter days. This is guaranteed to please both children and adults, because we wouldn’t mind returning to the bright world of childhood once again.

All children love blowing soap bubbles. Almost no holiday with the participation of the youngest guests is complete without this fun entertainment. Meanwhile, many mothers and fathers are afraid to buy special solutions in stores, since low-quality and, in some cases, harmful substances are used for their production. In addition, very often they do not pout well, so the baby may get upset and will not get any pleasure from this entertainment.

In this article we will tell you how to make large soap bubbles at home to make your child happy and satisfied.

To ensure that your soap bubbles blow easily and are of high quality, use the following recommendations when preparing them:

Recipes for making soap bubble solution at home

To make a bubble solution, you can use one of the following recipes:

How to make large and strong soap bubbles for a children's party?

Such bubbles are not suitable for blowing and catching. Meanwhile, you can make various shapes from them or even wrap small children in soap film.

Use the following recipes to prepare wonderful entertainment for a children's party:

  • Prepare concentrated sugar syrup by mixing 50 grams of granulated sugar and 10 ml of clean water. Grate 100 grams of laundry soap on a fine grater and add to the syrup. Mix these ingredients with 200 grams of pure glycerin and fill it all with 400 ml of distilled water. Achieve complete dissolution of all components and let the resulting liquid brew in a cool place for 12-24 hours;
  • Mix 50 grams of pure glycerin, 100 ml of good detergent, 4 teaspoons of sugar and 300 ml of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave the resulting solution for several days.

To blow soap bubbles, you can use all sorts of special devices that are sold in children's stores. These can be various tubes, sticks and even pistols.

In addition, you can take blades of grass, pasta, cocktail straws, baking dishes, funnels and much, much more.

One of the simplest and most convenient methods is a frame stick twisted from thin wire, which you can easily make yourself in just a few seconds. Some children and adults who like to experiment even use plastic bottles for blowing.

When using a very dense solution, a gymnastic hoop can be used, with which you can create a huge soap film. Finally, professionals in their field are able to blow good and strong soap bubbles with their own fingers, without the use of special devices.

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