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I took the number and didn't call. Why doesn’t a man call and should a man call himself? How should a girl behave if she still likes the guy?

It would seem that on the part of a man it would be so logical: you liked the girl, you took her number, and the next step is to call her and arrange a meeting. Especially if, when giving the number, she emphasized that she would be glad to hear from you.

But in reality, everything is not so simple: people find thousands of reasons to postpone the call.

1. Fear of the first call

Even if the first meeting went well, people are still afraid to call first. He thinks: “What if she doesn’t remember me?”; “What if she refuses me?”; “What if she hangs up as soon as she hears my voice?”

Another thought that scares him: since the girl does not yet know how wonderful he is, he must make a good impression on her, speak intelligently and find topics that interest her. Even for professionals who are used to talking on the phone, this can be stressful. He may be too mentally exhausted to find the strength to make a call.


The worst case scenario he imagines is: What if she gave him the wrong phone number? What if he calls and ends up in a movie theater or shoe repair shop? From his point of view, it’s easier not to try than to fail.

2. “Go with your iron”

Of course, the fear of being rejected is not the only reason why a man does not call, although he promised. After thinking twice, he may decide that he is not interested enough in the relationship - just as you may change your mind about dating him after carefully weighing everything. Maybe he decided that you are too bright for him or the chemistry between you is not strong enough.

In principle, any quality that is important to him in a woman and which (as it seemed to him) is not in you is enough for him to change his mind. For example, he can’t imagine life without hiking and rock climbing, and you mentioned that you prefer to lie on the beach and don’t understand how people can exhaust themselves and consider it a vacation. It doesn't even mean that you wouldn't find common ground. He just takes it as an excuse not to call. There's nothing you can do about it - just be yourself.

Although positive reinforcement for him to overcome this barrier will not hurt: for example, if you promised to share with him a way of spending time that is pleasant and interesting to him, this is a powerful incentive. For example, you agreed to go to the billiard room or roller skate together.

You can kiss him on the cheek goodbye - then he will expect more, and this will also become a powerful incentive. If you are not ready, you can simply take his hand (but this, of course, should not be a friendly or business handshake). Just hold his fingers in yours for a few seconds.

3. His intentions are not so good.

Sometimes a man doesn't call because he didn't intend to. Perhaps he just wanted to get your phone number to assert himself and prove to himself (or his friends) that beauties fall for him.

It’s easy to check this on the spot: you can ask him to give you his number too (for example, ask him to call you back right away, so that his number is displayed in your phone and you know that it’s him calling). If he starts to hesitate or refuses, it means he had no intention of continuing the acquaintance.

In general, even if he called, this does not guarantee anything. You understand. Of course, it's possible he called because he's ready to start a serious relationship. Many people will call just like that. Because they love to chat. Or because they don't mind getting laid a couple of times. Or date each other for a while so that you don’t get bored on weekends.

4. “Or maybe I’m at the wrong time?”

Men understand that the time at which he calls a woman can be important. And they constantly ask themselves: should I call tomorrow or will I seem pushy? And if I wait too long, maybe she will decide that I am not interested in her? Ultimately, this dilemma often forces men to take the easy route and not call at all.

And so he can bargain with himself day after day. But if she really hooked him, a couple of days, or a week at most, would be enough for him to decide to call. If he calls two weeks later, suspect the worst. He checked his pockets before washing and found a forgotten piece of paper with a number. Or he had a fight with his girlfriend and is looking for consolation. In any case, he wants sex and a good time - nothing serious. If he was really interested, he would have called earlier.

5. Man and answering machine

When we talk about the first call, we mean a conversation with the person he called, and not with an answering machine or a roommate. Most people prefer not to leave messages, because the woman may not call back, and he will be left guessing: she didn’t want to call, didn’t listen to the answering machine, or they forgot to tell her.

So maybe he just didn’t get through - if you left a landline number.

If he took a chance and still left a message, it’s better to call back, because he will take silence as a refusal.

6. You call yourself

Sometimes a woman does not want to give her number and in return asks a man to give his phone number - they say, I’ll call you myself. In this case, he doubts that you will decide: women are even more afraid to call first. But it is not true that he will think badly of you if you take the initiative: many men appreciate such determination.

Hello, dear readers and guests. Although relationships between men and women can be difficult, the reward in case of victory is quite worthy. Even in the classification of human needs, relationships are in third, not tenth place in the same Maslow pyramid, second only to nutrition and security.

Sometimes a man’s behavior turns out to be incomprehensible to a woman, which is why female readers have questions, which the author will answer in this article. The man took the phone and didn’t call! It is precisely this behavior of a man that we will discuss in this article.

At first glance, it seems obvious that the man took the phone number to call the girl and, as a continuation, agree on spending time together, on a date. Moreover, in this case, the most important barrier to being an attractive man for a girl has been overcome.

Because if a girl didn’t like a man, then with a 99% probability she wouldn’t give him a phone number, and since she named these treasured numbers, thanks to which you can open a safe filled with jewelry in the end, it means that the man has a chance, some no, but a chance. If girls do not agree with the author, then you can express your opinion in the comments on the blog website, or in social network groups.

On the other hand, sometimes a man picks up the phone not to build a relationship with you, but just to increase his circle of acquaintances.

Therefore, when a man asks for a phone number, pay attention to the situation in which this all happens, and do not forget to ask why he needs it, so that later you do not sit and harbor false hopes that he will call you soon inviting you on a first date.

Now let's talk about the case when a man picked up the phone and said with a smile that he would definitely call you and arrange a meeting to discuss...what to discuss is not important, I think you understand this yourself.

And after waiting for the call, his intentions expressed to you (even though you didn’t even pull his tongue) did not come true.

The main reasons why a man picked up the phone and didn’t call:

1. Indecisive man. He barely even decided to ask you for your phone number, and now you still need to call and invite him on a date. And then you need to think and solve all the issues when you meet him. In general, this behavior can be characterized very simply - the man gave back. But still, dear girls, this does not mean at all that he doesn’t like you. In fact, it may turn out that he even loves you very much.

2. There is a girl. Especially in adolescence, especially in our time of the “sexual revolution,” many young people do not plan to build relationships for a long period. Therefore, they take the phone in case suddenly things don’t work out with the existing girl, there will be someone to call right away, so as not to have to look for a replacement for a long time and not be left alone.

3. Played. To prove to himself or the team around him that he can easily take the phone from any girl. Lately they even teach this in courses.

4. Out of politeness. There are also cases when the girl herself brings the conversation to this, and the man, out of politeness or, not having mustered the courage to refuse, asked for a phone number.

5. Having gone on a business trip or other place. When you get a job, say in another city, and just before leaving you meet a beautiful girl and pick up the phone. And then after some time and, given the large distance between you, the man sees no point in calling you and building a relationship at a distance.

6. Lost my number. Many women may not believe this, but this happens not only with the piece of paper on which he wrote down your phone number, but sometimes you can even accidentally delete it from the address book of your own phone. But this happens extremely rarely. 😉

Of course, this is not a complete list of all the reasons, but it still shows the most common cases when a man picks up the phone and doesn’t call.

Therefore, summing up the article “A man picks up the phone and doesn’t call,” I would like to tell girls that in cases where one day on the street, subway, work or nightclub, a man picks up the phone, you shouldn’t really get your hopes up and wait impatiently for his call, because he may not call. Try to treat this fact as if you just said hello to the man and that’s it.

You shouldn’t get your hopes up and get your hopes up, and then get upset. Now let's move on to the most important thing and look at it all from a completely different angle. If a real man asked you for a personal phone number and said that he would like to call you and arrange a meeting, be sure that he likes you and that he will definitely call you and invite you on a date. I wish you, dear women, that only real men take your phone numbers.

If you have questions, ask or share your opinion in the group or in the comments to the article.

When a guy immediately asks for a phone number after the first meeting or first acquaintance (for example, through social networks), serious girls perceive this gesture as excessive assertiveness of the guys and most often refuse, considering that such a decision is too quick.

After the research, it became clear that young couples exchange phone numbers more willingly and quickly than older couples. In addition, studies have also shown that guys make decisions regarding the next meeting with a girl during the first 15 minutes of meeting, while women need much more time. Many ladies are sure that if a man asked her for her phone number, then he became interested in her. This opinion is often wrong. Modern men may ask for your number just in case.

If you feel sympathy for the opposite sex, feel free to exchange phone numbers. However, do this supposedly with great reluctance. Guys don't like it too much. Even if you are crazy about a new acquaintance, remember that first impressions can sometimes be wrong. Don't get caught up in euphoria and control the situation. To protect yourself as much as possible, it is recommended that you first meet in public places and during the daytime.

How should a girl behave if she still likes the guy?

If you seriously like a guy, watch out for random phrases during the conversation that may offend your companion. Unexpected remarks, dissatisfaction, complaints about life and health, especially about previous unsuccessful love affairs, can forever discourage a guy from continuing his friendship with you, not to mention a more serious relationship.

Avoid excessive curiosity and meticulous questioning, be confident and do not extol your virtues.

At the initial stage of your acquaintance, do not voice “loud” long-term plans for a joint future. Such activity of girls can seriously frighten a guy.

Do not agree to intimate meetings if you are not sure of the guy’s serious intentions.

Let the guy lead your relationship and take responsibility for your future destiny.

Learn to correctly evaluate male behavior. Remember that the initiative should always be in the hands of a man. If a woman is truly interested in a man, then he will find any way to meet her again, even if he never received the long-awaited number from her.

Getting a guy to ask for your phone number may require some trickery, whether you're talking to a cute co-worker or a hot guy at a party. You need to show the guy your interest and hint that you don’t mind seeing him again. The trick is to do this in a low-pressure manner without making it seem like you don't care. So, how do you get a guy to ask for your number faster than you can take your phone out of your purse? Start with step 1.


Part 1

Show interest in a guy
  1. Be playful. Playfulness is a form of flirting. Sometimes a guy may simply be afraid to ask for his number, because he’s not sure that you’re attracted to him. If you feel like it, show him your interest, that you wouldn't mind seeing him again and give him your number. Being playful means teasing him a little, lightly touching his arm and showing that you don't take yourself too seriously.

    • If you are somewhere relaxing, you can even dance with him, but without going too far and without making prolonged eye contact. Let everything remain cheerful and carefree.
  2. Flirt with him. Don't be afraid to flirt a little without going overboard. This can be done by straightening your hair, touching his hand, laughing a little harder than usual. But don't overdo it, or you might overwhelm him or make him seem like you like him too much. Here are some more ways to flirt with a guy:

    • Give a subtle compliment. Tell him you like his shoes or that he has a beautiful smile. In any case, the compliment should be subtle. Obviously, constantly saying “Oh my god, you're the coolest guy I've ever seen!!!” will quickly bore him.
    • Keep your voice down. A softer voice will give you more mystery, and as a bonus, will make him move closer to continue the conversation.
    • Try to keep the atmosphere casual. Flirt and then slow down a little. You don't want things to get too serious too soon.
  3. Use body language as an added advantage. One way to let a guy know you're interested is to send him subtle messages through body language. The way you carry yourself and look at him will let him know that you are interested in him. Therefore, he is more likely to ask you for your number. Here's what you can do:

    • Make eye contact. Look him in the eyes while talking. This way he will understand that all your attention is on him. If the contact turns out to be too intrusive or intense, look away for a while.
    • Lick your lips from time to time. This way he will understand what is on your mind.
    • Lean towards him. Turn your body, shoulders and legs towards him, this will let the guy know that you like him. If you look away, he will think you are looking for something more interesting to do.
    • Touch it occasionally. This will tell the guy that you want to see him again. Just a playful touch on his knee or forearm is enough.
  4. Ask the guy some questions. Show that you are not uninterested in his life and his thoughts. Obviously, if you are socializing in a club, then this is clearly not the place where you should find out whether he believes in an afterlife and what he is most afraid of. However, no matter where you are, there is always a way to show a guy that you like him by being interested in who he is and how he thinks. A sample list of possible topics for conversation looks like this:

    • His hobbies and interests
    • His favorite bands or movies
    • His favorite sports teams
    • How does he have fun on the weekends?
    • His opinion on things that interest you

    Part 2

    Drop hints
    1. Find common interests. If you want to get a guy to ask you out, one strategy is to talk about things you both like. This will give him an additional excuse to take your number. Here are some ways to start a conversation about what you like that will help a guy feel more confident about asking you for your number:

      • Mention a film currently showing in cinemas. If you think movies are a common interest, he may invite you to a session.
      • Talk about a music group that you both like. When talking about music, you can mention a band performing in the city at that time. The phrase “have you ever heard of Animal Collective? At the end of the month they have a concert in our city” can push a guy to action.
      • Talk about sports. If you're someone who loves sports, you might say something like, “I watch our team's games on TV all the time, but I've never been to the stadium before.” This will make it easier for the guy to invite you to a match.
      • Start a conversation about your favorite foods. Perhaps you both like Mexican or Ethiopian food. In case a new restaurant is opening in town or you want to dine at a particular place, mention it in passing and see if he takes the bait.
    2. Tell us about your plans. By talking about what you're going to do in the near future, you'll make the guy think he might try to join in and ask for your number. In the middle of the conversation, casually mention your plans and see if he expresses a desire to join. If yes, then he will have no choice but to ask for your number. This strategy can be implemented in the following ways:

      • Mention a party that's happening this weekend. He might want to join.
      • Tell us about the courses you take, be it kickboxing or rock climbing. He might want to try.
      • If your mutual friends are planning a weekend trip, tell them about it, again, he may want to join.
    3. As if by chance, let him know that you are interested in communicating with him. In order for him to understand, it is not necessary to say “please, please take my number!” If you are not together for long, for example, talking after class or having lunch during a break at work, then you can make small comments along the way that will make him want to spend more time with you. You could say something like:

      • "It's always so interesting for me to communicate with you"
      • "We had such a great conversation. I don't remember when I had so much fun"
      • "I feel so at ease talking to you"
        • You can also find a way to let him know that you are not dating anyone. Perhaps he thinks differently and that is why he does not dare to take your number.
    4. Take out your phone. Don't be rude and start texting friends or answering the phone in the middle of a conversation. Just take out your phone for one or two seconds to hint: take my number. You can take out your phone under the pretext of seeing if anyone has written to you. Or to show a photo of your kitten, or whatever you were currently talking about.

      • When you take out your phone for a second, this will trigger the thought in his head: “Wow, she’s a pretty girl and she has a phone, let me get her number.”
      • At the same time, don't take your phone out for too long. Otherwise, he may decide that you are no longer interested in his company.
    5. Leave in the middle of a conversation. If you want a guy to take your number, don't wait until you have nothing to say to each other, because the next time the conversation may not take place. On the contrary, wait until the conversation reaches its peak, and before it subsides, apologize, say that you were very interested in talking, but you urgently need to run away. If it works, he'll say something like, “I'd like to continue our conversation another time,” or “I'd like to spend more time with you.”

      • If a guy gets the hint, he'll ask for your number. If not, be patient, sometimes it takes guys a while to gather the courage to take your phone.
      • And yes, if you are sure that this guy likes you, and he is too shy to ask for your number, then why don’t you take the initiative and find out his phone number yourself?
    • Don't be too awkward during the conversation. If a guy asks for your number, just smile and nod, don't panic!
    • Don't try to change your personality for a guy. Just be yourself and don't be too strict.
    • In the worst case, ask for his number yourself. This is the brightest and most obvious way to show your interest in a guy. If he says no, just accept it. But you need to ask right away, you shouldn’t come back later. Make sure you know the guy well enough first, as the conversation can get awkward very quickly.
    • Don't rush things. Just calm down, take a deep breath, slow down, let events take their course.
    • Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. If you're interested in a particular guy, work him up gradually. Take your time and don't get bored.
    • Don't text him first! You remember that it was he who took your number, right?
    • If he continues to ignore you, do the same. Some guys are better off not dating at all. Or perhaps he is married or even homosexual.

The ten days that Grace Kelly spent waiting for the fateful call from Prince Rainier of Monaco seemed like an eternity to her. However, the Hollywood beauty managed to use it correctly and soon became the princess not only of the screen, but also of the whole country.

Most often, a woman never manages to wait for a call from a man. Why is this happening? The fact is that many ladies simply do not know how to give their phone number so that a man will call. The host of the cult training show “Actually, I’m smart, but I live like a fool,” the author of the book “A Fool Wants to Meet Two Higher Ones,” Pavel RAKOV, is convinced of this, who offers his own solutions to this problem and at the same time suggests how to answer a gentleman’s call .

Beautiful is far away: 3 ways for a man to call

So, you met the man of your dreams and made a great impression on him, so that he, excited like a high school graduate, asked you

phone number. But you, wise with life experience, know that his desire does not at all mean guaranteed meetings in the future, which is exactly what you need. In order to avoid another failure and get the man to call, you will have to do the following.

Method number 1. Never give out your phone number. Never to anyone. You can only exchange it. You are a lady and have the right to know who can call. A man, in turn, will be more pleased if he is sure that his name displayed on the phone screen will put you in a pleasant mood.

Method number 2. Schedule a call time. No usual phrases like “we’ll call you next week.” Rest assured, he won't call.

Immediately designate the day when you should be recruited. This will be another plus in your favor. Men value time and respect punctuality.

Method number 3. Give him a choice to call. Ask when it would be more convenient to call him. This will help you increase the chances of getting the long-awaited call and give your counterpart freedom of maneuver. It is likely that he will be busy in the near future, or even on a plane.

  • Arrange for an upcoming call every other day. This will help the man understand whether he wants to continue communicating with you. If yes, he will look forward to this moment.
  • Do not hurry. If a man calls at the time agreed upon with you, do not pick up the phone, even if you really want to. Reply calmly to any messages that you are ready to hear him at the appointed time.

How to answer a call without it being the first and last

So he called. However, do not rush to rejoice. The future of your relationship depends on how you manage the first conversation. To ensure that the first phone call does not become the last, you should learn the following algorithm.

  • We analyze. If the bell does not ring at the time agreed upon with you, rest assured: the man does not attach any importance to you, or, especially, to your words. Whether it is worth starting with such a relationship is up to you to decide. Perhaps it is better to turn your attention to other gentlemen.
  • Don't rush to pick up the phone. Let four rings ring and answer the fifth. Let the man sit a little while waiting for an answer.
  • Smile and imagine that the president is calling you. Your voice will sound more cheerful and energetic.
  • Address by name. This is the most pleasant word for a man.
  • Thank him for his punctuality and be sure to say that you are glad to hear from him.
  • Don't delay. A five-minute conversation is enough.
  • For a woman, the telephone is not a means of communication, but a way to arrange a meeting place.
  • Wish them a good day/evening before you end the conversation, and be sure to smile. A man will appreciate your smile even over the phone.

We hope that the website’s advice will help you and that your man will call you! You may also be interested in a video on how to determine what are the “tricks” of your appearance:

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