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How to draw a horse with a pencil. How to draw a horse correctly? Julius the heroic horse from the cartoon

Irina Khursulova

Paint animals - it's interesting and not at all difficult. Certainly, draw a real horse like this Not everyone can achieve it the way it is depicted in paintings by real artists, but with a little patience, even a novice artist can achieve good results.

If draw a horse step by step, then it’s quite possible even you can draw.

Prepare a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser.

Place your piece of paper horizontally on your desk. We will use geometric shapes as the initial outlines of the drawing.

1. Draw a rectangle in the center of the sheet - this is the body of the future horses.

2. Top of the rectangle (over it) Draw a triangle - this is the neck of the animal.

3. Bottom of the rectangle (under him) We draw two triangles - these are the legs of the animal.

4. Then the triangular tail.

5. Sketch the muzzle horses in the form of a loop(oval, draw triangular ears.

General sketch the horses are ready. Check carefully that the drawing has all the proportions. horses are respected. Is the head, long neck and short legs too big? horses? If you are sure that everything drawn accurately, then let's move on to the next one.

6. Now let's begin draw the contours of the body. Make a deflection on the back with a smooth line - the place where the saddle is placed horses.

7. Draw the horse's hind leg. Pay attention to her structure: bends. Animal joints and hooves.

8. Round off the belly line.

9. Draw the front leg, we plan horse legs, which are on the left side of her body.

10. Drawing chest and neck of the animal.

11. Draw the head and ears.

12. Finish drawing the hooves and tail.

13. Draw the mane and bangs using smooth lines.

14. Now you need to carefully draw small details: eyes, nostrils of an animal.

The horse is almost ready. Now take an eraser in your hands and remove all the extra pencil lines from the sketch. Let only smooth transitions remain.

Correct the drawing where you think something needs to be changed. Our horse drawn and ready for coloring. Colorize you can paint the horse, pencils or crayons. Choose what you like best.

Thank you for your attention and good luck!

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Horses are graceful and graceful animals. Artists know that it is difficult to convey these qualities in a drawing. But if you learn some tricks, it won't be difficult. We have selected interesting instructions for you that will tell you how to draw a horse step by step, easily and beautifully.

We draw quickly and beautifully

You should start with instructions that will show you the basics of drawing. You can use all the skills acquired in this example in practice if you need to show how to draw a horse to a child. Instruction is also suitable if

To make the instructions really simple, we will use only a simple pencil and an eraser. Let's get started:

  1. Let's draw an animal's eye. It has the shape of a petal.
    We place a small pupil inside and leave a barely noticeable glare. On the left side of the eye we draw a curved line for the muzzle. Add a triangle - this is the nose.
  2. We wrap the previously drawn line at the bottom to create a mouth. From this we depict the lower part of the head. We depict the nostril of a horse.
  3. At the top of the head we will draw a triangular ear.
    Since it is turned sideways towards us, we use a triangle with an acute angle. Near the ear, using zigzags, draw the beginning of the mane.
  4. From the bottom of the head we will draw a long neck. Now you can draw the front part of the leg. Add a triangular hoof and complete the drawing of this leg with a second line. In front of this leg we add a second one. She will only peek out, so one feature and a hoof are enough.
  5. Let's go back to the top. Using smooth lines we depict the long mane of the horse. We connect the space between the lines with zigzags.
  6. From the end of the mane we draw the back part of the animal’s body. Let's make it round. Let's draw the hind legs. Note that these pieces on the back are angular in shape.
  7. Let's draw the tail and add a few additional details. Select on the muzzle and the bottom of the hooves. They will have a different shade.

We figured out how to draw a horse step by step easily and beautifully. Using this example you can draw other pictures,

Julius the heroic horse from the cartoon

Surprising a child with an ordinary horse is not so easy. That is why we have selected instructions for you that will tell you how to draw a horse step by step for children. And we will portray Yuli, the heroic horse.

For drawing we will use: black felt-tip pen, brown orange gouache, brush. Let's get to work:

  1. We will draw the silhouette of Yuli with a black felt-tip pen.
    Draw round eyes. We place them nearby. Add black pupils and draw eyebrows at the top.
  2. From the central part of the eyes we draw a curved line for the nose. Next we add another stripe. Towards the end, draw the nostril in the form of a seed and draw an arc above it. Draw the mouth, it should be wavy to form a smile.
  3. Draw the lower part of the head. We add an ear, which we make in the form of an inverted seed. Above the right eye we will draw the horse's bangs.
  4. Let's go down. Using two stripes we draw a long neck. Since this is a cartoon character, it should be thinner than that of a real horse.
  5. We draw a wide arc from the back of the neck. It goes to the back of the body. Here you need to depict the horse's pelvis. Starting from it, we will depict one hind leg. This part also has its own nuances.
    The shape is repeated, like a realistic animal, but in Julius it is much more subtle. Using semicircles we depict large hooves.
  6. We draw a line for the abdomen and draw the front legs. One leg located closer to us will be bent at the knee. Draw a triangular shape without sharp corners.
    Complete the second part and add the hoof. Let's bring out the second leg. All that remains is to add the horse’s mane to the left side of the head. At the back of the body we will draw the silhouette of a tail.
  7. You can move on to coloring. We will use gouache. Let's paint the horse itself with brown paint. Let's make the mane and tail orange.
    Shade the hooves with a black felt-tip pen.

Ready. We told you how to draw the horse Julius step by step for children. Well, for older children, you can use the following complicated instructions.

This lesson differs from the previous ones in that as a result of hard work, you can get an image of a realistic animal. We will use a regular HB pencil and eraser.

Let's try to draw a horse with a pencil step by step for children:

The work is done, now you can draw a horse with a pencil step by step for children.

Painting with oil paints

We looked at several examples of drawing based on a pencil. Now the site offers a lesson that will tell you in detail how to draw a horse with oil paints.

What you will need for work:

  • a simple pencil;
  • canvas for drawing (can be replaced with thick paper);
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • palette;
  • water;
  • rags;
  • easel or tape.

Before painting, set up your canvas on an easel. This will help you draw more easily. If you are using plain paper, secure it to the work surface with tape. The tape will not allow it to go beyond the frames and will prevent the paper from moving when drawing.

Let's move on to drawing:

  1. Using a pencil, draw a sketch of a horse on canvas.
    You can do this by following one of the instructions above. In our case, only the head will be depicted
  2. When the sketch is ready, you can start working with paints. Mix white, a little black and blue. Paint the entire surface of the canvas. We don't touch the horse.
  3. At the next stage we will color the horse. Let's start with the dark areas. Let's take care of the nose, lips, eyes and the inside of the ears. Mix white with black. We outline the nostrils with the resulting color. And with smooth strokes we begin to move towards the tip of the nose and its apex.
    The nostril itself should be painted over with a color one tone darker. Mix the colors and tint the remaining areas on the nose.
  4. Let's go up to the eye. We draw its contours and paint over the pupil, leaving a highlight. We make the remaining part light gray. Select the second eye and paint over the central details of the ears.
  5. We tint the mane with a light gray shade. From the eye we move in a solid line to the nose. Add a little brown to the color used. We paint the neck. We make the color lighter, shape the lower part of the head and add a few strokes to the area near the mane.
  6. Now mix a light gray shade. Apply it to the remaining unpainted elements. Using gentle movements, we combine it with the other paint in the drawing to get smooth transitions.
  7. Add a little brown to the roots of the mane. Mix colors for a beautiful and realistic look.

We have discussed how to draw a horse's head step by step in an easy and beautiful way.

Horse in the meadow

We continue painting with oil paints. If you had no difficulties drawing the previous horse, then the next one will seem easy to you.

For work we will need:

  • canvas (preferably 18 by 24 centimeters);
  • oil paints, colors: white, blue, ocher, cadmium yellow, cadmium red, pink, green, ultramarine, brown;
  • paint thinner;
  • synthetic flat brushes No. 14, 8 and 4;
  • palette;
  • oil can for thinner;
  • rag for brushes.

If everything is prepared, let's get to work:

  1. First, let's lay out all the colors on the palette in a sequence convenient for you. Using a thin brush, pick up brown and dilute it with thinner and water. Use the resulting color to mark the height of the future horse. We determine which side the head will be on and also put marks.
  2. Carefully mark the lower back, back and withers. Draw a small arc for the stomach. Let's draw a groin line. Let's draw the lines of the horse's elbow and forearm on the front leg. Let's do the same with the far leg.
    At the hind leg we will add a joint that helps the horse gallop. Draw the hair using neat lines.
  3. Let's move on to the neck. Let's add a second line. Let's mark the muzzle; its length is equal to the length of the neck. Let us mark the horizon line and the hills in the picture, which we will place in the background.
  4. Take a medium size brush. We select blue color. Mix the paint with white and add a little thinner. Use the resulting color to completely cover the sky. Add ultramarine and pink. Apply additional shades to the sky.
  5. We add even more ultramarine and white. The resulting color. Make the paint layer thin. Add more whitewash and cover the distant hills. The bottom of the hill needs to be darkened, we use ultramarine and pink for this.
  6. Apply green paint. We begin to cover distant areas of the meadow. Mix green, yellow and ocher. Cover the foreground.
  7. Mix ocher with thinner and water. With the result obtained, we completely close the horse. Add brown to the color and mark the shadow areas.
  8. Take a small brush. Mix ultramarine and green, add a little white. We mark the trees in the distance with neat dots. Using simple green we mark the shadows under the trees. Add white and add shadows.
  9. If you wish, you can add clouds. Mix white with water and thinner. Note the clouds.
  10. Let's move on to the horse. To emphasize it we use bright ocher. Let's paint the back, side and a little neck. We will cover the bottom of the neck, head, lower abdomen and legs in the background with brown color.
  11. Mix brown and white. Let's note the light details. They are located on the head, back, rear part of the body and tail. Using dark brown we detail the horse. Add whitewash and paint light strokes along the contours of the animal and on the tail. We carefully smear everything to get a smooth transition. Let's mark the eye with black color.
  12. All that remains is to draw the grass. Take a wide brush and paint strokes over the entire lower part of the picture. Use different shades of green. You can add white flowers.

Ready. This instruction for painting a horse with paints will be very complicated for a child, but for experienced artists it can be used in their practice.

Today I will try to explain and show you how to draw a horse with a pencil. Here are 20 step-by-step lessons on drawing horses in different poses. There is also a great video tutorial on drawing a horse. See the end of the article.

A horse is a beautiful and noble animal. Having learned to draw it correctly, you will be able to depict other animals with much greater ease, projecting your new knowledge onto the drawing.

To depict a horse in a jump, it is important to determine the reference points of the animal. These are the chest and thigh. It is worth clearly drawing the head and legs in the foreground. First step-by-step lesson:

The most difficult thing will be to draw correctly body, head and neck proportions. It is the relationship between these parts that will make your horse proud and correctly built. Second step-by-step lesson: Now let's try to draw a horse that is scared of something. In the drawing, it is important to convey the emotions of a frightened horse. Pay attention to the jaw and nostrils, which convey the animal's mood. And the jaw and bones of the skull, which appear in the drawing, make the image more realistic. Third step lesson: Try to catch the correct proportions between body parts. A schematic representation of the horse’s head, neck, and chest in the form of circles and ovals will help with this. Fourth step-by-step lesson:

The drawing requires the correct representation of the horse's legs. Pay attention to bends, joints and hooves animal. Knowledge of horse anatomy will help you draw the picture. Fifth step-by-step lesson:

Perspective in drawing requires a clearer depiction of parts of the body that are as close as possible, and identification of parts of the body that are hidden from view due to movement. Sixth step-by-step lesson:

Having correctly drawn the horse's head, you don't have to worry about its appearance in other drawings. Try to see all the muscles and bulges on the animal's head once so that you can display them in the future. Seventh step-by-step lesson:

Your task is to portray a trained horse. All her movements are polished, her posture is straight. Therefore, each step must be as clear as possible. Eighth step-by-step lesson: A walking horse looks well-groomed, its mane is beautifully styled. Ninth step-by-step lesson:

The old horse has less muscles and adipose tissue. Accordingly, in order to convey the return, you should draw the ribs well and focus on the sad look. Tenth step-by-step lesson: To draw a horse's face truly beautifully, you should practice a lot, because even the slightest discrepancy in proportions will make the drawing different, and your horse will not have such a bold and proud appearance. Eleventh step-by-step lesson:

A horse that has just been running, but now walks, must be tired. Your task is to draw a wet mane, a full chest, widened nostrils in order to convey increased breathing. Twelfth step-by-step lesson:

horse jump when lifting off the ground - this is a very beautiful pose. The horse's entire body moves in one line, and its legs are parallel to each other. Thirteenth step-by-step lesson:

A stubborn horse behaves aggressively. This can be conveyed with the help of a lush flowing mane. All movements convey stubbornness and unwillingness to submit. Fourteenth step-by-step lesson:

When the horse rearing, her legs are bent. When correctly depicting the angle of the bend, do not forget to monitor the length of the leg from hip to knee and from knee to hoof. Fifteenth step-by-step lesson:

The main difficulty in this drawing is to depict the horse’s belly and bent front legs. One part of the legs overlaps the other, so it will be difficult to convey it the first time. Sixteenth step-by-step lesson:

It is worth remembering that a horse’s neck is very mobile, so when the animal reaches for food, the muscles lengthen. Therefore, the neck is a little longer than usual during meals, which may look unnatural. Seventeenth step-by-step lesson:

You need to be able to draw a horse not only at right angles, but also with some deviations. This will help you develop perspective vision and correct proportions. Eighteenth step-by-step lesson:

To draw sad horse, it is enough to depict relaxed muzzle muscles, half-closed eyes and slightly lowered corners of the mouth. Nineteenth step-by-step lesson:

It is very difficult to see a horse while galloping, let alone draw one. Therefore, the drawing may seem slightly unrealistic, because it is difficult for the eye to catch such speed. The last for today, the twentieth step-by-step lesson:

Drawing a horse's head is quite difficult, since you not only need to maintain all the proportions, but also take into account many small nuances. To get a good result in the end, you need to be patient. So, to draw a horse head you will need the following items: a sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser.

When everything you need is at hand, you can begin to depict the horse’s head:

1. Use light lines to outline the outline of the animal’s head;

2. Draw both ears;

3. Outline the location of the mane and bangs;

4. Draw the mouth and lower jaw;

5. From below, mark the so-called ganache with an arc. It occupies approximately half of the animal's head;

6. Draw the inside of the ears and outline the bottom line of the horse's neck;

7. Draw the nostril and eye of the horse;

8. Draw the mane and bangs. If desired, you can make the mane longer and thicker;

9. Shade the animal's head. Try to apply short strokes using a very sharp regular or mechanical pencil.

Horse head drawing is ready! You can draw the horse's head with colored pencils, any paints, or, for example, pastels.

The horse is an incredibly strong and graceful animal that delights the vast majority of adults and children. Kids who are just learning the basics of fine arts will sooner or later definitely want it

Doing this is not at all as difficult as it seems. Meanwhile, in order to help their child beautifully depict this stately animal, mom and dad need to know how to draw a horse with a pencil step by step. In this article, we bring to your attention several detailed instructions with which you can easily cope with the task assigned to you.

How to simply draw a horse for a child?

For kids, a schematic image of a horse is usually enough, which is more reminiscent of a fairy tale or cartoon character, rather than a real graceful animal. The following visual diagrams will tell you how to quickly and easily draw a horse with a pencil step by step for the youngest children:

How to draw a beautiful running horse with a pencil step by step?

Older children may want to draw a real horse in motion. To depict it, you will have to work a little, but with the help of the instructions below you will definitely succeed:

How to draw a horse on its hind legs with a pencil step by step?

It’s not at all difficult to draw a horse standing on its hind legs. The following master class will clearly demonstrate to you how to do this:

  1. Schematically draw the contours of the chest, pelvis and head of the future horse.
  2. Using thin lines draw the rest of the body.
  3. Use simple geometric shapes to add volume to your image.
  4. Draw the horse's hind legs in detail.
  5. Draw the front legs, neck and head.
  6. Complete the 3D sketch.
  7. Outline the horse's body with a smooth pencil line.
  8. Draw the legs and hooves in the same way, simultaneously removing more unnecessary lines.
  9. Finish drawing the outlines of the body and detailing the head.
  10. Finally, draw the mane and tail, outline the drawing with a bright line and delete all the auxiliary segments. Your horse is ready!

How to draw a horse's head with a pencil step by step?

Perhaps the greatest difficulty during drawing in most cases is the image of a horse's head. To carefully draw this element, use the following detailed diagram:

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