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Abortion, eco, child souls. How the soul of a child comes into our world and chooses parents What do traditional healers say about eco-children?


In vitro fertilization method – abbreviated ECO enables women diagnosed with infertility to conceive and give birth to a child through artificial insemination.

The IVF method is presented as a unique achievement of modern medicine, as a victory of science over nature. But, as you know, you can’t fool nature, nature will always take its toll. In addition, the use of IVF to give birth to a child has now become a serious business, so doctors do not always inform potential parents about the possible negative consequences of using this method.

Method Is IVF good or bad? What can you recommend to women who have a similar question?

From the point of view of Indian philosophy, a person cannot be helped. This is his fate, he must suffer. From the point of view of Western psychology, you need to help in any case. The truth, as always, is in the middle: a person needs to be helped, but he needs to be helped correctly.

Any process in the universe copies the universe in time and space. The human soul, spirit and body are the model of the universe. First the soul appeared, then consciousness and only then the body. If the soul recovers, then the mind and body will be healthy. Therefore, first of all, you need to help a person’s soul, and then his body. If a person dies, I urgently need to help my body. But when a person is simply having a hard time, First of all, you need to help his soul. The problem is that modern medicine is using increasing possibilities to treat the body in damage to the soul.

IVF is neither good nor bad, it is an opportunity to have a child. If the soul is imperfect and a person does not want to change, then artificial insemination will either not produce results, or the child born as a result will have big problems with health and destiny. If, on the contrary, a person goes to God and to love and begins to change his soul, his deepest emotions, then artificial insemination, if it has a negative effect, will be relatively small.

If a woman wants to have a baby, she can do artificial insemination. But you need to understand the full extent of responsibility towards the unborn child and the depth of the problem.

To give birth to a child, a woman must have reserves of subtle vital energy, which gives birth to love in the soul. She must transfer a portion of this energy to the child’s soul. If a woman is aggressive or depressed inside, if she has big complaints about the world around her, she will not have this energy. Therefore, she cannot conceive a child on her own. Nature thus protects itself from the birth of children who have no love in their souls. Such a child may later either become seriously ill, or die, or have an unfortunate fate, or become a criminal. Medicine, while helping the birth of such children, naturally does not solve the subsequent problems of their health and fate.

There is another factor that has a very negative impact on the health and fate of children conceived using the IVF method.

It is well known that one fertilized embryo, as a rule, does not survive when implanted into a woman’s body. For in vitro fertilization, a woman is stimulated with the help of special drugs to superovulate - the maturation of several eggs at once. This is necessary to increase the chances of a successful outcome, because... The egg is very easy to damage during manipulation. All these eggs are fertilized and placed in a special incubator for some time. During this time, some embryos die. One or two embryos from the surviving ones are implanted into the woman’s uterus, the rest must be destroyed, because a woman often simply physically cannot bear three or more children.

We are all in the same information field. Any conceived living being connects to this information field, and what is called the soul is already present in every embryo. Moreover, when entering the subtle planes, facts were observed indicating that the soul of a child, even before conception, can transmit some information to its future mother. If a child can take and give information even before he is conceived, this means that he already has a soul and personality.

The destruction of “extra” embryos is, in essence, identical to abortion, which will also negatively affect the health and fate of a child born through IVF.

The Orthodox Church has always been against IVF: if God does not give a child, then you need to humble yourself. From a religious point of view, the death of a certain number of fertilized embryos is a violation of the commandment “Thou shalt not kill!”, since doctors and the infertile couple know that the embryos are dying, and, therefore, deliberately contribute to the murder.

Science operates with statistics, and facts are stubborn things, and these facts prove the correctness of religious recommendations.

Statistics show that the majority of children born as a result of IVF are disabled people.

The chief pediatrician of Russia directly said that when budgeting money for financial support of artificial insemination technologies, it is necessary to immediately include funds for the treatment of future disabled children.

According to American scientists, such children are several times more likely to have cleft lip, malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, and heart defects.

Problems of the mouth and intestines are the worship of desires. Beneath desires is lust. Passion for food and sex switches the subconscious to the worship of instincts, which leads to the loss of love and subconscious faith in God in the soul. On a subtle level, food and sex look the same - this is the pleasure of maintaining and continuing life. Therefore, passion for food, overeating, passion for sexual pleasures - all this can lead to diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as problems with the intestines and teeth. Therefore, the descendants of such people develop a cleft palate or cleft lip, and various congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Congenital heart defects indicate that the child has been transmitted a huge subconscious worship of a loved one and intolerance to the pain of breaking up a relationship.

It is clear that such tendencies, received from parents and further strengthened in the child, will be extremely difficult to cope with later. As a rule, such children are completely unable to cope with traumatic situations and easily give up love for the sake of pleasure.

The child may subsequently begin to masturbate, smoke, or use drugs. All his activities often come down to two directions: firstly, the search for pleasure and, secondly, the destruction of his body, fate and soul - then it is easier to feel love. Such children often die.

In England, studies were conducted concerning the fate of children conceived in vitro. They all had big problems with starting a family. Scientists are unable to explain this phenomenon, since its reason lies in the energy and deep emotions of a person. In fact, this is also quite understandable. Why do “test tube babies”, as a rule, have no family? Because they have little love in their souls and, as a result, little energy, and in order to have a family, they need a lot of energy. You need to constantly devote enough energy to creating relationships, giving birth and raising children, but this energy simply isn’t there. Even if you manage to start a family, most likely there will be no children in such a family. Why do we need a family if there are no children in the family? A family without children is a wasteland. In this case, the energy of the spouses is directed not to providing for offspring, but again to a wide variety of pleasures and pleasures. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

When the family degrades, society and the state begin to perish. Therefore, people who carry such destructive tendencies should not have families and children.

It is human nature to achieve what you want, this is quite natural. With all its disadvantages, the IVF method has a right to exist. Problems appear when a person tries, in pursuit of desires, to bypass the Divine will, to get what he wants without changing his soul, without deep internal changes.

Now all over the world there is a powerful acceleration of all processes. If previously the main factor in the birth of a healthy child was heredity, now it is worldview and inner aspiration of parents.

If a woman really wants a child, she first needs to put her soul in order, and then decide to conceive a child using IVF.

First of all, you need to understand that the soul is primary in relation to the physical body, that the soul is saved by love, faith, the feeling of the presence of God and the vision of the Divine will in everything that happens around. You need to pray and at the same time you need to learn to restrain your instincts.

If a woman wants a child, she can do artificial insemination, but she must know that she needs to continuously learn to give, sacrifice, love, and work on herself. If she does this constantly, then after giving birth to a child, she will be able to put it in order, and problems will be minimized.

The birth of a child does not mean that you can stop working on yourself. This is not a salary, it is only an advance.

1. S.N. Lazarev The dangers of IVF

2. S.N.Lazarev Test tube children

Prepared by: Alena Obukhova

November 2016

This reincarnation-regression study came about at the suggestion of Helen Project readers who curiously, persistently and periodically ask me questions about IVF. I definitely wouldn’t have broached this topic myself...

I had some expectations from the future process. There is too much fluff in this topic - from complete negativity to some fantastic space laboratories. I didn’t really know anything about IVF and went to find out after this channeling, out of curiosity.

Two people worked in a stream - Alena and Natalya, simultaneously receiving information that could not be invented. I received it more “colored” and in pictures. This time Natalya had a more textual and technological explanation.

My colleague Natalya and I live in different countries at a very long distance and even in different time zones. But this does not prevent us from interacting well with the information field and energy flows.


There was a feeling of flying along a trajectory... Then acceleration, a whirlwind - and we flew in. Rays of all colors... They skewered me, cleaned me, as if on a skewer... I’m trying to find an analogy... the most appropriate one - I was reformatted for that format.

We have reached those who are authorized to clarify this topic. Along the way, I noticed that “there” at that level, there was a feeling that I had already been, a familiar place.

From the Curators: what you wanted to know - find out.

Alyona: I wanted to find out about the question - to see how and with whose permission these Souls go into incarnation through IVF? I want to see the space from which this comes. Who sent these programs? What worlds? For what purpose? Is new technology really helping women? Or is it from special worlds that “thus” introduce “their” Souls? Do “these” people really have no Souls, as they say around them? Or do they have Souls? I would love to be shown this in person on screen or through personal experience.

Natalia It helped me to tune in to those vibrations, since it was stubbornly not working for me... You really need to be able to channel.

Suddenly I clearly felt a pushing not my thought:

The request needs to be clarified.

Well,” I say to “Them,” “I want to see how the agreement of Souls for this event takes place - in vitro fertilization. What is this anyway? Who created this? Where on what plans does this take place - contracts, agreements? Do the Higher Powers know about this?

Why are some people born in this strange way? Why are other methods of natural conception blocked for a woman? Why do we need any laboratory medical additions or protocols?

I know that there are couples who are worried: to do it or not to do it? They've read all sorts of things, including the fact that eco-children don't have Souls?...

Natalia cartoons have already started playing on her internal screen:

Large, very large screen. The Curators suggested that we first look at the process: how it actually happens. These are soap bubbles... These are capsules for the birth of future children... It’s like planting seeds or dropping a drop... They show me a process that is already happening in a woman.

Answer to me I was still waiting... The space was silent. Everything was closed, I couldn’t see anything. The screen was covered with a “thick curtain”; I understood that there was something there that could at least surprise me, and at most shock me. I close it to my clients this way too, from surprises.

I gave my mental consent to see, without claims or disputes, everything that was shown. Suddenly I saw a clearly developed “movie”, information came to me like this flow that I gasped!

Where are the reasons...

Alyona: They show me directly that these women, who in this life cannot have children and must give birth from conception in this way - in past lives they were men, like executioners who carried out experiments on their female genitals in the form of torture on women.

They show me cave medieval rooms, dungeons, forged devices, stretched out defenseless victims, chains...

My head started to feel very dizzy...

Alyona: What a nightmare. They show me metal bars like picket fences. These men tortured women through women's orifices. When there was no developed medicine, it was like some kind of savage medical research.

There was information about several centuries of the Middle Ages. Previously, in other civilizations, this was not done.

Those souls, incarnated as humans, made decisions to gain such experience. Then, for several incarnations in a row, they were subject to a karmic ban from the Supreme Ones on the birth of offspring. They fell into those family branches that did not have a continuation of the Family. And in this incarnation in modern times, they are “forgiven” and allowed, given a chance. They can go through such an internal hell of despair in a similar way on the female plane, on the earthly level - and as if they bring joy to another, lead the baby through their body through this way.

My body went crazy and my hands clenched.

They show me female organs***…. like an open gate, it’s like a woman’s consent - on a subtle level she agrees to go through this. For her, this is a chance for that redemption. There is destruction - and here is birth, but also through the same mechanical procedure.

(I now realized the ancient Eastern phrase that a man earns karma, and a woman works it off. In this case, from the position of reincarnation, then everything falls into place and explains this channeling).

What Souls?...

Natalia(asks a question to the Curators) : Is there any experience of such fertilization on other planets? Aren't these Souls some kind of similarity - those people or those creatures who were fertilized in the same or similar way?

Alyona: They show me that Souls come into this portal... (I scan) These are human Souls. They seem like this to me... very strange... I read them as young Souls who agree to everything. Among them, some of them may be sick: they show them to me like big-headed fools.

I scan that Souls who are overdeveloped, with high vibration, no longer agree to go through this experience. But, be that as it may, in any case, in such a body it will really be a Soul.

I now see the shell of the Earth. I'm not at the level of other planets yet. So far they show me that I requested specific household requests.

They show me: people are walking in a line - Souls who will be people - as if in a row. Portals that will be through IVF??

Doctors are...

Alyona(I ask): Who are the doctors who do this on Earth? The ones that connect in the laboratory and do it all? How does it occur to them to do this?

I receive information from the field that those people who work as doctors in these institutions - they do the same thing on the Subtle Plane in the World of Souls.

Natalia: Alyona! I received the same information.

Alyona: They don’t even know, of course, what they do as souls there in the Spiritual World. Here they seem to “finish” what they started there. These are special people who know how to do this. I don’t know anything about this, I haven’t come across it about IVF. But now they show me... When they are like Souls in their medical laboratories, they make such preparations for themselves there - thought forms - and here they come into embodiment...

They give me an analogy with Asian llamas, who are found based on some characteristics... So here in this topic and situation - they are found and collected. Not all doctors are able to master this mystery. This may be something that can be learned, but it’s like a special clan of doctors who actually understand deeply.

They show me how something is built into their subtle bodies. On a subtle level.

As an example, they give an analogy that I understand: you can copy the topic of a diploma, rewrite it, retell it. But the one who is its author, who wrote it, can tell and explain from any place without hesitation with his eyes closed. This is a built-in skill in their kit. Even if they try to learn this, the extra people whose topic is alien to them will soon fall off.

This is such a whole separate world!

I am now asking whether these Souls know about this in advance, or are they presented with a fact? Or will they already find out on Earth?

This is a Soul contract, definitely, not by chance, it comes to me.

Who are the mothers?

Natalia: Are women undergoing IVF experimental?

Alyona: This is their personal work. They show me on the screen that the Soul itself asks for this experience. They show me the life planning space that is familiar to me.

The soul has already gone through the experience of childlessness, perhaps more than one incarnation, and now it can ask for this experience as a chance to have a child in this life. The soul knows about this opportunity to ask for this on the list of tasks for incarnation.

Failures - why?...

Alyona: I want to ask why the refills don’t work the first time? And not everyone succeeds? Sometimes it's not allowed? Sometimes it doesn't work? Why?

They tell me that this is spiritual creativity. But on Earth this is a tragedy “it didn’t take root!” It’s a waste of money.

In fact, there are empty experiments there, this is a very live space, these are tests going on. And there are no guarantees that this will be accurate. It's like a chance, an option.


Natalia(reads): This is an experiment that was planned on another planet. But now they spend some time on planet Earth. The situation has changed in that many improvements have been made in the technical issue, and now the result is more successful. But this is the type of women who agreed to this experiment. And the Souls of those children who agree are also experimental. The technical process is still being worked out.

Alyona: How can Soul be experimental? Souls are shown to me by very young Souls. They show them to me like new. You sound like an experimental Soul, but I see the Soul as new. Maybe this has the same meaning somewhere.

Natalia: But are these earthly Souls?

The answer I get is “no, not earthly ones.”

Alyona: The answer is “no” to me too. They show me how... these Souls are a little strange.

(and I’ve seen enough showers in different dives, but these??)

They clearly show me the human Soul, but it is somehow different (I still can’t understand what the difference is?? And they clearly convey that not every soul will agree to go through such a mechanism.

(when reading this information, I suddenly begin to experience pain in the uterine area)

They don’t give me information about other planets, it’s closed to me, apparently I don’t go through it with my consciousness, I don’t allow it, and my mind turns on.

But in my world map there is knowledge about other Earths (we have several planet Earths in the so-called different dimensions). I am asking about such an experience of fertilization on those Earths. They tell me: they don’t do this there at those lower levels and dimensions. Only on this, our Earth.

These vibrations give me a headache. And the images of medieval torture of women continue to appear in my eyes. To see such a thing - in general! A stretched-out woman and a man hanging over her... Experiments with women who, in the era of the Inquisitions, were not considered human or having a Soul.

I could have assumed anything as an answer, but not this information that came.

Natalia: I have such information that this is an experimental group of women who agreed to undergo this experimental experiment on planet Earth to give birth to children from a capsule. Children mostly come as new Souls. These are experimental people, experimental Souls. This is an innovation that came from another planet, and has been experimented on Earth for some time. I received this information, but it also intersects with yours.

Alyona: Yes, we speak in different words, but about the same thing. As synonyms.

Natalia: You see about the Middle Ages. And I see the processes that are taking place directly in this topic. You see more pictures, I receive information a little differently, I broadcast more like a walking voice.

Alyona: The Soul has a choice - either to be childless, or to try to participate in this program. I can see how this Soul stands and seems to ask: Yes, I agree, I want to use this chance.

Natalia: Information that these Souls do not yet have incarnations or opportunities to incarnate. When they were offered it, they agreed. And at the current moment these women are coming to Earth to undergo this experiment.

Alyona: Yes, there is synchronicity here. It's like we're looking at the same thing from different angles.

Planning such lives...

Alyona: Now I'll ask a question. How are such lives planned? Are these ordinary lives? Or for something else?

Natalia:(adds) Or were they born for something else? Since they came in such an unusual way.

Alyona: An image and understanding comes to me. that they are like a completely hollow vessel that absorbs all information, absorbing all external information like sponges. They come with a zero code...

(what is this phrase that came to me?)

They have no experience in the programs. They come for any experience, any kind. I see they are like an empty vessel. which needs to be filled with information. The Soul experience is like a multi-layered mesh. And here..

Yes, these are young or newly created Souls. These are not Indigo children with a body of knowledge.

By the way, they show me that these Souls are very grateful. They came for experience. And they agree to everything, to everything. And they take this experience in every possible way, indiscriminately. All their “spiritual pores” are open - they absorb both good and bad like a sponge.

I see in pictures - here is a cocoon like an empty vessel, its maximum task is to gain from life...

Natalia: Gain maximum energy. Experience is energy that needs to be filled, like a vessel, for further evolution. They were given a chance...

All for the sake of love...

Alyona: Their loved ones can mold them like clay. They are unpretentious. They don't have to choose. They are not yet in a position to choose. A lot depends on their loved ones. But usually - this is how they show me - they are very loved. They are enveloped in love by their mothers and grandmothers, and they are helped a lot.

Incarnated people on Earth, of course, do not know that as Souls they are participating in such an experiment. But they show me that parents are very helpful in helping “such” a child. They give a lot.

Such people (children) go through an enhanced experience. A long wait is created for the woman, it reaches such an intensity that she can energetically invest in that child not 30% of the allotted energy, but like three lives in one - they make such a bookmark!

They get a lot of help on Earth. Shown as truly empty vessels. But I don’t have the feeling that this is a negative topic, robots, negativity and the like that other masters broadcast (from channelers and reincarnists to constellations). There is no information that this is “from evil”. There's very good energy there. So unusual. I really didn't expect such information to come out.

Natalia: They were created with the task of “learning to love.” Learn to love yourself and teach to love others - those women through whom and to whom they came, to open this source.

Alyona: Yes, it’s true, they also show me about love. Everything is fine there. I don't see any risks. Great. I completely got everything I wanted.

Dear readers, I invite you to discuss and I look forward to your impressions and opinions on this topic.

Very similar to my visions:

"...I see over these areas a large accumulation of gray souls who are ready to come into this world. I have seen such souls in children born through IVF. Such children were often brought to me for treatment. Recently, even Faya (you know her, like Alla) brought her twins to me. I couldn’t help any of these children. Apparently, the governors were given the task of promoting IVF, if so many gray souls are ready for embodiment. And IVF is support for same-sex marriage.
Ultimately, I understand why gynecologists persuade girls to have abortions for any reason, even in the later stages, there is a high probability of complications, and after that only IVF. I saw that after IVF children have no soul, they are not planned by the Lord, i.e. empty spacesuits without filling and naturally they will be occupied by someone, gray for example, the lower astral.
It is also amazing that we are not told about the abortifacient property of oral contraceptives. Conception is possible only after a pause, as prescribed by the course - spontaneous abortion, if this happens every month the body is depleted.
Ultrasound changes the structure of the fetal DNA, so with pregnancy pathologies, this ultrasound is prescribed once a week! Those. practically provoke a miscarriage. One of my friends was not allowed to give birth to a second child 6 times; they insisted on an abortion, saying the child had pathologies incompatible with life: (on her 7th pregnancy she came to me, I had to look at the situation. It turns out there is a business on stem cells and the later the abortion or a miscarriage occurs, the more expensive such an embryo can be sold, we have China nearby, “abortion material”, as unborn children are called, they did not give her to her. She sent doctors and gave birth calmly at home. The lady, by the way, also had money, and that’s why they promoted her. additional services, naturally, before and during and after childbirth, they diagnosed a pathology. Without any CS, she gave birth on her own almost in the yard of her house (she forgot the key and her husband left), without the help of anyone at all. The healthy girl is already running to school.

It turns out that during childbirth the doctor is obliged to “remove the atlas from focusing or centering” the newborn, i.e. the upper flow gets confused, if this atlas (the first cervical vertebra) is not centered, then the upper flow gets confused, an energy blockage occurs and the energy of the cosmos does not reach anahata. Such people get sick under mental stress: headaches, mental problems, and in advanced training courses for various managers they are now “putting on the atlas,” there are specialists. Managers have a lot of mental stress and they need an upper flow without blocks. Well, vaccinations make children donors to the system in the future, they suppress the immune system and the children are sick. That daughter of my friend also avoided vaccinations, since her mother was diagnosed with pathologies and the birth seemed to take place outside the clinic :) they wrote her “quick birth” and an exemption from vaccinations.

Sometimes when I watch it, I don’t want to believe what I saw.

June 1 is International Children's Day. The holiday is, without a doubt, extremely relevant. Without our protection, it will be impossible for children to survive in this world. What's there to survive?! Just being born is unlikely to work. Dry statistics: now in one year all over the world, as many children are killed as people died in six years of World War II. Approximately 60 million! All the power of the human mind is aimed at depriving the baby of the opportunity to be born. This includes the modern healthcare system, law, and science. And, among other things, distortions in theological teaching. Yes Yes. Theological error can also take human lives. How? We'll see now.

In Western theology, as in the Orthodox East, it has always been considered a terrible sin. However, we find a serious flaw among Catholic theologians that undermines the very idea that artificial termination of pregnancy at any stage is murder of a person. How is this possible?! And like this.

The cornerstone here is the so-called “moment of animation,” that is, the question of when the immortal human soul unites with the embryo and, accordingly, it becomes human. This debate has been going on in the theological community for a very long time.

“The question of indirect or subsequent animation was discussed by some Church Fathers with the aim of refuting the so-called theory of “transmission” proposed by Tertullian, who, to explain the transmission of original sin, proceeded from the assumption that not only the body, but also the soul is transmitted to the child from the parents,” we read in textbook on bioethics. – To refute this theological thesis, other fathers, and then St. Thomas Aquinas, proposed the theory of the subsequent implantation of the soul.

This theory states that the soul, being destined for substantial unity with the body, ontologically has a different origin and is created directly by God. Moreover, the Thomist hypothesis assumes that for the soul to be implanted, a certain organization of the body is necessary, a certain “form”, which, being the soul, forms the body. Saint Thomas believes that the plant and animal soul already exists from the moment of fertilization. Thus, the chronological problem acquires ontological significance.

The Eastern Fathers of the Church did not accept the theory of the subsequent introduction of the soul of Thomas Aquinas

The moment of soul implantation is assigned to the period between the 30th and 40th day after fertilization, by analogy with the biblical instructions related to the purification of a woman after childbirth. It should immediately be added that not all the Church Fathers adhered to this opinion, this especially applies to the Greek Fathers, and above all to, who argued that the soul arises at the very first moment after conception, in which other Fathers followed him, in particular Saint Maximus . But at the same time, moral and canonical norms (which imposed severe penalties) remained unchanged, insisting on the inadmissibility of abortion in all cases. Abortion remained a sin, moreover, a crime, no matter at what moment it was committed, but if doubt arose regarding the characteristics of this crime, namely: whether it should be called without further ado murder or simply a special crime against life, then from the answer to this The question depended on the measure of canonical punishments, but it did not affect the general opinion about the impermissibility of abortion.”

If these thoughts of Thomas Aquinas in our time become widespread in the philistine environment, then how many people can come to the conclusion that until 30–40 days the fetus does not yet have a soul, and therefore is not a person. And if so, then why should abortion before this period be considered murder? Thus, based on this conclusion, a decent Catholic woman up to 30-40 days of pregnancy can calmly terminate it, without making any deals with her Christian conscience.

It turns out that in general abortion is prohibited, but up to a certain period it is possible. Thus, we see that one misinterpreted theological idea can cost the lives of thousands, if not millions of people.

It is noteworthy that similar ideas that until a certain time a fetus is not yet a person arose not only in theology, but also in biology. For example, in 1866, the German biologist Ernst Haeckel formulated the so-called biogenetic law, according to which the main stages of evolution are reproduced in the individual development of an organism; constructed the first family tree of the animal kingdom. What does this mean in practice? The fact that almost the entire period of embryonic development, according to Haeckel, the fetus is not a person, it goes through the path of evolutionary development - from a lower species to a higher one - and only at the end of pregnancy it turns into a person. That is, if you have an abortion in the early and even middle stages, then this, according to Haeckel, cannot be considered the murder of a person. It’s also scary that Haeckel’s tables, or morphological series, which show how a lower mammal turns into a human being, are still displayed to this day as a visual aid in our schools, in biology classrooms, despite the fact that even during the lifetime of this “scientist” this law was recognized as falsification.

Haeckel, who formulated the biogenetic law, was a very strange guy. And many of his ideas were revived in Nazi Germany

In general, Haeckel himself was a very strange type. For example, he sincerely believed that some birds were higher on the ladder of evolutionary development than African blacks. Many of his ideas were later revived in Nazi Germany.

It should be said that not only direct mistakes, but also theological omissions can have serious consequences for a person’s life. For example, in “” it is said: “From the Orthodox point of view, all types of in vitro (out-of-body) fertilization that involve the procurement, conservation and deliberate destruction of “excess” embryos are also morally unacceptable.” That is, logically continuing this thought, we can come to the conclusion that those types of in vitro fertilization that do not involve the procurement, conservation and deliberate destruction of “excess” embryos are allowed by the Orthodox Church. However, in practice this is not the case. Most Orthodox theologians specializing in this issue speak of the complete inadmissibility of IVF methods. In the “Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church” there is an obvious omission, the price of which is crippled human destinies.

I remember about five years ago, when I was still studying at the seminary, teachers told us that soon biomedical technologies for artificial insemination, surrogacy, sex reassignment, etc. will burst into our lives, and future shepherds of the Church of Christ must be prepared for this. It seemed to us something very distant, unlikely, science fiction. However, very little time passed, and I really had to come face to face with in vitro fertilization.

A few months ago a woman came to our temple. She had a complicated pregnancy. A woman is pregnant with twins conceived using IVF. As it turned out from talking with her, eight more (!) fertilized eggs are now stored frozen, or, in scientific terms, creopreserved. When I asked if she understood that the destruction of these eggs by the Church was tantamount to murder, she replied that she did. When I asked her what she was going to do with them, “Give birth,” the woman answered. She looked about 40 years old, and it became clear to me that she would not be able to give birth to everyone purely physically. I saw that she understood this too, which is why she suffered terribly and suffered.

Children conceived through IVF do not produce offspring. At all. 100 percent!

One more example. Just the other day I had the opportunity to communicate with one professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He occupies a fairly high position in the healthcare system, and I asked him to assist us with administrative resources in opposing abortion. The professor was sincerely excited and told, as if in secret, a lot of interesting things. For example, that children conceived through IVF do not produce offspring. At all. 100 percent!

- How is this known? - I ask. – Are statistics kept?

– Yes, there are already many such eco-friendly children in Moscow now. They grew up, began to get married, but cannot give birth to children. You can’t deceive nature... I just ask you, don’t refer to me anywhere.

- Medical secrecy?

The professor sighed. I understood him: he could only say this in confidence - the in vitro fertilization procedure costs several hundred thousand rubles, and the healthcare system is not going to give up such profits. A kind of corporate ethics, or better said, omerta - a vow of silence, like the Sicilian mafia.

In general, I have long noticed that all these monstrous biomedical technologies are directly or indirectly aimed at destroying the family. The devil hates the Small Church and throws his best forces at its destruction. The media industry of depravity and the full power of the legal system are at work, and now here comes science.

Terrible theological error! And according to the thoughts of the holy fathers, without an urgent need to theologize, it would be wiser to remain silent. However, we cannot remain silent now. Life itself demands an answer from us. Once again the world is rebelling against the Church of Christ with its wisdom. Lord, enlighten us, give us strength and courage to stand in the truth!


If we take it globally, from the point of view of an ethical attitude towards Life, why was it created if they were not going to give the opportunity for manifestation and further development? The law of Awareness of the Creator's Responsibility works here. If this law is ignored, the result will always be death, waste of energy for nothing, disappointment and other consequences.

People are more disgusted with condoms than with pieces of aborted meat and a woman’s pain, both physical and mental.

The soul can begin to enter the embryo from the period when the circulatory system develops - a small heart and blood vessels. This is approximately 2.5 months of intrauterine development. My son’s soul entered for the first time precisely at this time. There was no one before. :) There may be later dates, it depends on the experience and plans of the soul itself.

Therefore, early abortions are considered safer for both the souls and bodies of failed mothers.

And later... Here is a quote from one story: “One of my friends once told the story of her appearance on Earth. The first attempt was interrupted by a late-term abortion, the second attempt with the same parents was successful 2 years later. As they say, a persistent soul. Well, then, when memories come or are induced (about the experience of the soul), the personality goes into disarray from resentment and disappointment, in general - schizophrenia.”

But we must not forget that even if the soul has not yet technically entered the embryo, and she had clear plans to do this, she will, together with her parents, empathize with all the vicissitudes of the decision to have an abortion. Although, again, the degree of involvement depends on the nature of the soul, its properties and vibrational plan.

Women themselves are aware of the consequences for the body. I respect myself and my spaces, including body space. That’s why I used birth control pills when I was young, and then I decided to stop poisoning myself and switched to condoms. There were no abortions. Having a child was a conscious decision.


TATYANA: The number of children is specified in the incarnation contract, but with personal initiative and other issues, these terms of the contract can already be rewritten during the incarnation process?

ASHTAR (via Nadezhda): Of course, during the process of incarnation you can rewrite not only the number of children, but also any other events in your life. This is ideal, for this you need to learn to clear your brain of all illusions, like the one that “everything is predetermined,” that there are fundamental points that move you in a certain vector, etc.

TEA: Yes. I agree completely.

TATYANA: Is there such a principle that a parent always gives birth to a more spiritual child than himself? I suspect that if this is true, there are still plenty of exceptions. :)

ASHTAR (via Nadezhda): No, there is no such principle, everything depends solely on the upbringing of parents. At the same time, they do not have to be highly or lowly spiritual; the question is rather about some basic points that they lay in the development of the child. Most often, parents are not chosen based on their degree of spirituality, although this plays a certain role in choosing parents.

TEA: Yes, there may be different options. The main role is played by the scenario plan of “fate”.

TATYANA: What happens during IVF (in vitro fertilization)? Can it be pre-arranged? What impact does this method of conceiving a child have on the soul itself?

ASHTAR (via Nadezhda): I don't know what happens with IVF. I know that this method of conception has no effect on the soul itself. And that such a method can be pre-provided as one of the options (scenarios).

TEA: I would rather agree, but in theory, there is no experience.

TATYANA: What happens during surrogacy? Aren't all the codes and matrices mixed there? Whose energies will the body and personality consist of?

ASHTAR (via Nadezhda): In surrogacy, codes and matrices are mixed. The body and personality will consist of the energy of all persons involved in surrogacy. Whose energies will be involved to a greater and lesser extent depends on specific individuals, for everyone individually, it depends on the (strength) of the energies.

TEA: Definitely!

TATYANA: Why does this particular soul need this? After all, the soul chooses specific parents, in this case, is everyone “there” aware that the child will be transferred? Surely the mixture of all these energies will carry a very strong psychological burden on such a child. Is this even humane to him?

TEA: Very correct questions. I’ll say right away that no one THERE really cares about all this. They see everything there from a completely different perspective than we do here, sitting on Earth. I think you can guess whose version is more truthful. :) This is one of the basic reasons - the lack of analysis and desire to delve into the nuances of lower densities at all, which is why there are so many “imperfections” here.

TATYANA: Only now have I really truly realized (felt) that indeed the situation is always better visible from the inside. It’s like in the same example about the factory. If the boss only sits in his office and does not at least sometimes look into the workshops, then he will never be able to understand the needs of the workers. It’s not for nothing that workers who reach the “top” from the “bottom” are always more useful. Hence the conclusion - since there was an opportunity to somehow “shove” you, TEA, into the body :), then it is also possible for our local “tops” to do this, so they would come down and see everything with their own eyes. Although, I understand that most likely there are a lot of nuances here and they simply will not withstand these densities.

TEA: They are simply frightened by these densities. Would you like to live in a basement, and even with the possibility of non-return due to loss of integrity (division into aspects)? “Friends from above” look at me like I’m crazy. They often ask cautiously: how is it in 3D, how do you cope? I laugh, it’s okay, I say, it’s normal, you can live, come visit, I’ll cover if anything happens. :) And they have thoughts - well, yes, these “infiltrators from beyond” do what they want, well, well, let’s see how this next specimen (in my person) ends his experiments.

TATYANA: I heard that twins are born to those souls who, for many incarnations, have been unable to fit in and pass their lessons, and thus a way has been found to bring them closer together. Do you have any information on this matter?

ASHTAR (through Nadezhda): If only the souls themselves expressed a desire to undergo such an experience, then this can be done. But this is not a rule, but a choice of specific souls. In fact, it happens in different ways, millions of different options.

TATYANA: I don’t understand why there are millions of different options and specifically twins - there must be some purpose for this?

TEA: Millions of non-twin options were meant to develop close relationships. Then ask about Siamese twins, there’s nowhere else to go. I think that the topic here is not necessarily related to detention. There really are a lot of options. Twins, or the same clones, for example, are a kind of prototype of collective consciousness, when one feels the other as himself. A sort of unified team. Technically. But the fates of twins can range from fusion to complete rejection.

TATYANA: What kind of “same clones, for example”? What are we talking about?

TEA: Yes, about ordinary clones. On Earth, only animals are cloned so far. And in other races they have already cloned that now they are looking for fresh genetic material throughout the universe, they are not able to restore their own, they have played out the game...

TATYANA: If a person develops intensively throughout his life, connects more and more with his soul, a soul (in the form of a child) can come to him, so to speak, of a higher level than it was planned before incarnation?

ASHTAR (via Nadezhda): If you really want it to be like this... You can ask. This rather relates to the issue of changing the contract. You can agree on everything, you need to be able to formulate requests correctly, accept and understand all the responsibility, which is very big. Because in this way you change the matrix codes of many people, not only your own, this requires awareness and time.

TEA: Very precise answer.

TATYANA: No, I don’t want to. It just still seems to me that parents with 3D consciousness, ruined bodies and personalities, well, purely physically, I cannot accept a soul of a “higher level,” even if this was stated in the contract. Well, I don’t know, I can describe it with a banal example, an ordinary yard cat, having a first connection, and the same yard cat cannot give birth to a purebred kitten... Well, somehow it turned out this way, again from communication with people, with parents with more - It seems like less sleepy souls and children are often born more conscious or something. Although, I immediately remember your words, TEA, about your mother, that she looks more like a phantom...

TEA: Do you know where the problem is in your reasoning? You become attached to the body, the parameters of physics. But the soul of a child is not born from the bodies of the parents. They give birth to just another body, a physical vessel for the soul. Therefore, it does not matter here what the level of consciousness of the parents is in principle. This factor is important only at the time of “raising” the child, while he is suggestible and dependent. Now do you understand why my requirement for my parents when selecting them was non-interference in my inner world? Therefore, the example with a cat is an example with physical parameters - breed. He's no good here. You know that mongrels are often much smarter and more resilient than purebred individuals. The beauty and fluffiness of the skin do not matter in matters of spiritual progress. :) Of course, the vibrational closeness of the child and parents makes life easier for everyone. But the local “Strategists” seem to have completely different plans for this planet.

TATYANA: In my understanding, there really has always been some kind of connection between physics. It seems to me that the soul cannot but have absolutely no influence on the body. After all, they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Among the babies that are being born now, there are a huge number of those that you want to look at and admire, and their eyes - there is so much depth, wisdom and love!

TEA: The soul influences the body, just as the body influences the soul, but in the process of their life together. And we spoke in the context of the soul coming to developed parents. These are different moments.

TATYANA: Then I don’t understand why people involved in self-development are constantly trying to raise the vibrations of their body? They make their diet easier, give up alcohol and cigarettes, do yoga, etc., etc.

TEA: What’s unclear? A body in a healthy state does not interfere with life, on the contrary. But in a sick body there will be no time for spirituality. Although there is a fashion here to first bring yourself almost to the grave, and then, in a stubborn struggle, claw your way back out, calling it spiritual work. From my position, spirituality means understanding in advance where it is easy to fall and not bringing yourself to such a point of exhaustion. There is some distinction. :)

TATYANA: And how can a high-vibration soul maintain contact with a low-vibration body? Let’s say, when fewer souls were born earlier, those who are now called “new”, perhaps the previous bodies were suitable for them, but for new souls and with bodies they did something, I read somewhere that they seemed to conduct research and found that they had more DNA strands activated.

I don’t know, but I have my own feeling that my body, for example, is somehow different from the majority. Well, here’s the same example with food - all my childhood I was simply force-fed, while I had more than enough energy, and now I see that more and more mothers are looking for advice on what to do - the child refuses complementary feeding... or maybe this child is already set up for prana-eating? I had some kind of sores, not like all children, but always with some kind of quirks, so the doctors were often just at a dead end, just wondering, maybe this, or maybe that. Well, thank God, I didn't get sick that often. :) Well, I don’t know, in general, my body always had some kind of lightness, weightlessness, it seems like not everyone was so mobile. :))

In general, I have some kind of strong feeling that there cannot be a complete mismatch at all - physics in one direction, and the soul in another.

If the soul plans to be effective here (although, of course, it can be effective in different ways), it needs the most clean, healthy body so that the personality does not run wild, so that the soul can break through and be heard. Therefore, I simply cannot understand why a high-vibration soul needs a body that is too low-vibration to lie on the sofa? Or was it walking around the taverns? :)

TEA: So it’s not the body itself that walks around the taverns, it doesn’t know what it is. And ancestral programs, transmitted through genetics, force the soul in the body to experience all the negative habits. These are the new “connections” that are basic at the time of birth. Plus those acquired over a lifetime, plus those that the soul has collected and carries with it from incarnation to incarnation. Karma, so to speak. :)

TATYANA: So here’s the question: why would a developed soul choose a race with such programs?

TEA: The soul is forced to choose from the assortment of proposals that now exist under the conditions of the Earth. And we all know how people live. In addition, for a soul, especially a more developed one, raising the quality of the energy of the births into which it enters is also a kind of personal task and practice of “taking heights,” when the spiritual fertilizes the material and raises it vibrationally. In general, the games are local. :)

TATYANA: All these questions arise from an attempt to somehow systematize everything. It’s hard for me to understand when there are no rules of the game at all, and everything can always be anything at all. I agree, this may be the case for some, but not for everyone here. Obviously there are some principles, gradations - otherwise there would not only be a mess here, but in general something incredible would happen.

TEA: In fact, this is what’s happening – it’s incredible. That is why all that you are trying to understand now is why here (on Earth) there are not the same rules by which your home world lives?

TATYANA: Could a woman’s desire to terminate a pregnancy also be pre-planned... to go through lessons again (no matter where you look, we have only lessons here that only produce more pain). With what difficulty I squeezed this question out of myself...

ASHTAR (via Nadezhda): According to the old programs, maybe. I really hope that these programs will change soon.

TEA: I join!

TATYANA: If a woman cannot become pregnant naturally in this life. Here is a real example: A woman had the opportunity to look at her past lives and find moments where she had abortions. She says: “Yes, it was. But I calmed down. Like, it wasn’t me who did it.” I ask: “Who?” Yes, the personality is different, but it consists of the energies of our own soul. Wouldn’t it be more correct to say: “Yes, I did that, I realized my mistakes, I don’t want to do that again and I won’t, and in this life I’m ready to help the soul incarnate?”

ASHTAR (via Nadezhda): Yes, it would be logical to say so, as you say. Not just to say, but to work through this moment at energy levels. This already applies to the work of new and old programs. If she understood that she could throw off the burden of the past by taking responsibility for it, passing it through her heart, then ask to work through and give these energies, in return receive pure ones and take responsibility, clothe them in real positive work in this world for his good, then everything could have turned out differently for her. But it works for those who are really aware. But she refuses her experience, does not accept it, and therefore works in old programs, where they teach not by thought, but by deed.

TEA: Yes, it is awareness and active inclusion in one’s destiny that people lack. I see the reason for the lack of soul energies in life, its weak functioning. I won’t create a wave of negativity, but a natural question arises: where did the energy go? :)))

TATYANA: Does everyone have this reason or does she have it specifically? It’s just that if everyone has, then why are all those giving birth so involved in the energies of the soul?

TEA: The energies of the soul are severely blocked in almost the entire population. They just take everyone to their own “chip”. This lady, or rather both her soul and personality, respectively, has the theme of abortion-children, others have relationships in hundreds of variations, others have money (wealth), others have health, others have unrealized ambitions (power), and others have everything together simultaneously and alternately.

TATYANA: Do you mean that all the energy is spent on these experiences or aspirations?

TEA: Exactly!

TATYANA: Are contracts written for each incarnation separately? Or for all incarnations at once, or for some cycle of incarnations with a common task?

TEA: It's like a tree. Separately for each incarnation. But this specific contract becomes a clause in a more general contract. Perhaps there are other variations, but I can’t speak for everyone yet, we are studying this topic along the way.



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