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Twin flames: a life-changing encounter. Are twin flames two halves of the same soul? How twin flames recognize each other

We all have a Twin Flame. God created us for the purpose that, as we move away from our point of creation, we would learn and grow, evolving in our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfect beings. At this starting point of creation, each individual consciousness (Monad) contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of one reality. At the initial descent into 3D reality, these two aspects of one were separated and twin flames were created. One is an Alpha flame, the other is an Omega flame. Both flames incarnate to live separate lives, always, on some level, aware of the loss of one aspect of themselves.

Twin flames usually do not incarnate together, except when serving a higher purpose. At this time, many evolved Twin Flames are incarnating to assist in raising the consciousness of humanity. Typically, when one Flame incarnates, the other remains out of form, preferring to energetically support its embodied soulmate.

When Twin Flames Incarnate Simultaneously

When Twin Flames incarnate together, the intimacy is often chaotic and intense, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Their relationship is very intense. The romantic, loving version we all think of is truly for twin souls. Twin Flames converge like two mirrors to reflect back each other's imperfections, for the ultimate goal of Twin Flames is to regain absolute union. To achieve this, an overall balance of both of them is needed at all levels. It has been established that those areas in which both are in harmony are the areas on which they no longer need to work.

Twin Flames also have many differences, these can be age, gender (same gender is possible), geographical location, morals, beliefs, race, income level. They incarnate specifically to be an assistant in the development and ascension of others. Yet the connection is such that being together is like coming home. The attraction is very strong on all levels and spiritually they know that they are one. This knowledge helps them overcome many obstacles, mainly created by conditioning, beliefs and personality.

As the twins become more harmonious and their service here on the planet becomes more conscious, they grow spiritually at a faster rate than when they were apart. They notice that their spiritual gifts harmonize well. Often one has a gift that another does not. They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and stress. Being apart is like functioning at a low level. Together they become balanced and who they are only by being in each other's energy.

Reunion of Flames

When Twin Flames are reunited while in physical form, an awakening of a very special kind occurs - an awakening that can only happen when the Twin Flames are energetically connected in the 3rd dimension. The alpha twin flame and the omega twin flame ignite. Before this reunion, the flame remained dormant. From this inflammation, a golden-colored coil runs along the spinal column, some might call it a snake. In fact, this is the awakening of the unity they once shared and their Fires of Christ/Monads/I am presence awakened in recognition. Insofar as; as they become closer in their connection on all levels, these coils intertwine to form the shape of the caduceus - the union of the two fires of Christ, the two flames becoming one. As they come more into balance with each other, the turns of the Caduceus merge more and more into each other until there is no difference between them. They transformed all the inconsistencies that kept them apart and embarked on the path of Alpha and Omega, the journey home as two parts of one whole, reunited in service.

Twin Flame. Practices with crystals.
Mother! send me a Dove!
So that he can fly to Darling
Faster than the blue wind,
He brought him the Word of Light.
Where are you now, my Betrothed?
A long share came to me,
This is not the first year he has been visiting me,
Maybe we'll part ways in the spring.
And then I will be free!
And I will begin to fly to the Eagle!
And I will find the New Word,
Sprinkled over centuries.
And I’ll bring it to my loved one!
Get to know me, my beloved,
By a pigeon feather,
What is whiter than snow...
(Records of a Fire Receiver)

“This happened in the era of magical wars on the eve of the decisive battle with sorcerers. Strength was running out, the Allies hesitated, and all hope remained in the new weapon of green lights brought from the Pleiades. The dark ones have been rampant on this planet for a long time, each time pushing the Warriors of Light further and further. On Earth, isolated from the Source, the black clans were invincible, acting through greed, betrayal and other base instincts introduced to man through mutagen. Each time we infiltrated the system, and each time it destroyed our Warriors, calculating them by the lights of the Lamp, by the light codes of DNA. Therefore, it was decided to carry out the infiltration not from the outside, but from the inside, wedging into the wheel of reincarnation, into other people's families with erased memory, completely identifying with the indigenous population and taking on the programs of the system. Since then, I did not know my true family and my past, I was guided only by the beacon of the Call of the Soul.

While preparing for battle in the darkness of the caves, I once again felt his gaze on me. It was not a call of the flesh or just interest. This was something different. I couldn’t explain why one of the warriors sent by the elders to help us bothered me so much. Why did I recognize myself every time in the depths of his eyes? And every time an unknown flame burned inside me - Mother! Daughter! Sister! Wife!

The last night before the battle. I look at the starry sky, feeling my distant home there with every fiber of my soul. The call arose suddenly and grew in unbearable pain. Through the fraying of my memory, a picture emerged of us standing in front of the threshold, holding hands and knowing that we were parting for many centuries. And we know that in each incarnation we will look for each other, strive for each other and call, again and again.

Suddenly I heard the clanking of armor behind me. Heart warmth spread throughout the body. He approached. I turned around. breath flowed into him, my blood became his blood. These endless centuries of waiting for a brief moment of meeting! I realized that the Father multiplies our energy before the decisive battle. I knew that tomorrow we could both leave the earthly plane, and we would be reincarnated again with our memories erased, scattered across different corners of the Earth, where our help was needed. Many lives, but one war and one truth. I didn’t remember his name and forgot our story, but I clearly knew that I recognized him every time, again and again. And so it will be until the Creator calls all his Warriors for the last battle on Earth, and until evil is destroyed.”

Many people write about twin flames, soul halves, cosmic lovers, but they don’t really write anything. No wonder, every person must live this sacrament and discover it for himself at the moment when he is ready for it. So this knowledge was given to me and built into a system no earlier than I was ready for it. Before this, I had read many books that were more confusing than clear. And finally the information was revealed to me in an instant. It’s like the whole Universe is born from a point of singularity in one moment.

We have all known for a long time that Spirit and Matter are one. Matter is condensed Spirit, and vice versa. These are the two poles of the great Unity, which is reflected in the symbol of Tai Chi. Thus, in the universe there are two basic principles that reflect the two main Principles that created everything - the Creator and the Divine Mother, which should be understood as the polarization of the One. Man is created in this likeness.

The fiery monad, united at the level of Atman, at the level of Buddhi is divided into two identical polar spheres, blueprints of each other - twin flames of the One. Each monadic sphere agrees to take incarnation on Earth, focusing as a man or a woman. Thus, twin flames are Souls that have an identical blueprint and are a manifestation of the Yin and Yang aspect in embodiment. When the principles are separated during manifestation, then, due to their consubstantiality, an attraction or fiery connection remains between them. By themselves, Spirit and Matter cannot create anything, and only their combination gives birth to worlds. So it is with twin flames, when the currents of their energy connect, they establish a connection with Fire, and Fire descends on them. Twin Flames were called to become Creators and helpers of the Highest Principle: the Creator Father and the Divine Mother. They are like the beloved children of their parents.

However, as soon as the animal gene was introduced into a person by dark forces, the vibrations of Truth were distorted in him and the embodied halves ceased to recognize each other, began to mix with other halves, accumulating negative karma. The mutation accumulated, connections became more and more chaotic, recognition of the true halves became almost impossible. As a result, we suffer from separation from our twin flame, every time we look for him, and every time we are mistaken. And only in rare moments of insight can we hear the distant Call of our cosmic half. Everything begins with this Call. The desire to find transforms into the desire to know oneself, to look deeper. It's like you're seeing yourself for the first time. The call inspires and encourages you to search for yourself. Each twin flame, despite everything superficial throughout its evolution, carries the image of its half in the depths of its being, one is imprinted on the other. Therefore, first there is recognition of your twin flame in yourself through the knowledge of your polar energy. This is how a man lives in every woman and vice versa. And then one day, in the depths of yourself, you begin to see your polarity, and it becomes natural for you that you don’t need to look, that both halves live in you. At this time, your twin flame, who sent the Call, goes through the same search and transformation. And from this moment, when everyone gains integrity, the meeting becomes inevitable. But as long as there are vibrational discrepancies due to various contaminations, the meeting may be delayed. In this case, there is no need to complain about fate and pray to the Creator, but you need to work harder on yourself, sending bright thoughts to your half to help her ascent. Twin flames will always be separated by various obstacles until careful work is done on themselves, their thoughts and actions. The harmonious existence in three dimensions of two Origins is possible only on vibrational consonance, when all energy centers resonate and an equal exchange occurs. To do this, they must be cleansed and harmonized. Otherwise, the meeting of twin flames is fraught with tragic consequences. Everything we think about and do hinders or helps our other half on the way to us. Our heart, our consciousness is like a beacon for our twin flame. What is the condition of this lighthouse? Does it shine brightly? The organ of connection of Origins on all planes is the Heart. By finding integrity in the Heart, in the Spirit, in love for the Creator and Mother, you open the way to your true half.

Stages of work.
1. The work must begin with cleansing, which will make it possible to carry out resonant adjustments to your twin flame. Purification refers to the purification of thoughts, words and actions. Everyone may have their own individual techniques for such work. At this stage, I propose cleansing practices with the Sun, which can be combined with golden calcite. It is also good to add the transmuting violet flame of tanzanite. Tanzanite on the left hand allows you to infuse the field with cleansing violet energy. Your energy is cleared of negative aspects, and your cells are cleared of mutation. According to the law of similarity, the energy that comes from you moves in a circular motion to your twin flame. Therefore, the cleansing stage is very important.

2. At the next stage, you need to cognize and embody the energy of your own polarity. It is important for women to work with the feminine energies of GuanYin, Isis, Mother, Goddess - chrysocolla, turquoise, malachite, azurmalachite, shattuckite. For men, with the masculine energies of the Creator, the Father, which carry diamond, topaz, phenacite, danburite. These should be meditations on filling the energies of your polarity, achieving unity with yourself and with your Divine source, in order to then move on to the next stage - reaching your opposite.

3. Manifestation of polar energy, knowledge of one’s opposite. In every man there lives a woman, and in every woman there lives a man. You can manifest polar energy and access it through white moonstones: adularia, rainbow moonstone, belomorite. These moonstones combine the energy of God and Goddess at the same time. For women, the Moon becomes a male deity, for men - a female one.

4. Attracting the energies of your twin flame into your energy field. Working with tantric twins (twin crystals), blue aragonite, amethyst herkimer. The tantric twin embodies the energy of the union of two halves. By working with it, meditating, even just holding it with you, you put the energy of connection into work. Blue Aragonite can be programmed to call your spiritual twin memory into your life. The amethyst herkimer works in exactly the same way, as it unites the disparate parts of the soul into a single whole. These stones, like antennas, tune the embodied soul to other dimensions of the soul.

5. On the physical plane, twin flames do not always recognize each other at first sight. And often the spark that flares up at the first acquaintance only testifies to the accumulated joint karma. The soul rejoices at the opportunity to resolve it. Therefore, to find out your true half, you need to be prepared. This is facilitated by the stage of recognizing the vibrations of your twin flame on the subtle plane. It is good to carry out the meditation of Connection in the circle of Unity in the space of the Creator. Working with tanzanite and petalite. At this stage, memories of your past life interactions may rush in.

6. Create a space to attract your twin flame on the physical plane. Working with smoky rose quartz, which opens you to intimacy and structures the space in which your twin flame can manifest. If you were unable to get rare smoky rose quartz, then you can simply combine rose quartz with smoky quartz.

The key to attracting your half to the physical plane lies only in finding your own integrity and harmony. Otherwise, with persistence, the vibrational-defective correspondence that resonates with you at the moment will again be attracted, and with which negative karma will again be accumulated. Thus, the key to searching is not to search, but to prepare your own inner space. Eliminating your negative qualities and egoism, connecting all subtle bodies and increasing vibrations. Without such readiness there is no point in starting. The souls of twin flames merge into a single Flame, signifying true wholeness. This is a meeting of the One with itself. On the physical plane, such half-integrities unite for joint creation. And in this co-creation they open up and reach even greater heights. Our true half is always the one with whom we become better people. Unity occurs at all levels: from the physical body to the level of the Spirit. Harmonious unity is indicated by continuous joint development, the birth and embodiment of ideas, spiritual aspiration and inspiration. The connection of the true halves closes the battery, which makes it possible to implement Higher forces on the earthly plane. This is energy of enormous power, which also requires enormous responsibility. When twin flames meet, their evolution accelerates hundreds of times. Sometimes this reveals internal layers that still need to be worked with. Therefore, flame relationships are not always paradise. This is a joint striving development. And in this development, both become even more beautiful!

Natalya Osadchaya Lakshmi

Divine flames of Light, energy of Love, pure divided consciousness... The truth about the Twin Flame connection, plus who and what were you before this life?

First of all, I want to thank everyone who writes to me and leaves comments on posts - I am so grateful for your positivity, that you are open and share your experiences!

If you came here to seek help in a difficult situation, know that no matter what happened before, everything can change for the better!

Today I answer what many of you have been asking over the past years:

“What is a Twin Flame? And why are we here?

– Courtney

Answer: To answer this question, we need to go back.

Beyond human names and lives, to the very origins of energy and consciousness. Because at its core, the Twin Flame connection is a spiritual connection - just energy.

Origin of the Twin Flame

Twin Flames are two Souls who were once the same energetic consciousness - which is why they are called "Twin Flames" because their energy can manifest as flashes of Light that resemble flames.

Two parts of one primordial consciousness that chose to split in two to experience the nature of duality, expand learning and evolution of understanding, and ultimately reunite through Love.

Why Twin Flames are attracted to each other like magnets

One of the important things to know about Twin Flames is that they are always the same at the energetic core level because they were originally the same consciousness.

This is what we call the "Twin Flame Soul Song", an identical frequency that no one else possesses - which creates such a magnetic attraction and a sense of mutual deep understanding between Twin Flames.

Although many Twin Flames have different views and may be quite different in terms of age, race and previous experiences, there are always certain commonalities between them, and usually specific additional traits appear when the two of them balance strengths and weaknesses » each other's sides.

Compare this to the physical world of Gemini: two identical babies grown side by side from the same original embryo that split into two instead of one.

Most often, such Geminis grow up to be people so similar to themselves that it is difficult to guess the difference. They are the same somehow.

Like identical human Twins born from a single embryo that separates, Twin Flames are expressions of one consciousness split in two.

Why Twin Flames So Often Have Problems Together

Of all the beings in the Universe, only you and your Twin Flame have the same frequency. This is the core of your essence.

In addition to this, however, you still have the physical body you currently live in, the beliefs, thoughts and habits you acquired during your upbringing, as well as any past lives you may have had.

Because you and your Twin have spent time living on Earth, interacting with others and experiencing ups and downs along the way, you have collected energies that are not in resonance with the fundamental frequency you share.

You could say that your collective “soul song” is out of whack due to the energetic “pollution” you have accumulated. And this is what leads to the flight/pursuit/separation that is so frightening to many...

What is Twin Flame Ascension

So when you come into direct contact with your Twin Flame (even if it's through meditation, sleep, or an astral experience rather than a physical one), your systems switch to "activation" - the grinding process of releasing and clearing this contamination in order to return you to its deeper harmony.

Twin Flame union cannot happen in the lower consciousness of a space of disharmony, so your systems begin to clear out the negativity in an effort to bring you into a state of complete harmony - Unconditional Love.

It involves a period of “awakening” to your deeper Soul identities, remembering who you truly are under your current earthly personality.

Your Souls launch this deep “Soul song” into each other as a key to a long-lost lock.

Twin Flames are cut from the same cloth

Twin Flames have a lot in common with biological twins in that they are always connected to each other and share certain similarities no matter how much time they spend without each other.

To illustrate this, we could metaphysically say that Twin Flames are “born from the same divided cell of consciousness” or they are “cut from the same cloth” – in truth, they have the same energetic frequency.

The term Twin Flames comes from the visual perception of energetic consciousness, which often appears as flames or streams of fire. From this perspective, Twin Flames appear as two identical petals of flame burning side by side from the same original source of fire.

Twin Flames are more than just a romantic term for two people who are deeply in love or deeply attracted to each other, although more often than not there is such a strong romantic aspect to the Twin Flame connection.

Twin Flames are here to elevate the concept of Love, to evolve the perception of Oneness

This resonance of the same frequency of core energy is the reason why the Twin Flame connection is so deeply felt on a physical and metaphysical level, and why Twin Flames are so attuned to each other both emotionally and energetically.

This is most often described as a deep feeling of "coming home" to your other self or "belonging" with each other. Mirror Souls.

Most Twin Flames see repeating numbers of 11:11 in the lead up to their initial meeting.

Twin Flames are forever connected Heart to Heart

Twin Flames are always connected to each other by an energetic thread that connects their hearts, no matter what. It can never be broken.

This is why many Geminis feel each other's emotions and dream about each other, even if they have been separated for a long time or have never met in this current life.

When you clear yourself of all the negative and congested energy that is keeping you in a low vibration, you can clear the path that opens to your Twin Flame - as well as rise in the vibration of Love, joy, peace and come into alignment with a happy relationship with your Twin Flame .

Or, you can try the free Twin Flame Starter Kit - an energy clearing tool that has worked wonders for so many Twin Couples!

Every week I hear from someone that a "runaway Gemini" has come back into contact after they used this guided meditation.

Why Twin Flames Are Really Here

Twin Flames are a true metaphysical connection that many people experience first hand in the modern world.

Many Souls have separated into Twin Flames to go through lessons about Love and to help the higher evolution of society on Earth - from a consciousness of separation based on conflicts to a consciousness of Unity based on Love.

More and more Twin Flames are awakening to their connection every day, and as you probably already know, there is a special purpose for this.

When Twin Flames remove the negative baggage of conflict, pain and the "dividing mentality" of a person's historical relationship paradigms and reunite in a space of Unconditional Love - their Love positively affects the space around them.

Thus, they form a “portal” of high vibration energies on the earthly plane. Lifting, healing, harmonizing everything and everyone around you.

How to Avoid the Scary Twin Flame Battle

Energy healing is critical to the smooth unfolding of the Twin Flame journey - as negativity that rises to the surface to be worked through can cause "running away", breaking up and other expressions of energetic repulsion between the couple.

The scary factor between Twin Flames is that the two share interconnected energy and karmic fields where both in the pair influence each other. This is often called the Twin Flame Mirror.

Essentially, your Twin's life experiences and your own experiences will influence each other as you are the same energetic frequency and are two aspects of the same original Soul.

As humans on Earth, you may be in physically separate bodies, but behind the scenes you are always connected. The illusion of separation is the main and final lesson that many Twin Flames are forced to learn in this life.

The benefit of this deep connection is that on the energetic planes, Twin Flames can interact without any restrictions - this often happens through dreams, telepathy, feeling and sensing each other's emotions, distance communication and the like.

The Past and Its Role in the Twin Flame Journey

Karma is an important part of a Twin Flame connection. Twin Flames share a karmic field and a collective energy field.

Many Twin Flames for this reason live as if developing parallel to each other, with common traits and reflections of the same experiences as they influence each other karmically and energetically.

Since you and your Twin Flame may have experienced shared pain on Earth in the past, there is also the possibility that you are energetically connected to each other on a lower vibration.

This is something that would be helpful for you to deal with and clean up. We provide clearing of karmic wounds, old attachments to past lovers, outdated Soul contracts and much more in the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames.

For example, if you had a life in which one of you was forced to leave the other, or you were close and one of you died before the other - you may have threads of fears stretched between you, threads of connection associated with the fear of being abandoned and fear of separation.

These negative threads will still be there even if you have not experienced such a situation in your current life.

Negative connections like this need to be cleared in order for the two of you to rise to higher energetic vibrations and experience increased harmony, and this is absolutely necessary in preparation for the Twin Flame merger.

If these are not cleared, it is very likely that repeated cycles of “running away” and breaking up will occur as your Souls insist on resolving these triggers.

What is the difference between Twin Flames and Soul Mates?

Bottom line, we all have many Soul Mates, but only one Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul is your identical energetic other half or identical mirror Soul. One who shares your exact core identity as consciousness.

This means that on the energetic plane you are in perfect alignment at the deepest inner level - you may live in two human bodies, but your Souls are two parts of the same Whole.

Soul Mates are those who share a similar energetic resonance with us. We often “sign up” for meetings with our Soul Mates in order to learn from each other and grow as Souls. However, our Twin Flame is the only other being in the Universe that shares the same frequency as us.

This is why energy management is critical to achieving Twin Soul Reunion - a return to our core frequency where we effortlessly connect in harmony. With our Twin Flame we are in an accelerated learning experience centered around Love. We are always influencing each other, “automatically” pushing each other to learn, heal old wounds and solve internal problems.

Because Twin Flame energies are of the same frequency, all of our “issues” and inner shadows tend to play out intensely in the Twin Flame relationship dynamic. You could almost call it the ping-pong effect with which each Gemini's inner fears influence the other.

This occurs in the couple's attempt to learn the spiritual lesson that all fears are based on illusions and that Love is the only truth... To awaken to "illumination" while still in the physical body, to become "enlightened" through Love.

Go here for more information about the Twin Flame Connection and the path to Reunion.

Until next time, I am sending you Love and Light for your journey ahead!

"The Flame Twins. What kind of theory and view is this?”

This theory is of an esoteric direction. You can read more about this on esoteric sites. And I don’t know what else can be added to this. I can draw some parallels between traditions and theories. And I can give a completely different perspective on this issue, for example, to remove the charm of this theory.

The esoteric direction speaks of fiery twins as one soul that was divided and incarnated in two different bodies, male and female. But since they are one soul, these two are perfect for each other. They are indeed very similar, but not externally, but internally. A strong attraction flares up between them, they can become a couple. But they may not be together. It all depends on their tasks that they implement.

Very romantic and beautiful concept. The two find and remain together forever. A lot of different beautiful stories have been invented and films made about this. She is loved very much by all lovers and romantics, everyone who suffers from unrequited love and those who dream of strong love forever. And it's really beautiful! - That's very beautiful! And when you are in love and this love is mutual, then the two of you experience very subtle and beautiful states. This is a very subtle and sublime pleasure from each other, from a feeling of unity. It is no coincidence that many people strive for it.

In the Vedic scriptures there are many descriptions of various worlds in the Universe. These worlds are different types or levels of consciousness. And so, there are the worlds of hells, pretas, the world of ancestors, the world of nagas, people, asuras, danavas, samsaric gods, demigods, apsaras, sages, gods, etc. there is a world that (I don’t remember its original name, unfortunately) represents the world of lovers. In this world there are consciousnesses that are very attached to each other and to the pleasure of Love for each other. They have a subtle form (the body is not physical) and enjoy spiritual communication with each other.

They are so strong that they practically form a single whole. And they can stay in this world for a very, very long time. But their stay in it is not eternal. Since they ended up in this world, thanks to trends and attachments in their consciousness. As soon as the supply of such karma comes to an end, they are reincarnated in other worlds, depending on the trends in consciousness. And there are a lot of these trends and they appear as they mature.

And so, it seems to me that what they say about fiery twins is very similar to this dimension of lovers. But about the division into two halves - this is very romantic, and it is quite possible that such a thing exists in the Universe. But I don’t remember this in the Vedic texts, but they talk about powerful beings who are able to emanate several of their parts (avatars) at the same time.

And the division into man and woman is the original principle of the Universe. Purusha and Prakriti, Shiva and Shakti, Yin and Yang, etc. This is essentially just a division into polarities. And these polarities are constantly striving for reunification. But only the feeling of Love truly reunites, since it reunites at the most subtle level of the soul.

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On the path of life, there are three types of souls involved in all relationships: twin flames, soul mates and karmic souls.

Twin flames

The subconscious desire to find a one and only partner forever begins in adolescence. When a man and a woman are looking for each other, then in reality they are looking for their other half of the Divine Whole, but they do not know about it. They believe that in a physical union they will achieve true integrity, but no matter how happy the couple is, they will still always be missing something. They do not know or suspect that wholeness can only be known with their own beloved twin flame.
Integrity is a state of Being. Originally in the Great Central Sun, twin flames were in the form of a single white fiery egg and had their own integrity, identical to God.
Eons of years ago, beyond the boundaries of time and space, one day we, together with our twin flame, stood before God the Father-Mother and took an oath to bring to the Earth parts of Divine creativity in order to bring energies from the spiritual plane of our existence into the world of form for action and good deeds, and then return to the plane of spirit, having received time and space. Learning to transmit spiritual energy to the physical plane requires a series of incarnations (reincarnations).

For this purpose, the white-fiery egg was transformed by God into two identical spheres. Two halves of one whole. Each Twin Flame received its opposite, with each reflecting the fullness of the Father-Mother God.
Each pair of twin flames has a unique blueprint of the soul in the universe, while having different Causal Bodies (in which Gifts of Heaven for good deeds are stored).
Twin flames have a completely unique relationship. They are united by deep spiritual understanding, spiritual similarity, internal recognition by vibrations, because have their own unique vibration. They are bound by the Holy Spirit, so they always lack the desire to be together. They are dependent on each other - what one experiences, the other experiences for no apparent reason.
Twin flames descended into the planes of matter together, and according to the Divine plan, each of them had to go through 14 incarnations - 7 male and 7 female. If we could remain in complete harmony, we would share the beauty of the relationship between cosmic lovers throughout all incarnations.
But due to the fact that they began to create karma between themselves and others, they lingered for a long time in the world of form in separation. Because of distrust and fear, we began to lose harmony with each other, with others and with God (who does not dwell where there is no harmony), we allowed darkness to enter our lives, creating worlds of negative energies between ourselves. We moved further and further away from each other and from God, until we were lost like sheep in the night, no longer tragically aware of each other’s existence.
Now we don't recognize each other because karma blinds us. The same blueprint, which gives an increase in the attraction of twin flames, in the same way causes an increase in their negative matrices. Each time we came to Earth, we either created negative karma or balanced some part of it that was on the path of our unification.
Many times we entered into various relationships (husband-wife, mother-son, sister-sister, grandson-grandmother, etc.) in order to unwind the negative strands of energy that were woven in our subconscious by the misuse of the free will given by God to everyone. The age difference in a husband-wife relationship can be 15 years and the wife is older.
If you recognize your twin flame, but it doesn’t imply anything, then you don’t need to say anything until it “ripes” itself. Helena and Nicholas Roerich are twin flames. Their undying love is a sign of twin flames.

How to find a twin flame?

  1. The search for a twin flame is directly related to the search for God, with whom you need to establish a relationship. To achieve union with a twin flame, Cosmic Law requires that we transcend our human ego, replacing it with the divine identity of our Real Self, which is our holy Christ Self, accelerating our consciousness day by day through close spiritual communication with God, receiving cleansing from Him energy.
  2. To unite with your Twin Flame, you also need to balance your karma 100%.
We must start with the first law - order. Carry out the work that God sends, joyfully and with pleasure, bringing it to the end.
It is important to overcome self-indulgence, and it is important not to develop a false sense of responsibility.
Balance karma with loved ones. Love unselfishly. By giving love to our neighbor, we give love to our twin flame, because... all our (good and bad) feelings, thoughts, emotions are reflected on it. Marriage on Earth means our union with our twin flame.
Call upon the Violet Flame and say that you will never harm your twin flame through others. Just as every Master has a double - a false master, so each of us has a false twin flame. Make calls to Archangel Michael in order to bind the false hierarchy, which is ready to send a false twin flame, which is a yoke.

How to find out your twin flame?

This is the inner knowledge of the soul. External feelings will not tell about this. Twin flames may not be alike. They are similar only on internal levels. Having a feeling of attraction to your partner, it is better to calm down and try to understand it. Let the Lord tell you when this time comes. You can balance your joint karma and speed up your progress on the path by calling on the Light of the Holy Spirit for help:
“In the name of God I Am, I call upon the blessed I Am Presence of my twin flame to seal our hearts as one. I call upon the Light of the Holy Spirit to consume all negative karma that limits the full expression of our divine identity and the fulfillment of our divine plan. May the Will of God be done.”
We can ask Almighty God or Paul the Venetian and his twin flame Ruth Hotkins to show us who our twin flame is and ask where it resides (ascended or not). Living in various spheres, it is possible to unite with a twin flame on internal levels during sleep in service, asking permission to do so. You can recognize your polarity by the gender of your last incarnation before ascension.
People who can help you meet your twin flame are: El Morya, Quan Yin, Maitreya, Jesus and Magda, Mother Mary, Archangel Chamuel and Love, Archangel Michael, the Great Divine Director, Cyclopea, Lanello and Mother (Messenger).
For example, turning to El Morya, a letter is written to Him, outlining a request to temporarily take upon ourselves the karma that separates us from our twin flame, so that we can meet with him. At the same time, promise that: - do not use this gift for harm; - make a commitment that first of all you will transmute the portion of karma that the Lord has taken upon himself. The letter is written in 2 copies, one of which is burned, and the second is kept as a memory of the debt being worked off.

Soul mates

Soul mates– these are partners at some point along the way. They can be close in many incarnations, carrying out one specific mission, solving certain problems, working together on the same project, working on the same chakra, and often their relationship is like brother and sister, although not necessarily. Can be of the same polarity (same gender). Sometimes they work on the same karma, and their attraction is based on the mastery of some god-quality, or a common goal in the work. Often they are physically similar to each other, or they have the same views on life. They interact easily and fit together. There can be many kindred spirits, then they work together on one project. They may not marry, but be employees, brother and sister. They can serve on one ray: St. Francis and St. Clara. Sometimes they have to give embodiment to some soul. For example, Mother Mary + Joseph (Saint Germain) = Jesus Christ. Marriage during this period can be very harmonious.
Most marriages are made up of twin flames and soul mates. They may not feel strong affection for each other. Having balanced karma, they recognize each other. Therefore, we must patiently wait for the karma to work out.

Karmic souls

Karmic souls are bound by karmic processing, usually due to heavy karma burdening their hearts.
Love at first sight– this is a heavy karmic connection. Souls rejoice at the coming time, which will allow them to atone for karma. For this reason, they experience great attraction. At first it is passionate love, but they are completely different - differences in views, principles, etc. They must balance the joint, heavy karma - murder, betrayal or hatred that was allowed to one of them. This is a karmic debt from one to another from previous incarnations. There is a feeling of strong attraction or strong repulsion. Resolving the karmic connection is the key. This applies to all varieties of souls.
Reasons for choosing the wrong partner:
  1. Hasty decision
  2. Too young
  3. One of the partners desperately wants to get married
  4. Choosing a partner to please someone
  5. Couple has unrealistic expectations
  6. Have psychological problems that were not resolved before marriage.
Principles for choosing the right partner:
  1. Take into account the above reasons
  2. Have clarity that there is the person you want to marry, let his image pass through your consciousness and feel comfort
  3. Having the same values
  4. Emotional Health
  5. Do not get married until first love turns into deep love
  6. Learn to resolve problems between each other before marriage and learn to talk about them.
  7. Marry only when you are sure that it will be for life
  8. Take into account the categorical objections to the marriage of their parents, relatives and friends - they often see what lovers do not see.
Marriage is an agreement to bear each other’s karma. Whoever has less karma takes the partner's karma. Although it is very beneficial (valuable) to work off a partner’s large karma, you may not calculate your strength. If in a family one of the two interferes with spiritual growth, then perhaps this is an embodied fallen angel who has the goal of interfering with the light-bearer. The pain of karmic bonds must be healed, and only love will help in this. The union is strengthened by humor, enthusiasm, mutual respect, trust, forgiveness of little things, the ability to let go of a situation, the ability to listen, share with each other, love generously, grow spiritually and learn together.
The only way is to maintain balance, impartiality and balance karma with your spouse, since it can only be worked out in the family. To avoid an unequal marriage, you can make a call to Archangel Michael. Also call on Mother Mary for help. Kuthumi will help with psychological problems.
If conception does not occur, then ask that karma be cleared, and after several years of practicing the Violet Flame, conception occurs.
El Morya can sponsor a child. This is spiritual sponsorship. To do this, you need to make a vow to El Morya that you will remain faithful to the Lords, each other, maintain joy and harmony, and promise to love the child. Indicate what kind of loyalty you bear. It is necessary to give a lot of the Violet Flame and the decrees of El Morya in order to give a highly developed soul and to transmute a lot of the child’s karma. The guarantee that they will give an avatar soul will depend on the degree of fulfillment of spiritual obligations, how much we adhere to the Laws of God, on the service of the chela on the path, and that everything will be perfect in pregnancy and in the subsequent life of the child, who can learn something precisely through our spiritual way of life , including mutual psychology, couples’ health and such “little things” as taking care of your physical body.
It is better for a single woman not to have a child out of wedlock, although this is not condemned.
Being the Keeper of the Flame and wanting to have a child, it is better to magnetize a suitable partner by asking the Lords about it. It is good to make a call to Cyclopea so that He shows (in inner vision) this partner, clearing the 3rd eye. Ask Cyclopea to show a possible mistake in choosing a candidate for husband. Trust the voice of only your Christ Self. At birth, a person is given both bad and good (deserved) karma.
The heaviest karma is our parents, as well as children and relatives. Then come work colleagues, acquaintances, etc. It all depends on the type of karma. Murder or abortion may require us to give life to that soul.
The first children are always karmic, the youngest are always easy and loved. In a consensual marriage, there may be a long absence of sexual intimacy. If the thought of divorce arises, be extremely careful. Wait for a sign from God that the marriage has exhausted itself. Do not be the cause of divorce in your family and the divorce of other couples.
Sexual relations outside of marriage are not recommended. In addition, you can lose a lot of light if you do it too much.
Many partners lead to the acquisition of karma from each subsequent one, so there is advice to ensure that the marriage lasts for many years.
In addition to the path of a happy marriage, there is the path of celibacy - the vow of monasticism, in which many karmic problems can be resolved through service. Both paths are equal in importance. During one life you can be on one path, then on another.
Compiled according to the teachings received by E. K. Prophet from the heart of Mother Mary and partly from El Morya.
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