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What year was Dmitry Maryanov born? Dmitry Maryanov: photos, films, biography, personal life, cause of death. Personal life of Dmitry Maryanov. Important information

In September 2015, Dmitry Maryanov got married, and secular Moscow washed all his bones. Firstly, this was the first marriage for the 45-year-old artist. He was credited with having affairs with actress Tatyana Skorokhodova, dancer Olga Silaenkova and figure skater Irina Lobacheva, but he never proposed to anyone. Even the model Olga Anosova, the mother of her only son Danila. Secondly, the chosen one - psychologist Ksenia Brik - turned out to be 17 years younger.


“I can’t call our family ideal,” Maryanov admitted. “With us, like all normal people, things happen. If someone says that he has an ideal family, you have to think about it. He’s probably lying! Ksenia and I sometimes quarrel. Recently , for example, we were driving and imagining what would happen if there was no one left in Moscow and the city was attacked by zombies. We began to think about where we could hide from them. Because of this, we quarreled. Ksenia said that we needed to hide in one place, I insisted on friend. It seems to me that it would be better to go to a store where they sell guns. She thought it was pointless. In general, they started talking in a raised voice, but stopped in time."

Dmitry also remembered a funny incident from family life. “In Odessa, I starred in the series “The Personal Life of Investigator Savelyev.” It so happened that we had to celebrate the New Year there. We arrived at a hotel where there was not a single person. We were given the keys to the room and said: “Enjoy!” Ksenia prepared Olivier for the holiday. We found nothing in the room except glasses. So we ate Olivier with a shoe spoon! What else was there left to do?" – the portal quotes the artist

Russian theater and film actor


Dmitry Maryanov was born in Moscow. His father was an employee of the USSR Ministry of Transport, and his mother worked as an accountant. His parents had high hopes for their son: his mother saw him as a great philosopher, and his father saw him as a future real fighter. Dmitry eventually managed to become both. From an early age he attended drama school and was an actor in a small eccentric theater called the Learned Monkey. At the same time, the young artist was fond of fishing and managed to practice dancing and various sports.

Dmitry recalls about his childhood: “My childhood was athletic. I was involved in swimming for four years. Then a little football, a little sambo. Then I took up boxing. In the seventh grade I went to a theater school. I started doing break dancing and acrobatics. Our school was at the theater on Krasnaya Presnya. My first appearance on stage was as an extra in Tom Sawyer. I played in many performances."

After graduating from school, Dmitry Maryanov decided to enter the Shchukin Theater School, and on the second attempt he succeeded. Exams and student life left a vivid impression in the artist’s memory: “I failed in the first round. Then I insolently came to the second round, to another teacher. I wrote my essay with a “B”, filed an appeal, and they allowed me to rewrite it. And so... Students... "Half-starved, always drunk, but it's like everyone else. Great years, no responsibility."

Maryanov was not the most diligent student, but for his unconditional talent he earned the loyal attitude of his teachers. In 1992, Dmitry received a diploma from "Pike", said goodbye to the "Scientific Monkey" and was immediately accepted into the troupe of the famous "Lenkom" under the direction.

Like most young people of that time, Dima did not survive the army. “I served in the Air Force, in Vyshny Volochyok, between Leningrad and Moscow... That’s where I set up a studio. I had 38 girls from Red Town. And then my classmates came to my unit. So I studied with them, we even We staged a couple of performances,” says the actor in an interview.

In parallel with his stage work, Dmitry managed to try himself in many professions. He worked as a waiter, a loader, taught dance, and was a pyrotechnician in one painting. But the scene still swallowed him whole.


The first theater where Dmitry Maryanov played was “The Scientist's Monkey”, which the audience knew better from his participation in the TV show “Your Own Director”. Later the actor served at Lenkom. He played on the famous stage of the Troubadour in "The Town Musicians of Bremen", the First Writer in "Juno and Perhaps", Nikita in "Cruel Intentions", Lord Percy in "The Royal Games", Kruper in "The Barbarian and the Heretic". He also took part in the plays: “Funeral Prayer”, “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro”. In 1998, the artist won a prize for his role as Belyaev in Vladimir Mirzoev’s production of “Two Women.”

In 2003, Dmitry left Lenkom and was accepted into the troupe of the Independent Theater Project. Together with Konstantin Yushkevich, Maryanov shone in “Ricochet” by Anatoly Spivak and three performances by Viktor Shamirov: “Ladies’ Night”, “Snow White and Others” and “The Game of Truth”.

The actor’s work in two well-known performances of “Quartet I” and the group “Accident” turned out to be successful: the ironic musical show from the life of the media business “Radio Day” and the farce-major comedy “Election Day”, which enjoyed incredible success among the audience and always collected a full hall.


Dmitry Maryanov's first appearance on screen took place in 1986. He starred in the film “Wasn’t It” and in the leading role in the children’s musical film directed by “Above the Rainbow.” In the latter, the actor played a teenager, unlike his contemporaries, and even singing in the unusual voice of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., little known at that time. According to Dmitry’s recollections, on the set he caused a lot of trouble for the director: “Kuklachev and I knocked down walnuts in the studio and ate them right away. But he was already free, and I was still filming. A walnut is iodine. Accordingly, the whole mouth I had it in iodine. The same thing happened near Tallinn, when I got my hands on blueberries. I ate too much blueberries, and my tongue was like a chow-chow's. They wiped it off with cotton wool soaked in triple cologne."

A couple of years later, the dramatic school film “Dear Elena Sergeevna” was released with the participation of Dmitry. There were some adventures in this picture, too. The actor recalls: “When I was break dancing at a rehearsal, I did something wrong and broke my meniscus. After that, they took me to the hospital and had an operation. For this I received a six-month deferment from the army. Now, when so many years have passed, you look at what you were like in your youth "How you thought that all this was brilliant. It turns out you were wrong. But it’s cool to look at yourself from the perspective of the years you’ve lived.”

His first film roles brought Dmitry Maryanov audience popularity, and the social melodrama with his participation secured the actor’s status as a “star” of the new generation. The film received many prizes and starred:

At the turn of the century, the artist continued to actively act in film. Viewers saw with his participation: a retro drama, where they also shone, an action movie with, and a thriller with, a comedy “The Dashing Couple” with and Sergei Artsibashev.

Dmitry Maryanov worked in different genres, his every appearance on camera was intriguing. In the film adaptation of the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas "The Countess de Monsoreau" the actor played de Saint-Luc. He was invited by his partner in Lenkom to play the role of the Cat in The Town Musicians of Bremen and Co.

Dmitry became famous throughout the country, but the peak of his popularity in the early 2000s can rightfully be considered the series by Evgeniy Serov “Fighter”, where the actor played a marine named “Mute” and performed most of the stunts himself. On the set, as the artist admitted in an interview, emotional relationships developed. “We were very friendly. After all, nothing will work out if you exist separately. Everything needs to happen collectively somehow. The work process was good. When they finished filming, the producer took us all out into the countryside. They set huge tables. Everyone swam , played football, relaxed,” explained Dmitry and told about the funniest joke during work: “Words: “Camera. Motor." I shouted: “Wait, wait, I forgot the text!” To which the director said: “Bring him the text.” And then I realized that there was nothing to bring (laughs). I don’t have the text, I’m dumb. And on “Someone bought this joke every three days.”

Among the later films with the participation of Dmitry Maryanov, it should be noted: TV series, “The Personal Life of Investigator Savelyev”, “Sviridovs”, “Craftsmen”, comedies and “Game of Truth”, melodramas, “Night Guest” and others.

A television

Dmitry Maryanov's filmography is extremely rich, but the actor's talent is broader, and he constantly tries himself in new projects.

The artist was the host of the culinary program “Foreign Cuisine” on the Domashny TV channel, although he admits that he rarely cooks and is very picky about food: “... to some extent, yes, you can say that he is a gourmet. I haven’t eaten meat for twelve years , just chicken."

Over the years, Dmitry Maryanov also hosted shocking episodes with scary stories in the television show “Eyewitness: The Most Shocking” on REN TV and the program “Disasters of the Week” on TV-6.

In 2007 and 2009, the actor took part in the show “Ice Age” on Channel One of Russian television, paired with figure skater Irina Lobacheva. Working in the program compensated Dmitry for the lack of roles full of stunts: “You can’t imagine what kind of courage and drive it is! Was it in vain that I spent so much time in the gym? Wasn’t I training in vain?! If I know how to do something, why not show?" - the actor admits. Friendly relations developed between the stars. In one of the interviews, the artist says: “You know, I won’t reveal a secret if I say: at rehearsals, many couples often argued and lost their temper... But we didn’t have that. Only once did Irina raise her voice at me, and that was on point and without anger."

Personal life

Dmitry Maryanov is known as a famous womanizer; the list of his love victories is no less impressive than his filmography. The actor's first serious relationship was with a charming classmate. The whirlwind romance lasted three years, the couple starred together in the film, where in the plot they played spouses. But in life, Dima and Tanya never got married. The parting was amicable. After graduating from college, Tatyana returned to her native Irkutsk and got married successfully, and Dmitry became interested in the new beauty.

The romance with former fashion model Olga Anosova developed rapidly. The lovers lived together, but did not see each other often: Maryanov was constantly on tour with the theater, and Olga was simultaneously studying and acting in music videos. The couple dreamed of a son, but with his long-awaited appearance, Dmitry realized that he was not ready to become a caring father and change his usual way of life for the sake of the child. According to the law of the genre, such a union could not exist for long. Olga kicked her negligent father out of her family and her life.

In 2007, on the set of the TV show “Ice Age,” Dmitry Maryanov met the famous figure skater Irina Lobacheva, who had recently broken up with Ilya Averbukh. Their whirlwind romance began in 2009, but this time Irina refused to marry the actor. Their relationship did not stand the test of time and the couple broke up.

In September 2015, the avid bachelor finally got married. His chosen one, Kharkov resident Ksenia Bik, is a psychologist by training and unknown to anyone in artistic circles. Dmitry is seventeen years older than his wife. Before registering the relationship, the couple lived in a civil marriage for three years, during which Ksenia managed to surround the actor with attention and care, and he, in turn, found contact with her daughter Anfisa.


About hobby

In addition to his hobbies in sports and women, the actor has another passion - motorcycles. Dmitry fearlessly rides around Moscow on his two-wheeled “horse”. Like a real biker, he goes to work exclusively on a motorcycle, motivating it this way: “... you get through traffic jams faster. And then there’s this buzz, a feeling of freedom, similar to the one you experience when riding a horse.”

About the weekend

In one of the interviews, the actor talked about how he spends his free time: “A sofa and a bunch of cassettes. Of course, it’s also great with friends in nature, barbecue. But, unfortunately, this happens very rarely.”

About the dive

An extreme sports enthusiast, Dmitry Maryanov, jumped with a parachute, rode a motorcycle, skateboarded, roller-skated, and went horseback riding. But one day he dared to dive to the bottom of Lake Baikal. The artist shared his impression of such a drive: “I had my first dive with friends in the pool, and the water there was 26 degrees plus. And the second dive happened three days later on Lake Baikal, where the ice is one and a half meters and the water temperature is +1. To say that I dreamed about it... Yes, no, of course, I didn’t dream. And then I realized that I still don’t know those things that you can dream about or should dream about. Fear and panic when you realize that you can’t surface where you want . When there is deep blackness under you, and a six-meter firmament above your head... I had a rest, in general. But I was impressed..."

Based on materials from Wikipedia, sites,,,,,,,,

Filmography: Actor

  • Princess from the North (2016)
  • Cult (2016), TV series
  • Capture (TV series 2015)
  • Call Husband (2015)
  • Norwek (2015)
  • Craftsmen (2014)
  • Heavenly Court 2 (2014)
  • Capture (2014)
  • Sviridovs (2013)
  • How to Marry a Millionaire 2 (2013)
  • Game of Truth (2013)
  • Holiday in Lockdown (2012)
  • Personal life of investigator Savelyev (TV series, 2012)
  • How to Marry a Millionaire (2012)
  • Night Guest (2011)
  • Heavenly Court (2011)
  • Black City (2010)
  • Fathers (2010)
  • When the wild rosemary blooms (2010)
  • Herbarium of Masha Kolosova (2010)
  • An adult daughter, or a test for... (2010)
  • Obsessed (TV series 2009)
  • Cheesecake (2008)
  • Bodyguard (2008)
  • Mirage (2008)
  • Cinderella from Djerba Island (2008)
  • Radio Day (2008)
  • Journey into Love (2007)
  • The Ideal Wife (2007)
  • And the Snow Falls... (2007), TV series
  • 40 (2007)
  • One Love in a Million (2007)
  • Listening to Silence (2007)
  • Carom (2006), TV series
  • Utesov. Song of a Lifetime (2006)
  • Main caliber / Echo of War (2006)
  • Carom (2006)
  • Hunting a Genius (2006)
  • Ticket to the Harem (2006), TV series
  • Satisfaction (2005), TV series
  • Barbie's Wedding (2005)
  • Listening to Silence (2006)
  • Students-2 (2006)
  • Utesov. A Lifelong Song (2006), TV series
  • Death of an Empire (2005), TV series
  • Students (2005), TV series
  • The Fighter (2004), TV series
  • Starfish Cavaliers (2004)
  • Russian medicine (2004)
  • Juno and Avos (television play) (2004)
  • Silver lily of the valley-2 (2004)
  • Balzac's age, or all men are... (2004)
  • Mixer (2003)
  • Tabloid Binding (2003)
  • Theatrical Romance (2003)
  • Lady Mayor (2002), TV series
  • Diary of a Killer (2002)
  • The Lion's Share (2001)
  • Rostov-papa (2001)
  • Bremen Town Musicians and Co (2000)
  • The President and his granddaughter (2000)
  • Maroseyka, 12 (2000), TV series
  • Recluse (1999)
  • D.D.D. Detective Dubrovsky's file (1999)
  • Countess de Monsoreau (1997), TV series
  • Serpentine Spring (1997)
  • Funny things are family matters (1996)
  • What a wonderful game (1995)
  • No Return Address (1994)
  • There are four wills in the open field (1994-1998)
  • Coffee with Lemon (1994)
  • Dashing Couple (1993)
  • Russian Ragtime (1993)
  • Dancing Ghosts (1992)
  • Love (1991)
  • Dear Elena Sergeevna (1988)
  • Above the Rainbow (1986)

Russian film, theater and television actor

Biography of Dmitry Maryanov

Dmitry Maryanov born in Moscow in the family of a worker and an accountant. Since childhood, he has been actively involved in sports - football, swimming, sambo, acrobatics, artistic gymnastics and dancing. A thirst for activity led him to the theater school at the Krasnopresnensky Theater already in the seventh grade. There he became an actor in the eccentric small theater “The Scientist Monkey”. Passion for the theater, as it turned out later, turned out to be decisive.

In 1992 he graduated from the Theater School. B.V. Shchukina. He was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Lenkom Theater. Played on stage "Independent theater project".

While still a schoolboy, Maryanov played the main role in the film Valeria Fedosova “It was not there.” In the same year, he was invited to play the main role in the film “Above the Rainbow,” in which the musical theme was performed by Vladimir Presnyakov.

Dmitry Maryanov loved active and even extreme sports: he jumped with a parachute and rode a bike.

On October 15, 2017, Dmitry was in Lobnya, near Moscow. Suddenly he felt sick. Friends decided to take the actor to the hospital, but he died on the way.

Immediately after the actor’s death, information appeared in the media that an ambulance did not go to him, but the Ministry of Health made an official statement that 4 minutes after calling the ambulance, the actor’s friends called back to say that they were taking Maryanov to the hospital on their own. The actor died in the car without regaining consciousness.

It is known that Dmitry experienced pain for 2 weeks before his death.

On October 16, information appeared in the media that the cause of the actor’s death was a detached blood clot. The actors' friends and colleagues expressed their condolences to the family.

The creative path of Dmitry Maryanov

Next roles are in school drama “Dear Elena Sergeevna” 1988 and in the film "Love" 1991 - cemented his fame as a star of a new formation. However, the role of the Mute in the series brought him the greatest popularity and love from the audience. "Fighter", where he performed most of the stunts himself.

Dmitry successfully worked on television: he hosts a program on the REN-TV channel "Eyewitness: The Most Shocking". Before that he was the host of the program "Disasters of the Week" on the TV-6 channel.

Dmitry Maryanov took part in the First Channel project “Ice Age” with figure skater Irina Lobacheva in 2007 and 2009.

In 2012, Dmitry played the main role in the dramatic mini-series “Cordon of Investigator Savelyev”. A year later, he played in the action-packed series " Cult».

In 2015, Alena Zvantsova’s comedy “Norway” was released, in which Maryanov’s partners on the set were Evgeny Mironov, Severiya Janusauskaite, Andrei Merzlikin, Ksenia Rappoport and others.

Personal life of Dmitry Maryanov

During his student years, Maryanov met with actress Tatyana Skorokhodova. The young people lived together in a dormitory for three years, but never formalized their relationship.

Dmitry's second common-law wife was model Olga Anosova. From this relationship, the actor had a son, Daniel. Soon after the birth of their son, the couple broke up. The actor dated Evgenia Khirivskaya-Brik and Olga Silaenkova for several years.

On the set of the project " glacial period» Maryanov met the famous figure skater, Olympic champion Irina Lobacheva. They lived together for several years, but separated.

The only official wife of Dmitry Maryanov was a psychologist Ksenia Bik. They dated for several years and got married on September 2, 2015. The couple had a daughter, Anfisa.

Filmography of Dmitry Maryanov

  • Operation Muhabbat (TV series 2017)
  • Yellow Brick Road (mini-series, 2017)
  • Line 2. 25 years later (2017)
  • Hacking (mini-series, 2016)
  • Bouncer (TV series 2016)
  • Capture (TV series, 2015 – ...)
  • Call Husband (2015)
  • Princess from the North (mini-series, 2015)
  • Grandfather 005 (TV series 2014)
  • Craftsmen (TV series, 2014 – ...)
  • Heavenly Judgement. Sequel (mini-series, 2014)
  • How to Marry a Millionaire 2 (TV series, 2013)
  • Cult (TV series, 2013 – ...)
  • Sviridovs (TV series, 2013 – ...)
  • Grandfather 005 (2013)
  • Game of Truth (2013)
  • Investigator Savelyev's cordon(TV series 2012)
  • Heavenly Court (2012) ... "Body"
  • Holiday in lockdown(2012)
  • How to Marry a Millionaire (mini-series, 2012)
  • Night Guest (TV, 2011) ... Andrey
  • Heavenly Court (mini-series, 2011)
  • Black City (TV, 2010) ... Oleg Borin
  • When the wild rosemary blooms (TV, 2010)
  • Fathers (TV, 2010) ... Vadim Kotov
  • Herbarium of Masha Kolosova (2010)
  • Run (2009)
  • Obsessed (TV series 2009)
  • Bodyguard (TV, 2008)
  • Cheesecake (2008)
  • Cinderella from Djerba Island (2008)
  • And the snow falls... (TV series 2007)
  • Journey into Love (TV, 2007)
  • The Ideal Wife (TV, 2007)
  • 40 (2007)
  • One Love in a Million (2007)
  • Utesov. A Lifelong Song (TV series 2006)
  • Carom (TV series 2006).
  • Ticket to the harem (TV series 2006)
  • Listening to Silence (2006

For many cinema fans, Dmitry Maryanov is remembered as an actor who plays his characters with a touch of light irony. This is how he left this life, two years before he even reached the “fifty dollar mark.”


Dima was born in Moscow into a family far from the world of great art. The future actor’s mother worked as an accountant, and his father worked as a garage equipment foreman. The desire to become an actor was not in the boy’s childhood dreams; at first he wanted to become an archaeologist.

Dmitry studied for seven years at Moscow school No. 123, which paid special attention to the basics of stagecraft and acting (the educational institution was located at the Theater on Krasnaya Presnya). He could never sit still and loved outdoor games and activities.

Dima attended gymnastics and sambo sections, was fond of football and swimming, and practiced dancing and acrobatics. Having become a professional artist, he independently performed complex stunts on the set.

When the time came to make a choice of future profession, Dmitry went to Shchukinka, where he entered without any problems. In 1992, with a diploma from this theater school, the young actor was accepted into the Lenkom troupe. On the stage of this theater, Maryanov played in the following productions:

  • "The Bremen Town Musicians";
  • "Juno and Avos";
  • "Cruel Intentions";
  • "Memorial prayer";
  • "Two women".

In 2003, the actor left Lenkom and began collaborating with the Independent Theater Project. As part of this project, he participated in the performances “Ricochet”, “Game of Truth”, “Snow White and others”.

In 2016, together with Lyubov Tolkalina, the actor appeared on stage in the experimental production “Unreal Show”, all the actions of which took place in a small space limited by the faces of a cube. Theater fans liked the acting, but many did not like the plot itself.

Loving Don Juan

The personal life of Dmitry Maryanov is a symbiosis of various genres: vaudeville, drama and even tragedy. The first great feeling gripped the artist back in his student days, when he could not live without his classmate Tatyana Skorokhodova.

The girl enjoyed the attention of many men, but for some reason she singled out Dima from the crowd of fans. Young “Romeo” courted the beauty for a long time, clumsily and ineptly, but when, after graduating from college, Tatyana demanded certainty, Maryanov wanted to take another walk. The young people parted without reproaches or scandals.

In 1994, Dmitry met Olga Anosova, a former fashion model who decided to master the directing profession and entered VGIK. For some time, the young people lived together, but rarely saw each other - Olga spent many hours in classrooms, and Dmitry was busy in Lenkom performances.

Even when the couple had a son, Daniil, Maryanov did not take a single step towards legitimizing the relationship with the mother of his child. Tired of such a relationship, Olga showed her former lover the door and closed it forever behind him and in front of him.

In 2007, at rehearsals for the show “Ice Age,” Maryanov met Irina Lobacheva, which was to teach the actor figure skating techniques. Daily training and colorful performances in front of judges and audiences grew into a whirlwind romance.

Interesting notes:

The athlete left her husband Ilya Averbukh, took her son and began to live with Maryanov. Journalists persistently predicted the next wedding, but the lovers were in no hurry.

After some time, Irina and Dmitry began to appear at social events less and less, and rumors of a breakup began to spread, which were confirmed in 2013. At the birthday party of colleague Gosha Kutsenko Maryanov introduced everyone to his new lover - Ksenia Bik.

A girl, 17 years younger than the actor, who studied psychology, managed to win the heart of an avid supporter of bachelor life and open relationships. Maryanov seriously thought about starting a family.

In September 2015, the couple celebrated their wedding, after which she once again shocked the public with the message that they already had a daughter together, born long before the wedding.

A real man

Dima first appeared on the silver screen in 1986, playing schoolboy Alik in the children's film Above the Rainbow. The film, which amazingly combined a magical plot and beautiful music, was liked by viewers of all ages. But Alik was unlike his peers - he dressed strangely, had an unexpected hairstyle and sang incomprehensibly.

Two years later, Dima once again embodied himself in the image of a schoolboy- in the drama “Dear Elena Sergeevna” he played the teenager Pasha, who is trying to get the key to the door of the school office in which exam papers are stored in order to correct mistakes made in them.

And if the first film roles only introduced viewers to the young actor, then the image of student Vadim in the film “Love” made Maryanov a “star” of a new generation. Directors began to often offer him diverse roles. The actor reincarnated:

  • To Valerka in the melodrama “Dancing Ghosts”;
  • As the son of the head of the border post, Leva, in the tragicomedy “What a Wonderful Game”;
  • In Mitya in the social drama “Russian Ragtime”, he played many episodes in other film projects.

The actor was remembered by a huge army of television viewers for his role as De Saint-Luc in the Russian film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ novel “The Countess de Monsoreau.”

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Dmitry Maryanov began to appear on screens even more often. His track record includes participation in such projects as:

  • "The President and his granddaughter";
  • "Maroseyka, 12";
  • "Rostov-Papa";
  • "The Lion's Share";
  • "Diary of a Killer";
  • "Starfish Cavaliers";
  • "Silver lily of the valley-2";
  • "Russian medicine";
  • "Cannon";
  • "Hunting a Genius";
  • "Fathers";
  • "How to Marry a Millionaire."

Directors often saw in the actor (and Maryanov had a strong physique) a “real” man, strong, strong-willed and responsible. These were the images:

  • Marine Maxim Paladin in "The Fighter";
  • Officer Nikolai Annensky in “Satisfaction”;
  • Special services captain Alexander Stychkin in “Soroki”;
  • Andrey in "Mirage";
  • Major of the Municipal Internal Affairs Directorate Nikolai Troitsky in “Obsessed”;
  • Investigator Oleg Barin in “Black City”;
  • Police captain Sergei Loktev in “Norway”;
  • Police Colonel Sergei Alekhin in "Breaking In".

On October 15, 2017, information appeared in the media about the sudden death of the actor. His health deteriorated sharply during his stay at the dacha, and Maryanov died on the way to the hospital.

Doctors named the cause of death as thromboembolism. Irina Lobacheva refuses to believe in such an explanation, claiming that Dmitry’s death is a “planned murder over inheritance”, and blaming Ksenia Bik for what happened.

The last film in which Dmitry Maryanov starred was the melodrama “Yellow Brick Road”, which premiered in March 2018 - after the actor’s death.

According to the plot, the girl Varya (Maria Shalaeva) accidentally crosses paths with her first love, Ivan Sobol. Having shared the news of this meeting with her friend, Varya learns that his wife and child died in a car accident.

Having met Sobol again, the girl informs him that Ivan has another son who lives in another family.


Year Movie Role
1986 Was not there

Serov's classmate

1986 Above the Rainbow

Alik Raduga (voiced by Dmitry Kharatyan, sung by Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.)

1988 Dear Elena Sergeevna

Pasha, graduating student of grade 10 “b”

1991 Love Vadim, student
1992 Dancing ghosts

Valerka, Igor's friend

1993 Dashing couple episode
1993 Russian ragtime Mitya
1994 Coffee with lemon

Character name not specified

1994-1998 No return address

Character name not specified

1995 What a wonderful game

Leva, son of the head of the border post

1996 Funny things are family matters

Character name not specified

1997 Countess de Monsoreau

De Saint-Luc, favorite of the King of France

1997 Snake Spring

Andrey, city photographer

1999 D.D.D. Detective Dubrovsky's dossier

sniper, nephew of Fedor Kitaev

1999 Recluse Tolya
1999 The President and his granddaughter son of the president
2000 Bremen Town Musicians & Co Cat Jr.
2001 Maroseyka, 12 (series “Death Gene”) Zhuravlev
2001 Rostov-papa Lenya “Cut”
2001 The lion's share "Little Frog"
2002 Diary of a Killer

Sergey Gennadievich / Pyotr Gennadievich, successful businessman

2002 Theatrical novel

Foma Strizh, director

2003 Boulevard Binding Lucien
2003 Cavaliers of the Starfish

Sergei Kharitonov, captain

2003 Mixer Konstantin
2003 Lady Mayor Kasatkin
2004 Balzac's age, or All men are...

Leonid, Yulia's old friend, drug dealer

2004 Fighter

Max Paladin ("Mute")

2004 Silver lily of the valley 2 (episode No. 12 “Land of the Suitable Sun”) Oleg
2004 The Mourner, or New Year's Detective Sergey Babushkin
2004 Russian medicine

Sergei Konstantinovich Khorev

2004 Juno and Avos

first writer

2005 Death of an Empire Bredel, captain
2005 Satisfaction

On the evening of October 15, sad news was announced in all media: Dmitry Maryanov, a famous artist of Russian cinema, died. Most viewers know him for his roles in the films “Above the Rainbow”, “Cordon of Investigator Savelyev”, “Fighter” and many other films. What was the cause of death? How did Maryanov live his short but bright life? All biography and personal life in our review.

The actor was dearly loved almost throughout the CIS. His main roles are courageous, accomplished men, who at the same time have a heightened sense of justice and know how to truly love. The biography, personal life and children of Dmitry Maryanov and the way he loved his family only indicate that he fully corresponded to this image in real life.

According to sources, the cause of the actor’s sudden death was a blood clot. At that time, Dmitry was only 47 years old.

At this age, he had excellent physical shape, extensive acting and life experience behind him, and devoted a lot of time to his work, his wife and children. He passed away in the prime of his life, when he could enjoy every new day and play in many more wonderful roles.

How the tragedy happened

Today, journalists have two scenarios according to which the tragic events occurred that preceded the death of Dmitry Maryanov, the famous actor. Based on the first version, at the time of his death he was undergoing rehabilitation in one of the Moscow clinics. Allegedly, Maryanov has recently begun to abuse alcohol heavily.

Last photo of Dmitry Maryanov

Whether this is true or not is still anyone's guess. Moreover, some media representatives claim that his wife was the initiator of his addiction to alcohol. But, judging by one of the couple’s last interviews, the actor could not be called henpecked.

According to another version, Maryanov became ill while vacationing at his friends’ dacha. Allegedly, they immediately called an ambulance after his health worsened, but the dispatcher replied that at the moment all the carriages were occupied and advised them to call a little later. After some waiting, the friends put Dmitry in the car and took him to the nearest medical aid station themselves. The orderlies claim that they transferred the already dead actor from the car to the gurney.

Photo: Dmitry Maryanov with his family - his wife and daughter

Based on some sources, friends were in such a hurry to help Maryanov that they were even stopped by traffic police for speeding on the way to the hospital. It was never possible to save the legendary actor’s nose, which is regretted today by millions of viewers who have watched films with his participation at least once in their lives.

Today, the biography, personal life and children of Dmitry Maryanov are the reason for heated discussions among representatives of the press and television, but fans of the actor mourn his death and sincerely regret his untimely death. Of course, the news of the death of a young man, a favorite of the public, shocked and frightened everyone who knew him at least a little.

Today Maryanov is called a “man of the era,” because many of us remember his films from childhood, and modern TV series and action-packed films inspired heroic deeds and made representatives of the new generation stronger.

Dmitry Maryanov is one of those few actors whose acting left no doubt about the reality of the events taking place on the screen. His, at first glance, inconspicuous appearance won the hearts of thousands of women of all ages. And sensuality combined with courage made any film unlike any other film with the participation of famous actors.

After his death, the children, personal life and biography of Dmitry Maryanov are discussed even more than before. But those to whom the actor was truly dear have still not recovered from the strong shock associated with the death of the people's favorite.

Childhood and youth of Dmitry Maryanov

The future actor will be born on December 1, 1969 in Moscow. My father then worked as an engineer, and my mother was an accountant. Since childhood, the boy attended sports clubs, practiced acrobatics and boxing. All these skills will be useful to him in the acting profession in the future. At the initiative of his parents, Dmitry went to a specialized acting school.

Immediately after graduating from high school, Dmitry entered the Shchukin School the first time. And the future celebrity received her first film role at the age of 14, it was the legendary film “Above the Rainbow.” Since then, he has come to the conclusion that under no circumstances will he quit cinema. When the actor grew up, he constantly told journalists, jokingly and with some truth, that roles in TV series and blockbusters brought him much more money than participation in theatrical productions.

However, the theater was an integral part of Dmitry Maryanov’s life, and all his work consisted of filming and theater roles. Sometimes the actor participated in the show or acted as a TV presenter.

Favorite of women

Since his youth, Maryanov enjoyed enormous success among the fair sex. It is also for this reason that the biography, personal life and children of Dmitry Maryanov were so lively discussed in the press and social media. The list of women whose hearts were captivated by the actor’s courageous appearance and cheerful disposition included the following celebrities:

Actress Tatyana Skorokhodova. She and Dmitry were in a civil marriage for 2 years. But after some time the couple broke up: later Maryanov said that Tatyana never yielded to him in anything.

Olga Anosova. At that time, she worked as a model and at the same time studied at VGIK. From time to time she could be seen in the videos of popular groups at that time. During their time together, the couple had a son, Daniel. But a long-term relationship was prevented by Dmitry’s restless character and Olga’s habit of always being in the center of attention. But even after the couple broke up, Maryanov tried to participate in his son’s life as much as possible.

Evgenia Brik. The celebrity came to the young beauty after filming in Dima Bilan’s video. The actor was captivated by Eugenia’s appearance. But the actress felt that a marriage with the famous director Todorovsky would be more beneficial for her.

Naturally, the list of famous women of the famous actor can be continued, especially since after his death the press is even more interested in the personal life, biography and children of Dmitry Maryanov.

It is worth noting the fact that for a long time he did not intend to tie the knot with anyone, and fiercely resisted the attempts of his temporary chosen ones to drag him into the registry office. But this was only until he met the one with whom he was ready to spend the rest of his life. In fact, that’s what happened.

Family life of Dmitry Maryanov

Ksenia Brik, the future wife of Dmitry Maryanov, lived with her parents in Kharkov. I studied psychology at a local university and didn’t even think about any serious relationships. She saw Dmitry in the theater during a performance by Moscow artists. Dmitry immediately saw her in the audience, and after the performance he found and invited her to Gosha Kutsenko’s performance, and at the same time asked her to show the city. Ksenia was completely indignant at such impudence, and quite sternly “dismissed” the actor, placing him among girls of easy virtue.

In the photo Dmitry Maryanov with his wife and daughter

Naturally, Dmitry, accustomed to constant interest from the fairer sex, was also surprised by this reaction, and could not calm down until he won the heart of the obstinate Ukrainian woman. He invited Ksenia to visit Moscow, and soon the girl arrived, although she herself did not know why she was doing this, and reproached herself for her recklessness. Then Dmitry brought Ksenia home and rushed off to another movie shoot.

Out of idleness, the girl put things in order in the three-room bachelor’s “den” and prepared a simple dinner. Accustomed to a lonely and chaotic existence, the actor was shocked by the changes that took place in his apartment. Then something trembled in the actor’s heart: curled up on the sofa, Ksenia was quietly sleeping, and dinner was smoking on the stove, and she was so different from those women with whom he was accustomed to while away his days.

Ksenia, in turn, herself fell madly in love with Dmitry, who was much older than herself. The press knew nothing about their relationship for a long time. And even when the couple had a daughter, this information was not immediately leaked to the media.

Some time after the baby was born, the couple got engaged. They had plans for a trip to the sea coast, a joint vacation in a country house and many other pleasant events.

It is a pity that the death of the great actor cut short the happy life of the couple, and these changes were never destined to come true. The personal life, biography and children of Dmitry Maryanov are constantly discussed in the media, but, unfortunately, he is no longer with us.

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