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Sticks for solarium. Stikini for solarium as effective protection against UV irradiation. The most vulnerable areas of the body to UV rays

Before visiting a solarium, it is necessary to exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis using a body scrub or a hard washcloth. It is better not to use any soap-based products, as they can cause burns from exposure to UF lamps. I also recommend drinking a glass of carrot juice - it will help the tan appear on your skin faster.

Typically, tanning studios offer the use of safety glasses, a hair cap and a stickkini. If everything is clear with the first two, then what is a stikini for a solarium? How to use them correctly? - these questions are usually asked by beginners. Stikinis are small hypoallergenic stickers for the nipples and the area around them. With the help of a stickini, you will protect the most delicate and most vulnerable part of the breast from the effects of powerful ultraviolet lamps. In addition, they look very stylish and sexy.

In addition to the fact that a solarium makes it possible to get a tan at any time of the year and dries out minor inflammations on the skin, if used incorrectly, it can cause great harm. So, how often can you visit the solarium so as not to harm your body? "Euronorm" - 60 visits to the solarium per year. Some doctors claim that you can sunbathe in a solarium 3-4 times a week, but no more than two months in a row; however, if you have thin and fair skin, then these numbers should be halved.

The most common today is the horizontal solarium. How to sunbathe in it correctly? It is attractive because the tan spreads evenly over the entire body, and more gentle lamps are often located in the face area. To achieve the effect, just relax and lie down, but do not forget that you will need to roll over. Before visiting this type of solarium, you need to make sure that you are not claustrophobic.

While sunbathing in a vertical solarium, some people ask the question “how to stand in a solarium correctly to achieve the best effect?” In fact, there are no specific recommendations, the main thing is not to violate safety rules; you can dance to the music while holding the handrails. The effect in this case depends not on your posture, but on the power of the lamps and the number of minutes of tanning.

Some beauty salons and tanning studios offer the use of a turbo solarium. But not everyone knows what it is - a turbo solarium? How to sunbathe in it is a simple matter; it is important to understand that in this type of cabins heavy-duty lamps are installed, which means the time spent in the cabin must be reduced compared to a conventional solarium. Turbo solarium is an excellent solution if you need to achieve a pronounced tan in a short time.

Getting an even and beautiful tan is not difficult, it’s just important to be attentive to your health, because moderation is good in everything!

If we talk about skin tanning, it can be noted that tanning by being in the sun and tanning in a solarium have the same “system” of skin pigmentation. The durability of tanning in a solarium and naturally will be the same, as will its naturalness. Below we will take a closer look at the topic of tanning in a solarium and find out how to visit a solarium correctly and all the nuances of this matter.

Before deciding to tan in a solarium, every woman should familiarize herself with a number of rules and details that are important to know in order to obtain a safe and beautiful tan. First of all, you need to understand that sunbathing in a solarium should be carried out according to a specific program, which will be compiled in accordance with your skin type and other characteristics of the body.

  • Cosmetics for solariums must be selected carefully, because incorrectly selected protective creams and ointments can affect both the shade of the tan and its appearance. Among other things, the health of your skin will also depend on these products. If you buy cosmetics at random, you can get skin pigmentation and an allergic reaction to it in the form of red spots, rashes or peeling.
  • The selected cosmetics must be used before and after the procedure, keep this in mind. If your skin is too dry, but you still decide to go tanning in a solarium, remember that after the procedure it is imperative to moisturize your skin with a special cream that will saturate the skin with all the necessary components.
  • The duration of the first session should not be more than 2-3 minutes. Gradually, the session time increases to 20 minutes.
  • Experts recommend tanning in a solarium for twenty sessions every other day, no more, but these data are not a rule, but a recommendation, especially since each skin type is individual, so you need to calculate the time of sessions and their number to get the result you need correctly, and in accordance with the characteristics of human skin.

Despite the fact that the structure of men's skin is slightly different from the delicate skin of women, a list of rules, how to properly sunbathe for the first time as a woman in a solarium, are no different from similar rules for males.

How to sunbathe properly in a solarium?

There are a number of rules that everyone who goes to sunbathe in a solarium should know:

  1. To go to solarium to start correctly from the examination. It is necessary to find out whether there are any contraindications to this, and only after that start taking ultraviolet baths in the solarium.
  2. Proper preparation for solarium is very important, because the final result will depend on it.
  3. Before starting the tanning procedure in a solarium, it is imperative to wash off makeup from your face, and there should be no perfume on your body. Decorative cosmetics, like perfumes, contain components that will prevent the most effective and safe tanning. Among other things, cosmetics on the human body can damage the glass in the solarium, which is made of acrylic.
  4. In order for a beautiful tan to form in the solarium, and at the same time, the skin does not dry out, it is necessary to use cosmetics that are based on natural ingredients (lip balms, body creams, etc.). You need to choose them by carefully studying the composition.

  1. A few hours before going to the solarium, it is recommended to take a shower, preferably with soap. You should not wash immediately before the procedure, so as not to wash off the protective fat layer from your body. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, there is a possibility of getting burns when exposed to ultraviolet rays. This especially applies to people with sensitive and very fair skin.
  2. Before tanning in a solarium, you should not perform hair removal, for the same reasons as swimming before the procedure.
  3. You need to know that ultraviolet radiation in a solarium is unsafe for vision, because concentrated and prolonged exposure can lead to cataracts or damage to the retina. In order for a trip to the solarium to be absolutely safe for your vision, you need to use special glasses that must be worn throughout the entire procedure.
  4. Under no circumstances should you enter the solarium with contact lenses. This can lead to night blindness; protect your eyes from the negative effects of UV radiation.
  5. The minimum distance from human skin to ultraviolet lamps should be at least 30 cm.

  1. Do not forget that the procedure in question negatively affects not only the eyes, but also the hair, so they must be protected from excessive drying by putting a scarf or Panama hat on the head.
  2. Women after thirty years of age are not recommended to sunbathe with bare breasts, so they must protect it with a bra made of cotton fabric or special pads.
  3. After the tanning session in the solarium is completed, it is best to take water treatments with special moisturizing shower products, and then lubricate the body with moisturizing cosmetics. This is done to ensure that your tanned skin is beautiful and moisturized, and not dry and flaky.
  4. Experts also recommend drinking a glass of juice, which is rich in vitamin C, after each tanning session.
  5. You don’t need to become a mulatto during the first few procedures, because such an idea will most likely turn you into a “coal” that will have a lot of burns, so you need to be careful with this.

How to properly visit a solarium without harm?

Tanning in a solarium should not only be beautiful, but also safe, therefore:

  • Safe tanning in a solarium is the correct mode of completing the entire course and time of sessions.

  • In order for the tan to be stable, you need to visit the solarium 4-6 times in the same amount of time.
  • The main rule is to create the correct schedule for visiting the solarium, in accordance with your skin type and its sensitivity to UV radiation.
  • Women with fair skin it is correct to sunbathe in a solarium less time per session, but at the same time increase the number of visits to the solarium. If the skin is very fair and sensitive, then it is better to avoid tanning in a solarium and use a self-tanner or gradually tan under the sun's rays in a natural environment.
  • If the first sessions in the solarium caused burns to your body, it is better to stop visiting it and give up “artificial” tanning altogether.
  • If it's right to go to the solarium, these procedures will benefit the skin and even help get rid of some diseases. Excessive exposure to UV rays will not lead to anything good and will only harm your health and skin.

How to choose the right solarium?

Another important criterion that must be taken into account when wanting to sunbathe in a solarium is the choice of the solarium itself. Today, there are a lot of beauty salons and spas that have tanning salons, and you don’t have to think that they are all the same.

So, choose the solarium correctly:

  • You should not visit solariums whose equipment is outdated. Technology does not stand still, and modern equipment is much better, and most importantly, safer than old-style equipment.
  • The best option would be a solarium with low pressure lamps. This equipment is universal because it is suitable for tanning all skin types. The likelihood of getting burned in such a solarium is almost zero, because UVB and UVA rays are correctly balanced. In such solariums you can sunbathe from 5 minutes to one hour.
  • It is also necessary to find out about reviews about this or that solarium. It is very important that everything in it is hygienic. After each client, tanning booths must be completely treated with special solutions, otherwise there is a chance of contracting some skin diseases.
  • The solarium should be equipped with special lamps for the face, because lamps for the whole body can “sear” some areas of the face, in particular the legs and forehead.
  • The “head end” of the capsule must be equipped with a reliable and powerful fan, which will ensure normal ventilation of the entire solarium.

  • The presence of professional staff, including a highly qualified specialist with a medical education, who can easily create the correct schedule for visiting the solarium for each client individually.

When choosing a solarium, pay attention to all the criteria listed above (for your own safety in every sense of the word).

How to properly glue stikini in a solarium?

Stikini is the name given to stickers for tanning in solariums. They are used to minimize the untanned surface of the breast (so that only the nipples remain untanned) and more. The main purpose of the stickers in question is to prevent the negative effects of UV rays on:

  • nipples
  • nipple halos
  • birthmarks
  • moles

Stikinis can be either round or oval shaped. The first ones are used for nipples and moles, the second ones are used for eyelids. You need to know how to glue sticky skins correctly:

  • The area of ​​the skin where the stikini will be attached must be smeared with a cream (non-greasy), because the base of the stikini is adhesive and when removing them, pain may occur.
  • You need to tear the sticker along the dotted line that is printed on the sheet.

  • Separate the film from the base of the stickine.
  • We form a cone, the size depends on the size of the nipple halos.
  • You need to glue the stickini carefully so that unnecessary folds do not form.

How to stand and lie in a solarium correctly?

There are two types of solariums - vertical and horizontal, let's figure out how to sunbathe correctly in each of them.

How to sunbathe correctly in a horizontal solarium?

A horizontal solarium is convenient because you can completely relax and lie in it without thinking about anything. To make time fly by, you can listen to music by inserting vacuum headphones into your ears. Main rules:

  • calculate the amount of time correctly
  • do not roll over or make any unnecessary movements
  • stick stikini onto nipple halos
  • remove all makeup from your body

How to stand correctly in a vertical solarium?

A vertical solarium is larger in volume and many people choose to sunbathe in such a solarium because of the ability to move in it. Rules:

  • You need to stand straight in such a solarium
  • do not lean on the walls of the “flask”
  • Be sure to use stikini to protect your breasts from the negative effects of UV radiation
  • note the time of the session (you cannot stay in the solarium for more than the allotted time)

Everything is quite simple, visiting a solarium is an excellent tan and positive emotions, but only if you know and follow all the rules and recommendations.

Don't be afraid to sunbathe in a solarium, especially if you have no contraindications to it. You don't have to go to the other side of the world to see the sea to get the perfect tan. The gym and a properly designed schedule for visiting the solarium will help you prepare your body for summer, especially since you have read about all the nuances of this procedure above.

Video: Tanning in a solarium correctly

If you study the history of the evolution of a swimsuit, you can easily notice how the area of ​​skin covered by the fabric is rapidly decreasing. Some bikinis are so tiny that they hide almost nothing, sometimes completely exposing the breasts. This raises the question of how much of the bust can be exposed without fear of being accused of immorality. For some reason, it was the bare nipple that was declared to be the boundary beyond which outright vulgarity begins.

Therefore, if you cover the areola, then the rules of decency will be observed. It was these considerations that guided the brave ladies who thought of sticking small circles on their nipples in order to go topless to the beach. Yes, a stikini is just a circle of paper or silicone that covers the nipple and the pigmented areola.

and how did they appear?

Stikini became widespread thanks to solariums and studies designed to prove safety. Scientists have found that excess ultraviolet radiation is generally harmful, and doubly so for pigmented areas of the skin. Nowadays, stikinis are as common an accessory in solariums as disposable shoe covers in hospitals.

A woman’s mammary glands are an extremely delicate organ; they require increased care, especially considering that pathologies are not so rare. Therefore, doctors recommend not to unnecessarily expose the bust to excessive radiation, and to cover moles, age spots, and nipples, among other things. At the same time, you can make stikini for the solarium with your own hands. To do this, just cut a circle out of a paper plaster; it does not stick to the skin much, holds quite securely and is easily removed.

Stikini for solarium

Modern industry quickly responded to the sudden demand. A wide variety of stickinis have appeared on sale, photos of which can be seen in this article. In production, laminated or metallized self-adhesive paper is used, which must be tested for ultraviolet impermeability.

In addition, reusable silicone models are available for sale, which can be used in other areas of life, not only in the solarium. Silicone stickies are a kind of alternative to a bra if breast support is not required.

A tribute to morality or a useful accessory?

If your breasts don’t require a bra, is it even possible to do without one? Many women feel discomfort, their nipples rub against clothing, become tense, become clearly visible through thin fabric, this is embarrassing and attracts unnecessary attention. In this situation, a stikini is a real salvation, because a flesh-colored circle, tightly glued to the body, protects delicate areas of the skin, and the breasts look smooth under clothes.

However, everything has a downside; you can choose a model that not only does not hide your breasts, but also draws attention to them. Dancers and performers can use bright and even luminous stikinis, photos of which can be seen in special departments of stores and even sex shops. Of course, nipple stickers continue to be used by ladies of different ages to allow themselves to sunbathe topless on the beach, while paying minimal tribute to decency.

What can you use instead of stickini?

If during a visit to the solarium it turns out that the establishment does not offer free stikinis or they have run out (which, of course, is unacceptable), then it is possible to make stikinis for the solarium with your own hands. If you lie down during the tanning procedure, you can cover your nipples with circles of fabric or paper. You can apply a light cream as an alternative to glue, or use a paper surgical tape if the tanning salon has standing booths.

If the solarium sticks are not the right size or are too large, then unsightly white marks may remain around the nipples. Trimming the stickers is very easy; they can be trimmed with scissors and given the desired size or shape. If the nipples are convex, then the stikini are cut along the radius so that they can be folded into a convenient wide cone.

This device is inexpensive, you can choose bright colors and patterns at your own discretion, especially if the sticker is designed to create an appropriate image. The desire to get rid of the swimsuit top is quite understandable, so the stikini can be considered the last hello from outdated morality. Of course, we should not forget about the practical benefits; doctors insist that it is advisable to avoid excess ultraviolet radiation, and it is better to listen to them.

To protect your breasts from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, it is necessary to cover your mammary glands when going to the solarium. Stikinis are ideal for these purposes. How to replace this device, how safe are other methods of protection?

Many people wonder what can replace stikini? First you need to figure out what this useful invention is for.

Stikini are special stickers that need to be glued directly to the mammary glands to protect them from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. They were invented relatively recently. Women who visit the solarium regularly admit that they don’t like it when white stripes from their swimsuit remain on their bodies. But sunbathing without a bra is strictly prohibited by doctors. After all, this can provoke the development of a benign or malignant tumor.

Stikinis are small in size. The diameter of standard stickers is 42 millimeters. They cover the central part of the mammary glands, capturing the nipples and surrounding nipple halos. Stikinis are quite easy to put on. The stickers must be peeled off from the paper base, cut along the dotted line, and then formed into cones and attached to the mammary glands so that the nipples are in the center. The stickies are glued with a sticky base only along the edges. To make it easier to tear them off the skin after visiting a solarium, you must first lubricate the body with a special cream. There is no need to be afraid that this will become an obstacle to attaching the circles.

What can replace stikini in a solarium? Some women do not like this method of protection, while others simply cannot find stickers on sale. It's actually quite easy to buy a stickini. They are sold in specialized stores, as well as directly in beauty salons. They are not expensive at all. The administration of some solariums even offers such stickers to visitors for free.

Often women with large breasts complain that the stikinis are too small for them and do not even completely cover their nipples and areolas. In fact, every representative of the fair sex can find stickers that suit her perfectly. There are quite wide stikinis on sale, as well as curly models. After using them, white areas in the shape of hearts and stars remain on the body.

Cone-shaped devices are considered universal, but for those with flat nipples, stikini in the form of regular circles are more suitable. Don't forget that these stickers are multi-layered. Their outer layer is a foil that reflects ultraviolet rays, or paper with a metallized coating.

Stikinis can be replaced with stickers you make yourself. But such a creative process can take a long time. First, you need to purchase special foil. Secondly, you should think about making the stickers easy to use. The inner layer should be soft enough. All this requires certain material costs, so in some cases it is more profitable to buy ready-made products.

Stikinis can be replaced with a swimsuit, but this replacement will not be complete. After all, during a session in a solarium, the body is exposed to ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum. Ordinary tissue cannot completely protect the mammary glands from harmful effects. A certain percentage of the rays will still penetrate the fabric. The only exceptions are special swimsuits that can reflect ultraviolet radiation. These can be purchased in specialized stores. The disadvantage of this method of protection is that white stripes from the bra may remain on the body. This creates certain obstacles to wearing very revealing dresses.

Some women prefer not to use a stikini, but to cover their breasts with their hands while visiting the solarium. It's effective, but not very convenient. In this case, there is a need to constantly monitor yourself.

A variety of stikini are pestis. They are stickers on the chest, identical to stikini. Their main difference is the absence of a top reflective layer. Pasties can be made of paper, leather, fabric, or polymer materials. Most often they have a very impressive appearance. After all, they are designed to be worn on the beach, as well as for role-playing games. Despite popular belief, pestis should not be used in a solarium. They are powerless against ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum. More precisely, the protection in this case will not be complete.

Some women prefer to replace stikini with a special tanning cream. But this is a very big mistake. The cream cannot provide the proper degree of protection to such delicate and vulnerable areas of the body as the mammary glands. Tanning products in a solarium can only be used to reduce the harmful effects of rays on the entire body.

Experts strongly advise tanning lovers to still use a stickini. This does not require significant financial investments, but at the same time helps to avoid many problems in the future. In addition to special breast pads, be sure to take sunscreen, a towel or paper napkins to the salon. It is best to call the administrator before your first visit and ask what exactly you may need. Some beauty salons offer clients napkins, towels, glasses or special sticks for eyes and moles for a very nominal price.

Stikinis are stickers that simply need to be used every time you visit the solarium. You can replace them with home-made devices, a special swimsuit. But using stikini is still much more convenient and effective.

— what is it, how to use it and where to buy it?

Stikinis are special stickers for protection while visiting a solarium. They are suitable for girls who are used to sunbathing topless. These products are also simply called nipple stickers. You can purchase them at Aliexpress.

What are stikinis for?

Stikini on Aliexpress

Stikinis are needed to protect nipples while tanning in a solarium. They are glued onto the halos, and in the middle there are small slots that are needed to create a cone when folding them into a cap. In addition, these products are coated with metal, which reflects UV rays from this sensitive area.

Stikini for solarium on Aliexpress: price, photo

Stikini from Aliexpress

If you sunbathe in a solarium without stickini, then the blood vessels and nerve endings will become trained, and this can lead to mastopathy. Thanks to the stikini, most of all ultraviolet rays are reflected. On Aliexpress you will find a large catalog of these products.

Silicone stickies on Aliexpress: price, photo

Silicone stickies on Aliexpress

Although stikini is a very cheap and accessible product, the demand turned out to be very high. Accordingly, the industry reacted violently to this. Today there are many different models of stikinis on sale. For example, those made from silicone are quite capable of replacing a bra if you do not need to support your breasts.

Is it possible to go to a solarium without a stickini?

Women have long been using various protective creams, lotions, oils, and so on while tanning. In this way, the skin not only quickly darkens, but also is protected from burns. This approach is appropriate for any area of ​​the skin, but not for the most sensitive ones.

Creams only slow down the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the skin, but do not eliminate it. That is why tanning salon rays should not touch nipples, moles and eyelids. In this case, we can conclude that you can’t do without stikini in the solarium.

How to use stickini?

Stikini comes in three main forms. Round stickers for halos, oval stickers for eyelids, and small stickers for moles.

There are also original stickkini models, for example, in the form of butterflies and flowers. You can find these at Aliexpress.

Previously, such stickers were used only by sexy dancers and therefore they were sold only in specialized stores for adults. Some girls use a stikini instead of a bikini bra to tan their entire body.

How to wear a stikini?

Putting on a stikini is not at all difficult. It is enough to follow a few rules:

  • First, lubricate the desired area of ​​skin with a non-greasy cream. This is necessary so that it is not painful to remove the stickies, since they are adhesive.
  • If necessary, you can tear or cut the sticker along the dotted line. Next, separate the film from the base of the sticker.
  • Form a cone to the desired size.
  • Apply the sticky skin so that the outline is as even as possible so that the tan is even and aesthetically pleasing.
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