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Hollywood stars training. Celebrity fitness: how celebrities train. Exercises for the buttocks from Jennifer Lopez

“Star Fitness” - what exercises help Hollywood stars stay in shape?

When you look at the ideal figures of Hollywood beauties, it seems that they spend all their free time in the gym, working up a sweat. Is it so?

According to celebrities, they don’t have much time to polish their own bodies, and they mostly do it during breaks between filming. The more useful the “star” advice will be - if desired, even a very busy person can use them, spending no more than half an hour working on problem areas.

Hand exercises from Madonna

Madonna is more passionate about fitness than anyone else, and during training she pays the most attention to her arm muscles.

Curling arms with dumbbells. Feet shoulder-width apart, squeeze your shoulder blades together, tighten your abs. The arms are lowered along the body, palms facing inward. Trying to keep your elbows close to your body, bend your elbows, pull your hands with dumbbells to your shoulders, turning your palms towards you. Slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions each.

French press. Bend your arm with a dumbbell at your elbow and place it behind your head. Bend and straighten your arm, making sure that your elbow is always pointing up and not to the side. Do 20 reps and change hands. 3 approaches are recommended for each hand.

Leg exercises from Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts never misses an opportunity to show off her flawless legs and prefers to wear miniskirts and tight pants. She does not hide the fact that natural abilities have nothing to do with it, it’s all about diet and special exercises.

Calf raise. The exercise is performed with dumbbells, weight no more than 2 kg. Stand straight, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Slowly rise onto your toes and lower yourself. Do 3 sets of 30 repetitions each. In the first, keep your feet parallel; in the second, bring your heels together and your toes apart. In the third - heels apart, toes together. The exercise dries the legs and gives them a beautiful shape.

Squats. Take dumbbells in your hands, and from a standing starting position, squat, bending your knees (ideally up to 90 degrees). The back should remain straight, do not lower the chin, and the line of the knees should not extend beyond the toes (to do this, you need to move your buttocks back, as if you were trying to sit on a chair). Do 2-3 sets of 30 repetitions.

Ab exercises from Sharon Stone

When you urgently need to get back in shape, there is nothing better than simple and proven exercises - the famous actress is convinced of this.

Leg lift. Lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your straight legs perpendicular to the floor (you can slightly bend or cross them) and hold in this position for a few seconds. Lower slowly. The lower back should not come off the floor! Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions. This exercise works the lower abdominal muscles.

Raising the body from a sitting position. Sit on a stool, secure your legs (a sofa or radiator will do), clinging your feet to the support. Cross your arms over your chest or clasp them behind your head, keeping your back straight. Slowly lean back and smoothly return to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions. This exercise strengthens your upper abs.

Exercises for the buttocks from Jennifer Lopez

Everyone knows which body part the actress is most proud of.

And she herself willingly talks about working on these muscles, claiming that “sculpting” the same buttocks will not be difficult. The whole secret is in effective exercises.

Lunges forward. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Take a wide step forward with your left foot and lower into a lunge. The left knee should be directly above the ankle, the right knee should be looking at the floor, lift the heel. Do 4 sets of 10 exercises each. The main thing is not to make sudden movements, keep your back straight, do not lower your head and do not relax your neck muscles.

Body rotations. This exercise is necessary to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. Place a gymnastic stick (or a regular mop) on your shoulders and hold it with a wide grip. Turn your body left and right. Do 2-3 times, 30 repetitions each. You can do the exercise in a sitting position.

– another mandatory element in training stars. They all swim, run, dance, and move actively at every opportunity - this also helps them stay slim, resilient, and energetic. If you do not have the opportunity to follow their example, then try to walk at least half an hour a day.

0 March 14, 2013, 5:37 pm

Jessica Alba

The bodies of stars are the subject of their pride, someone's envy and endless discussion. Conversations that ideal forms are the result of cosmetology alone are groundless. Almost all stars know that without persistent sports activities it is difficult to achieve visible results.

Of course, every celebrity has their own recipes for maintaining a figure, and today we will find out them.

The coach says that getting in good shape is not difficult, anyone can do it. The main thing is motivation and time management. When you need to fit into your Catwoman costume, you'll definitely find time for fitness. If you can't exercise for an hour and burn 500 calories, do it for half an hour - it's better to burn at least some than nothing.

Ramona Braganza has developed the “321” program, which allows stars to lose weight and tone their muscles in a short time. It includes cardio exercises, circuit training and stretching. All of them must be included in every lesson.

The secret to maintaining toned buttocks: The gluteal muscles often lose tone due to a sedentary lifestyle, so they need to be tensed during every exercise by doing squats, lunges and steps.

Jessica Alba

She is also known for her toned, slender body. Her trainer Teddy Buss said Cam is one of the most athletic stars. He also says that exercise and diet are very important. It is recommended to eat every three to four hours. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and dinner should be the least caloric. You need to drink more water, eat fresh, organic food, and eat slowly so that your stomach has time to signal satiety to your brain before overeating occurs.

Ab exercises: Lie on your stomach on the mat. Raise your body, alternately standing on your elbows. Do three sets of eight reps.

For the buttocks: Take dumbbells and place your arms at your sides. Take a step back, bending the leg remaining in front at this time. The knee of your back leg should almost touch the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

For legs: Place your hands on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. One leg should be in front, under the body, the other should be set back. Keeping your upper body in place, alternate the position of your legs.

Cameron Diaz


Celebrities are people too. And they also have to exercise to lose weight and stay in great shape. And they choose activities that can be found in any sports club. What's the best way to motivate yourself to workout? See what the stars are achieving and follow their example. By the way, this illustrates a popular misconception - the fact that there are “bad” and “good” genetics. Try at least a couple of workouts from the list, and it may turn out that you do not have “bad” genetics and heredity, but even “good” ones.

  1. Cycling

Picks: Lady Gaga, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes

Celebrities love cycling because it allows you to burn up to 700 kcal in just 45 minutes. This is the best choice for busy girls who are in good shape. The lesson helps to tighten the muscles of the legs and buttocks and work out the arms and abs at the same time. After all, you will not only pedal, but also do push-ups on an exercise bike, and at the end of the session, be sure to perform a series of crunches for your abdominal muscles.

How often: Cycling 2-3 times a week, supplement this lesson with a strength training program if desired.

Bonus: there are absolutely wonderful cycling interval classes that help you get rid of not only “calories”, but also real problem areas. After all, this is a combination of aerobic and strength work, which is recognized by most experts as the best option when it comes to burning fat. For an ideal figure, combine 2 intervals and 2 regular cycling sessions per week.

Barre or body ballet

Picks: Kelly Osbourne, Drew Barrymore, Anna Paquin, Madonna

These classes can have different names - Barre, Body Ballet or even Exercise. What unites them is their work at the ballet barre. Specialized movements from the arsenal of classical dancers correct posture and strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen. At the same time, using your legs makes your thighs slimmer and your buttocks firmer. As a result, you can strengthen your muscles and get cardio at the same time.

How often: 3-4 times a week, alternating training days with rest days

Bonus: port de bras workouts. If your fitness love has a "ballet" bent, you'll love these dynamic classes that combine active movement with elements of classical choreography. You'll enjoy Port de Bras more than regular cardio on the treadmill or elliptical, try it!

Interval training

Choose: Amanda Seyfried, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Biel, Kelly Ripa

Alternating between running on a treadmill and complex functional strength movements produces amazing results. In one session you can burn up to 1000 kcal and strengthen major muscle groups. Interval training helps absolutely everyone, even those prone to obesity and those “finishing off” that stubborn last kilogram. In addition, they do not require a huge investment of time. You can also do them at home - use a jump rope instead of a treadmill, and do your favorite exercises with free weights.

How often: 3-4 times a week, alternating training days with rest days.

Bonus: intense long-term cardio - like cycling, running, jumping rope for 30-50 minutes, or regular strength training, depending on your priorities


Picks: Hilary Duff, Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens

This is another interval training that combines two very different systems - boxing and Pilates. You will alternate punches and kicks with classic Pilates exercises - “hundreds”, crunches, bridges. This combination helps to work out all major muscle groups and get a cardio workout. Pilox, by the way, is a kind of champion among cardio lessons - an hour of work can save you from 900 kcal. This lesson is often recommended to those who want to get rid of belly fat and reduce their waist size.

How often: 2-3 times a week, alternating with rest days

Bonus: classic stretching or yoga will help relieve stress from your muscles. You can add some strength exercises with free weights if you want to strengthen your muscles and “organize” yourself a beautiful relief.


Picks: Bettany Frankel, LeAnn Rimes, Natalie Portman

This is Christine McGee's signature workout. She combines moves from yoga and Pilates and exercises with free weights. It is noteworthy that one workout takes only 20 minutes, and S 3 is also released on DVD, so you can practice right at home, and not depend on traffic jams.

How often: every day, instead of morning exercises, as a complete replacement for other activity.

Bonus: jogging in the park or on the stairs, or even a combination of these two types of activity.

Belly dance

Choices: Beyoncé, Rihanna, Shakira

Forget about boring hours on the treadmill, dance and burn fat. People often think of belly dancing as slow, fluid movements. In fact, this is not always the case. There are many different styles, including quite active ones. In addition to the obvious bonus of cardio, this style helps you define your waist, strengthen your hips, and learn to move gracefully.

How often: as soon as you want, from 3 to 6 days a week

Bonus: Strength training with free weights or Pilates


Choose: Gisele Bundchen, Gwen Stefani, Jennifer Lopez

This is a high-intensity functional training using special loops. In an hour you can work out your whole body and burn up to 700 kcal. This lesson allows you to significantly improve your physical fitness in a short time. It is suitable not only for those who want to lose weight, but also, for example, to prepare for a marathon. Moreover, you can practice at home - you only need specialized loops and a DVD.

How often: 3 to 5 times a week, depending on the training plan

Bonus: Intense cardio exercise like running or jumping rope.

You can easily choose any fitness strategy from celebrities if for some reason you don’t like the classic - cardio combined with strength exercises. The main thing is to train regularly, work on your technique and believe in your own success.

Elena Selivanova

Makeup is for girls. Special effects are for computer freaks. Real men, for the sake of a good role, are ready to lock themselves in the gym for many months in order to come out with a body that others cannot build for themselves in their entire lives. Here are 5 examples and at the same time 5 answers to the main men’s excuses for fitness.

What rocking chair?! I'm about to retire!

Robert De Niro, "Cape Fear"

The film begins with the hero's training De Niro in a prison cell: a body covered with tattoos is literally bursting with energy. To become this way at the age of 48, Robert took 6 months of a low-carb diet and training: 6 times a week for 2-3 hours he spent in the gym with his trainer Dan Harvey. They emphasized working the chest, back and legs, ending each session with 45 minutes of cardio. Harvey recalled that at first De Niro had to be pushed, but after about 3 months he got the taste so much that he wanted more and more: “Robert started the class with 50 pull-ups and 150 lunges, and prepared for filming with a bare torso, like a bodybuilder to the performance,” says Dan Harvey.

What rocking chair?! I'm skinny and my muscles just won't grow!

Edward Norton, American History X

Example Norton shows how a thin and short guy can change beyond recognition in 3 months. His coach, Anthony Crotes, emphasized heavy weights at the expense of reps. Norton worked a lot with iron, focusing mainly on the chest and shoulders - they are the ones that primarily make a person larger in appearance. To prevent the muscles from adapting to the same loads, the trainer introduced new exercises all the time. The result is 15 kilograms of new muscles on a recently skinny body. However, for 3 months this would have been impossible without a special diet: the actor ate 7 times a day, especially leaning on chicken, turkey and fish.

What rocking chair?! I can hardly walk!

Christian Bale, Batman. Start"

One of the most impressive metamorphoses in the film industry: he lost up to 55 kg for the film “The Machinist.” Bale over the next 6 months he returned to shape, gaining 30 kg of muscle mass. But at the beginning of this journey, he couldn’t even do a single push-up. This is useful to keep in mind for those who, having completely lost their former shape, are embarrassed to go to a fitness club. If you wish, you can make Batman out of anyone in six months, however, you will need at least 4 components: excellent health, strict adherence to a diet, at least four 2-3-hour workouts a week, and most importantly, motivation.

What rocking chair?! I don't lift anything heavier than a glass!

Mickey Rourke, "The Wrestler"

Since the 80s Mickey pumped less and less and pumped up more and more. Do you think you drink a lot? At least don't be funny Rourka- there were times when he drank your maximum dose at breakfast, snacking on a pack of cigarettes! Having ultimately lost his money, his job and his playboy looks, the guy was left with everything broken. And here's a chance - a role in a film "Wrestler". To rise from the ashes, Mickey lost the fat in 7 months and replaced it with 14 kg of newfound muscle - not bad for a 52-year-old reveler. Every morning began with a 3.2-kilometer run along the beach, then sleep, after that an hour and a half of working with iron, breakfast and 45 minutes of cardio. In the evening, Mickey spent an hour and a half swinging in the gym, and closer to filming, he devoted another two hours directly to wrestling under the leadership of Afa “The Wild Samoan,” a professional wrestler and relative of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. And, of course, no alcohol.

What rocking chair?! I'm already Brad Pitt!

Brad Pitt, "Troy"

Even compared to the form in which Brad was in "Fight Club" and "Snatch", his body is in "Three"- standard. Moreover, his Achilles is not an over-pumped piece of meat, but a harmoniously developed athlete. The secret is in the proportions: 7 months of preparation Pitt perfectly pumped up his back and shoulders, while many gym lovers are too keen on training their arms and chest, which is why they look like Popeye the sailor. Pitt and his coach Greg Joujohn-Roche's goal was a warrior's body that should move easily, which is why Achilles doesn't have hypertrophied muscles. Work on the physics of Achilles consisted of daily 2-3 hour training in the gym and 1-2 hours of sword training.

PS: This article describes real human capabilities that can serve as motivation for you to play sports. But this does not mean that you should repeat the “feats” of the actors. In my opinion, 30 kg of muscle mass in six months is quite a lot. As muscles grow, many internal processes in the body change. Such drastic changes are stressful for the body. A healthy weight gain process should take place more slowly. I don’t undertake to voice exact numbers, because everything is individual, but for most people it is much less than 5 kg/month.

Star Fitness. How Hollywood stars train. Video

For those who have heart or vascular disease, hypertension, hormonal disorders, diabetes mellitus, prostatitis, these drugs will cause serious harm. For others, I advise you to practice and be patient. The result achieved by one’s own labor is many times more expensive.

"How can I get faster results from fitness exercises? Will I lose weight if I do dumbbell exercises every day?"
Maria Kashina, Yaroslavl

It must be remembered that we are all different, and everyone needs their own nutrition and training program, taking into account individual characteristics. In addition, you should realize that success comes when there is a realistic goal and a plan to achieve it.

“I have two children - a ten-year-old daughter and a twelve-year-old son. They really like to do exercises with dumbbells with me. But I’m afraid that this is harmful for children. In general, at what age can you start doing weight training in fitness?”
Anastasia Koprova, Smolensk

It is best for children under 16 years of age to engage in team sports: play outdoor games or attend swimming, karate, and gymnastics training. Wait until their body is fully formed.

“I’m 33 years old, I’m a mother of two boys. I work all day. I want to do fitness, but I don’t have enough energy. At the same time, I need to lose 10 extra kilos, but I can’t go on a diet. What should I do?”
Larisa Nosova, Moscow

Apparently, your fatigue is caused by poor nutrition with a predominance of simple carbohydrates and fats, as well as constant stress. Firstly, do not limit yourself to fresh fruits and vegetables, lean cereals, nuts, and fish. Secondly, eat less red meat, avoid sugar, coffee, alcohol, and flour. Thirdly, gradually accustom yourself to physical activity. First, walk for half an hour a day. Then devote 20 minutes twice a week to exercise. Soon you will not even notice how you will begin to follow a complete training plan.

“Are there simple fitness exercises that can be done at home or in the office that require minimal time?”
Alena Krelovich, Moscow

I recommend the strength training I developed:
Exercise 1. Lying on the floor with your legs straight, clasp your hands at the back of your head, spread your elbows and lift your torso, while bending your legs and pulling them towards your chest. Perform three sets of 25 repetitions.
Exercise 2. While standing, take dumbbells, press your elbows to your torso and bend your arms. The first series - 12 repetitions at an average pace, the second - 10 repetitions at a slow pace and the third - 12 at a fast pace. Perform all remaining exercises in this mode.
Exercise 3. While sitting, raise your slightly bent arms with dumbbells out to your sides.
Exercise 4. With your legs bent, bend your straight back to a horizontal position. arms with dumbbells at sides, slightly bent.
Exercise 5. Alternately bend your arms with dumbbells, keeping your elbows close to your body.
Exercise 6. Place your bent arm with the dumbbells behind your head so that your elbow points up. Extend your elbow, fixing it on the inside with your free hand.
Exercise 7. With your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, squat, leaning slightly forward. Hands with dumbbells on the belt.
Exercise 8. Lunges forward with a straight back.


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