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Presentation on the topic "beautiful posture." Presentation - correct posture is the key to health Presentation - correct posture is the key to health for children

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Correct posture. Posture is usually called the habitual pose of a casually standing person, the ability to hold the torso and head straight without tension (with slight natural curves of the spine: in the cervical and lumbar regions - forward, in the thoracic and sacral regions - backward).

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Let's check your posture. With correct posture, the head and torso are located along the same vertical line, the shoulders are turned, slightly lowered and at the same level, the shoulder blades are pressed, the physiological lines of the spine are expressed normally. The chest is slightly convex, the stomach protrudes slightly or is slightly retracted, the legs are straightened at the knees and hip joints. The chest has a cylindrical or conical shape. The muscles are prominent, all joints are mobile. The legs are straight, the closure of the hips, knees, shins and heels occurs without much muscle tension, with a small gap below the knees and above the inner ankles. The insides of the feet do not touch the floor. In order to identify flaws in your posture, stand close to your back to a closet or wall. Close your feet, look straight ahead (your head should touch the cabinet). Hands down at the sides. If your palm passes between your lower back and the wall, then your posture is good, otherwise your abdominal muscles are weak and your stomach is pulling on your spine

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POSTURAL DEFECTS Many spinal curvatures can be prevented, and in the initial stage, corrected. Therefore, one cannot ignore incorrect posture, uneven position of the shoulders and shoulder blades, pelvic displacement, etc. Children with postural disorders should be shown to an orthopedic doctor and a physical education specialist. To prevent incorrect posture, you need to do gymnastics daily. Incorrect posture disrupts the position of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity and contributes to the early appearance of osteochondrosis. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have weakened musculoskeletal systems and muscles, inelastic ligaments, and reduced shock-absorbing abilities of the lower extremities and, most importantly, the spine. Such children have a very high risk of getting seriously injured when long jumping, high jumping, performing exercises on sports equipment, wrestling and other contact sports.

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With incorrect posture, the natural curves of the spine are noticeably increased. In addition, lateral curvatures of the spine - scoliosis - can develop. With a stooped posture (Fig. 1. 2), the curvature of the thoracic spine is clearly pronounced. The chest is sunken, the shoulder blades lag behind, the shoulders protrude forward, the head is tilted forward. Lordotic posture (Fig. 1. 3) is characterized by an increase in lumbar curve. The angle of the pelvis increases, the stomach protrudes.

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POSTURAL DEFECTS With a round-concave back (Fig. 1. 4), the curves in the thoracic and lumbar spine are increased. The angle of inclination of the pelvis is increased, the buttocks protrude sharply back, the stomach forward, the chest is sunken, the waist is somewhat shortened. With a flat back (Fig. 2. 1), all the curves of the spine are underdeveloped, the angle of the pelvis is reduced, the stomach is retracted, and the buttocks are excessively protruded. The anteroposterior size of the chest is reduced, and the transverse size is increased. The child holds himself tensely, pointedly straight, and his movements are clumsy. An oblique back (asymmetrical posture) (Fig. 2. 2) occurs with an asymmetrical position of the shoulder girdle and pelvis, different leg lengths or an oblique position of the pelvis. If measures are not taken to correct posture, changes in the intervertebral discs and bone tissue may occur, characteristic of a serious disease - scoliosis

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1) Posture largely depends on the condition of your muscles; In addition, it is important to remember that incorrect posture at the table especially spoils your posture; 3) The habit of reading while lying on your side worsens your posture; Carrying weights in the same hand; 5) The bed should not be overly soft and the pillow should not be high; What does posture depend on?

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How to correct your posture? Posture can be corrected by constantly paying attention to certain things and purposefully doing exercises to correct your posture. . Specially selected physical exercises are an effective means of preventing postural disorders: stooping, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (a disease of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged stay in physiologically uncomfortable positions). It is recommended to alternate the loads associated with sitting with intense physical training: special exercises for the muscles of the back, abdominals, shoulder girdle, and limbs. The duration of the exercises is 1 – 3 minutes.

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A set of exercises to correct posture.. 1. I. p. - lying on your back. The head, torso, legs form a straight line, arms are pressed to the body. Raise your head and shoulders, check the correct body position, return to i. item 2. I. item - the same. Alternately bend and straighten your legs at the knees and hip joints. 3. I. p. - lying on your stomach. The chin is on the back of the hands, placed on top of each other. Raise your head and shoulders, hands on your belt, connect your shoulder blades.. 4. I. p. - lying on your back. Move from a lying position to a sitting position, maintaining the correct position of your back. 5.I. p. - the same. Alternately raising straight legs without lifting the pelvis from the floor. The pace is slow.

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Fish, bicycle 6. I. p. - lying on your stomach, chin on your hands. Move your arms back and raise your legs (“Fish”) 7. I. p. - lying on your back. "Bike". 8. I. p. - lying on the right side. Raise both straight legs, hold them suspended for 3 - 4 counts, slowly lower them into position. item 9. I. item - the same on the left side.

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Squats.walking 10. I.p. - standing. Half squats and squats on toes, arms to the sides, up, forward (Fig. 4.1). 11. Walking on toes, on the outer edges of the foot.

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Scissors 12. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Grab the legs of the chair with your feet from the inside and outside 8 to 10 times. (Fig. 4.2). 20. I. p. - sitting, knees bent (angle 30"). Shake your legs to the sides. 13. I. p. - lying on your back. “Scissors” - horizontal and vertical movements with straight legs (Fig. 4.3).

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Lock 14. I. p. - standing. “Lock” - place one hand behind your head, the other behind your shoulder blades. “Saw” several times, changing the position of the hands (Fig. 5). 15. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Inhale and slowly raise your pelvis (“half-bridge”), and while exhaling, lower yourself into the i. n. (Fig. 6).

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Methodical recommendations Do not slouch, do all exercises at a calm pace, without holding your breath. Each exercise is performed 4 - 5 times, then the number of repetitions gradually increases to 10 - 12 times. You need to practice in a well-ventilated room. Clothing should be light, comfortable, and not restrict movement. It is better to perform the exercises barefoot or in socks. Exercise an hour before and 45 - 60 minutes after meals at various times, but the last time no later than 19 hours. Every schoolchild's morning should begin with exercises, because... Morning exercises give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Waking up in the morning, lying down and stretching. Then sit cross-legged and stretch again, trying to feel the spine straighten. Be sure to stretch your cervical region - turn your head in different directions, carefully tilt it, trying to touch your ear to your shoulder.

HUMAN POSTURE Performed by 10th grade student Vlada Kiseleva, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 13” in Kimry, Tver Region. Head: Platonova L.A.

Posture is the habitual position of the body when standing, walking, sitting; is formed in the process of growth, development and education (in the period from 5 to 18 years). The posture of ballerinas, as well as athletes involved in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, and synchronized swimming can serve as a role model.

Signs of correct posture: head raised; the chest is expanded; shoulders - at the same level; when viewed from behind, the head, neck and spine form a straight vertical line; When viewed from the side, the spine has slight depressions in the cervical and lumbar regions (lordosis) and a slight convexity in the thoracic region (kyphosis).

Signs of incorrect posture: the head is extended beyond the longitudinal axis of the body (lowered head); shoulders brought forward, raised (or asymmetrical position of the shoulders); round back, sunken chest; the stomach is protruded, the pelvis is set back; the lumbar curve is excessively increased.

How to detect a defect: The child should undress, stand straight (heels and toes together) and lower his arms. Standing a few steps behind him, you need to carefully examine the axis of the spine (it should be strictly vertical), compare the levels of the shoulders, shoulder blades, gluteal and knee folds. Asymmetry indicates poor posture. Regular examinations may reveal the slightest deviations from the norm.

Incorrect posture Incorrect posture causes the early appearance of osteochondrosis, an unfavorable position of internal organs (with a decrease in their functions). For example, the habit of slouching creates a posture that compresses the chest, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. This makes it difficult for the lungs to function and does not allow the body to be supplied with oxygen in the required volume. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have a weakened musculoskeletal system, inelastic ligaments, and reduced shock-absorbing abilities of the lower extremities and, most importantly, the spine. This leads to the fact that children do not tolerate physical activity well, get tired quickly, and complain of back pain.

Types of postural disorders: Postural disorders are deviations in the position of the spine. Round back: thoracic kyphosis is increased and lumbar lordosis is slightly reduced. This condition is called stooping. Flat back: thoracic and lumbar curves are reduced, the shock-absorbing capacity of the spine is reduced. Saddle-shaped (round-concave) back: thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are increased, the abdomen is protruded.

Manifestations of lateral curvatures of the spine The possibility of scoliosis developing is especially high at the age of 11-15 years, when the skeleton is growing rapidly, and the muscular system lags behind in its development. It is during this period that posture is affected by sleeping on a soft bed, incorrect position of the torso while sitting and standing, and uneven load on the spine. One of the reasons for poor posture in school-age children is incorrect seating (position) at the desk during school lessons, as well as when doing homework or reading.

Preventive measures: When performing written and oral lessons, lean your back on the back of a chair. Try to sit straight, without tilting your head or upper body forward, so as not to strain your muscles. When working for a long time while sitting, it is necessary to change your position more often, get up and walk around the room, and organize physical education sessions. Do not sit in front of the TV in an overly soft chair or sofa. The seat should be at a height of half a meter from the floor. When moving heavy items over a significant distance, it is better to carry them on your back, for example in a backpack, rather than in your hands or in a shoulder bag. When lifting something heavy, you need to bend your legs, not your back.

Posture correction: Physical exercise helps normalize posture. However, the effect can only be expected with systematic and long-term implementation. Use: training in front of a mirror (visual self-control); mutual control of those involved; adoption of correct posture and correction of defects near the wall, when tactile sensations are added to the muscle-joint sensations when in contact with the wall.

Classes: In the preparatory part of the classes, exercises in formations and changes, breathing exercises, and walking are used. The main part uses exercises that provide general and strength endurance to the muscles of the back, abdominals and chest. The starting positions used in this part of the lesson are lying and kneeling. At the end of the main part there is usually an outdoor game. In the final part, running, walking, coordination and breathing exercises are used. It is advisable to include attention games in this part of the lesson, provided that the correct posture is maintained. During the lesson you should also use balance exercises and general developmental exercises: for the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks; tensile; with a gymnastic stick, hoop; on the gymnastics wall; swimming (breaststroke), etc.

Gymnastics and physical activity are important components of correct posture. Do gymnastics with your child in the morning, first warming up and then stretching all muscle groups. Try to get your child interested in carrying a book on his head. Place the book on your head and your hands on your belt and compete to see who can walk like this the longest or carry it the farthest. Gradually complicate the exercise - stretch your arms forward, squat without lifting your heels off the floor and keeping your back straight, spread your arms to the sides, lift your legs one by one. These exercises strengthen your back muscles well. Swimming is also a good spine workout. Enroll your student in the pool and visit it 2-3 times a week. Walking, cycling or roller skating help strengthen the spine and maintain correct posture. Yoga will be very interesting and useful for children. There are special children's groups in which you can study from 7-8 years old. As a rule, children really like yoga, because they are so interested in taking the “turtle pose”, “warrior pose”, and becoming a “flower” or “tree” for a while.

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We decided to figure out what correct posture is, why it is needed, how to form it and maintain it throughout life.

Adults often say: - Keep your back straight!!! - Don't slouch!!! - Watch your posture!!!

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The goal of the project is to understand the importance of correct posture for human life and health, to determine ways to form and maintain it.

Project objectives: - study of literature on the topic “Healthy Posture”; - study of posture in yourself and your friends; - searching for answers to the questions: why do we need correct posture, what affects our posture, what do we do to form correct posture, and what else can we do.

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Relevance of the project topic: The children of our kindergarten group will go to school this year. You will have to sit in class for a long time and wear heavy backpacks. The main load will fall on your back. Therefore, it is very important right now to understand how to hold your back correctly and what to do to ensure that it is always healthy and strong.

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Posture is the body position most familiar to a person, which he takes while sitting, standing and while walking.

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Signs of correct posture: - head raised - stomach tucked - chest turned out - shoulders at the same level

Incorrect posture Correct posture

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Test for correct posture: Stand with your back to the wall in your usual position (without straining). If you are standing straight, you should only be touching the wall with 5 points, as in the picture. Try sticking your fist between the wall and your lower back. If it goes away, there is a violation of posture. If only the palm passes through, the posture is normal.

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Let's check our posture.

To form correct posture, Nikita needs to strengthen her abdominal muscles in order to tighten her stomach and remove the strong arch in her back.

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Let's ask adults: “Why do we need correct posture?”

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    Nurse's answer: "Correct posture is necessary to form a healthy spine and protect against many diseases."

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    Coach’s answer: “When doing any work, any sport, you need to hold your body. Correct posture, combined with coordinated, harmonious and dexterous movements, makes a person strong and resilient.”

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    Teacher’s answer: “Good posture gives you confidence in yourself, in your abilities, and allows others to like you.”

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    What affects our posture?

    Strong spine Strong muscles The habit of holding your back correctly

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    What do we do to form correct posture?


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    There are more foods that contain a lot of calcium, which is useful for strengthening the bones of the spine. -Watch less TV and play computer games. -Move more to strengthen your muscles. -Get the right desk for your upcoming school assignments.

    What else can we do?

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    Watching our friends from kindergarten, we came to the conclusion that not all children have the habit of holding their backs correctly.

      This is how the house looks: one window.

    Every day at the cinema window.

    Every house has that house

    Come on, remember him...

    I love this house very much

    Black - white and color,

    I'm ready to sit until night -

    My beloved, my dear.

      Seemingly harmless

    They are in a box

    In a small box

    In a closet or on a shelf,

    You can use them

    But it is not advisable for children.

    People be careful!

    They are very fiery.

      The red car is rushing

    She has a brave squad with her.

    01 the signal sounds,

    So someone got hurt

    Black smoke pours out the window -

    It's very scary

    From wrong action.

    This natural disaster happens.

      The steamer is coming -

    Back and forth

    And behind him there is such a smooth surface -

    Not a wrinkle to be seen.

    He grumbles and hisses

    Like a shaggy animal,

    But now I’m walking

    I'm always neat.

      Looks like a famous fruit

    Very fragile in appearance.

    You need to touch carefully

    Suddenly it burns out.

    Everyone has it in their kitchen,

    In the corridor there is also...

    This pear cannot be cut,

    And even more so, don’t eat it.

      There's a good friend in the house

    He knows everything in the world...

    Only he has no legs, no arms,

    But he does chat.

    I get up early in the morning

    And I turn it on

    I listen to the news

    I'm drinking tea.

      Four blue suns

    They burned and went out:

    Cabbage soup, compote, pancakes are ready,

    No need for sun until tomorrow.

      There's a fat guy standing here,

    With your barrel akimbo,

    It sizzles and it boils

    He says to all the guys:

    And... Drink green tea, everyone.


      "Playing with fire"

      "game on the roadway"

      "water safety"

      "a ride on the bicycle"


    1 Minute of health “Posture is the basis of a beautiful gait”

    Conversation - dialogue

    Do you think it could be possible for trousers or a dress to stand upright on their own?

    To prevent them from lying on the floor like a rag, they need to be put on something or someone. Likewise, a person would be shapeless and ugly if he did not have a skeleton. The skeleton is our support. It looks fragile, but is actually very durable. The skeleton not only serves as a support for the body, but also protects the internal organs.

    Look at the picture. Name the parts of the skeleton, show where they are. (Skull, upper limb skeleton, rib cage, lower limb skeleton, spine)

    They say about thin people: “He is only skin and bones.” Can this really happen? If this were so, then the person would not be able to move. To run, walk, lift weights and even blink, a person needs muscles. Muscles are the main strongmen. They make him move. When a muscle contracts, it acts like a lever on the bone and causes the bone to move.

    The muscles resemble little mice running under the skin. This is why the word "muscle" is very similar to the word "MOUSE". It comes from the word “mouse”, and muscle comes from the Latin word “musculus”, i.e. little mouse.

    What helps make muscles strong?

    What besides exercise can strengthen bones and muscles? Which doctor comes to our aid? (Doctor Healthy Food)

    What foods should you eat? (Those containing large amounts of calcium salts are cottage cheese, milk; vegetables and fruits are also useful)

    Do you think it's nice to look at a slim person?

    Of course it's nice. Slender people are pleasing to the eye. But it’s not just about beauty; a slender person has a properly formed skeleton. With correct posture, it is easier for the heart and other important organs to work.

    Correct posture is not given to a person from birth, but is acquired by him. It is produced in childhood and adolescence, and after eighteen years it is very difficult to correct its deficiencies, because in childhood the cartilage tissue in the vertebrae has not yet been replaced by bone. That’s why adults tell you all the time: “Don’t hunch your back. Sit up straight!” Incorrect posture makes your back crooked and unsightly. If you learn to stand up straight as a child, then even at an older age you will not suffer from lower back pain.

    Allows you to maintain posture by the spine - the main core of the body. It runs down the middle of the back. This is a flexible trunk made up of 33 bones - vertebrae. The ribs are attached to the vertebra.

    How many ribs did you count? (12 pairs)

    What work do ribs do? (Protect internal organs from damage)

    Do you think a child can form correct posture on his own or, conversely, deform it?

    Why is the spine curved in children?

    Therefore, it is best to learn to monitor your posture and prevent any deviations. To feel healthy and cheerful, remember these cherished words:

    I will save my health

    I will help myself!

    What needs to be done to have good posture?

    1. Perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the torso.

    Spinal stretch.

    Stretch up 8 times

    Stretch forward 8 times

    Bend over 8 times

    Stretch up 8 times

    2. Sit correctly at a table, desk, or chair, without hunching over.

    3. When carrying heavy objects, you need to load your arms evenly.

    4. If you carry a backpack or briefcase in one hand, one shoulder will become lower than the other.

    5. Sleep on a hard bed with a low pillow.

    6. Sit with your back as straight as possible. Every 15 minutes of sitting at the table, you need to change your position, move your legs and arms, and stretch.

    7. Look at yourself in the mirror every day, which will tell you what kind of posture you have.

    A person's gait with straight posture, flexible and measured movements is beautiful and healthy. The arms move in rhythm with the legs. They should not be relaxed or swung around. The feet are almost parallel when walking. Gait quite accurately characterizes the general culture of a person. In the book, which was published back in 1812, the author writes: “If you walk like Indian roosters, dragging your feet, they will consider you lazy. Don't walk on your toes as if you were dancing. Don’t flap your arms too much, like wings, so that you can walk faster. If you are walking with someone, then try to walk at the same pace as him, do not come too close to him and do not move away so much that you cannot hear him. Watch your step so as not to accidentally step into the mud and splash your companion. This precaution is equally useful for yourself...”

    A careless, hobbling and mincing-dancing gait should be avoided. Excessive swinging of arms and swaying of shoulders does not add beauty to either a woman's or a man's gait. A head pulled into the shoulders looks ugly.

    Talk about how a person should walk.

    How should you take care of your posture?

    2. Operation Help a Friend

    In the process of cleaning the school yard.

    3. Outdoor games

    "Squat Tag", "Heron", "Limping Crow", "Stubborn Backpack"

    “To oneself - to a neighbor!”, “Lord of the Hole”

    4. Excursion into nature

    Valeological performance “TREES ARE HEALERS”


    Professor Leaf Oak

    Birch Maple

    Pine Aspen

    PROFESSOR LISTIK: Hello guys! We met you again in the forest. Do you know the trees that grow in your forest? Guess it.

    The more rings, the older the tenant (Tree)

    Who is this girl? Not a seamstress. Not a craftswoman.

    She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round (Spruce)

    The bee takes the most delicious honey from my flower.

    And everyone offends me, they rip off my thin skin (Linden)

    What kind of tree is there - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling (Aspen)

    She turned green in the spring, sunbathed in the summer, wore red corals in the fall (Rowan)

    No wonder this fashionista bent over the water.

    All summer long he looks at the river and admires himself (Willow)

    The girls are standing in white dresses, green shawls (Birches)

    A mother has a thousand sons, and she gave each one a bowl, but didn’t take one for herself.

    (oak and acorns)

    We will meet trees - healers. Why are they called that? Our ancestors knew that trees have certain energy and healing properties. They identified special, “revered” trees in the forest: oak, birch, pine. Listen. What trees tell about themselves by the rustling of their leaves.

    BIRCH: Healers believe that I am a source of energy and vitality. Relieves fatigue and the consequences of minor stress. Communication with other deciduous trees is also useful: willow calms, and poplar gives clarity of thinking.

    PINE: I have a beneficial effect on sick, weakened people. In addition, many coniferous trees emit special volatile substances - phytoncides.

    SPRUCE: The peculiarity of phytoncides is that they suppress the development of microbes, thereby improving the environment. Larch, pine, spruce, juniper, and cedar produce a huge amount of phytoncides. Deciduous trees include birch, poplar, bird cherry, hawthorn, and maple.

    PROFESSOR LEAF: In addition, large plantings of these plants also provide a sanitary service - they clean the air from dust. For example, on one hectare, spruce plantings retain up to 32 tons of dust per year, pine - 35 tons, birch - 55 tons.

    OAK: The appearance of plants also has an aesthetic and psychological effect. The activating ones include trees with a spreading pyramidal crown shape - oak, poplar, acacia.

    Maple: Trees with an oval or weeping umbrella crown, like mine, elm, linden, willow, ash, birch, are considered calming.

    ASPEN: I have an auspicious meaning as a tree, full of abundance of life, my leaves are always swaying, talking to each other. I have long been considered a tree that saves from all evil spirits.

    PROFESSOR LISTIK: Trees are truly energy sources and have different effects on human health and mood. If you lean against such a “benevolent” tree, press your palms and the back of your head against it, you will feel a surge of strength, bad mood and physical weakness will recede.

    There are certain rules for communicating with trees. Choose the most powerful and branchy tree with its leaves. Walk around it from a distance. Feel sympathy and goodwill towards him. Then start approaching. Standing near a tree, as if send your whole body to the trunk and crown - press your back, the back of your head, your palms - “merge” with it. Feel the roots of the tree, the movement of juices from under the ground up the trunk and their spreading over the leaves of the crown. Feel how the solar energy comes down and rushes through the leaves into the roots underground. This is how the great cycle takes place between heaven and earth and their interchange. Try to connect to this exchange yourself, imagining yourself as part of a tree, and experience the surge of solar and earthly energy within yourself. Imagine how the leaves stroke your hair, feel the crown of your head. When leaving, do not forget to thank the tree and stroke its trunk with your hand.

    Remember, guys, plants can help a person replenish vitality, but only when each of us learns the culture of communication with plants and, of course, with each other. Be healthy!

    TEACHER: Now we'll play games.

    “To your tree” (names the tree, and the children run to it)

    “Blind Botanist” (With your eyes closed, recognize a tree by a leaf)

    “Recognize me” (recognize the tree by description)

    “Find my mother” (take the cones to the desired tree: pine, spruce, larch)

    RESULT: What new did you learn in this lesson?

    What do you remember most?

    5. Conversation: “Scout Movement”

    History of the children's movement: scouts and amusing ones.

    In 1908 Two significant events took place in the Russian Empire. The first is the appearance of the decree of Nicholas II on the creation of amusing detachments. And secondly, the publication of R. Baden-Powell’s book “Young Scout”.

    The first amusing squad was organized by the inspector of public schools Lutskevich from children 8-14 years old in the city of Bakhmut (Artyomovsk, Donetsk region).

    Youth military sports associations were mainly involved in drill training and gymnastics. Amusing teams began to be created not only at schools and garrisons, but also at artillery batteries, ships, and even fire brigades. All expenses for uniforms and training of children were borne by the treasury; officers became teachers.

    Russian scouting, which developed in parallel, had its own distinctive features. Among them is the presence of a knightly charter, which formulated the moral qualities of scouts: unselfishness, self-sacrifice, honesty, devotion, discipline, etc.

    The basics of scouting were outlined in the book by R. Baden-Powell in the form of simple and accessible conversations around the fire. Perhaps this is why scouting as an educational system found a great response among not only young people, but also patriotic officers, who in those years were grieving the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War.

    It was then that the first patrol of Russian scouts was created in the city of Pavlovsk near St. Petersburg. They called it "Beavers". Largely thanks to the efforts of the first scoutmasters, such as the staff captain of the Life Guards battalion O.I. Pantyukhov, headquarters captain V.G. Zakharchenko and others, the directions of activity of Russian scouts were determined:

      development of spiritual, moral, individual qualities (training of memory, will, sense organs, character education);

      service to the state (skills in practical assistance to the army and the population);

      religious education;

      physical education (military formation, hiking, physical exercise);

      labor education (mastery of various specialties and practical skills)

    The leading method of the educational system among scouts has become the so-called long game, which covers the entire time a scout is in the troop.

    Purpose of the game - “instilling in young men a chivalrous attitude towards others, love and devotion to the Motherland, a caring attitude towards all people” Here it was also possible to successfully apply the system of guiding children through the children themselves. Scouts learned to make fires, build huts and crossings, lay out road signs, hide in forests and fields, track down “violators” and report what they saw, navigate by compass, sun, stars, signal with flags, light, sound, put out fires, provide first aid help... Following the results of the competition, a ceremonial award ceremony was usually held for those who distinguished themselves. For this purpose, a special reward system was developed in the form of badges and stripes on the scout uniform.

    It is quite obvious that the emergence of scouting and sport in Russia was the result of recognition of the special role of the children's movement in the implementation of educational tasks formulated by the state. The main content of the corresponding social order was physical education and military training of children and youth. In the work of scouts, age characteristics were taken into account, conditions were created for the self-realization of adolescents, and scoutmasters were trained from among the scouts themselves.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, scouts showed themselves to be active guardians of traditions.

    But during the years of Soviet power, the work of the scout movement was lost. Currently, the scout movement has been revived in a number of Russian schools. In the city of Saratov there is a scout troop “Minstrel”.

    The word "scout" means "one who leads the way, a pioneer, a scout." Scouts are patriots, because it’s not without reason that their motto is: “Always ready for Russia!”

    Scout programs and camps are full of romance, adventure, discovery, developing games and competitions. Each camp is an excellent opportunity to test yourself, your skills and your character - after all, scouts do not have nannies, and they do everything themselves: they put up tents, chop wood, cook food over a fire, tie sea knots, etc.

    Scout salute The salute is given with the right hand by straightening and joining the three middle fingers and placing the thumb over the little finger to the right side of the visor of the headdress or, if wearing a Scout hat, by touching the edge of the brim of the hat on the right side. Three fingers symbolize the three parts of the Solemn Promise (TO) - duty to the Motherland, society and nature, duty to oneself and duty to others. The thumb on the little finger means that the strong must protect the weak, and the younger must obey the elder. The right hand in the scout sign is at the level of the head and slightly to the side.


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