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How to select a bandage for pregnant women. How to choose a prenatal bandage for pregnant women. The benefits and harms of a bandage for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman faces a tremendous burden. To alleviate the condition of the mother, as well as taking into account the needs of the baby, a bandage for pregnant women was created. But among obstetricians there is no consensus on its feasibility. Today there are many types that differ in purpose and shape. Therefore, it is worth understanding the usefulness of such a product.


For an expectant mother, a bandage can be a real salvation. It is a medical belt or made in the form of high elastic panties that allow you to fix the abdominal wall. Such support not only eases a woman’s physical condition, partially relieving fatigue. Use also has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. And during multiple pregnancies, it protects the spinal column and also relieves pressure on the internal organs.

Often used as a preventative against stretch marks characteristic of the third trimester. There are no universal models that take into account all indications of gestation, but it is still worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy.

The main advantages will help you decide whether to wear a bandage:

  • reduces the load during pregnancy, especially if a woman is expecting twins or triplets;
  • good prevention of stretch marks that appear both in the abdomen and on the outer side of the thighs;
  • abdominal support for weakened abdominal muscles;
  • pressure on the spinal column and internal organs is relieved;
  • with an active mother, provides support for the lower back, protects the ankle joints;
  • natural material is breathable, can be used in hot summers;
  • thanks to regular use, the fetus occupies the correct position, which is important during the natural process of childbirth;
  • the risk of early fetal descent, as a common factor in preterm birth, is reduced;
  • correction of pathologies, reducing the risk of pregnancy failure;
  • ease of operation, regardless of type and model.


In order to understand which bandage is best to choose for pregnant women, you need to consult a doctor. Only a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of pregnancy, can advise the most optimal model. It is better not to solve this issue on your own; instead of convenience and comfort, an incorrectly selected bandage can further complicate the condition.

Briefs bandage

This is a more modern analogue of a medical belt; it is a special underwear. There is a special elastic insert under the lower abdominal line, which serves as a supporting base. A fairly large selection of colors and models make this bandage very popular.

Another significant advantage is the ability to adjust to the desired size. That is, thanks to the special material, the panties and bandage will stretch without losing their supporting properties as the abdomen grows. Effective support for the abdominal area is provided, it is possible to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks.


  • if a pregnant woman suddenly gains weight, she will have to buy several models as the size increases; manufacturers do not provide for growth in other areas except the abdomen;
  • Unlike a belt, like any underwear, this type of bandage requires daily washing, so despite the affordable price, you will have to purchase several pairs;
  • According to the instructions, it must be put on while lying down, which somewhat limits a woman’s movement, making it difficult to visit public toilets.

There are different types, depending on the brand of the manufacturer, they often include metal or plastic ribs to support the back; some models also have posture correction functions. The prenatal bandage is worn over underwear, it is very soft and elastic, invisible under clothing.

Provide prevention of the appearance of stretch marks, both in the lumbar region and on the abdomen. Help the fetus take the correct physiological position. A bandage belt with a shaped cut is recommended for multiple pregnancies; it allows you to relieve tension from the pelvic organs and lower back. The main indications are also: polyhydramnios, the risk of premature birth, large fetuses or carrying twins, the postoperative period, prevention of complications during pregnancy and during childbirth.

This product is very practical, it is easily adjustable to suit the size of the mother. Its main difference is the ability to wear both during pregnancy and after childbirth. This type is suitable for women who have rapidly gained weight during pregnancy. Recommended to wear to prevent stretch marks and sagging skin. For medical reasons in the postpartum period - cesarean section to fix the suture.

Design of a universal bandage:

  • the medical belt consists of 2 parts - wide and narrow, there are also adjustable Velcro fasteners;
  • during pregnancy, the narrowed section is located directly under the growing tummy, and the wide one encircles and secures the lower back;
  • during the period after childbirth, the design of the bandage is put on in reverse, the narrow part is on the lower back, and the wide part wraps around the stomach.

The universal look has mixed reviews. Some mothers note the discomfort and pressure exerted by such a belt. When wearing for a long time, you notice fatigue from wearing a heavy device. But this does not apply to all models; a lot depends on the manufacturer, so it is not worth judging the entire type based on one unsuccessful copy.

Well-known brands that produce retainers for pregnant women:

  • the popular manufacturer fest produces belts that can not only prevent deviation, but also correct existing pathology;
  • Orlett - the high cost of the product is compensated by its practicality, wear resistance, has a wide spectrum of action for various indications, the ability to absorb moisture and freely pass oxygen reduces the risk of irritation and allergic reactions;
  • Nuova vita - has many different models and colors, you can choose both prenatal and postnatal options;
  • Ecoten - a clear advantage of this brand is the presence of additional plastic plates; the orthopedic design allows you to relieve the load from the back and ankle joints.

You only need to purchase a bandage at a pharmacy. It is not recommended to wear one that has already been used. In addition to hygiene standards, the functionality of such a belt is also questionable. Only the doctor selects the appropriate model, focusing on the characteristics of pregnancy.

Instructions for use

Many pregnant women find this medical belt very difficult to use. Another question of concern is when to start wearing it, so that it’s not too early or too late. There are general recommendations for using a bandage.

Operating rules:

  • Before buying a support device, you need to consult a doctor who will select a suitable model according to your individual characteristics;
  • put on lying on your back, your hips should be slightly raised, you can put a cushion made of a towel under your back;
  • the belt or elastic part is located directly in front under the abdomen, covering the upper area of ​​the pubic area;
  • if you feel pressure, discomfort, or pain while wearing it immediately or at the end of the day, you should immediately discard such a device and select a more suitable model;
  • there must be breaks, the bandage must be removed at intervals of 3 hours, the break lasts at least half an hour, in no case should you go to bed in it;
  • used before the birth process, universal models can be worn during the recovery period, it is better to focus on your own feelings, they will be the best indicator of the need for a belt.

It is recommended to start wearing a bandage during the period of intensive growth of the tummy. This is approximately 20-24 weeks; with multiple gestations, you can purchase a support belt earlier. The main deciding factor is the individual course of pregnancy; only a gynecologist prescribes such a fixative.


Every expectant mother and her doctor will decide whether to wear it or not. This is not necessarily an introduced element for the normal course of gestation. There are a number of conditions for which the use of a medical retainer is recommended.

Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy:

  • if you are worried about back pain;
  • there is a risk of miscarriage;
  • pinched nerve in the spinal column;
  • multiple births;
  • there is a scar on the uterus due to cesarean section or gynecological surgery;
  • pathologies of the cervix;
  • recent abdominal surgery.

There are also contraindications. You cannot independently prescribe the wearing of a fixation device unless there are strict medical instructions for this. During the normal course of pregnancy, the woman copes independently, thanks to natural processes. There is no need to use a belt only to prevent stretch marks; the best prevention would be to control weight gain and moderate physical activity. In the third trimester, when the fetus is turning over to achieve its final position for birth, the band may interfere with this. And, when the baby is already positioned correctly, it is recommended to resume using the retainer.

A maternity bandage is a real salvation for an expectant mother: it relieves stress from the spine, supports the back, and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach and pain in the legs. The most important thing is to choose the right type and size of the product.

Types of bandages for pregnant women and their sizes

  • A prenatal bandage (belt) supports the abdomen, does not put pressure on the uterus and protects the muscles and skin from stretching. As a result, the fetus takes the correct position, and the woman gets rid of pain in the back, legs and lower back.
  • A postpartum bandage (panties) is needed to restore elasticity to the muscles and skin in the shortest possible time, and therefore has multi-level fasteners to tighten the body as much as possible and is made of a denser and more elastic material.
  • The combined bandage can be used both before and after childbirth, depending on which side it is worn on.

The size of bandages for pregnant women depends on the type of product in shape, and determining yours is not difficult at all.

If you buy a bandage belt, choose the model of the same size that you wore before pregnancy: S (42-44), M (46-48), L (50-52), XL (52-54), XXL (56 and above).

It is better to buy bandage panties one size larger than you wore before pregnancy. The disadvantage of these bandages is the low elasticity of the material, and therefore, as the fetus grows, you will have to buy larger sizes, which is not very economical.

To determine the size of the combination bandage, measure your waist circumference at the level of your navel and add 4-5 centimeters to the resulting figure, because your belly will increase in the future.

What should you consider when choosing the size of a maternity bandage?

  • Woman's age;
  • gestational age;
  • fetal position;
  • the number of previous births (if a woman is pregnant not for the first time, wearing a bandage is mandatory);
  • type of bandage.

The main indicator that you have chosen the right bandage size is how you feel. When you put it on, you should not feel any discomfort or excessive pressure.

If you still experience discomfort, even though you seem to have chosen your size, check whether you are wearing the bandage correctly. The main rule is to do this lying on your back and slightly raising your hips: in this case, the uterus immediately takes the correct position.

Maternity bandage size chart

Type Circumference under the belly, cm Bandage size
Panties 89 - 92 92
93 - 96 96
97 - 100 100
101 - 104 104
105 - 108 108
109 - 112 112
Belt Hip circumference before pregnancy, cm Bandage size
85 - 90 XS
91 - 95 S
96 - 100 M
101 - 105 L
106 - 110 XL
111 - 115 XXL

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. In particular, the expectant mother gains weight and her tummy gets bigger. During pregnancy, a woman's uterus grows, the muscles of the abdominal wall stretch, and it becomes difficult for the woman to walk. Many pregnant women at this time begin to use bandages to reduce discomfort while walking. Therefore, questions arise: what is a bandage and when is it needed?

Why do pregnant women need a bandage?

A bandage is a special device that supports the abdomen without putting pressure on it. A properly selected bandage helps the baby take the correct position in the uterus and prevents premature descent of the fetus. In addition, a rationally designed bandage can relieve stress from the spine, thus preventing the occurrence of lower back pain. Another advantage of wearing a bandage by pregnant women is the prevention of stretch marks on the skin.

Wearing a modern bandage is effective when there is a threat of premature birth, to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.

In order to figure out which bandage is best suited for pregnant women, let’s look at the indications for its use:

  • active lifestyle of a pregnant woman, especially if the woman spends more than three hours in a row in an upright position (relevant for working pregnant women);
  • osteochondrosis, lower back pain;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • weak muscles of the pelvic floor, anterior abdominal wall;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • repeated pregnancies, in which the abdominal wall stretches more significantly than during the first pregnancy;
  • the appearance of stretch marks;
  • excessive enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion and premature birth.

There are no categorical contraindications to wearing a bandage by pregnant women. However, not all obstetricians consider its use appropriate. Some doctors strongly recommend that all women wear such a device. Others point out that nature itself took care of all the conditions for bearing a child. Therefore, every expectant mother should consult on this issue with her doctor, who will take into account the course of her pregnancy and the characteristics of her physique.

Rules for wearing a bandage

The bandage usually begins to be worn from the fourth month of pregnancy, when the abdomen increases rapidly and stretch marks may appear. This device can be used until childbirth.

Under no circumstances should you wear a bandage all day, much less for 24 hours. Experts recommend that women take a 30-minute break every three hours of wearing the bandage.

Types of bandages

There are three main types of prenatal bandages.

  1. Briefs-bandage, having an elastic support insert, which is located in front under the stomach, and in the back - on the lower back. The main disadvantage of this type of bandage is that it needs to be washed often, since it is used as underwear. Therefore, it is best to stock up on several of these bandages. It is recommended to wear panties in a lying position so that the pressure on the upper abdomen is reduced and the pressure on the lower abdomen is increased.
  2. Bandage belt is an elastic band that is worn over underwear. The degree of fit is adjusted using the side (often in the middle of the abdomen) valves with Velcro. This type of bandage makes it possible to focus the uterus without applying pressure from above. It is comfortable to wear in summer, as it does not completely cover the stomach. This model of bandage can be worn while lying down or standing.
  3. Combined or universal bandage. A fairly practical model that can be used both before and after childbirth. This bandage is a belt made of rubberized fabric, fastened with Velcro. During pregnancy, the narrow part of the belt is secured under the abdomen to support it, and the wide part is used to secure the back. After childbirth, on the contrary, the narrow part supports the back, the wide part supports the stomach.

In addition to the model of the bandage, it is important to decide on the choice of material from which it is made.

With the help of modern technologies, so-called “breathable” materials have been created in our time. Bandages made using such materials meet all hygienic requirements.

Which bandage to choose

After reviewing the information about the bandage models, the expectant mother begins to choose such a device for herself. And often she gets confused about which maternity bandage is best for her. In this case, experts suggest following certain tips.

  1. Purpose of the bandage. If a pregnant woman purchases a bandage due to pregnancy complications, she should consult her doctor about choosing a model. If the expectant mother just wants to avoid stretch marks and prevent the appearance of lower back pain, she can choose the type of device herself.
  2. Material, from which the bandage is created. Naturally, it is best if hygroscopic or natural fabrics (cotton) were used in the manufacture of the bandage. This is especially important when wearing such a device in the summer. But at the same time, such models are more expensive than those made from synthetics.
  3. Features of the figure. Some women are more comfortable in a pant bandage, others in a belt bandage, and still others in a universal bandage. Every expectant mother should choose the model that is comfortable for her. It is good to consult your doctor.
  4. Mandatory fitting bandage Do not rely on the size indicated on the product label. To correctly determine which bandage to choose, you need to try it on. Moreover, it is best to try on such a product in a lying position.
  5. Correct fasteners. The expectant mother must remember that her tummy will constantly grow. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the fasteners will allow you to wear the bandage in the last months of pregnancy. It is also important to check whether the fasteners allow you to put on the device yourself, and whether they will rub the skin. Bandages with multi-level fasteners are quite convenient.

Doctors recommend buying a bandage in pharmacies, antenatal clinics or specialized stores. There the woman will be helped to make her choice and choose the right bandage. And, of course, you should not neglect consulting a doctor before such an important purchase.

Pregnancy is a happy time for parents who are looking forward to the birth of their long-awaited baby. But at the same time, for each expectant mother, the development of the fetus proceeds in its own way. For some, the tummy begins to appear quite quickly, for others it will be noticeable almost before the birth.

A special bandage for pregnant women is a comfortable and practical design. It makes a girl’s life much easier for 5 months or more. So, what are its features, how to use the product? What are the advantages of modern corrective bandages for pregnant women?

general description

A pleasant bonus when wearing such a corset is a reduction in the feeling of fatigue in the legs. When walking, a woman often leans forward to see the road. The supporting structure reduces the displacement of the longitudinal axis of the expectant mother's body. This allows you to bend when walking much less than before.

Choosing a bandage for pregnancy is a responsible procedure. Before purchasing, you should study the indications and study the instructions, as well as consult with your doctor.


The main task of the bandage is to properly support the stomach. This device helps the baby take a comfortable position. A thoughtful design reduces the load on the spinal column and eliminates lower back pain. Abdominal support eliminates the risk of stretch marks.

As soon as your tummy begins to grow rapidly, it’s time to think about wearing supportive underwear. In addition, bandages with an elastic insert for pregnant women have medical indications:

  • Weakness of the pelvic muscles and the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Osteochondrosis, as well as lower back pain.
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Certain types of pathologies (for example, an enlarged uterus).
  • Repeated pregnancy.
  • Stretch marks.

There are no contraindications to the use of a bandage during pregnancy. But in any case, you need to consult your doctor whether to buy the product or not. He will take into account your health and the conditions of your pregnancy. The specialist will also advise you on how to wear supportive underwear correctly.

A bandage is an orthopedic device. It is not intended for cosmetic figure correction.


Many women purchase a brace for pregnant women not on the recommendation of a doctor, but on their own. As a result, undesirable consequences may occur. The most harmless of them will be redness of the skin in the area where the bandage fits tightly.

What contraindications may there be:

  • Allergic reaction to the manufacturing material.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Incorrect placement of the fetus (meaning transverse, pelvic).
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

Contraindications should be clarified with your doctor. He will actually recommend the model and tell you how to use the product. But still, any kit with a bandage will definitely have an instruction insert.

If, after putting on the brace, the baby begins to move restlessly, the corset must be removed. You should definitely tell your doctor about this.

A quality product will make you feel light almost immediately after putting it on. It won't press or rub.


There are many similar products on sale now. A wide range allows a woman to suit her preferences.

Support structures vary in size, color, material and function. They are also selected depending on the stage of pregnancy. It is for this reason that you should buy a copy for yourself on the recommendations of a doctor - it is almost impossible to make the right decision on your own.

Types of bandages:

  1. Briefs with elastic insert. This product is placed under the stomach and on the lower back and is used by pregnant women as panties. The only downside is that, like underwear, it needs to be washed every night. Therefore, it will be important to purchase several copies at once. The advantages of bandage panties are ease of wearing and inconspicuousness even under light clothing.
  2. Belt. The support product is worn over underwear. Fixation under the abdomen is carried out using Velcro. Modern models have several valves (up to three), which provide convenient size adjustment. The bandage tape is worn both in a sitting and in a lying position.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the lace-up bandage. It is still available for sale, but it is an outdated model: the material from which it is made has practically no stretch. And this, in principle, is the main reason why a lace-up bandage is extremely rarely used in pregnant women.

The belt is more versatile; it can be tightened to any amount. However, do not overdo it - this can negatively affect the child. The main disadvantage of the belt is that it is quite inconvenient to remove it.

Thanks to modern technologies, a material is created for the bandage that allows the skin to breathe. Hygroscopic products meet all hygiene requirements.

The most popular are maternity belts made in Germany and Great Britain. The products we offer are not cheap, but they combine attractive design and excellent functionality perfectly.

Such bandages are produced not only in the “white” version - they can be beige, black and other colors. Doctors still recommend wearing white items - this will be another incentive to constantly maintain cleanliness.

With the right choice and compliance with wearing requirements, the bandage will be a good helper for a woman until the very moment of childbirth.

Postpartum bandages

They are used to restore the figure after childbirth or. After all, the problem with losing weight is that the abdominal tissues during this period do not have sufficient elasticity, so they will need help to quickly recover. This product should be worn for a month after the baby is born.

Functions of the postpartum bandage:

  • Relatively short recovery of strained muscles.
  • Reducing the risk of sagging belly.
  • Promoting rapid contraction of the uterus and the internal organs occupying their original position.
  • If you had a caesarean section, the product will help form the correct scar.

In addition to prenatal and postpartum, there is a universal bandage. Its design has not only a wide part, but also a narrow one. The belt can be adjusted with special fasteners. During the period of bearing the baby, the narrow part supports the stomach, and the wide one is located on the lower back. After the baby is born, the product is turned upside down.

How to choose?

To avoid making a mistake in choosing a product, you should seek advice from an experienced employee of the store where you plan to make a purchase. But in any case, the size of the belt should be the same size as it was before pregnancy.

You can determine the size of the panty bandage as follows - add one to the indicators of your usual size.

You can always try on the belt. It should be comfortable, not tight anywhere, and sit on the lower back as comfortably as possible.

  1. The purchase must be made in a specialized store. Employees will tell you how not to make a mistake with sizes, which manufacturer is better to choose, what materials are used to make a particular model.

  2. You should be careful when buying a corset in an online store. The fact is that if you don’t like the product or the size doesn’t fit, you will have to wait a few more days before another order arrives. In addition, bandages are not exchangeable.
  3. The more cotton in the product, the better. The natural material protects a woman’s skin well from cooling, it is pleasant to the touch, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly.
  4. You should not buy a bandage without first talking with your doctor. A specialist will be able to suggest a specific model and help you choose the right product in accordance with your characteristics. He will tell you which bandage is best for a certain period, and how to wear it correctly.

Such recommendations will allow you to choose the right bandage that will effectively support the tummy and help the baby take the right position. The product will provide optimal load on the lower back. But before buying a bandage, you need to study the contraindications and recommendations of specialists.

The main frame should be made of cotton, the supporting insert should be made of a special material - elastane.

As a rule, imported bandages are much more expensive than domestic ones, but this is not at all an indicator of quality - most of them are synthetic. This prevents the skin from breathing and causes a greenhouse effect.

How to wear?

Maternity belts are worn after 4 months of pregnancy - it is at this time that the baby begins to grow rapidly. The belly is growing rapidly. This is when the first stretch marks appear.

And although wearing a bandage will not harm any girl, it is advisable to still adhere to certain rules:

  • It is unacceptable to wear it 24/7.
  • You need to take breaks while you are awake. It should be removed for 30 minutes after wearing it for 3 hours.
  • There is no need to wear a bandage while lying down.

It is usually put on at 20 weeks. It is not recommended to wear the product before this period, because it is from this period that the fetus is actively growing. True, some women notice an increase in their tummy even later, and therefore they do not need to buy a bandage so early. But if there are some pregnancy pathologies, for example, polyhydramnios, or you have a fairly large fetus, put it on already at 16 weeks.

Helpful Tips:

  1. If you are not bothered by lumbar pain during pregnancy, you can delay purchasing a bandage until 28 weeks.
  2. From 39 on, support underwear can only be used during household chores or short walks. At this stage, the stomach drops - the baby is preparing for birth.
  3. It must be removed at night.
  4. The product prescribed by the doctor should be worn until the baby is born.

Correctly following all instructions and prescriptions, you will ensure a trouble-free pregnancy.

According to all the rules, after a while the worn bandage ceases to be felt.

You can use the support structure until the end of pregnancy - it will not harm your baby.

Performing a supporting function, the bandage for pregnant women ensures the health of the unborn baby and a comfortable pregnancy for the woman.

Pregnancy is an amazing and at the same time turbulent period in a woman’s life. The longer the pregnancy becomes and the belly grows, the harder it is for the pregnant woman to move around and do her usual activities. A pregnancy bandage is a real helper for women expecting a baby. Its main purpose is to support a growing tummy and reduce the load on the lower back. Using a band to support the abdomen during pregnancy has the most conflicting opinions from expectant mothers. Many people doubt whether they need a bandage during pregnancy. However, there are situations when a woman simply needs to wear a support belt in order to alleviate her condition and eliminate possible negative consequences during pregnancy. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of wearing a bandage from a medical point of view, as well as how to put it on and wear it correctly.

A prenatal belt or bandage for pregnant women is a special medical belt or panties made of elastic material that secures the anterior abdominal wall. The purpose of wearing a bandage is to relieve the load on the spine, because during pregnancy a woman can gain up to 15 kg of weight. The bandage is especially useful for women carrying twins or three babies at once. Translated from French, “bandage” means “bandage”. The prenatal belt was first invented in the late 60s. last century.

The benefits of wearing a bandage during pregnancy

  1. Provides support to a rapidly growing belly without putting pressure on the fetus.
  2. Brings the fetus to the correct position in the womb and prevents its early descent.
  3. Unloads the spinal column, reduces pain in the lower back and legs.
  4. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen.

According to doctors, a bandage during pregnancy is safe for the baby and very useful for the expectant mother, only if it is correctly selected and used as intended. A prenatal belt is prescribed for pregnant women in certain cases; everyone does not have to wear it.

Bandage: medical indications

  • a large fetus or multiple pregnancy, which causes increased stress on the spine;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion or premature birth (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, low placenta);
  • with weakness of the abdominal muscles, which can cause premature prolapse of the abdomen.
  • the bandage helps to correctly fix the position of the fetus in the uterus;
  • if, while carrying a baby, a pregnant woman feels pain, discomfort in the back or lower back;
  • leg pain, swelling, varicose veins;
  • scars on the uterus if there have been operations, as well as operations on the abdominal cavity a year or two before conceiving a child;
  • underdevelopment of the cervix;
  • pinched nerve in the lumbar region, which is accompanied by pain;
  • the bandage is necessary for active mothers who work during maternity leave and spend a lot of time on their feet;
  • during repeated pregnancy, the bandage is necessary to prevent abdominal sagging and stretch marks, since the abdominal wall stretches faster.

In the absence of these indications, pregnant women do not need to wear a bandage. Since the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall will not be able to be in good shape and cope with the load on their own. After giving birth, it will be more difficult for them to return to normal. The bandage makes the abdominal muscles “lazy”.

Bandage: contraindications

In addition, there are contraindications for which the bandage should absolutely not be used:

  1. With transverse presentation of the fetus. If after 24 weeks the fetus is not positioned correctly in the uterus, the prenatal belt may interfere with the baby’s ability to turn over independently and take the correct position in the mother’s tummy, head down. If closer to birth the fetus is in the correct position in the uterus, the doctor may prescribe wearing a bandage to prevent the baby from turning over again.
  2. If allergic reactions occur to the material from which the prenatal belt or panties are made.

Types of bandages

There are three models of prenatal bandages, which are made of cotton, elastane, with the addition of microfibers: bandage panties, a belt and a corset. Postpartum bandages are also produced, which are not intended for pregnant women. Their goal is to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles after childbirth or cesarean section.

Among the prenatal bandages you can see the following models on sale:

  • Universal bandage belt. It is the most popular and practical model chosen by expectant mothers. It is an elastic band, which consists of a narrow and wide part, each part is adjustable using Velcro. The versatility of the belt is that it can be used both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. During pregnancy, the wide part of the belt is fixed to the lower back, distributing the load from the back, and the narrow part is fixed to the lower abdomen. After childbirth, the belt is worn in reverse: the wide part holds the abdominal muscles, and the narrow part secures the back. The support belt is worn over underwear in the summer, tights or trousers in the winter. Some manufacturers produce perforated belts; thanks to the holes in the material, the bandage belt allows the skin to breathe and is not so hot in the summer. This type of bandage is ideal for women who are rapidly gaining weight and are prone to stretch marks. In addition, the model is very accessible and has a low cost.

  • Bandage panties. Bandage panties are a comfortable and beautiful model. These are panties with an elastic waistband (with a high insert) on the stomach. On sale you can find a huge selection of models and colors of supportive panties for pregnant women. The main advantage of bandage panties is their ease of wearing, good support for a growing tummy due to the stretching of the elastic insert, and low cost. However, panties also have disadvantages:
    Jockstrap panties need to be washed daily, so it is advisable to purchase several spare models or wear them over your underwear. There are insulated models specifically for the cold season.
    Bandage panties are not suitable for pregnant women who are quickly gaining weight or expecting twins; this bandage is not designed for excessive stretching; over time, the panties will squeeze the stomach and rub the skin, which is extremely undesirable.

  • Bandage corset. The bandage in the form of a corset with laces at the back perfectly holds the stomach. It is problematic to put it on without outside help, which is why the model is not so popular today. The choice of expectant mothers tends towards more versatile and comfortable models of bandages.

Should I wear a bandage during pregnancy?

The question of whether a pregnant woman needs to wear a prenatal belt should only be decided with a gynecologist. Guided by the woman’s physical condition, her daily activity, and the health of the mother and baby, the doctor decides to prescribe the use of a support element for a growing belly.

When to start wearing a brace during pregnancy

Many pregnant women decide to self-prescribe wearing a bandage to relieve lower back pain or relieve heaviness in their legs, which is not advisable to do. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist leading a pregnancy can prescribe this device if there are medical indications.

From what week of pregnancy should you wear a bandage?

Basically, the bandage is prescribed to pregnant women for a period of 23 to 30 weeks.
The optimal time to wear it is the 4th month of pregnancy, the period when the uterus begins to actively grow and the abdomen enlarges. The most important thing is to listen to the recommendations of doctors and listen to your own feelings.
From the 39th week, the bandage is worn during long walks or doing housework, when the stomach gradually drops and the baby is preparing for childbirth.

How to wear a bandage correctly during pregnancy

In order to fix the bandage correctly and safely for the baby, a woman must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to lie down on a comfortable surface and place a small pillow under your buttocks so that your pelvis is slightly elevated.
  2. Lie in this position for a while to help your baby find a comfortable position. In addition, this position allows you to relax the bladder and remove the feeling of heaviness throughout the body.
  3. Carefully and slowly put on the bandage, securing it tightly to the body, but do not put excessive pressure on the abdominal muscles. Weak fastening of the bandage will also not give the expected tightening effect.
  4. When the bandage is worn correctly, the pregnant woman does not feel discomfort, regardless of whether she is walking or sitting.
  5. If the band is properly secured, your hand will fit freely between the skin and the tummy support device.

How to wear a bandage correctly during pregnancy

  1. It is not recommended to wear a support belt or panties for more than three hours a day. If you have to stay in a public place longer, you need to take a break for at least half an hour.
  2. Be sure to remove the bandage during daytime and nighttime sleep.
  3. If the child behaves too actively and restlessly while wearing the support element, it is better to remove it for a while and put it on no earlier than half an hour later.
  4. Wash the bandage regularly using warm water.

How to choose the right bandage size

The size of the bandage should be selected according to the circumference of the waist and hips in the widest places. The parameters and size chart must be indicated on the packaging. An experienced consultant at a specialized store or pharmacy will always help you with your choice, take measurements and select the required size. After trying it on, it is advisable to walk around, sit down in the bandage, feel how it “sits” on the body, whether it is comfortable for you in it. When buying bandage panties, pay attention to the elasticity and width of the insert; the wider it is, the better for supporting a growing tummy. Choose a wide bandage belt made of dense material so that it does not slide off your stomach like a roller and is comfortable to use.

In what cases should you stop wearing a bandage during pregnancy?

  1. When you feel a feeling of excessive pressure on the abdominal area.
  2. There was a feeling of lack of air and shortness of breath.
  3. The baby in the womb behaves too restlessly, “kicking.”

In these cases, the bandage must be removed and a doctor should be consulted about the need to wear it. Perhaps the woman chose the wrong model or is wearing the bandage incorrectly.

A correctly selected and used prenatal belt should not cause harm to either mother or baby.

Bandage during pregnancy, photo

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