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What is the magic of tidying up Marie Kondo. “Magical cleaning. The Japanese art of tidying up your home and life" Marie Kondo The art of magical tidying up Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo

Magic cleaning. The Japanese art of tidying up your home and life

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015


The KonMari method is simple. This is a clever and effective way to beat clutter for good. Start by getting rid of trash. Then organize your space—thoroughly, completely, one at a time. If you adopt this strategy, you will never go back to clutter again.

Although this approach goes against conventional wisdom, anyone who fully implements the KonMari method has had success keeping their home tidy—with unexpected results. Getting your home in order has a positive impact on all other aspects of your life - including work and family. Having devoted more than 80 percent of my life to this topic, I I know that cleaning can transform your life too.

Do you still think it sounds too good to be true? If your idea of ​​tidying up is getting rid of one unnecessary item a day or tidying up your room little by little, then you're right. This is unlikely to have any serious impact on your life. However, if you change your approach, cleaning can have a truly immeasurable impact. In essence, this means getting your house in order.

I've been reading housewife magazines since I was five years old, and that's what inspired me to get serious about finding the perfect way to clean when I was fifteen. Which, in turn, led to the creation of the KonMari Method (KonMari is my pseudonym, made up of the first syllable of my last and first names). Now I've become a consultant and spend most of my time going into homes and offices, giving practical advice to people who find cleaning difficult, who clean but suffer from the rebound effect, or who want to take up cleaning but don't know where to start. .

When you put your house in order, you put your life in order.

The number of items thrown away by my clients - from clothing and lingerie to photographs, pens, magazine clippings and trial cosmetics - has probably already exceeded a million items. This is not an exaggeration. I happened to help individual clients who threw out two hundred 45-liter bags of garbage at a time.

As a result of my research into the art of organization and my extensive experience helping disorganized people want to become cleaners, there is one belief that I can say with absolute certainty: a major reorganization of the home brings about an equally significant change in lifestyle and outlook. She transforms life. I am not kidding. Here are just a few of the testimonies I receive daily from former clients.

“After finishing your course, I quit my job, started my own business, and now I’m doing what I’ve dreamed of doing since I was a child.”

“Your course helped me understand what I really need and what I don’t. So I filed for divorce. Now I feel much happier."

“I was recently contacted by someone I’ve been wanting to meet for a long time.”

“I’m happy to say that after I cleaned out my apartment, I was able to significantly increase my sales.”

“There was a much greater understanding between me and my husband.”

“I was surprised to find that by throwing away some things, I changed in many ways.”

“I finally managed to lose three kilograms.”

My clients are beaming with happiness and the results show that cleaning has changed the way they think and approach life. In essence, she changed their future. Why? A more detailed answer to this question is given throughout the book; but, in a nutshell, by putting his house in order, a person puts his affairs and his past in order. As a result, he quite clearly understands what he needs in life and what he doesn’t need, what he should do and what he shouldn’t.

I currently offer classes to clients in their homes and to business owners in their offices. These are all private lessons, taking place one-on-one with the client, but there is no end to those interested. My waiting list is currently three months long and I receive inquiries daily from people who have been recommended to me by past clients or who have heard about my course from someone else. I travel all over Japan from end to end, and sometimes I go abroad. One of my public lectures for housewives and mothers was completely sold out in one evening. Not only was a waiting list drawn up in case of refusal of classes, but also a list of those who simply wanted to get on the waiting list. However, the number of repeated requests to me is zero. From a business perspective, this may seem like a fatal flaw. But what if the lack of repeat requests is actually the secret to the effectiveness of my approach?

As I said at the very beginning, people who use the KonMari method never clutter their homes or offices again. Since they are able to maintain order in their space, there is no need to return to class again. From time to time I contact people who have completed my courses to see how they are doing. In almost all cases, their home or office is still in order; Not only that, they also continue to improve their space. From the photographs they sent you can see that they now have even less stuff than they did when they left my course, and that they have purchased new curtains and furniture. They are surrounded only by the things they truly love.

Why does this course transform people? Because my approach is not just a technical method. The act of cleaning is a series of simple actions in which objects are moved from one place to another. It involves moving things to the places where they belong. It seems that everything is so simple that even a six-year-old child should be able to do it. However, most people fail to cope with the task. Soon after cleaning, their space returns to a chaotic mess. The reason for this is not a lack of skill, but rather a lack of awareness and inability to clean effectively. In other words, the root of the problem is in thinking. Success is 90 percent dependent on our mental attitude. If we exclude from the total number of people the lucky few for whom organizing is a natural process, for everyone else, if we do not deal with this aspect deliberately, the reverse effect is inevitable, and no matter how many things are thrown away or how intelligently the rest are organized.


Marie Kondo recommends getting rid of those things that don't make you happy. Each item in the house, according to the famous Japanese woman, has its own purpose - to please or perform useful functions. The rest of the things can be safely thrown away or given into good hands. This way you can get rid of whole mountains of unnecessary things. Marie Kondo's magic of tidying up involves the process of saying goodbye to old or unusable items. Be sure to thank items for their service to you before parting with them.

The tidying guru is convinced that too much space is allocated for storage in the apartment. Marie Kondo claims that instead of purchasing another closet, you can reorganize the space into existing ones. After getting rid of unnecessary things using the Japanese system, much less storage space is required. Kondo recommends rolling clothes and placing them vertically in drawers. When hanging things in your closet, group them by color and seasonality. Marie says to hang dark and warm clothes first, and then light and light ones.

Marie Kondo in her book “The Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Method for Organizing Your Home and Life” pays special attention to storage accessories. She likes some of them, while others, on the contrary, criticizes them. A cleaning professional recommends using a variety of drawer dividers. Such things greatly facilitate the process of storing and using kitchen appliances. But Marie does not recommend purchasing containers and boxes for various items. According to the famous Japanese woman, they only take up additional space.

A professional in clearing out messes in an apartment claims that it is easier to clean a little every day, choosing not a whole room to tidy, but only one area. This makes it easier to keep your living spaces clean and tidy. Marie Kondo writes that it is worth getting rid of trinkets, as their owners gradually lose their individuality. Another useful piece of advice from the famous Japanese woman is to store information primarily on electronic media. This way, old magazines, books, notepads, notebooks will not clutter up your apartment.

The Marie Kondo phenomenon

A specialist in putting things in order in your home and life - perhaps every company should have such an employee. And jokes aside, the young Japanese woman Marie Kondo, author of the bestseller “The Magic of Tidying Up. The Japanese art of putting things in order at home and in life,” can easily be called a cleaning consultant. After all, from her personal view of everyday life and human psychology, she created a unique method of organizing space called KonMari, based on minimalism.

#KonMari method

Marie Kondo is sure: the things we surround ourselves with can influence our lives - both positively and negatively. If there is order in your home, then harmony reigns in your thoughts, if there is chaos, then there is a mess in your head. It is this two-pronged approach that has allowed the KonMari method to become so popular.

This practice is based on seven rules:

  • You should clean your house by category: clothes, food, books, etc.
  • Get rid of clutter, i.e. from things that you don't use and that don't bring you joy.
  • Before you get rid of something, you should give it its due and say “thank you.”
  • The storage system should be simple with a small number of things.
  • Clothes can be stored vertically, rolled into tubes.
  • Clothes can be hung in the closet according to the color principle: from dark to light.
  • Throw away papers without regret: old magazines, books you read, bills you paid, etc.

Cleaning is like a reboot

Each item reflects the personality of its owner. Therefore, by leaving only those things that you really need, you can better understand yourself and what is really important to you. The KonMari method helps you let go of the past and look into the future with new eyes.

This practice can be applied not only to objects, but also to other aspects of your life - relationships, work, hobbies. All this may also not bring joy and clog your life. By learning how to get rid of unnecessary clutter, you will become more focused, be able to make decisions more effectively, and stop being distracted by things that don't matter. If you have already become acquainted with the KonMari method and even applied it in your life, leave a review and share your experience.

Marie Kondo is a Japanese writer and consultant, author of the bestseller “The Magic of Tidying Up. The Japanese art of putting things in order at home and in life.” We offer you to download works in pdf, txt, fb2, epub formats or start reading online. The writer’s methodological recommendations received grateful reviews from many readers.

Unique creativity

Reading Marie Kondo online is a must for anyone who wants to put things in order not only in their own wardrobe, but also in their personal life. The Japanese writer takes a philosophical approach to an everyday problem that millions of people face. The author, with her inherent Eastern wisdom, associates order in the house with order and harmony in all life. Try downloading the bestseller in fb2, epub, pdf, txt formats - this work can:

  • completely change your lifestyle;
  • transform it for the better;
  • bring more success and happy moments into everyday life.

The unique KonMari method

The list of Marie Kondo's books in order is currently represented by several books, but they have already received recognition all over the world. Our resource monitors the novelties of the writer, and is ready to publish her new works so that our subscribers can freely download all of Marie Kondo’s books in epub, fb2, txt, pdf formats.

Now we offer to read online a work in which the author shares his own amazing method of storing things. The author called her unique method of cleaning and putting things in order in the house “The KonMari Method”, taking as a basis the first parts of her first and last name. The woman convinces that the correct placement of things in the closet will reduce the amount of cleaning to a minimum, free up time for other useful things, and change your attitude towards life.

Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo promises: if you are ready for big changes, the result of cleaning will be a real miracle.

Marie Kondo

Magic cleaning. The Japanese art of tidying up your home and life


The KonMari method is simple. This is a clever and effective way to beat clutter for good. Start by getting rid of trash. Then organize your space—thoroughly, completely, in one go. If you adopt this strategy, you will never go back to clutter again.

Although this approach goes against conventional wisdom, anyone who fully implements the KonMari method has had success keeping their home tidy—with unexpected results. Getting your home in order has a positive impact on all other aspects of your life - including work and family. Having devoted more than 80 percent of my life to this topic, I I know that cleaning can transform your life too.

Do you still think it sounds too good to be true? If your idea of ​​tidying up is getting rid of one unnecessary item a day or tidying up your room little by little, then you're right. This is unlikely to have any serious impact on your life. However, if you change your approach, cleaning can have a truly immeasurable impact. In essence, this means getting your house in order.

I've been reading housewife magazines since I was five years old, and that's what inspired me to get serious about finding the perfect way to clean when I was fifteen. Which, in turn, led to the creation of the KonMari Method (KonMari is my pseudonym, made up of the first syllable of my last and first names). Now I've become a consultant and spend most of my time going into homes and offices, giving practical advice to people who find cleaning difficult, who clean but suffer from the rebound effect, or who want to take up cleaning but don't know where to start. .


When you put your house in order, you put your life in order.

The number of items thrown away by my clients - from clothing and lingerie to photographs, pens, magazine clippings and trial cosmetics - has probably already exceeded a million items. This is not an exaggeration. I happened to help individual clients who threw out two hundred 45-liter bags of garbage at a time.

As a result of my research into the art of organization and my extensive experience helping disorganized people want to become cleaners, there is one belief that I can say with absolute certainty: a major reorganization of the home brings about an equally significant change in lifestyle and outlook. She transforms life. I am not kidding. Here are just a few of the testimonies I receive daily from former clients.

“After finishing your course, I quit my job, started my own business, and now I’m doing what I’ve dreamed of doing since I was a child.”

“Your course helped me understand what I really need and what I don’t. So I filed for divorce. Now I feel much happier."

“I was recently contacted by someone I’ve been wanting to meet for a long time.”

“I’m happy to say that after I cleaned out my apartment, I was able to significantly increase my sales.”

“There was a much greater understanding between me and my husband.”

“I was surprised to find that by throwing away some things, I changed in many ways.”

“I finally managed to lose three kilograms.”

My clients are beaming with happiness and the results show that cleaning has changed the way they think and approach life. In essence, she changed their future. Why? A more detailed answer to this question is given throughout the book; but, in a nutshell, by putting his house in order, a person puts his affairs and his past in order. As a result, he quite clearly understands what he needs in life and what he doesn’t need, what he should do and what he shouldn’t.

I currently offer classes to clients in their homes and to business owners in their offices. These are all private lessons, taking place one-on-one with the client, but there is no end to those interested. My waiting list is currently three months long and I receive inquiries daily from people who have been recommended to me by past clients or who have heard about my course from someone else. I travel all over Japan from end to end, and sometimes I go abroad. One of my public lectures for housewives and mothers was completely sold out in one evening. Not only was a waiting list drawn up in case of refusal of classes, but also a list of those who simply wanted to get on the waiting list. However, the number of repeated requests to me is zero. From a business perspective, this may seem like a fatal flaw. But what if the lack of repeat requests is actually the secret to the effectiveness of my approach?

As I said at the very beginning, people who use the KonMari method never clutter their homes or offices again. Since they are able to maintain order in their space, there is no need to return to class again. From time to time I contact people who have completed my courses to see how they are doing. In almost all cases, their home or office is still in order; Not only that, they also continue to improve their space. From the photographs they sent you can see that they now have even less stuff than they did when they left my course, and that they have purchased new curtains and furniture. They are surrounded only by the things they truly love.

Why does this course transform people? Because my approach is not just a technical method. The act of cleaning is a series of simple actions in which objects are moved from one place to another. It involves moving things to the places where they belong. It seems that everything is so simple that even a six-year-old child should be able to do it. However, most people fail to cope with the task. Soon after cleaning, their space returns to a chaotic mess. The reason for this is not a lack of skill, but rather a lack of awareness and inability to clean effectively. In other words, the root of the problem is in thinking. Success is 90 percent dependent on our mental attitude. If we exclude from the total number of people the lucky few for whom organizing is a natural process, for everyone else, if we do not deal with this aspect deliberately, the reverse effect is inevitable, and no matter how many things are thrown away or how intelligently the rest are organized.

So how do you get into this right mindset? There is only one way to do this, and, paradoxically, that way is to acquire the right method. Remember: The KonMari method that I describe in this book is not just a set of rules for sorting, organizing and storing. This is a guide to getting into the right mindset to create order and become a tidy person.

Of course, I cannot say that all my students have mastered the art of cleaning. Unfortunately, some, for one reason or another, had to interrupt the course without completing it. And others stopped studying because they expected me to do all the work for them.

As an organizing fanatic and professional, I can tell you right now that no matter how hard I try to organize another person's space, no matter how perfect a storage system I design, I will never be able to organize another person's house in the true sense of the word. Why? Because a person's awareness and perspective on their own lifestyle is much more important than any sorting, storage or anything else skills. Order depends on personal values ​​that determine the desired lifestyle for a person.

Most people would prefer to live in a clean and tidy space. Anyone who has managed to tidy up at least once will want everything to remain that way - tidy. But many do not believe that this is possible. People try out different approaches to cleaning - and find that things soon return to "normal". However, I am absolutely convinced that everyone is capable of keeping their space in order.

To do this, it is extremely important to take a close look at your habits and existing views on cleaning. This may seem like a lot of work, but don't worry! By the time you finish reading this book, you will be ready and eager to do this work. People often tell me: " I am a person who is not organized by nature. I can not do it" or " I have no time"; but disorder and sloppiness are not hereditary qualities, and they are not associated with lack of time. They are much more strongly associated with the accumulation of misconceptions about cleaning, such as these: it is best to deal with one room at a time; or it is best to clean a little every day; or storage must match the streaming plan.

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