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How much does a McDonald's double cheeseburger weigh? Eating at McDonald's and not getting fat - that's what I love

The love for fast food that came to us from distant America is no longer possible to eradicate! No matter how nutritionists struggle with the problem of warning citizens about the dangers of such products, it is simply impossible to do anything about this popular love! This means we need to go the other way - find a compromise. Let's look for it by studying the calorie content of the McDonald's fast food menu.

The calorie content of food from McDonald's is already an axiom that is familiar to every person. However, few people can deny themselves the pleasure of eating a fragrant pie, French fries, a juicy cheeseburger, McFlurry or Big Mac, Taystee, Beef or Shrimp Roll, from which shrimp look appetizingly peeking out! And who is able to refuse fast food drinks: cappuccino or latte, milkshake and fruit cocktail, ice cream cone of all varieties and extraordinary tenderness.

It sounds a little strange, but it turns out that even on the menu of this paradise of calories and cholesterol you can find food that will be close to dietary. Today, the process of losing weight for many is not only going to the gym and exhausting exercise for several hours a day. It's also about proper nutrition. Life is pleasure, and you can find it at McDonald's, too, without harming your figure too much.

Diet food at McDonald's: nonsense or reality?

Transforming from a “kolobok” into a delightful fairy with the help of food from restaurants - is it real? It turns out that it is really possible, and this is evidenced by the reviews of nutritionists about people who have lost weight with the help of fast food:

  • K. Colton. Eating at McDonald's using a special system, I lost 35 kg. in 6 months. He ate exclusively vegetable Caesar salad without dressing, adding some low-calorie dishes to his diet. Big Tasty, French fries, Shrimp and shrimp were not included in the diet. High-calorie ice cream and cocktails were also strictly prohibited.
  • M. Morgan. Lost 16 kg. excess weight in 3 months, the menu calorie table helped her. Sometimes I allowed myself to eat Shrimp, because shrimp is my favorite dish. From time to time I could drink a cup of coffee (cappuccino or latte) without sugar.
  • D. Siska. By constantly counting calories and building a daily nutrition plan, I kept myself within the diet throughout the year, eating fast food (maximum French fries and a pie or cheeseburger) and, of course, a vegetable salad. More than 1800 kcal. per day, the man tried not to use.

Through basic calculations, nutritionists have established that for men the daily calorie intake limit is 2200 units, and for women - 1500 units.

As scientists prove, we get fat not from any particular type of food, but from the fact that we do not know how to correctly calculate the caloric content of our own nutrition. So, nutritionally savvy fast food lovers will never gain extra pounds, knowing perfectly well the calorie content of McDonald's products.

McDonald's goodies and healthy eating

Consider, for example, the calorie content of a Big Mac sandwich, which contains more than 510 kcal. If you decipher this figure, you get the following content of the BZHU:

  • protein - 27 g;
  • fat - 26 g;
  • carbohydrates - 41 g;
  • salt - 2.2 g;
  • sugar - 8 g.

If you eat such a “monster”, you can forget about tasty treats for a couple of days. The consequences of a Big Mac, a high-calorie Shrimp or a juicy cheeseburger are exercise and a strict diet for several days. Add a milkshake or ice cream and you won't be able to eat anything else today!

No less “anti-diet” dishes are McC Chicken, Caesar Roll, Big Tasty, French fries, Breakfast Roll, Donut, McFlurry and even locally produced oatmeal. In this case, you can consume up to 850 calories (kcal) in one sitting without even realizing that you have eaten half your daily limit.

It turns out that McFlurries, rolls, cheeseburgers and sandwiches are absolutely forbidden to eat? Well, how can you live in this world without pampering yourself with treats? Keep a diary with a table where you scrupulously enter the calorie content of everything you ate for the day, week and month.

How to eat safely at McDonald's?

Knowing the calorie content of McDonald's near-diet meals, which contain from 0 to 275 calories (kcal), you can easily create a diet for the day or even for the week. So, the menu of a person who tries to adhere to the normal caloric content of consumed foods may look something like this:

With such a diet, you will consume no more than 1,500 calories. However, it is worth keeping silent about how many preservatives, salt and seasonings will enter your body with this diet. It is by this indicator that 90% of the dishes offered in fast food restaurants can be considered unhealthy food.

Everyone's favorite French fries contain 470 kcal, Big Tasty - 850 kcal, Beef Roll - 520 kcal. This means that by eating potatoes, you are consuming a third of your daily calories.

The exceptions are salads without sauces, tea without sugar, apple slices and carrot sticks. By the way, without additives and sugar it is 0!

How to visit McDonald's correctly?

To eat healthy and visit your favorite fast food restaurants, you should know a few simple rules:

  1. It is advisable to eat (even healthy food) at McDonald's no more than 2 times a week.
  2. Before ordering, be sure to study the menu and calorie table and make a list of what you can afford to eat so as not to gain extra pounds.
  3. Invite a friend with you who adheres to the same principle - healthy eating and diet. It will be easier for both of you to choose the right dish.
  4. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. It’s good when the whole process takes at least half an hour. This way, the body will better absorb nutrients and give the brain a signal that it is full.
  5. Don't buy large portions of food. For example, a small fruit pie or ice cream cone is ideal. Focus your attention on the halves. Share one serving (nuggets are fine) in half with your partner or companion. The benefit is double - enjoy the taste of your favorite dish and eat 2 times fewer calories than you could.
  6. Don't throw away the buns from your Big Mac, hamburger or sandwich, but don't eat them either. Feed them to hungry pigeons in the park or give them to a stray dog.
  7. Do not respond to promotions and advertising of new restaurant menus. Their offers always look extremely tempting, but try to resist the temptation. In this case, you can only pay attention to new salads.

Calorie table for McDonald's menu items

Name Serving weight (g) Calorie content of the dish (kcal)
Hamburger 96 254
big Mac 205 509
Cheeseburger 109 304
Double Cheeseburger 163 448
Royal Cheeseburger 182 567
Chickenburger 154 359
McChicken 154 426
Chicken Emmental 171 625
Filet-o-Fish 135 333
Big Tasty 330 842
Beef a la Rus 214 580
Royal de Luxe 194 555
Camembert MacToast 102 259
Egg McMuffin 115 283
Double McMuffin 168 523
Fresh McMuffin 152 371
Steak House 260 702
Chicken Roll 154 494
Fresh Roll 174 561
Fish Fresh Roll 182 436
Shrimp Roll 130 386
Caesar Roll 260 695
Beef Roll 240 520
Fries (small) 90 240
Free (average) 115 340
Free (bol.) 150 445
Country style potatoes 165 330
Chicken and shrimp
Chicken McNuggets (small) 122 270
Chicken McNuggets (bol.) 400 885
Wings (small) 115 185
Wings (large) 280 410
Shrimp (4 pcs.) 80 130
Shrimp (6 pcs.) 130 185
Shrimp (9 pcs.) 200 285
Ketchup 25 27
Curry 25 47
B-B-Q 25 48
Mustard 25 59
Sweet and sour 25 49
Cheesy 50 89
Ice cream cone 85 130
Strawberry ice cream 142 265
Caramel ice cream 142 325
Chocolate ice cream 142 315
McFlurry de Lux 180 350
Cherry pie 115 180
Muffin with chocolate 100 350
Vanilla milkshake 250 485
Chocolate milkshake 250 500
Strawberry milkshake 250 495
Coca Cola 250 110
Fanta 250 115
Sprite 250 105
Orange juice 250 115
Ice tea 250 70
Cappuccino 450 130
Latte 450 180
Mocha 450 330
Natural coffe 450 0

The dangers of fast food are a concept that every person on the planet has heard about. Few people would dare to dispute this statement. However, the cheapness and attractiveness of these products do not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, adhere to the calorie table of the menu and do not deny yourself pleasure (within reason).

5 secrets of McDonald's (video)

An establishment like McDonalds has long been popular with both children and adults from all over the world. This is a source of inexpensive and quick snacks. Everything there is always tasty and satisfying, although everyone probably already knows how harmful food from McDonald's is. And the main threat to the human body is the presence of large amounts of fat. McDonald's food is a source of cholesterol, but for some reason this does not scare the regulars of this establishment. What are the secrets of the cafe’s global success and how to eat without causing significant harm to your health?

Why is McDonald's so popular?

The American brand has gained popularity in different countries and has won the love of children and adults from almost all over the world. The founders are the McDonald brothers, who were not chasing big profits. Having opened a small restaurant in their homeland, they simply wanted to ensure a stable income. To expand their customer base, the brothers changed the concept of service, reducing prices for dishes and thereby gaining unprecedented popularity.

Why is there so much attention to an establishment if its menu includes harmful products? The secrets of success are as follows:

  • advertising that convinces you that McDonald's food is the most delicious;
  • “American smiles” - at McDonald’s the service is always excellent, the waiters are friendly and smiling, which is the policy of this establishment;
  • the use of “appetizing” colors in design - red and yellow colors, which are used to design packaging material, display windows and other elements of McDonald's, stimulate appetite on a subconscious level;
  • bonus programs - children find their favorite superheroes when opening the menu, and adults have their own reward program;
  • an opportunity for children to play to their heart's content, and for adults to relax at this time;
  • the menu is adapted to the national traditions of different countries - in Germany, visitors are offered hamburgers with sausages, in Japan they prepare seafood, etc.;
  • the ability to independently calculate the calorie content of dishes at McDonald's - thanks to the wide assortment of McDonald's, visitors will be able to choose dishes for themselves with the least harm to their figure;
  • high speed of service - not a single visitor will be left unattended at McDonald's, the order is processed in only 60 seconds;
  • high quality of dishes - only fresh and high-quality products are used to prepare dishes.

All these advantages inherent in the McDonalds chain make the establishment popular and in demand.

Why are McDonald's meals high in calories?

The basis of the McDonald's menu is pies, French fries, hamburger, cheeseburger, ice cream and other high-calorie dishes. They are oversaturated with simple carbohydrates, which are quickly stored as body fat.

On a note! The difference between simple and complex carbohydrates is significant. The former are quickly absorbed by the body, while the breakdown of the latter requires large amounts of energy. Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals, vegetables and other healthy foods.

The high calorie content of the dishes that make up the McDonald's menu is obtained due to the lack of the correct combination of protein and fiber. Therefore, such food leads to excess weight gain.

How safe is it to eat at McDonald's?

To eat at McDonald's safely, you need to pay attention to the calorie content of the dishes you order, as well as count the calories consumed that day with other foods.

On a note! Women need up to 2,000 kcal per day to feel good, but at the same time maintain their figure. Men need up to 2,500 kcal per day.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be complete, that is, consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Calorie intake during the day is distributed as follows:

  • for breakfast you need to consume 30% of calories based on the total daily intake;
  • lunch accounts for 40% of the total calories;
  • In the evening, 20% of calories from the permissible norm is enough.

Thus, lunch has the highest calorie content, and dinner has the lowest calorie content. By adhering to these conditions, you can easily eat at McDonald's without harming your figure. But to do this you need to know the calorie content of each dish.

Calorie content of McDonald's menu items

Special tables will help you get acquainted with the calorie content of the most popular dishes at McDonald's, in which the weight, the number of calories per serving and 100 grams, as well as the percentage of kcal from the daily value are indicated next to each item.

Sandwiches and rolls

Sandwiches are considered the most popular item on the McDonald's menu. They are filling, tasty and quick to prepare. In addition, rolls made from fish or meat are in increasing demand.

In the table you can see the calorie content of these dishes.

Name of the dish Weight, g Calorie content per serving, kcal Calorie content per 100 g, kcal % of the required norm per day
Cheeseburger 109 305 280 12%
Hamburger 96 255 267 10%
Cheeseburger with bacon 182 476 262 13%
Chickenburger 154 359 233 14%
Double Cheeseburger 163 448 322 18%
Royal Cheeseburger 182 567 321 23%
Royal de Luxe 194 555 286 22%
Big Tasty 330 842 267 34%
Beef a la Rus 214 580 271 23%
Fresh McMuffin 152 371 246 15%
McChicken 154 426 264 17%
Double McMuffin 168 523 311 21%
big Mac 205 509 299 20%
Filet-o-Fish 135 333 246 13%
Camembert MacToast 102 259 253 10%
Fresh Roll 174 561 322 22%
Fish Fresh Roll 182 436 239 17%
Caesar Roll 218 510 233 20%

Based on the data in the table, it is easy to see that a portion of Caesar Roll is safer for the figure than, for example, Shrimp Roll.


Breakfast needs to be given extra attention. According to nutritionists, this is the most important meal of the day. Its vital activity during the day depends on how much energy the body receives during breakfast. In addition, if you ignore eating in the morning, you can gain excess weight.

McDonald's breakfast menu items are very varied. They, as well as their calorie content, are presented in the table.

Name of the dish Weight, g Calorie content per serving, kcal Calorie content 100 g, kcal % of daily value
Potato pancakes 115 135 117 5%
big breakfast 223 595 267 24%
Classic egg omelet 118 297 251
Pancakes 130 217 166 7%
Oatmeal 150 200 120 7%
Omelet with bacon 132 312 236 12%

Main dishes

Side dishes are considered the main dish on the McDonald's menu. Chief among them are French fries. Nuggets are also in great demand.

The table shows the calorie content of the main dishes included in the menu of a fast food restaurant.

Name Weight, g Calorie content per serving, kcal Calorie content 100 g, kcal % of normal per day
French fries small 90 240 264 10%
French fries medium 115 340 295 14%
French fries large 150 445 297 18%
Chicken McNuggets 120−400 270−885 221 11−35%
Chicken wings 115−280 185−410 160 7−16%
Country style potatoes 165 330 200 13%


Every cafe offers a variety of drinks, and McDonald's is no exception. There are several types of coffee, juices, milk and even plain water to choose from. It is worth noting that some drinks contain so many calories that their nutritional value is equal to that of main dishes.

The calorie table for McDonald's drinks is shown below.

Name Volume, ml Calorie content per serving, kcal Calorie content 1 l, kcal % of normal per day
Orange juice 250−500 115−240 460 5−10%
Fanta 250−800 115−350 460 5−14%
Coca Cola 250−800 110-320 440 4-13%
Coca-Cola Zero 250−800 0,5-1,5 3 0,02-0,06
Vittel water 500 0 0 0%
Perrier water 500 0 0 0%
Sprite 250−800 105−310 420 4−12%
Tropicana apple juice 330 115 345 5%
Tropicana juice multifruit 330 120 360 5%
Ice Tea – Lemon 250−800 70-200 280 3-8%
Ice T – green 250−800 70-200 280 3-8%
Actimel 200 81 405 3%
Milk 200 125 625 5%
Iced coffee 250 17 70 1%
Coffee frappe 250 22 90 1%
Cappuccino 250 20 80 1%
Latte 250 10 40 1%


Children enjoy visiting McDonald's to enjoy delicious desserts. Every sweet tooth will be able to choose for himself what he loves most.

The table shows desserts from the McDonald's menu with calorie content.

Name Weight, g Calorie content per serving, kcal Calorie content 100 g, kcal % of normal per day
McFlurry de Lux strawberry-chocolate 180 340 189 14%
McFlurry de Lux caramel-chocolate 180 400 222 16%
Chocolate ice cream 142 315 221 13%
Caramel ice cream 142 325 229 13%
Strawberry ice cream 142 265 187 11%
Chocolate milkshake 250 500 200 20%
Vanilla milkshake 250 485 194 19%
Strawberry milkshake 250 495 198 20%
Waffle cone 85 130 153 5%
Cherry pie 115 180 156 7%
Muffin with chocolate 100 350 350 14%
Blackcurrant muffin 100 370 370 15%
Cheesecake 100 344 344 14%


Sauces are used to enhance the taste of dishes.

Depending on what ingredients they contain, the calorie content varies. This can be seen from the table below.

Sauce name Weight, g Calorie content per serving, kcal Calorie content 100 g, kcal % of normal per day
Mustard 25 59 236 2%
Ketchup 25 27 108 1%
B-B-Q 25 48 192 2%
Sweet and sour 25 49 196 2%
Cheesy 50 89 178 4%
Curry 25 47 188 2%

From all this we can conclude that you can eat at McDonald's without harming your figure if you correctly calculate the number of calories consumed. If you neglect this rule, if you constantly visit the establishment, excess weight will not take long to appear.

Fast food is a real godsend for those who live at a fast pace, are constantly on the move and do not find time for a full lunch. Therefore, small cafes where you can quickly have a bite and run back to work, school or just to run errands are always in demand. One of these establishments is McDonald's, which is especially loved by schoolchildren and students, in a word - young people. You won’t see people holding high positions or having above-average income in such establishments; they prefer restaurants of a higher level and with more refined cuisine. And young people love McDonald's for its low prices, varied menu and abundance of tasty and satisfying dishes.

You can’t count the calories... But what if you try?

While enjoying French fries with sauce, few people think about the calorie content of McDonald's, and this is a very serious and interesting question. The main filling of almost all sandwiches, and they are the calling card of this establishment, are fried in a large amount of vegetable oil. That's why they become incredibly high in calories. And all other dishes are not far behind them. How can you find out how many calories a particular product eaten in this cafe contains? The McDonald's calorie table will help you manage your diet, which you can ask the cafe employees or take from the cash register. It contains information about the calorie content of all dishes on the menu, from sandwiches to desserts and sauces. drinks is indicated on the cups. Therefore, after having lunch at a self-service cafe, you can easily count the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you eat.

Carefully count calories

Everyone knows that McDonald's has a fairly high calorie content, but few know exactly how many calories a standard lunch at this establishment contains and why it is so satisfying. Let's look at the composition of a typical meal at McDonald's and calculate its calorie content. For example, if your menu consists of a Caesar salad, one (standard) serving of French fries, a Big Mac sandwich and a Cappuccino coffee, then the number of calories consumed will be 1190 kilocalories (250 + 340 +495 + 105 kcal, respectively) . If, in addition to a standard lunch, you treat yourself to a dessert “McFlurry” with balls, then add another 340 kcal to the previous figure, and then the total will be 1530. And this is the average daily caloric intake of the average person, that is, approximately this amount should be consumed per day. all day, and not at one meal.

Breakfast at McDonald's and its calorie content

You can come to this quick service cafe for breakfast. Pre-prepared breakfasts at McDonald's are very popular. The menu, which is again quite high in calories, contains a “Big Breakfast” (640 kcal), a breakfast consisting of a double “McMuffin” with egg and pork cutlet (615 kcal), you can order a “Breakfast McMuffin” with egg and bacon, which contains 305 kcal. All drinks are purchased separately and add a small amount of calories to the main menu. For example, a half-liter glass of everyone's favorite Coca-Cola contains 210 kcal.

McDonald's calorie content: interesting facts

One of the customers' favorite sandwiches is a regular hamburger, which consists of a beef steak and a bun, complemented by pickled cucumber and a sauce of ketchup and mustard. One serving of this delicacy contains 255 kilocalories - perhaps the lowest calorie meat dish this fast food restaurant offers. But this is still a lot, considering that it comes with at least another drink, because such a sandwich is usually not eaten dry. It's not hard to guess why McDonald's calories are so high. The menu includes hamburgers, cheeseburgers and other sandwiches. They consist of a meat patty or piece of fried meat that is packaged in a delicious bun. For taste, it contains a layer of vegetables, lettuce, a piece of cheese or other ingredients. All this together gives the dish such a high calorie content. And although the cutlet itself consists only of whole meat or minced meat (according to the manufacturers) and does not contain any harmful additives or chemicals, the bun adds calories to the hamburger. Sugar is added to the baking dough during production, which gives it a beautiful golden crust and a sweetish taste. This makes the bun even softer and tastier, but sugar only increases the number of calories.

An alternative approach to dining at McDonald's: how you can “save” calories

And yet, despite the high energy value of the menu items offered, McDonald's is always full of people. People love this cafe for its low prices, its democracy and diversity. In addition, various promotions are often held there, and visitors get a good mood and a charge of positive emotions. Of course, you shouldn’t eat at this cafe every day; we have already mentioned that the caloric content of food at McDonald’s is extremely high - this is detrimental to your figure, and such food will definitely not add health to you. But if you really want to, sometimes you can treat yourself to one sandwich or french fries. The main thing is not to wash it all down with sweets. McDonald's has several coffee options, as well as black and green tea. They are lower in calories than cola or cocktails. Also, instead of French fries for a snack, you can choose a salad of fresh vegetables, or, having bought any of the hamburgers, eat only half of the bun (without the top). These simple tricks will help you save a certain amount of calories, because you don’t need excess weight at all.

Good day, dear readers! Do you love McDonald's? Me too. But recently I decided to lose weight and began to avoid this cafe. And then I thought: is a diet a reason to exhaust yourself when you want to eat something delicious? And I decided to look into my favorite McDonald's, where the calorie content of the dishes is simply off the charts. But that didn't stop me. And here's what I found out.

We eat at McDonald's and lose weight

I'm not kidding. There are special “Makdacha” diets. You can eat exclusively dishes from this restaurant and lose weight. For a diet to be effective, you need to calculate calories correctly.

The diet was proposed by a man named John Siska. He conducted an experiment by eating only at McDonald's. However, he strictly watched what he ate and monitored his caloric intake. His breakfast could consist of:

  • a pair of eggs;
  • oatmeal with syrup;
  • low-fat milk.

Of course, he allowed himself high-calorie dishes. As he himself said: “I ate everything from Big Macs to smoothies and ice cream. But I adhered to a strictly set limit - no more than 2000 kcal per day.”

Imagine: John Siska lost 17 kg in 3 months. His cholesterol level dropped by a third (from 249 to 170). The experimenter himself was sure: it is not the food in the restaurant that makes people fat, but their attitude towards it.

John also walked for 45 minutes every day. At a calm pace, approximately 200-250 kcal are spent during this time. By the way, this was the first time I heard this recommendation from a nutritionist. She recommended that I buy a pedometer and walk at least 10,000 steps every day. Only after this recommendation did I lose 2 kg in one week. I reveal this secret only to you, my dears 😉 Don’t tell anyone, but try it yourself.

Although the results of the experiment are amazing, I am not a supporter of the McDachn diet. Human nutrition should be more varied. But there is a rational “grain” in this approach. You can count calories and indulge in McDonald's while on a diet.

What's on the menu?

Surely most of you, dear readers, when visiting McDonald's, do not even know the full menu of the restaurant. The calling card of the cafe was hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, Coca-Cola and other high-calorie and far from healthy dishes.

Having become interested in dietary nutrition, I decided to go to the official website of the restaurant. It turned out that the quantity and quality of the dishes offered significantly exceeded my expectations.

For example, you can order a low-calorie Caesar salad at McDonald's. It consists of tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, chicken, lettuce, sauce, and unleavened tortilla. Why not a standard set of products for weight loss? You can treat yourself to rolls with fish or meat filling (fish roll and beef roll). They also contain minimal carbohydrates.

The rest of the McDonald's menu does indeed consist of various types of burgers, fries, muffins, pastries and sweet drinks. But, having correctly counted the calories consumed, I can not deny myself the pleasure of enjoying their taste. Of course sometimes :)

I even decided to go to the website myself and see if there were any dishes below 400 kcal. It turns out there are a lot of them.

The McDonald's food energy calculator is also a great way to help with this.

  1. HERE.

By the way, here’s how to prepare airy buns for sandwiches:

Based on the given data, I will try to make a calculation. How much of my daily diet will 1 cheeseburger take up? It is often eaten as a snack for lunch. 100 g of cheeseburger – 300-400 kcal. The norm for an adult per day is 2500-2900 kcal. A cheeseburger weighs 150-200 g. It turns out that 1 cheeseburger replaces 1 main meal. However, such food is far from healthy and does not keep you full for the whole day.

How many calories are in a Big Mac? About 500 per 100 g! Many people probably didn’t ask how many calories are in Big Tasty either. This happens to all restaurant visitors. They order large portions and then blame the sellers for their extra pounds.

What to do? I suggest following a few simple but effective rules.

To stay slim and at the same time allow yourself to occasionally run to McDonald's, you should listen to the advice of nutritionists.

  1. Go to a restaurant no more than 1-2 times a week. This number of visits will be enough to satisfy the need for “junk” food. More frequent trips turn into a habit and lead to extra pounds.
  2. Before going on a trip, calculate the calorie content of your dishes and write a menu. Proven and effective method. Write down for yourself what you want to eat at a restaurant and how many calories you will consume. Based on your notes, make a list of dishes for the rest of the day. And don't do yourself any favors. Follow the list strictly.
  3. Take a limited amount of money. The method works not only for McDonald's. Knowing the approximate prices and drawing up the menu, take so much money that it is enough only for the dishes on the list. You will protect yourself from the temptation to buy too much.
  4. Go to a restaurant with a friend. It is advisable that your friend also follows the principles of proper nutrition or goes on a diet. If you prefer hamburgers or cheeseburgers, grab one and share it among 2-3 people. Tasty, inexpensive and fewer calories!
  5. Eat slowly. Remember that you did not come to eat, but to enjoy the taste of your favorite food. Eat slowly and enjoy your food.
  6. Train your willpower. No matter how small the portion you eat may seem to you, do not order additional ones. Remember: these will be extra unwanted calories.
  7. Buy small cups of drinks. Coca-Cola, beloved by many, is not healthy and contains calories. To control how much sweet water you drink, take a 0.25 ml glass. This is quite enough to wash down your food and enjoy the taste of the drink.
  8. Feed the buns to the birds. The most calorie-dense part of any hamburger or cheeseburger is the bun. It contains large quantities of carbohydrates. Take out the most delicious thing from the sandwich - the filling - and eat it. Feed the birds a bun.
  9. Turn a blind eye to advertising. Quite often McDonald's holds promotions. For example, “Today a burger and Coca-Cola for 99 rubles.” The reaction of most visitors is to take a cheap burger and cola on sale, isn’t it? Don't follow their bad example. Instead of a billboard, take another look at your listing.
  10. Order food to your home. This measure will allow you to resist the temptation to order more and limit yourself to the selected portion. You can order free delivery HERE.
  11. + addition - play sports. It can be whatever you like. The main thing is movement. I'm now interested in Nordic walking. I thought it was so easy, but I can only manage 7 laps at the stadium. After training, my legs and my favorite butt hurt the most :)

By the way, here’s how to prepare airy buns for sandwiches.

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