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Natalya Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya(Nyash-Myash) - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, ex-prosecutor of Crimea, who became popular on the Internet because of her cute, almost anime-like appearance.


In the spring of 2014, on the eve of the referendum on the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Natalya Poklonskaya became acting. prosecutor of the republic. Until that moment, no one really knew her. Immediately after her appointment, Poklonskaya spoke at a press conference and literally captivated the whole world.

Within a few days, Poklonskaya was noticed in Japan. Thus, the RocketNews24 blog published a note about the nanny prosecutor, accompanied by cute photos. The Japanese liked Natalya for her anime-like appearance (the so-called kawaii), and the fact that the fragile girl wore a strict uniform immediately formed a new image of Poklonskaya.

A few days later, a thread dedicated to Poklonskaya appeared on the Western imageboard 4chan.

But the fame of the prosecutor-nyasha reached Russia a little later - on March 19, 2014. But all the media and public pages immediately began writing about her. On March 22, the NTV channel showed a report about the heroine’s sudden fame. The correspondent asked Poklonskaya how she felt about the new image, to which Natalya replied: “Here I am the prosecutor. And that’s why I won’t allow any babbles, babbles, or the like! This is how the “Nyash-Myash” meme appeared - it is also an integral nickname of Natalia Poklonskaya.

In April of the same year, the popular YouTuber Enjoykin released a video edited from Poklonskaya’s speeches (based on that same press conference). The video was called Nyash Myash, and this finally secured this nickname for Natalia.

Poklonskaya and Nicholas II

The national love was short-lived. On September 18, 2016, she was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation. Poklonskaya’s first high-profile initiative was her deputy request to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation about the feature film “Matilda,” which tells the story of the relationship between Nikolai Romanov, the future Emperor Nicholas II, and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. The complaint stated that the film by Alexei Uchitel “distorts historical events.”

The first check did not reveal any violations, but Poklonskaya did not stop there. Commenting on the upcoming release of the film, Poklonskaya listed among the monsters of the 20th century Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao, which aroused the indignation of Russian communists. Now they have begun to threaten her with complaints and accusations of extremism.

At the beginning of March 2017, Poklonskaya reported that a bust of Emperor Nicholas II had been cast in myrrh in Crimea. She noted that the miracle happened on the centennial anniversary of the revolution. The news made the public laugh, and at the suggestion of Nyash-Myash, another meme appeared. So, on March 6, a note “The colander has drained myrrh” appeared on the TJ website, in which the user parodied the story with the bust of Nicholas II.

In general, on the night from the second to the third of February, I cooked pasta. I rinsed the colander, washed the colander itself and put it away. Today when I took it out, there were small drops of oil on it. None other than Miro.Ruslan Karpov

Ukraine vs Poklonskaya

Simultaneously with her appointment to the post of prosecutor of Crimea, Poklonskaya was dismissed from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. A criminal case was opened against her for complicity in actions to seize power. Poklonskaya herself called the change of power in Ukraine an anti-constitutional coup. On March 26, 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine put her on the wanted list.

After her election to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against Poklonskaya under Art. 111 clause 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason).


Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya- Russian statesman, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation, chairman of the State Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of information on income, property and property-related obligations presented by deputies of the State Duma, prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea (May 2, 1914 - October 6, 2016). State Counselor of Justice 3rd class (2015). Natalya Poklonskaya has also been Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption since October 5, 2016.

Childhood and education of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalya Poklonskaya was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka, Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region. In 1990, Natalya and her parents moved to Crimea. The family lived in the village of Uyutnoye, Saki district. The future prosecutor of Crimea graduated from high school at her place of residence. In addition, Natalya Poklonskaya studied at a local music school and graduated in piano.

Natalia Poklonskaya in childhood

The parents raised the girl in a patriotic spirit. Natalya Poklonskaya was always proud of her grandfathers who died during the Great Patriotic War. Poklonskaya's grandmother survived the German occupation. Natalia Poklonskaya's parents are Crimean pensioners.

Natalia Poklonskaya at school

Natalya Vladimirovna decided that she would become a lawyer and entered the branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, located in Yevpatoria, from which she graduated in 2002. In Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya’s career in law enforcement agencies began.

Career of Natalia Poklonskaya

In 2002, Natalya Poklonskaya began working in the Simferopol environmental prosecutor's office. In the case of the Bashmaki gang, Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor. The criminal group was headed by a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. Natalya was under pressure from all sides, but she still managed to complete the job. The news reported that as a result of the investigation into the “Bashmakov” case, Natalya Poklonskaya survived the attack; Poklonskaya’s biography on Wikipedia says that after the beating in the entrance of her house, the prosecutor was left with part of her face paralyzed.

In 2011, Poklonskaya was appointed environmental prosecutor of Simferopol, and already in 2012, Natalya Vladimirovna began working at the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. After the coup and change of power in Ukraine, Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya submitted her resignation on February 25, 2014. Then Poklonskaya went to visit her parents in Crimea. There, Natalya Poklonskaya offered her assistance to the government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea - she wanted to make every effort to prevent a repetition of the Kyiv events.

Natalya Poklonskaya’s first case as a prosecutor was an investigation into the infliction of grievous bodily harm on employees of the Crimean special police unit “Berkut”.

March 25, 2014 in connection with the formation of the prosecutor's offices of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in the system of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation by order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika Poklonskaya was appointed acting prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. And already on April 4 of the same year, with the consent of... O. Prosecutor of the Crimea Poklonskaya, employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea carried out an operation to detain the assistant prosecutor of Yalta Evgeniy Pomelov. An employee of the Yalta prosecutor's office was detained while receiving a bribe from a city resident in the amount of 7.5 thousand hryvnia.

On April 11, 2014, Yuri Chaika personally presented Natalya Vladimirovna with a certificate of an employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. On May 2, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Natalya Poklonskaya as prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

On May 4, 2014, the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya, issued a warning to the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov on the inadmissibility of extremist activity.

Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya during a visit to the Livadia Palace, Russia, Yalta, October 22, 2014 (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov/TASS)

The case against Poklonskaya in Ukraine

After Natalya Poklonskaya was appointed to the Crimean prosecutor’s office, she was fired from her previous job and a criminal case was opened. After the referendum, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies put Natalia Poklonskaya on the wanted list for actions leading to a violent change of power. Poklonskaya is charged under four articles: “Violent overthrow of the constitutional order”, “Changing the territorial structure and borders of Ukraine contrary to the order established by the Constitution of Ukraine”, “High treason” and “Participation in a criminal organization”. In the summer of 2017, the news reported that an investigator from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Andrey Atamanchuk promised to soon bring to court a case in which former Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya is a suspect.

In response to these threats from the “democratic” rulers of Ukraine, Natalya Poklonskaya stated: “They no longer know what to say and how else to show their protest, which is senseless, completely unfounded, unreasoned, legally illiterate. In this way they show their stupidity. This is their problem, they don’t recognize it, let them continue to worry, and we will continue to work to defend our homeland,” Poklonskaya said on air on one of the Crimean TV channels.

Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya (Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS)

Regarding the fact that she could be deprived of the post of chairman of the commission, Natalya Poklonskaya explained that this issue is being decided at a plenary meeting of the State Duma, by general voting, but no one has yet told her that such an issue is on the agenda, but only hinted that it would be good “ restrain your ardor."

Natalya Poklonskaya responded to criticism from party colleagues Oksana Pushkina and Irina Rodnina, who did not like her position on pension reform.

“Let everyone do their own thing, in accordance with their upbringing, personal qualities and conscience. Don’t waste your precious time in vain anymore, giving me assessments and advice, don’t think for me and don’t attribute to me something that is not there. Trying to shame is not your element,” the news quoted Natalya Poklonskaya as saying.

Poklonskaya noted that her activities have already earned the death sentence of the Right Sector *, and in Kyiv she faces life imprisonment.

“Probably, intimate conversations on TV and ice dancing do not lead to such consequences,” Poklonskaya said.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya, views and popularity

In 2017, quite surprising news appeared that Natalya Poklonskaya was not married. As it turned out, Poklonskaya misled the public for a long time, saying that she had a husband. According to her, she had to introduce herself as married so as not to attract undue attention from fans.

“Therefore, in order not to traumatize people and immediately completely kill all desire, I said that I was married, I have a wonderful family. Maybe I wasn’t quite right then,” she repented.

Earlier, Poklonskaya earned 2.6 million rubles in a year, but forgot to include her husband in the declaration. Now it became clear why this happened. According to unofficial data, Poklonskaya’s husband was the deputy mayor of Mariupol Vladimir Klimenko.

In August 2018, changes occurred in Poklonskaya’s personal life. The news reported about the wedding of Natalia Poklonskaya.

Poklonskaya married the head of the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Ivan Solovyov, as the media learned. This happened on August 11-12 and, according to the source, the wedding was very modest.

The ceremony was attended by Poklonskaya’s colleagues from the lower house of parliament and from law enforcement agencies.

Poklonskaya herself neither confirmed nor denied the news about the changes in her personal life.

“I’m not ready to comment on my personal life yet,” she said.

Poklonskaya’s new husband, Ivan Solovyov, is 47 years old. Until 2011, he was a senior investigator for particularly important cases of the Investigative Unit of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Federal Tax Service.

Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya has a daughter. Poklonskaya raises her in the spirit of respect for the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, including two grandfathers who died in this war. In 2015, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the prosecutor of Crimea, dressed in a wartime tunic, read an excerpt from Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Requiem.” In 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya, on the occasion of the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, starred in the video for the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” from the film “Officers.” It took about two months to rehearse and shoot the video.

Natalya Poklonskaya with her daughter Anastasia in a frame from the music video for the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” from the film “Officers”, 2016 (Photo: Press service of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea/TASS)

In October 2014, Natalya Poklonskaya gave the Livadia Palace more than 80 photos from the family archive of Emperor Nicholas II, which she received from the priest of the Holy Dormition Cave Monastery in Crimea. And in May 2015, Poklonskaya took part in the opening of a bust of the emperor in the Livadia Palace. Deputy Poklonskaya is interested in history and sympathizes with Nicholas II - his portrait hung in her office back in the Simferopol prosecutor's office. In 2015, Natalya Vladimirovna made a sensational statement that the abdication of Nicholas II was deprived of legal force.

On May 9, 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya went to the “Immortal Regiment” rally with an icon of Nicholas II, explaining that she was fulfilling a veteran’s request to her earlier.

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya (center in the foreground) at the “Immortal Regiment” memorial event on Victory Day, Russia, Simferopol, May 9, 2016 (Photo: Alexey Konovalov/TASS)

In the fall of 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya said that in the chapel in honor of the holy royal passion-bearers of Emperor Nicholas II and his family, erected near the walls of the Crimean prosecutor's office in Simferopol, the first miracle occurred, “during the reading of the akathist, droplets of myrrh appeared on the icon of Emperor Nicholas II, which helped in healing - miraculously the child’s temperature dropped, and after a debilitating illness, recovery began.” The news with this statement by Poklonskaya caused considerable public outcry.

Natalya Poklonskaya gained great popularity in many countries, especially in Japan (a video from a press conference with Poklonskaya’s participation received more than two million views on Youtube, her photos were published in news all over the world). Former Prime Minister of Japan, head of the Japan-Russia Friendship Society, Yukio Hatoyama, said that he was a big fan of her beauty. Amateur drawings of Natalya Poklonskaya in the “moe” style (a certain type of cuteness, as heroines are drawn in Japanese anime and manga) appeared on the Internet, and a cartoon was shot in the anime style.

Photo: Russian Archives/Global Look Press

Although the peak of the Crimean beauty’s popularity occurred in the spring of 2014, her photos continue to arouse the interest of the Internet audience.

They write songs about Poklonskaya and release computer games. Odessa musician Slava Blagov dedicated the song “Oh, what a sweetheart, prosecutor Natasha!” to her, which received more than 100 thousand views on YouTube in a day.

Natalia Poklonskaya's official Facebook account:

Today we will talk about a woman who has become famous almost throughout the world. Popularity fell on her completely unexpectedly, but very effectively!

short biography

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya begins in March 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka (Lugansk region of Ukraine). When the girl was 10 years old, the whole family moved permanently to Yevpatoria (Crimea). Today, the woman is a famous Russian lawyer and statesman. From 2014 to 2016, she was the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. It was precisely at this time that her popularity boomed. Let's find out how the career of a successful, beautiful and famous woman began.

Prosecutor's office

The career biography of Poklonskaya Natalya Vladimirovna began in 2002, when she graduated from a higher educational institution in Evpatoria (a branch of Kharkov University). Immediately after completing her studies, she got a job in the prosecutor’s office, where she went through all the stages of job growth. From 2002 to 2006, she worked as an assistant prosecutor in the Krasnogvardeisky district of Crimea, after which, until 2010, she held the position of assistant prosecutor in Yevpatoria. She devoted the next year of her life to work in the Crimean prosecutor’s office in the department overseeing the control of institutions fighting crime.

In 2011, Poklonskaya was involved in a high-profile case (as a prosecutor) of a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, who was the head of one of the largest criminal organizations in the republic. In 2011-2012, Natalya Vladimirovna worked in the prosecutor's office of Simferopol. In the winter of 2014, the woman wrote a letter of resignation from her position. This happened after the change of power in the capital of Ukraine and large-scale events at Euromaidan. She justified her departure by saying that she could not live and work in a country where anyone could dictate their terms to the population. The top management did not want to let go of such a valuable personnel, so the woman was asked to go on vacation. Natalya Poklonskaya went to visit her mother in Simferopol, where she offered her professional assistance to the Crimean government to prevent repeat events in Kyiv.

Prosecutor of Crimea

The professional biography of Natalia Poklonskaya has taken a new turn. In March 2014, by decision of the Supreme Council of Crimea, Natalya Vladimirovna became the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. She was appointed to this position after four other male candidates who had been deputies to the previous prosecutor refused to take the position. Poklonskaya’s first case concerned precisely the Kyiv events. It consisted of investigating a case of causing severe bodily harm to the Berkut unit. The accused was one of thousands of Euromaidan activists - A. Kostenko. According to the verdict, the man was found guilty.

At the end of March of the same year, Yuri Chaika (Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation) appointed Poklonskaya as acting prosecutor of Crimea. Already in April, he personally handed the woman a certificate stating that she was an employee of the Russian prosecutorial authorities. A little earlier, Poklonskaya conducted a special operation to detain an official at the time of receiving a bribe. The accused was an assistant to the Yalta prosecutor. A little later, the Russian President himself appointed our heroine as the prosecutor of Crimea.

Removal from office

In May, Natalya publicly warned the head of the Mejlis, Refat Chubarov, that extremist activities were unacceptable. The prosecutor added the Mejlis to the list of organizations involved in extremist activities. In the summer of 2015, she received the rank of State Counselor of Justice, 3rd class. In the fall of 2016, the woman wrote a letter of resignation due to her election as a deputy to the State Duma. In October, the President of the Russian Federation signed Poklonskaya’s statement.

Activities of the deputy

After the woman was elected as a deputy, she was immediately presented as an excellent candidate for the post of chairman of the commission to monitor the correctness of declaration of income of government officials. Former Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya, whose biography is very eventful, represents the United Russia faction. The first initiative of a woman to become a deputy left everyone in amazement. She sent a request to the Russian Prosecutor General's Office to check the feature film "Matilda". The film told about the relationship between the ballerina M. Kshesinskaya and Nikolai Romanov.

A complaint about the film came from the “Royal Cross” (a public organization), which convinced Poklonskaya that the film clearly distorted historical events and carried out anti-religious and anti-Russian propaganda. However, the audit did not find these violations. Stanislav Govorukhin was very critical of Poklonskaya’s initiative, criticizing the woman’s actions to smithereens. In January 2017, Natalya sent another request for a re-verification. She insisted on checking the intended use of allocated budget funds. The woman was most indignant at the fact that the role of the crown prince, whom the Russian Orthodox Church had canonized, was to be played by an actor of German origin, known for his roles in “films for adults.”

Having gained courage, Natalya also mentioned all the monsters of the last century (in her personal opinion), among whom she named the names of Trotsky, Lenin, Mao and Hitler. This speech caused a storm of indignation among Russian communists, and deputy R. Perelygin sent a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office against Poklonskaya herself, indicating that her expressions were extremist.

Natalya Poklonskaya: biography, personal life

It is known that Natalya Vladimirovna was married twice. Today she lives with her second husband and daughter Anastasia. Who did Natalia Poklonskaya choose for the first time? The biography, in which the ex-husband does not play a special role, does not answer this question. There is information that the woman’s first chosen one was Vladimir Klimenko. But Natalya Poklonskaya herself does not want to answer this question.

Biography, husband, children and professional activities of a strong-willed woman - these are the questions that interest media representatives. It is known that today Natalya is completely happy in her family. It is her current chosen one who supports the woman and is a strong support, which Natalya Poklonskaya greatly appreciates. The biography, in which the husband is not openly present, since he does not want to become a public person, continues to excite the minds of the public. In all interviews, Natalya always correctly avoided answering questions about her personal life. This is not surprising, because such an active and thirsty person can earn many ill-wishers.

Who raised Natalya Poklonskaya herself? The biography, in which the parents are practically not mentioned, is closely connected with Crimea, the love for which was instilled by mom and dad. Poklonskaya’s grandfathers on both sides participated in the Great Patriotic War and died there. One of Natalia's grandmothers survived the period of German occupation.


Natalya Poklonskaya is a prosecutor whose biography is full of bright political events. But how does she herself feel about everything that is happening? It is known that Poklonskaya had an extremely negative attitude towards the coup in Ukraine. She connects the events that took place with the collaboration that occurred during the war during the occupation of Ukraine. She has repeatedly emphasized that she wants to raise her child in an honest country, not one ruled by Bandera and the Nazis. Natalya told a real-life incident: her 86-year-old grandmother called her, in tears, and said that a repeat of the horrors of the Ukrainian occupation was coming.

Poklonskaya herself cannot imagine how she can serve Ukraine after this. The woman zealously defends the Russian Federation, recognizing it as a great power. She is raising her daughter Nastya in the spirit of respect for the traditions of the past, especially military events. She also opposes the destruction of historical monuments.

Relation to Nicholas II

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya is impossible without her standard - Nicholas II. The emperor’s portrait even hangs in her office. In the fall of 2014, she transferred 80 photographs from the family album of the emperor’s family to the Livadia Palace. The woman herself received these historical monuments from a priest in the Holy Dormition Cave Monastery (Crimea). Natalya Poklonskaya, whose biography is full of bright marks, was present at the opening of the bust of Nicholas II in the Livadia Palace. There she publicly announced that she planned to create a sculpture with members of the emperor’s family using her own funds. A little later, she made a loud statement that the emperor’s abdication of the throne had no legal basis. However, Evgeny Spitsyn (historian and author of history textbooks) criticized Poklonskaya’s statement, saying that she could not objectively assess events. He was supported by M. Sokolov. In the spring of 2016, a woman appeared at the “Immortal Regiment” event, holding an icon of the emperor in her hands.


Natalya Poklonskaya, biography of which is presented in the article, believes that every officer should be fit, beautiful and slender, as required by the profession. The woman herself fully complies with her principles. So, at the Olympics in Sochi, which was held between employees of the prosecutor’s office, she adequately completed the GTO program with the help of abdominal exercises. The team of the Crimean Federal District received two medals (silver and gold) at these competitions.



Popularity fell on Natalia after the moment when video materials from a press conference regarding the discussion of problems with Crimea became publicly available. The video instantly went viral. Men write tons of comments to Poklonskaya about her beauty. The former Prime Minister of Japan said that he was fascinated by this woman. In this country, Natalia is depicted in the “moe” style, which emphasizes her pretty facial features. Moreover, famous bloggers make videos about her, musicians write songs, and recently an anime cartoon was shot about this woman. All this creativity, posted on the Internet, gains enormous popularity in just a few days. It is known that the developers of the most popular computer game GTA: San Andreas made some modifications to their creation, adding a new heroine (Poklonskaya herself).

The pursuit

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya cannot but amaze. Naturally, the woman made many enemies during her work. When she moved to Russia and became a Russian citizen, the Ukrainian authorities opened a criminal case against her: the woman was accused of participating in an operation to illegally seize power. In 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine put Poklonskaya on the wanted list, indicating that she was hiding from a pre-trial investigation. In Russia, these actions were not given much importance and were called an ordinary “bluff.” A little later, the decision to appoint Natalya as the prosecutor of Crimea was declared unlawful. After Natalya became a deputy of the State Duma, the Ukrainian authorities opened a new case against her (charge of high treason).

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya already contains sanctions lists of a number of states. She is also on the list of government officials subject to financial and visa restrictions. Natalya has two state awards: the Order “For Fidelity” and the honorary medal “For Merit in the Protection of Children of Russia.” In addition, the woman can boast of a number of public awards.

After the annexation of Crimea, the personality of the girl who took the post of chief prosecutor of the peninsula was of interest to absolutely everyone. Let's take a closer look at her life path.

The biography of Natalya Poklonskaya indicates that from childhood she was instilled with patriotic values; she heard a lot of stories about how her grandparents fought in the Great Patriotic War for the freedom and rights of the Soviet people.

It was on the territory of Crimea that Natalya began working in law enforcement agencies, combining work with study. She managed to acquire important and necessary skills, which subsequently helped her achieve career heights and receive the desired title.

Carier start

Natalya was born in a small Ukrainian urban-type village - Mikhailovka, which is located near the regional center - the city of Lugansk. The girl graduated from school in her small town, and soon after graduation she decided to go to study in Evpatoria. It was in this city that there was a branch where the future prosecutor of the peninsula studied.

Biography of Natalia Poklonskaya: family

It is known that while studying at the university, the girl married a man who was 19 years older than her. However, their marriage lasted less than two years.

Quite little is known about the family. Natalia Poklonskaya's daughter is being raised by her maternal grandparents while her mom and dad are at work. It is known that the daughter’s name is Anastasia. She recently sang as part of a children's choir for employees of the Crimean prosecutor's office in connection with their professional holiday.

The girl does not talk about her personal life. For a whole year there were rumors in the press that Natalya was divorced. The girl did not refute, but did not confirm this information. Just a month ago, information appeared on the Internet that Natalya still has a husband who is the natural father of her child. The information was confirmed by Natalya herself; she spoke about her family in an interview with a well-known Internet news portal. Information about what Natalia Poklonskaya’s husband does remains a mystery.

Popularity among Internet users

After a series of events that occurred in Ukraine, Natalya moved to the capital of Crimea, where she was subsequently appointed by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to the position of chief prosecutor of the peninsula. After this, Natalia received all the attention of the media.

Internet users are wondering how old Natalia Poklonskaya is. She's 35.

She has a pretty appearance. Many music videos with songs about Natalya began to appear on the YouTube portal, and you can find many of her fans on the Internet. Poems and paintings are dedicated to her, mostly in the cartoon genre.

The largest number of views (over twenty million) was received by the video of the popular channel “Enjoykin”, which shot an entire music video about Natalya, using comics as a video sequence, and as a sound series - edited clippings of Natalya’s voice from various interviews, which were redone and sound like a song .

As we mentioned above, Natalia was drawn in a comic book. Japanese anime creators have created a whole series of pictures with a woman whose appearance is adapted to the style of this genre. Later, these pictures became the basis for a short cartoon about the prosecutor of Crimea, which was created by Japanese multi-makers.

The modifiers of the world famous game "GTA 5" stated that they will add a prototype of Natalia in a service uniform to the remade version. This is not the first time that popular personalities have been introduced into a modified version of a computer game.

Thanks to the owner of a popular Japanese blog, the whole world learned about Natalya, and the girl, without expecting it, became the object of close attention of Internet users. Later, during her press conference, Natalya spoke about the hype surrounding her name. The statements were rather restrained, but they persistently asked for an end to the investigation into her personal life.

In one of her interviews, Natalya stated that she occupies a serious and responsible position, so one should not pay attention to various kinds of actions on the part of the media and Internet users, because they do not carry any meaning. She noted that a fairly young age does not interfere with professional detail, so she should not give in to such a heated discussion.

Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya: personal views

Natalya explains her departure from Ukraine by the fact that she categorically disagreed with the policies of the authorities and the actions of the people, which subsequently led to disastrous consequences. There was chaos in the country, so the girl, who was scared that she might be convicted on fabricated charges because of her disagreement with the opinion of the authorities, left for Crimea, where she remained to live. According to relatives, Natalya Poklonskaya’s husband helped her move with her child to Crimea, while he himself temporarily remained in Ukraine.

Poklonskaya has worked in the Kiev prosecutor's office since 2002. She started her career with ordinary positions and moved up the career ladder slowly but surely. Natalya Poklonskaya, whose personal life is not covered, herself admitted that her husband did not immediately move to Crimea with her, because he had a job in Kyiv, but because of the crisis, he lost it.

Natalya is a big fan of Tsar Nicholas II; there is even a portrait of him hanging in the prosecutor’s office. Until recently, she was fond of buying and collecting personal photographs of the Tsar's family. A few months ago, Natalya decided to enrich the reserves of the Livadia Palace Museum and at the same time allow other people to view her collection.

A year ago, Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya made a statement that she considered the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II from the throne to be a rig and to have no legal force or basis.

The girl gave more than eighty-five photographs to the exhibition audience at the palace. She also recently commissioned sculptures of members of the royal family for the palace.

Natalya is a 3rd class State Counselor of Justice, which means that she ranks fourth in seniority among the positions of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Justice in the Russian Federation. This position was awarded to her by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin at the annual congress of regional prosecutors.

Criminal case against Natalya

The sudden departure and receipt of the post of chief prosecutor of the peninsula could not escape the attention of the Ukrainian authorities, who convicted Natalya of betrayal, violation of state secrets and other crimes against Ukraine.

According to rumors, when the Ukrainian authorities determined the places of work of all the girl’s relatives, Natalya Polonskaya’s husband was fired. After Natalya moved, she was accused of treason against Ukraine and was convicted of helping the old government. However, the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine did not take any specific actions against Natalya, because she was already on Russian territory at that time.

Representatives of the Russian Federation ignored the fact that Natalya was put on the wanted list in Ukraine. Later they stated that this was a bluff, with the help of which Ukrainian politicians wanted to shake the political situation that had formed on the peninsula.

Sanctions of other countries against Natalia

Due to the introduction by Europe of restrictions on the entry of politicians and the blocking of bank accounts in European banks, Natalya was included in the list of unwanted guests in Germany, Britain and Italy.

Natalya is also prohibited from opening cash accounts and being in countries such as Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Australia.


Natalya Poklonskaya, whose rank is major general, recently declared her income. According to the calculations, Natalya has a large apartment in Simferopol. Her income for the past 2014 amounted to almost two million rubles.

Natalya did not receive any claims regarding her income. She has never been accused of stealing government property, she is clean before the law.

Opinion of politicians

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya made some politicians want to speak out about the girl. Most of them note Natalia’s excellent professional skills and her ability to achieve her goals.

At the same time, many noticed that due to her young age and lack of experience, she does not know how to communicate firmly with the press and suppress unwanted and provocative questions, because this ability comes with constant practice of communicating with representatives of the media.

Instead of a conclusion

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya shows that she copes well with the responsibilities of a mother and wife, and at the same time has achieved great success in her career, because she managed to achieve the goal that she had been moving towards since the beginning of her studies at the university.

Today Natalya is an object of inspiration for most Internet users and for those who begin their journey in the prosecutor's office.

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