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How to change yourself if husbands. Male infidelity: how to choose behavioral tactics. How to behave when you find out that your husband is cheating on you

One of the criteria for maintaining a relationship is fidelity. Every person - both woman and man - puts forward this requirement in relation to anyone who wants to meet with him and receive any benefits. However, despite this, it is increasingly possible to encounter betrayal. Everything changes. But it is promoted against men, which often leads to cheating on the husband. Psychologists give advice to women on how to behave in such a situation.

If you ask someone whether they would like to be cheated on, the answer will be no. Only people who do not have feelings for each other can easily treat betrayal and not pay attention to it. But how many such families are there?

Often, even in the absence of love between partners, betrayal becomes the reason why they quarrel and get divorced. “He’s mine,” thinks a woman who, perhaps, has not been interested in her husband for a long time, but is so accustomed to receiving various benefits from him that she is not able to let him go to other ladies.

The most bitter thing is the betrayal of a husband, which occurs in a family where a woman loves, appreciates and cares for her husband. She is subject to hopes that everything will turn out well. If her husband cheats on her, which she finds out about, this often leads to tears, hysteria, depression and other negative emotions. Many absurd acts, sometimes even of a criminal nature, were committed out of jealousy. Men who provoke such situations should remember this. Women who do not want to ruin their lives for the sake of men should know this.

What is cheating husband?

It is easy to define what cheating on a husband is. This is when a man gives his body or soul to another woman. The divergence of opinions of both sexes regarding this phenomenon becomes interesting:

  1. Men consider the only act of cheating when they physically engage in sexual contact with other ladies.
  2. Women consider absolutely all situations when a man does something for the sake of another lady as cheating. This could be flirting, sex, paying attention, etc.

Today, cheating has become very common. From the media you can understand that there is not a single man who would not cheat on a woman. According to statistics, only 97% of partners cheat on their partners (which is already comforting). However, this situation has really become a problem for the fair half, who demands and hopes for fidelity from the stronger sex.

Why do men cheat? This is a very pressing question that women are trying to find an answer for everyone. They read books, magazines, articles on the Internet, and even seek advice from psychologists. It turns out that even putting your appearance in order, housekeeping and a friendly attitude towards a man do not help. What should a woman do if her husband cheated? You can use many of the tips that will be given in this article, and also seek help from a psychologist on the website.

What are the reasons for male infidelity is difficult to determine. Each case is individual, just as each man has his own underlying reasons for his behavior. Here we can consider only common causes that are often noted among men. However, to clarify your problem, it is better to contact a psychologist who, based on all the data, will be able to identify the true cause.

Why do men cheat?

  • Propaganda of the media and friends. Quite often men hear that they must cheat in order to demonstrate their masculinity.
  • Upbringing. If a man as a child watched his father cheat on his mother, then most likely he will also do the same with his wife.
  • Youthful habits. All men were once teenagers. And at that time, the usual way of proving one’s masculinity and maturity was a large number of female fans. A man gets used to surrounding himself with ladies, which he cannot get rid of in later life.
  • Instincts. There is a category of men who succumb more to their instincts and emotions than to conscious thoughts. If a man is a “cable” in almost the literal sense of the word, then he cannot help but cheat.

To understand what to do if your husband cheated and what were the reasons for his betrayal, psychologists divided men into categories that often cheat on their wives:

  1. Romantic. Such a man does not like anything known, monotonous, routine. He always wants to encounter the mysterious, the unknown, the new. If a woman cannot surprise such a man, then he begins to look for novelty somewhere on the side. To prevent such a husband from cheating, a woman should constantly be mysterious and unusual. New underwear or clothes, outlook on life, hobbies, proposals, etc. - everything will help in retaining such a man. Another way a romantic can be held back is by the jealousy he must feel when he sees his woman being courted by other men or looking at her.
  2. Macho. If a woman has connected her life with such a man, then she must come to terms with her gentleman’s natural desire to constantly make his life varied and not stop at one. Cheating is almost inevitable. A man will always be drawn to diversity and diversity, without leaving his wife. The only thing a woman can do is to be relaxed and temperamental, not afraid of innovation, and also strive for diversity.
  3. Hunter (heart conqueror). It is quite difficult for such a man to get rid of his habit of conquering all women. He once learned to charm all women, to see the sparkle in their eyes, which is why he cannot stop. Now that he is married, he feels "short for air." He again wants to conquer, conquer, experience difficulties and overcome them. To avoid betrayal, his wife should simply become indomitable. Regardless of the fact that they are married, a woman should always remain slightly cold, indifferent to her husband, and unsubdued. Only in this case can one achieve such an effect as the absence of the desire to conquer anyone until the wife is conquered.
  4. Don Juan (or a man with complexes). Why does such a husband cheat? Because he was not loved as a child. His peers did not respect him, and his parents constantly ignored him. This led to the fact that he began to strive to please absolutely everyone, acting on the principle: the more, the better. He wins women not because he loves them, but because in this way he tries to feel loved and needed. What can a wife do to prevent cheating? She should admire her husband and compliment him. You should give him respect and tenderness, which he is constantly trying to get on the side.
  5. Homebody. Such a man is a bright representative of traditions and family comfort. Starting a family with him means meeting all the stereotypes about what a woman should be. He values ​​coziness and comfort in the house, so that everything is cleaned, prepared, washed, etc. If a woman does not adhere to this image, then the man begins to get nervous. However, homebodies have a lot of patience. You can finish it off with jealousy. If a man suspects that his wife has a lover, or she makes him jealous, then this puts an end to their relationship. The homebody begins to cheat not in order to later return to his wife, but in order to find himself another “housewife”. You could say that homebodies are lovers who soon become husbands.

How to forgive your husband's betrayal?

Change cannot be avoided. Many women are faced with the news that their husbands are cheating. Here pain arises and the desire to send the husband to all four directions. However, if motives arise due to which a woman is ready to forgive her husband’s infidelity, then the question of how to do this will have to be decided.

Psychologists give advice depending on the desires of women. If someone wants to forgive and save the relationship, then it is necessary to find the right ways.

Why did your husband cheat? Here it should be understood that betrayal did not come from a good life. The main reason remains the man’s dissatisfaction with something in family relationships. Harmony in the family was disrupted, which is why the man committed treason. His wife does not give him something, deprives him, limits him in something, because of which he agrees to get it on the side.

If you want to save the relationship, then the woman will have to make a lot of efforts after her husband’s betrayal. Firstly, you should not throw tantrums and constant quarrels. If the wife reproaches her husband and constantly reminds him of his guilt, she will further aggravate the situation. The husband will again want to leave for his mistress, now justifying his action by how bad and bitchy his wife is. Of course, at the same time he will forget that the initial impetus for his wife’s bad behavior was his betrayal.

Cheating husband - how to behave?

Cheating on your husband is always a shocking and unexpected event. The woman loses trust in him, despite the fact that at the same time she may feel a desire to save the family. How can you continue to exist harmoniously if you don’t trust your partner and at the same time want to stay with him? This problem is very difficult. This is why women often do not know how to behave after the news that their husbands have cheated on them.

  • What to do in this situation?
  • How to protect yourself from negative emotions? How to protect children from unpleasant experiences?
  • What kind of life should I live next?
  • How to forgive your husband? How to forget your husband if a woman decides to get a divorce?
  • How to choose partners who will not cheat?

In forgiving her husband, a woman will be helped by understanding the peculiarities of his psychology:

  1. Firstly, men are always drawn to novelty. The other woman is an unknown woman who is of more interest than the existing wife.
  2. Secondly, men are programmed to cheat. Unfortunately, today a real man, according to the representatives of the stronger sex themselves, is one who has one or more mistresses, in addition to his wife.
  3. Thirdly, freedom and the desire to do things your own way. In men, these desires are more pronounced than in women.

Added to all this are women who themselves agree to have sexual relations with married men. If women refused when they learned about the existence of marriage ties between men and their wives, then there would be much less betrayal. But since women themselves agree to have relationships with married gentlemen, infidelity is a consequence of improper behavior of the weaker sex.

Psychologists advise you to believe in the words of your husband, who begins to justify his betrayal. No matter how senseless and stupid his excuses may be, in order to survive her husband’s betrayal, you need to believe in them. Yes, everything happened by chance, unexpectedly. The man may have been completely unconscious. You have to believe in any stupidity in order to forgive him.

It is necessary to understand the reasons that prompted a man to cheat. Something in family relationships does not suit a man (or, perhaps, something in his wife does not suit him). This is something that needs to be worked on to eliminate and prevent subsequent infidelities. If the problem is a woman, then you need to work on your transformation or self-improvement.

You need to again wish to be interesting to your man. This will help in forgiving your husband and maintaining your relationship with him. If a woman no longer cares about a man, then nothing will help her survive betrayal.

Bottom line

Cheating on your husband is unpleasant news that shocks and outrages. A woman should first decide for herself what she wants to have next with a cheater. If she wants to save the family, then she should take actions that help achieve this goal. If in the end a woman wants to say goodbye to her husband, then it is better not to delay and take advantage of the situation.

More and more divorces are happening because a husband cheats on his wife. The woman is not ready for the betrayal of a loved one. In addition, in our society it is customary to blame the wife for the husband’s unworthy behavior, and not the real culprit of the family crisis.

What to do if your husband cheated, how to behave in this difficult situation?

How to behave

Any woman in such a situation feels anger and hatred towards the man and his mistress. This is a normal reaction to the betrayal of a loved one just recently. A deceived woman has the right to scream, sob and break dishes. This will give vent to anger, so that then, having calmed down, think about the situation in which you find yourself because of your husband’s infidelity to his wife, and make an informed decision.

Of course, at such a moment it is not easy to pull yourself together, but it is necessary. When your disheveled feelings are more or less in order, try to analyze the situation and make the right decision.

After a husband’s betrayal, a psychologist’s advice on how to behave usually suggests that you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you want to save your marriage? Why?
  • What did this union bring to you?
  • Is it worth preserving something that has just been shattered?

Reasons why you might want to try to save your marriage

  • For most women, the main reason to stay married to a cheating partner is, of course, a child. But what exactly will your children see on a daily basis? Constant quarrels, suspicions and disdainful attitude of the father towards their mother. After all, resentment cannot be erased with words of repentance and a bouquet of flowers. So maybe it’s better to choose the option of a visiting father?
  • Financial dependence. This is a serious reason, because in our country women in most cases earn less than men, and maternity leave and sick leave due to children’s illnesses do not allow them to climb the career ladder with a good salary.
  • Love. Yes, love is worth trying to forget the insults and pain after a husband cheated on his wife. But will it be forgotten? Or will memories of someone else's meanness forever poison your relationship, and over time love will turn into hatred?

Reasons to leave betrayal behind and move forward

Oddly enough, the first reason will also be the presence of children. Think about what your children, both daughter and son, see? After all, even the little ones are already able to understand that dad no longer loves mom, that he is doing something bad. In this case, the girl will grow up resenting the entire male sex, and the son may begin to copy his father’s behavior, first towards you, and then towards his wife. So maybe it will be better to leave the grievances in the past and calmly separate after the husband cheated on his wife.

The father will visit the children, regularly pay child support for their maintenance, and not broadcast resentment and hatred. After all, what’s surprising is that men blame women for their mistakes, which means that over time, you will become the main culprit of male infidelity. All the irritation due to problems in the family will fall on you.

If your husband has cheated, the psychologist’s advice is to behave as calmly as possible and not make any decisions while emotions dominate reason. Decisions made in anger are rarely successful.

To calm down, try going about your daily activities. Some people are soothed by washing dishes or knitting, other women by sports or a walk in the park.

Psychologists advise making a list of the positive and negative aspects of your marriage and writing them down in table form:

In the plus column you can include such points as respect for you as a person, love, activities with children, if any. How a man behaves in everyday life, if he takes care of himself, this is also a plus. The financial issue is also important - how much does it provide for the family and, most importantly, the children?

The disadvantages may be mirror images of the advantages from the left column: the husband, as they say, is “everyday disabled,” and the wife has to care for him like another child. If he drinks, then this disadvantage may outweigh most of the advantages of living together. And if a man raises his hand against family members, this is a reason to run away from him immediately, regardless of his positive qualities.

A table compiled in this way can help make a decision about saving the marriage or divorce.

Another question is whether the man will continue to cheat. No woman can tolerate her man’s betrayal and remain happy. As psychologists advise how to behave after your husband’s betrayal, you should pay attention not to your partner’s assurances that this will not happen again, but to his behavior.

Who is guilty?

There can be only one answer to this question - the one who cheated is to blame for treason. There is no need to listen to any reasoning from a man or “well-wishers” who are trying to convince a woman that it is her fault that she did not give something to her husband. Claims about what exactly was not enough vary from person to person, depending on his degradation: it could be the banal “not enough sex,” the common accusation “bad housewife,” or the variant “getting fat.” It doesn't matter what they say. Because all this is untrue and an attempt to present black to white, to blame the victim instead of the true culprit. If a man cheats, he does it only because his moral qualities leave much to be desired. No instincts or hormones can be the cause - we are people, not animals, whose behavior is really guided by animal instincts.

This is a fact that makes no sense to deny: You have been cheated on. How to behave correctly in such a situation? Forgive or take revenge? To hate or to understand? Astro7 expert advises.

It is possible to say that men cheat more often, and statistics are most likely right about this. But women cheat too. And my beloved did it. And the man hangs up with the same question. Life after betrayal is the same for everyone without exception. For simplicity, let’s consider the case of male infidelity, although female infidelity is not much different from it.

First emotions and real reasons

The emotional stage is inevitable, because the one who was cheated on never in his life thought that his loved one was capable of such a thing. This is a revelation. Therefore, first you need to understand what happened, and preferably soberly.

And this is the essence of emotions. A traitor is called the worst words in the world. He offended, he betrayed, he broke an oath, broke trust, killed love. But is this possible, since this is a LOVED person? This means that he was seduced and taken away, which means that the third one is to blame. Homewrecker.

Who am I then? I am a former loved one and offended. I am unhappy, I am a victim of insidious betrayal. All that's left to do is cry. How I want him to come back, because sometimes, in moments of self-pity, I am ready to forgive him everything...

If you turn on the mind, the scheme will turn out like this. The main relationship was between a man and a woman. They lost love and trust. Sex is no longer satisfying. One of the partners - a man - decided to get on the side what he did not get with his woman. These are feelings, love, attention, support, sex... the list goes on. And the only question is whether it is possible to return love and trust to the main relationship: was it a one-time betrayal, or can nothing be returned?

Being emotional, a woman is capable of causing trouble. She is ready to forgive immediately or, conversely, to break off the relationship and take revenge. So to forgive a traitor or not to forgive?

The arguments for and against are different. Their decency is not discussed now; each person has his own moral standard.

Arguments for forgiveness of betrayal

1. This could have been a one-time misconception. The man doesn’t have any special feelings for his rival, maybe it’s just a chance meeting. And he really loves, he apologized...

2. General formal values. For their sake, a man is still needed. Values ​​can be “our” children, his money, one home for two. I don't want to lose this.

3. Fear of loneliness. It’s better to have a bastard man nearby than emptiness. You can even allow him to officially cheat - the main thing is that he doesn’t quit.

4. Forgiveness is noble, it will let a man know that his woman is strong and loving. He will never cheat on such a woman again. And she will fight for him, clash with her rival!

Arguments against forgiving infidelity

1. Changed it once, will change it again. Forgive for the first time - he will decide that everything is possible, and now he will always be forgiven for everything.

2. If I truly loved you, I wouldn’t change it. And if he doesn’t love you, then goodbye.

3. Pride is higher than sacrifice. Let him roll in all four directions, and if he is also a husband, then he will not receive any children or property.

4. If this is not the first time, if he has had another for a long time, then what are we even talking about? It's a shame, it's a shame, but this scoundrel is not worth even a drop of forgiveness.

If you look a little deeper, then the meaning of forgiveness is not to bear resentment and anger yourself, not to poison your own life with negativity. And the offender, the traitor, can be forgiven and at the same time... punished! For example, a breakup, divorce, financially. The only thing that cannot be done is to punish the offender with the help of children if he is a father. This is already revenge, and forgiveness always implies adequate punishment, but not excessive.

How to live together after cheating?

The fine line between letting go of the situation of betrayal and psychologically clinging to it is difficult to grasp, especially when in an emotional crisis. But let’s say some kind of reconciliation happened, and the relationship continues. How to move on after what happened?

And then the stage of checking feelings begins. Especially if the traitor “swore” that from now on he will forever love his woman. Either he will really love, or he will simply suppress the desire to go outside. It is difficult to distinguish one from the other, and only the next episode of betrayal (or non-cheating) will put everything in its place.

Another option is to allow each other to cheat, building a so-called open relationship. To some this seems wild, but this is the 21st century. The sexual revolution has long passed, and traditional principles are not relevant everywhere.

Cheating is always a crack in a relationship and a sign that “the way it was before” will no longer be. There is, of course, an option for coexistence, when people pretend that they are not cheating on each other, or simply keep secrets well. The shock of the fact that a husband (or wife) has an affair that lasts for years, and even children on the side, is truly enormous. And the magnitude of the shock is directly proportional to the period during which the traitor kept everything secret. And all this time - months, years - there was no trust in the main relationships. But for the sake of some common values, or because of fears, or out of painful dependence, these relationships continued.

The crack from betrayal is glued together, and the strength of the “glue” is different for all couples. It is only important to remember that even the most reliable glue is a substitute for true connection. And now you will have to always be on guard: trust, but verify. And certainly leave behind the naive belief in eternal and endless love.

Cheating husband is currently a common occurrence, since it has become a habit among representatives of the stronger sex and is no longer considered something immoral in relationships. But any betrayal in a relationship only leads to its deterioration. Cheating on a husband, according to the stereotype of thinking, refers to cheating in the case when there is physical contact with another woman. However, no less dangerous for a relationship is the betrayal that occurs in the partner’s soul.

Statistics show that about 97% of married women have every reason to fear or have experienced their spouse’s infidelity. Representatives of the fair sex never cease to be indignant, trying to understand what, after all, men are missing? After all, even popular advice on how to take care of yourself, how to maintain your figure, how to be thrifty and attractive does not insure a woman from her husband’s infidelity.

Sometimes even the most experienced psychologist is not able to explain what exactly leads to a spouse’s betrayal, since the perception of each person is very individual and this is affected by the diversity of different types of male characters.

Representatives of the stronger sex cheat on their wives for various reasons. Therefore, it is important to know exactly what type a potential or already accomplished “cheater” belongs to, and, based on this, in the event of a husband’s infidelity, one should build a policy for marital relations.

So, a woman is faced with the betrayal of her “romantic” spouse or only suspects him of cheating. What to do? This type of man is characterized by an uncontrollable craving for novelty, but routine existence in a familiar environment depresses him. If a woman wants to remain faithful to him, then under no circumstances should she be predictable with such a spouse, otherwise he will grow cold and begin to look for something new. Therefore, such things as a variety of underwear and wardrobe should represent a fantastic kaleidoscope for the spouse. Looking at a woman, he should always slightly fail to recognize her. In this case, everything will come in handy: the look of a stranger, a mysterious smile, unexpected hobbies, a new hairstyle. All together will be the best cure for betrayal.

How to prevent such a husband from cheating? It would be nice to make him a little jealous from time to time, and introduce variety and surprises into intimate relationships. Such behavior will be beneficial, and may well prevent her husband from cheating or postpone it indefinitely.

If a woman’s man is a temperamental “macho”, then in this case it will be much more difficult to prevent her husband’s infidelity. It is good to have affairs with such representatives of the stronger sex, but marrying them is a risky business, since it is unlikely that you will be able to insure yourself against betrayal. In such a man, the craving for natural pleasures is genetic: exquisite drink, delicious food and varied sex.

If, after all, a woman marries such a man, then she should always be on top, both in intimate relationships and in life. There is no need to be afraid to be temperamental and uninhibited. Receiving complete satisfaction and variety in all his needs, a man will not go outside looking for “supplements”.

The next type of representatives of the stronger sex who cheat are husbands with complexes, sort of “involuntarily Don Juans.” It would not be correct to completely blame such a husband for infidelity, since they often become a victim of upbringing and circumstances due to instilled complexes in childhood, which remain in the person’s mind for life.

If in childhood a boy was not loved by his parents and was humiliated by his peers, then growing up, he seems to make up for the unworthy love, proving to himself and all women that he is worthy of love and in this regard he is in complete order.

To cheat, such a man will not aim himself at choosing a female object with some super-advantages; it’s just that such a “Don Juan”, most likely, will not let a single skirt pass him by, guided by the principle, the more, the better. Women often have the question of how to manage this type of man and how to prevent her husband from cheating?

To do this, you need to tirelessly tell your spouse how smart and wonderful he is, what a huge number of advantages he has, and how love for him grows stronger day by day. This is the only way to maintain your spouse’s fidelity, protect yourself from your husband’s infidelity, and at the same time rid him of his complexes.

If a woman gets a typical “homebody” as her husband, then she should try to create a comfortable environment at home in everything. Such representatives of the stronger sex value most of all home comfort, stability, good cuisine, as well as an orderly and measured intimate life. And for such a man to go looking for consolation on the side, he needs to create unbearable conditions at home.

Oddly enough, even “homebodies” can be so annoyed that it will literally push them to cheat, especially if you nag them from morning to night for any offenses: fictitious or real, if you feed them semi-finished foods, and when asked to wash a shirt, show it to your spouse, where is the washing machine located?

If a woman runs around somewhere in her free time, forgetting to warn her, and returns drunk, then the “homebody” will not stand such an attitude for long. And, by the way, it’s better not to make a “homebody” jealous.

Therefore, if a man is dear and there is no desire to suffer because of his husband’s infidelity, then you should remember this constantly and hold your tongue, especially if he came home from work tired. Psychologists recommend that wives often tell their husbands how much they value them and never stop caring for them. Also, faith in him, in his responsibility and decency and, of course, love will protect your husband from cheating!

How to forgive your husband's cheating

But if this did happen, then how to forgive your husband’s betrayal? How to live further? These and other questions are often of interest to many women after a tragedy has occurred in their lives.

If a woman has just found out that she has been cheated on, she is in great pain, and she does not understand what to do correctly: change her life or forgive, try to maintain the relationship or not, then psychologists advise the following in this regard.

There is no need to despair, be hysterical, reproach - this way you won’t change the situation, but it’s worth trying to forgive your husband’s betrayal and understand why this happened. It is necessary to analyze why the spouse became unfaithful. Of course, you can take the easy way out and call him a “womanizer,” but this will not solve the problem as a whole. Adultery is often the result of a lack of harmony in the family, and if something does not suit you psychologically or intimately, the man will seek solace in an affair on the side. No matter how painful it is to realize, this is most likely the case. It was the woman who missed something in family relationships, did not provide something: sincere interest in her husband’s problems, care, warmth, attention, she was deprived in an intimate relationship and is now forced to suffer from jealousy. You should think about this sensibly and calmly, assessing your entire family life and relationships, trying to correct the situation. It is the wife who should try to turn the situation around so as not to ultimately lose her husband.

If a woman is very jealous by nature, then it will be very difficult to accept the advice of a psychologist, because managing jealousy is very difficult, but you still need to take the advice of specialists.

If at home you constantly arrange scenes of jealousy with interrogations: “why did your husband do this and for what?”, then having created an unbearable situation, the man himself will want to fall into the arms of his mistress again, because continuing to live at home will seem like hell. And the mistress will happily provide consolation and salvation, and thus the husband will eventually decide to part with his wife completely, without experiencing remorse, but only justifying his action by the fact that it has become impossible to live with his wife.

The most interesting thing is that he will most likely rearrange the order of what happened: cause and effect, explaining to everyone that he broke up with his wife because she became terrible and, having forgotten that initially he cheated on his wife, and only then the family union became unbearable.

The most important thing is not to forget about your children during quarrels. Adults will eventually sort out relationships, but for a child who watches all the quarrels between parents and does not understand what is happening in the family and why the usual peace in the house has been shaken, this will not pass without a trace on the psyche.

Many women try to maintain relationships, but memories prevent them from starting life from scratch. Their faith in men has become so damaged that they no longer trust the male gender. They often want to change their lives, but worry about their children haunts them.

Cheating on your husband is like a blow to the gut. It always comes into life unexpectedly and hits the most vulnerable place. At this moment, the woman sees how everything she believed in collapses like a house of cards. Even at that moment when she hears that nothing happened, it is still very bad and painful. Because the female consciousness screams that they are trying to deceive her.

If a woman has negative thoughts: “I don’t want to live after my husband’s betrayal,” “how to love my husband after cheating,” “is there life after my husband’s betrayal,” then you need to seek help from a practicing psychologist who will help you get out of the crisis state and understand :

- how to get rid of pain;

- what to do in this situation;

- how to behave;

- how to protect loved ones and children from worries;

— how to learn to choose men who will protect women’s feelings in the future.

After your husband’s betrayal, the advice of psychologists will help not to forget that men are fickle by nature and their interest in other representatives of the fair sex periodically remains and manifests itself throughout their lives.

This is a necessary effect of novelty, and the desire to get to know another woman, as well as the desire to prove to himself that he is a “real man” capable of conquering any woman. All this is typical of a normal man, who is fine with potency and with his head. Therefore, this must be taken into account when assessing your life partner. There is no need to hope that by tying the knot with a representative of the stronger sex, a woman will be able to protect him from all the attractive ladies around him and somehow force him not to pay attention to them. If a woman hopes for this, it means that she does not need a man, but a domestic tame animal that does everything according to her wishes.

Everyone strives to maintain some freedom and the right to do their own thing. This is more common for representatives of the stronger sex than for women. A woman resists when a man tries to remake her to his liking. So he also wants to remain himself. Therefore, it will not be possible to transform a man into a feminine, because the bonds of marriage do not allow one to own the entire inner essence of a person. And interest in other women is quite natural for a normal man.

And what lady doesn’t like it when a strange man pays attention to her? She will not consider it reprehensible to flirt a little if such an opportunity arises.

Women can immediately object that at the same time they are being faithful to their husbands. Yes, women have many more psychological barriers that force them to be more careful and not lose their heads in such situations, but, nevertheless, only by understanding can you get out of your husband’s betrayal.

How to survive your husband's betrayal

Psychologists advise coming to terms with the idea that this happened, and if the husband says that he did this, “just like that” or “that’s how the circumstances turned out,” then this means that the spouse was not predisposed to betrayal, but everything happened spontaneously, under the influence of an outbreak desire or an opportunity has arisen.

This, of course, is not an excuse for unfaithful spouses, but only a statement of fact, but it also explains the reasons for adultery. And, perhaps, this will allow women to treat them more calmly. All women should think about this and not judge the stronger sex so harshly.

Not only men are inclined to cheat, but also women, it’s just that representatives of the stronger sex have more opportunities and stronger attraction, as well as different priorities. Therefore, one should be lenient towards this weakness of men.

How to behave after your husband cheats? A husband’s betrayal turns into a drama when the wife herself creates a dramatic situation out of it, and without making a tragedy out of it, a woman’s life will be much easier.

You need to become your own psychotherapist and try to find the positive aspects of what happened. For example, to spite your spouse, you can take care of yourself and achieve good results in improving your appearance: a beauty salon, fitness clubs, etc. This will help take your mind off your heartfelt thoughts and make you feel attractive again.

Don't forget about the intimate aspect of a love affair. You should measure your strength with your opponent, putting aside false shame and complexes. It is very important to get rid of false prejudices and ideas, expand your knowledge in this wonderful area of ​​​​human relationships and master intimate techniques perfectly.

The most important thing is that a woman again has a desire to be liked, no matter how old she is, because the fair sex is young not in years, but in her feelings, mood and her confidence in personal attractiveness.

Most women don’t know how to behave correctly. And it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to say in advance exactly how they will behave upon learning about such an unpleasant incident. However, it has long been known that there is no ordinary friendship between two people of different sexes. Even if both talk about it, it is worth understanding: where there is friendship, there is also sympathy. And, as you know, it can easily develop into something more.

Step one

If the husband has changed how to behave, each woman decides for herself.

However, you should not waste your nerves in vain. The first thing to do is to understand whether the information is reliable. Think, remember how your relationship with your spouse has been built lately. If this fact turns out to be true, then try to understand the reason. If everything is fine sexually at home, then most likely he was looking for moral support on the side. To solve any problem, awareness of it is required, especially if the husband has cheated. How to behave? Talk to your husband, but the conversation should not be an angry and accusing monologue, it should be constructive. To do this to a woman in a similar situation

It can be very difficult, so prepare in advance: go over in your head several times how the dialogue might develop approximately, try to get used to it as much as possible. If you do not want to end the relationship, then there is no need to use phrases about moving away from each other or putting your spouse before a choice.

Step two

Of course, it is impossible to solve the problem quickly if How to behave further? Even if this act turned out to be a momentary weakness, it is necessary to begin to act. For example, you should find out who “encroached” on family peace and well-being. This does not mean at all that you need to figure out your opponent and grab her by the hair. It is necessary to influence a man very carefully: if it turns out, for example, that this is his first wife, then it is worth leading him to the fact that he can communicate with the child, but the relationship with his ex-wife causes you pain. You should try to focus more attention on your feelings and articulate them.

Step three

It is very important to cope with your emotions if your husband has cheated. How to behave if you swear all the time? Don't hold back your feelings. If you want to cry - cry, you are angry - turn your husband’s photo into shreds, burn it. However, it is better to show such impulses when no one is watching. You should not share with friends and relatives what happened in the family. After all, in the whirlpool of feelings that overwhelm you, it is impossible to understand how your future life will turn out; perhaps everything will still be fine.

Step four

If you decide that family is more valuable and realize that you still love, then take your time when deciding what to do if your husband cheats. Give him support. In a serious relationship, your spouse will not be able to live on two fronts for long. Remember that psychologists have proven that if a man does not leave in the first year of infidelity, then it will be even more difficult for him to take this step. Therefore, if he asked to wait, to give him time to understand himself, then that’s what you should do.

Of course, the advice given above is based on rationality. However, most often a woman does not determine how to behave if her husband cheats, since emotions and resentment come to the fore. If you don’t have the strength to cope with them, consult a psychologist, with his help you will decide for yourself what behavior will be optimal, learn to manage your anger and feelings.

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