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What we do wrong during funerals. Is it possible to collect soil for sealing at home? What does a sealed person mean?

» Customs, beliefs, traditions, rituals

Customs, rituals, traditions, signs

Everyone decides for himself to believe or not to believe in omens, to observe or not to observe rituals and traditions, but do not take observance to the point of absurdity.

How to see off a loved one on their last journey without harming yourself and your loved ones? Usually this sad event takes us by surprise, and we get lost listening to everyone and following their advice. But, as it turns out, not everything is so simple. Sometimes people use this sad event to harm you. Therefore, remember how to properly escort a person on his final journey.

At the moment of death, a person experiences a painful feeling of fear as the soul leaves the body. When leaving the body, the soul meets the Guardian Angel given to it during Holy Baptism, and demons. Relatives and friends of the dying person should try to alleviate his mental suffering with prayer, but under no circumstances should they scream loudly or cry.

At the moment of separation of the soul from the body, it is necessary to read the Canon of Prayer to the Mother of God. When reading the Canon, a dying Christian holds a lighted candle or a holy cross in his hand. If he does not have the strength to make the sign of the cross, one of his relatives does this, leaning towards the dying person and clearly saying: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me. In Your hands, Lord Jesus, I commend my spirit; Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”

You can sprinkle holy water on a dying person with the words: “Grace of the Holy Spirit, who has sanctified this water, deliver your soul from all evil.”

According to church custom, the dying person asks for forgiveness from those present and forgives them himself.

Not often, but it still happens that a person prepares his own coffin in advance. It is usually stored in the attic. In this case, pay attention to the following: the coffin is empty, and since it is made to a person’s standards, he begins to “pull” it into himself. And a person, as a rule, dies faster. Previously, to prevent this from happening, sawdust, shavings, and grain were poured into the empty coffin. After the death of a person, sawdust, shavings and grain were also buried in the hole. After all, if you feed a bird with such grain, it will become sick.

When a person has died and measurements are taken from him to make a coffin, under no circumstances should this measurement be placed on the bed. It is best to take it out of the house and put it in a coffin during the funeral.

Be sure to remove all silver objects from the deceased: after all, this is the metal that is used to fight the unclean. Therefore, the latter can “disturb” the body of the deceased.

The body of the deceased is washed immediately after death. Washing occurs as a sign of the spiritual purity and integrity of the life of the deceased, as well as so that he appears in purity before the face of God after the resurrection. Ablution should cover all parts of the body.

You need to wash your body with warm, not hot water, so as not to steam it. When they wash the body, they read: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us” or “Lord, have mercy.”

As a rule, only elderly women prepare the deceased for his last journey.

To make it more convenient to wash the deceased, an oilcloth is laid on the floor or bench and covered with a sheet. The body of a deceased person is placed on top. Take one bowl with clean water and the other with soapy water. Using a sponge dipped in soapy water, wash the entire body, starting from the face and ending with the feet, then wash with clean water and dry with a towel. Lastly, they wash the head and comb the deceased’s hair.

It is advisable that ablution takes place during daylight hours - from sunrise to sunset. Water after ablution must be handled very carefully. It is necessary to dig a hole far from the yard, garden and living quarters, where people do not walk, and pour everything, to the last drop, into it and cover it with earth.

The fact is that the water in which the deceased was washed causes very strong damage. In particular, this water can give a person cancer. Therefore, do not give this water to anyone, no matter who approaches you with such a request.

Try not to spill this water around the apartment so that those living in it do not get sick.

Pregnant women should not wash the deceased in order to avoid illness of the unborn child, as well as women who are menstruating.

After washing, the deceased is dressed in new, light, clean clothes. They must put a cross on the deceased if he did not have one.

The bed on which a person died does not need to be thrown away, as many do. Just take her out to the chicken coop and let her lie there for three nights so that, as the legend goes, the rooster will sing her song three times.

Relatives and friends should not make a coffin.

It is best to bury the shavings formed during the manufacture of the coffin in the ground or, in extreme cases, throw them into water, but do not burn them.

When a deceased person is placed in a coffin, the coffin must be sprinkled with holy water both inside and out, and you can also sprinkle it with incense.

A whisk is placed on the forehead of the deceased. It is given in the church at the funeral service.

A pillow, usually made of cotton wool, is placed under the feet and head of the deceased. The body is covered with a sheet.

The coffin is placed in the middle of the room in front of the icons, turning the face of the deceased with his head towards the icons.

When you see a dead person in a coffin, do not automatically touch your body with your hands. Otherwise, in the place where you touched, various skin growths in the form of a tumor may grow.

If there is a dead person in the house, then when you meet your friend or relatives there, you should greet with a bow of the head, and not with your voice.

While there is a dead person in the house, you should not sweep the floor, as this will bring trouble to your family (illness or worse).

If there is a dead person in the house, do not do any laundry.

Do not place two needles crosswise on the lips of the deceased, supposedly to preserve the body from decomposition. This will not save the body of the deceased, but the needles that were on his lips will definitely disappear; they are used to cause damage.

To prevent a heavy smell from coming from the deceased, you can put a bunch of dry sage at his head, popularly called “cornflowers”. It also serves another purpose - it drives away evil spirits.

For the same purposes, you can use willow branches, which are blessed on Palm Sunday and kept behind the images. These branches can be placed under the deceased.

It happens that a deceased person has already been placed in a coffin, but the bed on which he died has not yet been taken out. Acquaintances or strangers may come up to you and ask permission to lie on the bed of the deceased so that their back and bones do not hurt. Don't allow this, don't hurt yourself.

Do not put fresh flowers in the coffin so that the deceased does not have a strong smell. For this purpose, use artificial or, as a last resort, dried flowers.

A candle is lit near the coffin as a sign that the deceased has moved to the realm of light - a better afterlife.

For three days, the Psalter is read over the deceased.

The Psalter is read continuously over the Christian’s tomb until the deceased remains unburied.

A lamp or candle is lit in the house, which burns as long as the deceased is in the house.

It happens that glasses with wheat are used instead of a candlestick. This wheat is often spoiled and should not be fed to poultry or livestock.

The hands and feet of the deceased are tied. Hands are folded so that the right one is on top. An icon or cross is placed in the left hand of the deceased; for men - the image of the savior, for women - the image of the Mother of God. Or you can do this: in the left hand - a cross, and on the chest of the deceased - a Holy image.

Make sure that someone else's things are not placed under the deceased. If you notice this, then you need to pull them out of the coffin and burn them somewhere far away.

Sometimes, out of ignorance, some compassionate mothers put photographs of their children in a coffin with their grandparents. After this, the child begins to get sick, and if help is not provided in time, death can occur.

It happens that there is a dead person in the house, but there are no suitable clothes for him, and then one of the family members gives his things. The deceased is buried, and the one who gave away his things begins to get sick.

The coffin is taken out of the house, turning the face of the deceased towards the exit. When the body is carried out, the mourners sing a song in honor of the Holy Trinity: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.”

It happens that when a coffin with a deceased person is taken out of the house, someone stands near the door and starts tying knots in rags, explaining that he is tying the knots so that no more coffins are taken out of this house. Although such a person has something completely different on his mind. Try to take these rags away from him.

If a pregnant woman goes to a funeral, she will do harm to herself. A sick child may be born. Therefore, try to stay at home during this time, and you need to say goodbye to your loved one in advance - before the funeral.

When a dead person is being carried to a cemetery, do not cross his path under any circumstances, as various tumors may form on your body. If this happens, then you should take the hand of the deceased, always the right one, and move all your fingers over the tumor and read “Our Father.” This needs to be done three times, after each time spitting over your left shoulder.

When they carry a dead man in a coffin down the street, try not to look out of the window of your apartment. By doing this you will save yourself from troubles and will not get sick.

In the church, the coffin with the body of the deceased is placed in the middle of the church facing the altar and candles are lit on four sides of the coffin.

Relatives and friends of the deceased walk around the coffin with the body, bowing and asking for forgiveness for involuntary offenses, kissing the deceased for the last time (the corolla on his forehead or the icon on his chest). After this, the entire body is covered with a sheet and the priest sprinkles earth on it in a cross shape.

When the body and coffin are taken out of the temple, the face of the deceased is turned towards the exit.

It happens that the church is located far from the home of the deceased, then a funeral service is held for him in absentia. After the funeral service, the relatives are given a chaplet, a prayer of permission and land from the funeral table.

At home, relatives place a prayer of permission in the right hand of the deceased, a paper whisk on his forehead, and after saying goodbye to him, in the cemetery, his body, covered with a sheet from head to toe, as in a church, is sprinkled with earth in a cross shape (from head to feet, from the right shoulder to the left - to get a correctly shaped cross).

The deceased is buried facing east. The cross on the grave is placed at the feet of the buried person so that the crucifix is ​​facing the face of the deceased.

According to Christian custom, when a person is buried, his body must be interred or “sealed.” Priests do this.

The ties that bind the hands and feet of the deceased must be untied and placed in the coffin with the deceased before lowering the coffin into the grave. Otherwise, they are usually used to cause damage.

When saying goodbye to the deceased, try not to step on the towel that is placed in the cemetery near the coffin, so as not to incur damage to yourself.

If you are afraid of a dead person, hold on to his legs.

Sometimes they may throw earth from a grave into your bosom or collar, proving that this way you can avoid the fear of the dead. Don't believe it - they do it to cause damage.

When the coffin with the body of the deceased is lowered into the grave on towels, these towels must be left in the grave, and not used for various household needs or given to anyone.

When lowering the coffin with the body into the grave, all those accompanying the deceased on his last journey throw a lump of earth into it.

After the ritual of committing the body to the earth, this earth must be taken to the grave and poured out in a cross shape. And if you are lazy, don’t go to the cemetery and take the soil for this ritual from your yard, then you will do very bad things to yourself.

It is not Christian to bury a dead person with music; it should be buried with a priest.

It happens that a person was buried, but the body was not buried. You must definitely go to the grave and take a handful of earth from there, with which you can then go to church.

It is advisable, in order to avoid any troubles, to sprinkle the house or apartment where the deceased lived with blessed water. This must be done immediately after the funeral. It is also necessary to sprinkle such water on the people who participated in the funeral procession.

The funeral is over, and according to the old Christian custom, water and something from food are placed in a glass on the table to treat the soul of the deceased. Make sure that small children or adults do not inadvertently drink from this glass or eat anything. After such a treat, both adults and children begin to get sick.

During the wake, according to tradition, a glass of vodka is poured for the deceased. Don't drink it if someone advises you. It would be better if you poured vodka on the grave.

Returning from a funeral, it is imperative to dust off your shoes before entering the house, and also hold your hands over the fire of a lit candle. This is done in order to prevent damage to the home.

There is also this type of damage: a dead person lies in a coffin, wires are tied to his arms and legs, which are lowered into a bucket of water located under the coffin. This is how they supposedly ground the deceased. Actually this is not true. This water is later used to cause damage.

Here is another type of damage in which incompatible things are present - death and flowers.

One person gives another a bouquet of flowers. Only these flowers do not bring joy, but grief, since the bouquet, before being presented, lay on the grave all night.

If one of you has lost a loved one or loved one and you often cry for him, then I advise you to get thistle grass in your house.

To miss the deceased less, you need to take the headdress (scarf or hat) that the deceased wore, light it in front of the front door and walk around all the rooms with it one by one, reading the “Our Father” aloud. After this, take the remains of the burnt headdress out of the apartment, burn it completely and bury the ashes in the ground.

It also happens: you come to the grave of a loved one to pull out the grass, paint the fence or plant something. You start digging and unearth things that shouldn't be there. Someone outsider buried them there. In this case, take everything you find outside the cemetery and burn it, trying not to get exposed to the smoke, otherwise you may get sick yourself.

Some believe that after death, forgiveness of sins is impossible, and if a sinful person has died, nothing can be done to help him. However, the Lord himself said: “And every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to men, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven to men... neither in this age nor in the next.” This means that in the future life only blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Consequently, through our prayers we can have mercy on our loved ones who are deceased in body, but who are alive in soul and who did not blaspheme the Holy Spirit during their earthly life.

A memorial service and home prayer for the good deeds of the deceased, done in his memory (alms and donations to the church), are all useful for the dead. But commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is especially useful for them.

If you encounter a funeral procession on your way, you should stop, take off your headdress and cross yourself.

When they carry a dead person to the cemetery, do not throw fresh flowers on the road after him - by doing this you damage not only yourself, but also many people who step on these flowers.

After the funeral, do not visit any of your friends or relatives.

If they take earth to “seal” a dead person, under no circumstances allow this earth to be taken from under your feet.

When someone dies, try to have only women present.

If the patient is dying seriously, then for an easier death, remove the feather pillow from under his head. In villages, the dying person is laid on straw.

Make sure that the deceased's eyes are tightly closed.

Do not leave a deceased person alone in the house; as a rule, elderly women should sit next to him.

When there is a dead person in the house, you cannot drink water in the neighboring houses in the morning that was in buckets or pans. It must be poured out and freshly poured in.

When a coffin is made, a cross is made on its lid with an ax.

In the place where the deceased lay in the house, it is necessary to place an ax so that no more people die in this house for a long time.

Until 40 days, do not distribute the deceased’s belongings to relatives, friends or acquaintances.

Under no circumstances should you put your pectoral cross on the deceased.

Before burial, do not forget to remove the wedding ring from the deceased. This way the widow (widower) will save herself from illness.

During the death of your loved ones or acquaintances, you must close the mirrors and do not look into them after death for 40 days.

It is impossible for tears to fall on a dead person. This is a heavy burden for the deceased.

After the funeral, do not allow your loved ones, acquaintances or relatives to lie on your bed under any pretext.

When a deceased person is taken out of the house, make sure that none of those accompanying him on his last journey walk out with his back.

After removing the deceased from the house, the old broom should also be removed from the house.

Before the last farewell to the deceased in the cemetery, when they lift the coffin lid, under no circumstances put your head under it.

The coffin with the deceased, as a rule, is placed in the middle of the room in front of home icons, facing the exit.

As soon as a person has died, relatives and friends must order the magpie in the church, that is, daily commemoration during the Divine Liturgy.

Under no circumstances listen to those people who advise you to wipe your body with the water in which the deceased was washed to get rid of pain.

If the wake (third, ninth, fortieth day, anniversary) falls during Lent, then in the first, fourth and seventh weeks of fasting the relatives of the deceased do not invite anyone to the funeral.

When memorial days fall on weekdays in other weeks of Lent, they are moved to the next (ahead) Saturday or Sunday.

If the commemoration falls on Bright Week (the first week after Easter), then in these first eight days after Easter they do not read prayers for the deceased or perform memorial services for them.

The Orthodox Church allows commemoration of the departed from Tuesday of St. Thomas Week (the second week after Easter).

The dead are remembered with the food that is prescribed on the day of the funeral: on Wednesday, Friday, on days of long fasts - fasting, on meat-eating days - fasting.

You should not remember the deceased with alcoholic drinks. Funerals are days of mourning.

You cannot burn candles on the grave of the deceased in front of the monument, but only in front of the cross or icon. Setting up a monument on a grave is not an Orthodox custom.

You cannot perform a funeral service for a suicide, but you can give alms for him without naming the name of the deceased.

Do not bury the deceased after sunset.

Visit the cemetery before 12 noon.

The way you came to the cemetery, return the same way.

You cannot sleep near the deceased.

During the funeral, do not throw money into the grave - you will harm yourself.

When digging a grave, you cannot pass the shovel from hand to hand, you must stick it into the ground.

During the funeral, glasses and cups are placed on a plate.

For the first seven days from the date of death of the deceased, do not take any things out of the house.

Do not take anything home from the cemetery.

After the funeral, do not allow strangers to take a bath with you.

If you have a deceased person at home, then never lend anything to anyone.

You cannot put a cross on the grave of a suicide.

Under no circumstances should you keep soil from the graves of relatives and people close to you in your home.

When there is a dead person in your village, you cannot sing, otherwise you will have problems with your head.

During the funeral, you should not bite the seeds - your teeth will hurt.

After the deceased has been taken out of the house, it is necessary to close them immediately.

If the deceased begins to burst in the coffin, then place a bundle of salt on his stomach. Then throw this salt into the toilet.

The shroud must be sewn on a live thread and always with a needle from yourself, so that there are no more deaths in the house.

If your only child died, and you bought clothes for him for many years to come, then sell these clothes.

Viburnum is planted in the heads of the graves of young men and women.

To alleviate the agony of death, the patient must be covered with white material, which will later be used for the inner lining of the coffin.

Suicide is considered one of the greatest sins. People who take their own lives through negligence (electric shock, drowning in water, food poisoning, etc.) should be distinguished from suicides. This also includes suicides committed during an acute attack of mental illness or under the influence of large doses of alcohol.

In order to conduct a funeral service for a person who committed suicide in an insane state, his relatives must first obtain written permission from the ruling Bishop by submitting a petition to him and attaching to it a medical report on the cause of death of their loved one.

In the Orthodox Church, it is customary to classify as suicide those persons who died while committing robbery or robbery. Victims of gang attacks are not included here.

Five ecumenical Saturdays are considered days of special remembrance of the dead:

1. Meat-free parental ecumenical Saturday occurs two weeks before Lent. On this day, the Holy Church prays for all Orthodox Christians who died an unnatural death (wars, floods, earthquakes).

2. Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday occurs before the day of the Holy Trinity (on the 49th day after Easter). On this day, all deceased pious Christians are remembered.

3.Parental - 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturday of Lent. Instead of daily commemoration of the dead during the Divine Liturgy, which does not happen during Lent, the Holy Church recommends enhanced commemoration on these three Saturdays.

Clean parent days:

1.Tuesday of St. Thomas week. This day is called Radonitsa among the Russian people. This is the ninth day after Easter.

September 2.11, on the day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (strict fasting is required).

3. Dimitrievskaya parental Saturday is celebrated a week before November 8 - the Day of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica.

Farewell prayer for death

The Lord Jesus Christ our God, who gave the divine commandments to the saints as his disciple and apostle, to bind and solve the sins of the fallen, and from them we also accept guilt and create: may he forgive you, spiritual child, if you have done anything free in this present world or involuntary, now and ever, forever and ever. Amen.

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Home page » Customs, beliefs, traditions, rituals

In our time, the wrong funeral ritual has become very widespread, and therefore black magic makes full use of this ritual to cause severe damage.

When a person dies, as is known, his soul leaves the body, that is, the astral body separates from the physical body. But for 40 days the soul is next to the body - it sees and hears everything. People with clairvoyance can observe her.

According to Orthodox canons, a dying person must confess, receive communion and receive the Unction of Oil. Otherwise, all the sins that a person committed during his lifetime go to his heirs. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the basic rules of burial:

Firstly: the water that was used to wash the body must be poured into a place where people do not go - dig a hole and, having poured out the water, cross this place. If this is not done, then you can cause damage to death, skin diseases, serious illnesses, and destruction of the family, both for yourself and for others. Under no circumstances should you pour water into the toilet, as this can lead to diseases of the genitourinary system. Any dubious “grandmothers” should not be allowed to wash the body of the deceased; they then use this water, adding it to the food of the future victim.

The water with which the body of the deceased was washed, the so-called “wetting”, is very often used to induce death, damage to erysipelas, destruction of the family, etc. After ablution, it is better to take the water outside the house or yard and pour it into a hole, crossing that place. You can’t even pour it down the toilet, as this can lead to fibroids, cysts and other diseases.

All belongings of the deceased, including bed linen and blankets (especially if the person has been ill for a long time) must be burned. It is impossible to clean such things!!! You can buy any thing, but you can’t buy new health!

All flowers that were brought to the deceased should be left at the cemetery, but under no circumstances should they be scattered along the road!!! You cannot pick these flowers, step on them, or even bring them into the house.

Do not allow strangers to the coffin. Many sorcerers, witches, magicians (conductors of dark forces) specifically go and look for crowded funerals in order to put a photograph or personal item of the next victim in the coffin. This will cause the unfortunate victim to become very sick and eventually die. You cannot eat bread from the lid of a coffin. It needs to be crumbled on a buried grave for the birds, as the soul goes up.

Nothing can be placed in the coffin, except for a special set purchased from the church. You need to pour 3 handfuls of earth into the hole with the coffin, but you need to do this carefully, without throwing it over people’s heads, as this can harm them. There is a misconception that if you sprinkle such earth on a person’s collar, he will stop being afraid of the dead. So, you absolutely cannot do this. Upon returning from the cemetery, you must wash your hands. There is no need to throw your handkerchief into the hole, this automatically harms the nervous system.

You only need to kiss the deceased on the forehead through the “gateway”

Pregnant women and children should not be allowed to attend funerals as they are the most vulnerable. You should visit the cemetery as rarely as possible, and when you get home, thoroughly wash your shoes, wash your clothes and take a bath.

If you have been told that ties from the legs and arms of the deceased can help, this is a huge misconception; under no circumstances should you even pick them up, and if someone asks for them, do not give them to them. Ties are the strongest connection to the world of the dead; in fact, they are the strongest damage to the whole family. Scarves given at funerals cannot be taken home either - they must be left at the cemetery.

According to ancient canons (laws), the funeral service was performed by a priest while the deceased was still in the house. Sorcerers take earth from the cemetery to activate envoltation programs for death (damage), pouring it on the threshold, in their pockets, behind the collar, etc. victims. Everyone knows that soil taken from the cemetery after a funeral for sealing cannot be brought into the house and left in the entrance, otherwise the person is considered sealed. And the entrance too. This will lead to illnesses for the people living in this entrance.

In order not to harm yourself, it is better not to drink or eat anything at the cemetery, and even more so not to take anything from the graves; on the memorial day, when you come to the cemetery, it is better to put a candle on the grave, pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased, and then order a memorial service from the monastery lunch, or just remember at home, but without alcohol.

Also, you cannot grieve deeply and for a long time, this will harm the soul of a loved one, and in return, sand and stones in the kidneys and gall bladder materialize in the grieving person. In a way, these are gravestones with which we block the departure of the dead into subsequent births. The dead begin to appear in dreams and call at night. Anyone who greatly regrets the deceased takes upon himself the obligation to work for him what was not worked. Without understanding this, such a person transfers the karma of the deceased onto himself. Doctors call these hereditary diseases.

Wheat from glasses that were used as candlesticks must be poured out in a place where people do not go, or on a grave. If you sprinkle this grain on a person, you can damage him. No knots should be tied when carrying out a dead body. If anyone has the idea of ​​burying a person in their clothes, don’t allow it. In this case, you are doomed - this is damage to death.

If one of your loved ones was not “sealed”, then you need to take the earth from his grave and take it to the church - seal it and take it back on the same day (light) - this earth CANNOT be brought home.

When making a coffin, measurements are always taken. It should not be placed on the bed or anywhere else in the house. It is best to take it out of the house and put it in a coffin during the funeral. Whatever is intended for the deceased at the funeral must all go with the deceased.

You must not step on the spread towel, and the towels on which the body was lowered must be thrown into the grave.

According to Orthodox laws, nothing can be written on wreaths, nor can fresh flowers be brought.

There should be no music at a funeral, only prayer!

It is advisable to invite the priest to the funeral service directly at the cemetery - he himself knows what needs to be done. You cannot cross the path of a funeral procession.

The water and bread that had stood for 40 days were poured out and crumbled on the grave. There is another “tradition” - eating bread from the lid of a coffin - the person who ate it will definitely get problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

There is a custom - put a glass of vodka and cover it with a piece of bread - for the deceased. Anyone who drinks this shot will receive damage to the vodka, because it is programmed for the deceased. And in general, the deceased does not need vodka - he needs prayer. The holy elders say that it burns the soul of the deceased. In general, commemorating a dead person with vodka is a great sin. You are dooming his soul to a bitter path. If you still want to remember the deceased, then pour vodka on the grave, at the feet. These stacks can no longer be used. If in the future someone drinks this vodka or another vodka from this glass, you can be sure that the person will be severely damaged by alcohol. And you will also hear from him: “I don’t want to drink, but something forces me.”

A person who has been damaged by vodka, like a carrier of the “virus,” infects his drinking buddies with this damage, turning the person into an aggressive, weak-willed and glass-dependent “zombie.” Therefore, the sooner loved ones start sounding the alarm and seek help, the easier it will be to get rid of such addiction.

If your mother or grandmother brewed and brews moonshine, then she “works” for the alcoholic demon, thereby causing a lot of evil to people (families break up, children suffer, cripples are born, many die). Other people's tears are not shed in vain. It’s not for nothing that people call moonshine the “green serpent.”

But God is merciful, and in every family a clan’s prayer book is born who is able to pray for his entire clan, often this understanding comes through troubles and illnesses, but if everything is done correctly, then the clan can be prayed for and our children and grandchildren will live in peace.

Sometimes at an appointment you can hear the question from patients: “Why did I, and not someone else from my family, fall under karma?” The answer is simple: someone in the family must be born as a man of prayer, he must atone for all the sins of the family. Such people often have troubles, frequent illnesses, and problems with children. As people say, life will force you, life will teach you.

Traditional spiritual healer VICTORIA.

Welcome to my site.

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“The death of the physical body is the rewriting of all information accumulated during a given incarnation cycle and the transition to the next birth.”

V.Yu. Rogozhkin. "ENIOLOGY"

People's fear of the fatal line separating existence from non-existence gave rise to magical funeral ritual. At different times and among different peoples, this ritual often had the exact opposite character. In some cases - complete disregard for the flesh. In a number of Arab and African countries, the dead are simply thrown into the desert or savannah to be devoured by vultures. The spirit is eternal, and let the mortal body finally serve the nature from which we all came.

In contrast to eastern cremation, on European territory the rite of oriented burial of the bodies of the dead is generally accepted, which has come down to us from the Neanderthals, who, in addition, painted the skeleton with ocher after the decomposition of soft tissues. In Ancient Rus', however, cremation of corpses was carried out for warriors and nobility.

After the death of a person’s physical body, rewrite all mental and spiritual information accumulated during a given incarnation cycle.

This information is stored in every cell of the body, in every molecule and elementary particle that makes up our body. Up to nine days, the spiritual potential is rewritten, and up to forty days, the entire mental experience is rewritten.

There is numerous instrumental evidence of this. Considering that in the higher metrics of the Universe, time, distance and mass lose their usual four-dimensional meaning, the astral plane of a deceased person can simultaneously be located in various local points of our space. That is why those who died before forty days appear in dreams to their relatives and friends simultaneously in Moscow, Vladivostok, and Rostov.

Perception of a phantom, colloquially called ghost, associated with rewriting the entire experience of the deceased from everything he had to come into contact with in life.

We exist in a system, and it is not easy to resist traditions, for example, funerals. There is a fear of doing something wrong. How should you behave in this case?

The recently released film "Australia" took a look at Aboriginal funerals.
About the dead man they said: "This is the one whose name we should no longer mention".

But funeral traditions have developed differently, and, it turns out, not in favor of the human soul.

The essence of the ritual of imparting earth is to seal the soul of a person, which means fix it in the world of the dead.

But man must be born again! During the year, a person takes away his accumulated life experience and goes to a new birth, but our rituals can interfere with him.

By the way, the clergy simply bury their own and do not perform a magical ritual of “sealing the earth.”

A funeral is an intimate process of the soul. It should be intimate for family and loved ones: why is it important for people who loved the deceased to be present at the funeral. People come, gather, remember only good things, let go of this soul. That’s why they say that you can’t speak badly about a dead person. Relatives remember, discuss, it is clear that they cry, but this does not mean that you need to kill yourself.

With your wish for good to the soul of the deceased, you help him to be read.

What is the point of reading?

From everywhere this person was, with whom he communicated, he takes his information, that is, he collects all of it in parts. The soul summarizes all this as accumulated experience. Communication with people and the world was an acquired experience. With this experience, a person goes into a new birth.

Therefore, if most people hold it as if alive , the soul cannot leave, it cannot collect information about itself . It was then that the soul of man remains in the cemetery.

Then the deceased can dream as if alive, appear in the form ghost. There is a reverse reaction, again associated with ignorance of the process - they begin to remember the deceased: go to church and light a candle, buy food and distribute it, thereby fixing deceased in the world of the dead.

Important photographs of the deceased should be placed in albums rather than placed in a prominent place in a frame. Unreleased souls through the eye channels the energy of the family is removed, and quarrels, illnesses, troubles begin...

What should be ideal?

Naturally, children and pregnant women are not allowed to visit the cemetery. Ideally, those who want to come should come to the cemetery. Come with the thought not that we are leaving a person in the ground, but with the idea that the person needs to be let go.

He leaves this world to be born again, and this situation should be treated as such.

Even if even one reasonable person attends the funeral, funeral rite goes easier. Then, for a year, the deceased may appear in dreams, but after a year he should stop appearing in dreams.

At the wake For the deceased, it is forbidden to serve knives and forks on the table. Usually, after the third stack, the diners emotionally begin to wave their knives and forks, and with such gestures with a knife and fork, one can involuntarily inflict an astral blow not only on the diners, but also on the astral plane of the deceased, which is nearby for up to 40 days. If a living person can recover from an astral strike, then it is almost impossible for a deceased person to do this.

Do not allow any dubious grandmothers or strangers to attend the funeral or to the coffin. There are many things associated with funerals. black magic rituals and someone else’s photographs or things may be slipped into the coffin of the deceased, or they may purposefully collect soap from the deceased.

A strings from the hands and feet of the deceased- This is generally a classic of the genre. Many grannies advise that you need to take the ties from the hands and feet of the deceased person and apply them to the sore spots. The bumps and tumors supposedly go away. Why do they pass?

It's like dead water: it just kills information. But it kills information not only about the disease, but gradually about the person as well.

Why, for example, does a lump disappear because the string carries information about death. The person is read, and the strings taken from him carry information about this person. Within a year, whatever you attach the string to, then it will be read together with the soul of a person.

And later, the energy of a living person treated in a similar way begins to die, because he tied himself to the deceased.

Under no circumstances should you take handkerchiefs home from the cemetery - the principle is the same.

There is a ritual when the damage is removed: any object must be buried on the grave of a person with the same name as the person from whom the damage is removed. Supposedly from yourself, to give to the deceased person at the same information address. It seems that the deceased no longer cares.

But the point is that a person lives more than one life, and everything that lies in the grave or on the grave is read with this person. And, excuse me, a child is born who is already affected by this damage caused by an outsider. In this case, in any case, the person who did the damage will suffer.

Any rituals associated with the cemetery are simply not permissible.

Second point: after the funeral people walk to the deceased at the cemetery. It must be remembered that a year after death a person is reborn, and his soul should not be in the cemetery .

When you come to the cemetery, remember that a year after death the soul leaves for a new birth: the person you knew is no longer there.

There are reasonable people who simply keep the grave clean and tidy. But, as a rule, people they go there to visit relatives, as if to see dead relatives.

During the period of mass visits to the graves of relatives, people's cardiovascular diseases worsen.

The energy of the cemetery is negative: there is an outflow of life potential.

If a person drinks in a cemetery, there is a certain load on the energy: the person opens up and can connect to any negative program, which will cause an outflow of life potential and problems on the physical level.

Any scratch received in a cemetery takes a long time to heal, because astral entities are already moving in. A cemetery is a place where there are unresolved astral plans of deceased people. Any suppuration is a connection to the lower astral plane.

In my practice, situations often arise when people develop small bumps on their bodies after visiting a cemetery. Usually in the area of ​​the hands that come into contact with the ground while cleaning the cemetery. Such bumps can take a very long time to resolve.

After a church service, many people without any signs of a cold or inflammation experience temperature spikes, especially in children. Chronic diseases always worsen because there is a load on the body, on a person’s energy. The failure will be in that place of the body or fate where the breakdown was originally: where it is thin, that’s where it breaks.

Pressure surges and purulent wounds are provoked by everything that, in the understanding of eniology, is associated with attachment to the lower astral plane: to the cult of death.

There should be no food or drink in the cemetery. Grass, flowers, flowerpots, wreaths, etc. You cannot bring it into the house. Under no circumstances should children be taken to the cemetery or pregnant women should go there.

You cannot light candles for the repose of the soul of a deceased person, or light candles for the health of living people.

You will not find a word about the use of candles anywhere in the Bible. They are used in destructive magic.

The evoked astral-mental plane (phantom) of the victim is identified with the candle and then the candle burns out - the person dies.

In magic this is called envolting to death!

And if a living person can somehow recover from this, then deceased this is unlikely to succeed - he will no longer be able to go out into his next birth.

How many people envolve their family and friends in churches every day?!! And then they wonder where they got all these misfortunes and diseases from!

Anastasia Natalich. Research Center "ENIO"

Based on newspaper materials Research Center "ENIO""Centaur's Crossroads" (subscription index in the Rospechat catalog 53745)

In addition, read an excerpt from Chapter 7, “We will not die, but we will change,” of the book “ENIOLOGY” by V.Yu. Rogozhkina.

Funeral ritual as a black magic act

The ritual of giving fresh cut flowers in esotericism means a ritual of sacrifice. In some satanic sects, people are sacrificed to the gods, in others - animals, in others - the sacrifice is made through identification with flowers. Flowers are placed on the altar (an altar is a place for sacrificial rituals, therefore in Christianity, during the baptismal ceremony, boys are brought to the altar, thereby “blessing” the military 5th magical lasso), meaning human sacrifices. It is difficult for the blinded “lambs slain” to see the relationship between the flowers on the altar (the tombstone performs the same function) and the subsequent victims of various disasters and cataclysms. That's how it is, that's how it should be! And no one will ask the question: who actually NEEDS this?

Water after washing the body of the deceased and the so-called soaps are used for inducing death, causing damage to erysipelas, separating a family, etc. Do not allow any dubious hysterical grandmothers into this process. They then use this water, adding it to the food of the next victim and leaving your address in the information fields. The water after ablution is just water and can be flushed down the toilet.

When dressing the body of the deceased, do not use the address of the clothes: Vasya’s jacket, Car’s slippers, etc. Otherwise, those whose clothes the deceased was dressed in may also be re-recorded into the next life. These are just things.

Do not display the coffin of the deceased in front of the entrance for public viewing. Those watching through windows can draw the astral plane of the deceased into the space between the windows, thereby blocking his departure.

Do not allow flowers to be placed in the coffin of the deceased. Then these flowers are thrown onto the road along which the funeral procession is walking. This is a ritual to transfer diseases from all the dead to the living. Try not to step on such flowers yourself, do not allow your children to pick them, much less bring them into the house.

Do not allow strangers to the coffin. Many sorcerers specifically go and look for crowded funerals in order to put a photograph or personal item of their next victim in the coffin. The fewer people there are at the funeral, the better for the deceased and for you.

Kissing the deceased is unacceptable. In this case, disease programs are rewritten for people who are energetically suitable. The younger a person’s body, the more preferable it is for the migrating essence of the so-called corruption. Therefore, children and pregnant women should not be allowed to attend the funeral. A dying sorcerer, or more precisely, an alien entity inhabited by him, cannot leave for a long time without moving into another person. If no one wants to take on such a burden, then the roof is removed from the dying person. In this case, the moment of death is sometimes accompanied by light and sound effects.

Ties from the hands and feet of the deceased are very widely used in witchcraft. They advise applying them to sore spots, sewing them into their husbands’ clothes so that they “don’t walk around.” On a magical level, these ties connect the astral plane of the deceased and the living, who has these ties. The deceased cannot go into the next birth and drags the living one along with him. Over time, those who left ties in their joints experience pain, varicose veins, scandals in families, and heavy drinking among husbands. At the funeral, make sure that the ties remain in the coffin. After removal, they are usually placed under the feet of the deceased. Handkerchiefs that are tied to participants in a funeral procession perform the same function. It's better not to have them at all.

According to ancient church-magical canons, the funeral service was performed by a priest while the deceased was still in the house. The earth was taken from the yard, vegetable garden, etc. and sprinkled three times in a cross over the shroud with which the deceased was covered. This carried out the ritual of “sealing into the ground” - blocking the possibility of leaving for the next incarnation. At the same time, the spell was recited: “Rest in peace, the kingdom of heaven and the earth.” In other words, the potential of the mental plane of the deceased was voluntarily given over to the System, and the astral plane was identified with the earth! The earth is taken from the cemetery to enable envoltation programs for death. This cemetery soil is poured onto the threshold, into the victim’s pockets... Everyone knows that soil taken from the cemetery after a funeral cannot be brought into the house and is left in the entrance. The day after the “sealing” she is carried to the church. Thus, “damage” is caused by your own hands both to the entire entrance and to the church parishioners. Remember - you cannot take anything from the cemetery.

You cannot leave flowers on graves. The corresponding "grandmothers" collect these funeral flowers and put them on sale again. But with the corresponding witchcraft spells. With the help of such a bouquet, a person can be envolved in a matter of hours: the temperature rises sharply, weakness, vomiting appear... Contract killings through a magical ritual are now increasingly becoming “fashionable”. After all, there are no legal norms in this regard. Therefore, it is better to completely exclude the custom of giving flowers from your life. Remember "The Snow Queen": Kay gave Gerda a live rose in a pot. Cut flowers become “vampires” and live off your energy!

The most serious damage to the process of reading the deceased through Information Fields is caused by funeral music and military salutes. At the same time, the deceased’s AP is, figuratively speaking, shattered to smithereens. Isn’t that why they say that the military has no way to heaven?

In the old days, it was allowed to put a fence on a grave only a year after death. By this time, the process of rewriting information from DNA molecules, intracellular water and other complex volume-resonating molecules of our body is basically completed. Previously, mostly wooden fences were installed. And only a year after death. Now, before you even have time to bury the coffin, they will helpfully offer you any metal fence according to your taste and money. Otherwise, suddenly the “neighbors” will seize your land. And some people buy cemetery space for future use. Suddenly it won't be enough. Almost before nine days, many try to erect a monument with a photograph. All this snobbery is completely unnecessary for the dead. In addition, monuments and fences are volumetric resonators and prevent the dead from passing into the next incarnation.

You can constantly see such scenes in the cemetery: a woman, sobbing, hugs the monument and laments: “Vasenka, who did you leave me for?” Without realizing it, she performs a magical ritual of identifying the astral plane of the deceased with a specific monument.

Moreover, often, the more expensive the monument and the more people regret the deceased, the more difficult it is for him to pass on to his next birth. The AP of the deceased is forced to remain due to the fault of those who regret his death. Therefore, the astral plane of the deceased clings to the kidney channels at the energy-informational level. The energy of those who regret goes into the lower AP, and in return sand and stones materialize in the kidneys. In a way, these are gravestones with which we block the departure of the dead to the next birth. Those who regret the dead begin to dream about the dead at night and call them to come with them. If we regret, then we take upon ourselves the obligation to work off everything that was not worked for him. We drag his karma onto ourselves. Doctors, due to the deepest misconception, call these hereditary diseases. There are no hereditary diseases. There is a rewriting of unprocessed karmic programs from the dead to all those who regret. We ourselves are to blame for this with our hypertrophied love and “eternal memory”.

Colossal harm to the dead and those killed in wars is caused by “mass graves” and all kinds of monuments that act as volumetric resonators, replicating the death program to all living ones. Eternal flames on mass graves are made in the form of a pentagram - a five-pointed star, which is a working symbol of the 5th arcana of magic. And be sure to write a spell on marble: “Eternal memory to the heroes! We will never forget you!” That is: you will never be born again!

Photographing in a cemetery near monuments additionally records the accidents of the dead and replicates the negative consequences on the living. This also applies to the custom of taking photographs at weddings at monuments to the dead.

Often, under the pretext of a funeral, various products are distributed. “I dreamed about my dead grandfather. Eat this pie, remember him... Let him now dream about you too.” If it is not possible to refuse such products, then in the mental image that these are just products, remove the “funeral” program.

In recent years, it has become fashionable to install micro-monuments at the sites of road accidents. As a result, our roads are gradually turning into cemeteries and the number of accidents is increasing. Remember what the organization of a cemetery in the central square of the former USSR led to.

Some readers may object: entire generations have revered the dead, made mummies and worshiped them. How can one not regret the dead, not weep at their graves, when this is the custom? And everyone’s kidneys hurt because the water is bad...

You can prove with foam at the mouth: the wind blows because the trees sway. Whoever wants to do it, let him do it. For those who are beginning to think about the complexity of the multidimensional laws of energy-information exchange in the Universe, these tips:

* ask the deceased for forgiveness for regretting their death; this also applies to all unborn as a result of miscarriages and abortions;

* wish the dead and unborn reason, health and happiness in the next birth;

* ask forgiveness from all people for the fact that, willingly or unwillingly, they took part in the black magic funeral ritual;

* never name children after someone, especially dead ones; by doing this you make a karmic transfer to the child; from now on, this is his name, the same as his grandfather’s, but only his.

All this must not just be said mentally! This must be realized.

This also applies to ministers of religious magical cults, who certainly give a second name at baptism - an unaccounted address in the individual entrepreneur for carrying out karmic releases. This applies to the entire enchanted “holy” church, which “seals” all the dead into the astral plane of the Earth, prohibiting funeral services and burying suicides within the cemetery for the mass replication of the suicide program. What the satanic clan itself has done, hiding behind the image of Christ, is a special conversation.

If you allow the dead to pass on to the next birth, crime will decrease and more people will be born. normal, healthy children of Homo Sapiens , and not “sheep slain” for the altar of the System.

Sooner or later everyone comes to the end of their life. The souls of people go to God's judgment, go through ordeals and then, according to the determination of the omniscient God, receive what they deserve.
Physical death, which became the law for all people after the fall of the ancestors Adam and Eve, is frightening in its uncertainty. People die in different ways - some in carelessness and negligence, not thinking about what awaits them beyond the grave, others - consciously, with a sense of the greatness of the approaching moment, use the means that the Orthodox Church offers the dying: she guides her children to the afterlife The sacraments of Repentance, Communion and Blessing of Anointing, and in moments of separation of the soul from the body, he performs the canon for the exodus of the soul (exit prayer).

At the moment of death, a person experiences a feeling of languor. When leaving the body, the soul meets the Guardian Angel given to it in Baptism and evil spirits - demons. The appearance of demons is so terrible that at the sight of them the soul is troubled and trembles.

According to the Church, the human body is a temple of the soul, sanctified by the grace of the Sacraments. The image of the burial of the dead, given in the Gospel, has been preserved since Old Testament times in the Orthodox rite and is expressed in the washing of the body, its clothing, and the position in the coffin.

Washing the body with water foreshadows the future resurrection and standing before God in purity and immaculateness.

The body of a Christian is dressed in new, clean clothes of light colors. The deceased must wear a pectoral cross. The washed and clothed body is placed on a prepared table face up, towards the east. The lips of the deceased should be closed, hands folded crosswise (right hand on top of the left) as a sign of faith in the Crucified Christ. An icon of the Savior or a Crucifix is ​​placed in the hands.

The forehead of the deceased is decorated with a halo, which symbolizes the crown of the Kingdom of Heaven. The body is covered with a sheet or a special funeral shroud with the image of the Crucifixion - as a testimony to the faith of the Church that the deceased is under the protection of Christ.

The coffin is usually placed in the middle of the room in front of the icons. Candles are lit around him. If possible, they place four candlesticks: one at the head, one at the feet, and two on both sides of the coffin.

It is forbidden to place any objects, money, or food in the coffin, since such customs are relics of paganism.

The above rules can only be followed if the body has not been taken to the morgue. According to existing Russian standards, without submitting the deceased for an autopsy, it is impossible to obtain death certificates. Orthodox people have to put up with this, but every effort should be made to have time to properly prepare the body after it is released from the morgue.

It is very good to order all the days preceding the burial for the deceased funeral services in one or more churches. At a time when the body lies lifeless and dead, the soul goes through terrible trials - ordeals, and therefore has a great need for the help of the Church. Funeral services make the transition to another life easier.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church Note)

Health is commemorated for those who have Christian names, and repose is remembered only for those baptized in the Orthodox Church.

Notes can be submitted at the liturgy:

For proskomedia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken from special prosphoras, which are subsequently lowered into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

The body of the deceased is carried by his relatives and friends, dressed in mourning clothes. Since ancient times, Christians participating in funeral processions have carried lighted candles.
The body of the deceased is placed in the middle of the temple with its face open and facing the east, and lamps are placed near the coffin.
After reading the Gospel, the priest reads aloud a prayer of permission, asking for permission for sins that the deceased forgot to confess due to weakness of memory. However, this prayer does not forgive sins that were deliberately hidden.

To more clearly assure those close to the deceased of his forgiveness and reconciliation with the Church, the priest places a scroll with a prayer of permission into his right hand. (Here it is necessary to refute the superstition widespread among the people that this prayer, called the “roadside” prayer, serves as an indisputable pass to the Kingdom of Heaven for the deceased. The fate of every person is in the hands of God, and nothing material has an impact on God).

Return from the burial of Christ (Nikolai Ge, 1859)

After the prayer of permission, the last kiss of the deceased begins as a sign of our unity in love for him, which does not cease beyond the grave. It is performed by singing touching songs:
“Seeing me lying silent and lifeless, weep for me, all brothers, and relatives, and acquaintances. Yesterday I talked with you, and suddenly the terrible hour of death overtook me; but come, all those who love me, and kiss me with the last kiss. I am no longer I will live with you or talk about something; I go to the Judge, where there is no partiality; there the slave and the ruler stand together, the king and the warrior, the rich and the poor in equal dignity; each will be glorified or shamed by his deeds. But I ask and implore everyone: Pray unceasingly to Christ God for me, so that because of my sins I will not be elevated to a place of torment, but may I dwell in the light of life.”

When saying goodbye to the deceased, you need to kiss the icon lying in the coffin and the aureole on the forehead. At the same time, one must mentally or out loud ask the person lying in the coffin for forgiveness for all the untruths that were committed against him during his life, and forgive him for what he himself was guilty of.

“Eternal Memory” is proclaimed over the coffin. The priest places the earth crosswise on the body of the deceased, saying the words: “The earth is the Lord’s and its fulfillment, the universe and all who live on it.”

The rite of interment can be performed both in a temple and in a cemetery. After this, the coffin is closed with a lid and it is not allowed to open it again under any pretext.

Persons who deliberately take their own lives are deprived of a church funeral service. One should distinguish from them people who took their own lives through negligence, who are not recognized as suicides.
In the Orthodox Church, it is customary to classify as suicide those persons who died during robbery and who died from wounds and mutilations.
Cremation, that is, burning the bodies of deceased Orthodox Christians, has never been a tradition. Now, however, the cremation of Orthodox Christians has become commonplace, but undesirable.

Some priests do this. All memorial services and funeral services are performed in the same way, except for burial and prayer with a whisk. The latter are not included in the coffin, but remain with relatives. The priest performs a symbolic interment by sprinkling earth on a clean sheet of paper. The earth is wrapped in the same paper and, together with prayer and a whisk, is kept with relatives. During cremation, no sacred objects should be left in the coffin.

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus carry the body of Christ
(Ivanov A.A., 1850s)

When the ashes are buried in a grave, the soil wrapped in paper, a prayer and a whisk in one bag are placed there so that everything is consigned to decay along with the ashes. Leaving ashes out of the ground contradicts all the traditions of the Orthodox Church and the meaning of burial.

The funeral rite is a reflection not only of the everyday life of its bearers, but also of the archaic worldview. The funeral rite, once probably no less complex in structure than the wedding rite, now appears in a greatly reduced form. This is also evidenced by conversations with informants recorded in the late eighties (for example, with M. N. Fedorova, a native of the village of Dorozhnovo, Okulovsky district, who at the time of recording lived in the village of Kulotino in the same region, or with A. Ya. Vlasova, a native of the village Gari, Starorussky district, who lived at the time of recording in the village of Dubki of the named district).

A glass of water was placed in the head of the dying person so that the soul would wash and go.

Previously, relatives came to say goodbye immediately when a person died, or even to the dying person.

As soon as a person dies, they open the doors, everyone goes out onto the porch to see off the soul - the deceased lies in the house, and the soul leaves, they see it off on the street. When the soul is seen off, the eldest woman in the house laments (“howls with a voice”). They started wailing even before washing.

They wailed as soon as a person died, even before they were washed - they went out into the street, stood facing the direction where they would take him to be buried, and wailed: “Farewell, go with God.”

Burial of Christ (guards approaching in the background)
Lorenzo Lotto, 1516

The study of the verse showed that the Russian village of the Soviet era retained an improvisational culture of performance, when a folklore text was created anew each time on the basis of an established tradition. The genre of lamentations is central to the ritual, despite the destructive changes that have occurred to it, it still performs its everyday function. The parable continues to preserve cultural memory, but its artistic merits fade significantly, and a number of obligatory moments disappear (for example, detailed commentary on what is happening at the funeral). The genre is becoming more and more clichéd. This is due, first of all, to the loss of a direct relationship to the semantic side of pagan symbolism. It was not possible to identify the entire cycle of lamentations of the funeral rite, which (as, for example, in a wedding) would accompany the entire rite, thematically delimiting certain of its stages. Apparently, we are dealing with a clear fading of folklore memory. It is difficult to say at what stage of historical development such a reduction began. But there is no doubt that the cultural policy of the state, on the one hand, and the intensive transformation of Russia from an agricultural country into an industrial and, therefore, urban one, had a strong impact here. Nevertheless, the archaic aspects of the consciousness of a village person in the funeral rite have been preserved quite well. For example, it is known that death in the Russian folklore tradition has always been perceived as an enemy. This was also preserved in the texts recorded at the turn of the 70s - mid-80s. In lamentations, death is called a “villain,” a “murderer,” who does not make concessions and does not listen to pleas and requests. The archive materials contain records that talk about various kinds of signs associated with the arrival of death in a home or family. For example, death was foreshadowed by a cuckoo landing on an outbuilding; a bird knocking on the window; a dog howling downwards ("a dog's howl - to eternal rest"); a horse walking towards people who are seeing off the deceased, and so on. To make sure a person was dead, a mirror was brought to his lips; if it did not fog up, it means the person died. In order not to be afraid of the deceased, who could somehow remind of himself (for example, often dreaming or even coming to the house; appearing in some other form, for example, in a zoomorphic form, most often a bird), it was necessary to hold on to the stove, look into it or into the basement, and on the fortieth day hang the horse's bridle on the wall.

The dead sleep, remaining human (the deceased is a calm person), but if the deceased had his eyes open, they were closed and copper coins were placed over the eyelids. It is quite possible that this was associated with a kind of ransom from death, for it was believed that the deceased was looking out for one of the living people or even animals remaining in the house, wanting to take them with him. In such cases they usually said: “If he looks, he will see someone.” Coins (nickels) were then left in the coffin. It is interesting that ransom in this ritual was manifested in another way, for example, if the body of a drowned person could not be found for a long time, then there was a custom of throwing silver money into the water to ransom him from the water.

The body of the deceased was placed on a bench, his arms and legs were tied, as it was believed that “evil spirits” could twist them, bringing pain to the deceased person. After two hours the body was washed (the deceased “rested” for two hours). Any person could wash the deceased, but preference was given to strangers. The idea, preserved in the memory of informants, dates back to the last century that old maids were supposed to perform this ritual. In the Okulovsky district a ditty was recorded:

Don't go, friend, get married
For such robbers,
We’d better buy a tub each,
We will wash the dead.
(Recorded from M. N. Fedorova in 1988)

The custom of paying for washing with something from the deceased’s belongings has been preserved. They washed the deceased from the pot with warm water and soap, then the pot was then thrown into the river along with the water, a custom in which, undoubtedly, a pagan worldview is visible. There was another option, when the water remaining after the procedure was poured into a place where no one walks and nothing is planted, since this water is “dead” - it could destroy, kill the earth. In the Starorussky district they believed that washing the deceased forgives sins: “If you wash forty people, you will remove forty sins.” The same person who washed the deceased dressed him. They dressed him in everything new so that he would “look good there” (according to A. Ya. Vlasova), because the deceased was going to live “eternally.” Mortal clothing was not only bequeathed, but also prepared in advance, thus fulfilling the person’s last wish. Sewing clothes is also a ritual: when they sewed it, they did not make knots and did not tear them off, like threads. They sewed in one seam, with the needle forward, the seams were not turned inside out, and the buttons were not sewn on. N.V. Andreeva from the Okulovsky district noted that in the past they most often sewed a jacket and a skirt. We can say with a high degree of confidence that this is a later custom, perhaps dating back to Soviet times, since according to ethnographic research it is known that the common “mortal” clothing was a shirt, for both men and women. Those objects that the deceased did not part with during his lifetime were also placed in the coffin. The coffin was made of spruce or pine boards. For example, it was impossible to make a “house” from aspen, since it was believed that aspen was a cursed tree, because, according to legend, Judas hanged himself on it, and this made it tremble. The shavings left over from manufacturing were placed at the bottom of the coffin or, in some cases, in the pillow on which the head of the deceased was located. It was impossible to burn wood chips and shavings, because, as they believed in the Okulovsky district, it would make the deceased feel hot. The coffin-domina was always made in accordance with the height of the deceased. It was believed that the deceased would take someone if the coffin was larger (Okulovsky district, Fedorova M.N.). The domovina with the body was placed so that the deceased was facing the icon, that is, to the red corner (Okulovsky district), but in the Starorussky district it is noted as the most common option, when the deceased lies with his head in the red corner and his feet towards the door.

Sorokoust about repose

This type of commemoration of the dead can be ordered at any hour - there are no restrictions on this either. During Great Lent, when the full liturgy is celebrated much less frequently, a number of churches practice commemoration in this way - in the altar, during the entire fast, all the names in the notes are read and, if the liturgy is served, then parts are taken out. You just need to remember that people baptized in the Orthodox faith can participate in these commemorations, just as in the notes submitted to the proskomedia, it is allowed to include the names of only baptized deceased.

A linen towel or a piece of white cloth was hung outside the window of the room in which the deceased was located. “Chaplets” or “letters of forgiveness” were placed on the forehead of the deceased, which contained a prayer for the remission of sins. A traveling handkerchief was given to the right hand, and a handkerchief to the left. In the Starorussky district it was believed that it was needed to wipe away sweat during the Last Judgment, as well as to wipe away tears if a person who has passed into the world of his ancestors bursts into tears when meeting loved ones in the “other world.” These meetings took place, according to those interviewed, over a period of forty days. Informants from the Okulovsky district interestingly interpreted the function of the pectoral cross with which the deceased was supplied. Thus, M.N. Fedorova said that it serves as a “pass” and that before entering the gates of another world, it was necessary to show the cross, and the deceased had to buy a new cross. This custom differed from that accepted in the Starorussky region, where the deceased was buried with the same cross that the person wore during life. The funeral took place on the third day. Spruce branches were scattered from the house to the road, along which the procession moved, so that those leaving for another world would “walk” along a “clean road,” since spruce was considered a pure tree in these places. When returning from the cemetery, the branches were removed and then burned, probably thus destroying traces of the deceased so that he would not return and take away any of the surviving relatives.

Transfer of Christ's body to the tomb
(Antonio Cizeri, 1883) - historical realism of the 19th century.

Quite a lot of different kinds of signs associated with the performance of funeral rites have been preserved. Often these signs were in the nature of a talisman. So, for example, they dug a grave early in the morning on the day of the funeral, and they chose a better place, because they believed that if the deceased did not like the place, he would take another relative within forty days. And if there is still a dead person, then “we must expect a third one” (according to M. N. Fedorova from the Okulovsky district). The collapse of the grave walls also indicated that a new hole would soon have to be dug. In general, the custom of pleasing the deceased in everything has been preserved. The custom of not sweeping the floors while the deceased was in the house was also preserved in the surveyed areas, because according to a sign it was possible to “sweep” one of the living relatives. In addition, mirrors in the house were covered with dark cloth so that evil spirits would not spoil the deceased. The coffin with the body was carried to the cemetery on towels; carrying it was considered “more respectful” than carrying it. They said goodbye to the deceased finally in the cemetery, while kissing him on the forehead or on the icon that lay on his chest. The tears of the person saying goodbye should not fall on the deceased, since he would then lie wet and be offended. In such cases they usually said: “Move away, go away, don’t shed your tears there.” And everyone present wished the earth to rest in peace. Before the coffin was lowered into the grave, relatives threw a penny there (apparently silver), this meant that they bought themselves a place next to the deceased, and everyone else threw copper, and said: “Here’s your share - don’t ask for more.” ". It was believed that the deceased needed the money in order to pay for transportation across a river or lake in the next world. It is known that the image of a river and a crossing is a traditional image not only for Russian, but also for world culture.

Items associated with the funeral and the belongings of the deceased also had their own fate. After the fortieth day, relatives could distribute the personal belongings of the deceased to any people, not necessarily close relatives. And those objects and things that were involved in the funeral rite (for example, towels on which the coffin was carried) were either lowered into the grave and covered with earth, or burned to avoid the bad influence of the deceased on living people. Everything was done so that nothing would disturb the soul of the deceased and would in any way keep it in the world of living people. Much was done to ensure that the deceased would not return for someone, would not “see someone.” As mentioned above, it was believed that the open eyes of the deceased are a sign that they are looking out for a new victim.

According to tradition, while the ceremony was taking place at the cemetery, preparations were being made for the funeral in the house of the deceased. One of the relatives usually stayed at home and prepared the funeral meal and washed the floor. Funeral services took place not only immediately after the funeral, but also on the ninth and fortieth day, and then a year later. Deceased relatives were also commemorated on Parental Saturdays - days established by Christian tradition. On memorial days, people always visited the graves of relatives, bringing food and wine with them in order to invite the deceased to a ritual meal. Thus, a custom remained from the ancient funeral rite, which involved both the appeasement of the souls of the dead and the demonstration of the power of life. In the modern funeral rite, the contours of the old, still pagan rite are visible, but it is also noticeable that the magical content of the ritual action has largely been erased.

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