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A girl insults a guy, what should I do? How to put a girl in her place if she gets in your way? Unusual ways to make amends

In a love relationship, there are many problems that partners face. It is not enough to just find your loved one. You still need to build a relationship with him so that it is comfortable to be in it. If a girl gets in her way, insults, humiliates, or shows disrespect in other ways, is it worth maintaining a relationship with her? Experts will tell you how to put a girl in her place.

Quite often, ladies forget how much they suffered while they were single. When a girl can't find a guy, she suffers and suffers. But what a joy it is when you find an interesting guy with whom you can build a relationship. Everything is going great: a girl meets a guy, romantic feelings develop, the connection turns into a serious relationship.

But time passes, and the girl relaxes. She forgets how she suffered while she was alone. She has already ceased to value her partner and her relationship with him. Are you used to it? Disappointed? Only one thing is known: when a girl does not get a rebuff, if she begins to humiliate or insult a guy, she definitely begins to climb on his neck.

Quite often such stories happen to guys who are simply left in shock. How do previously sweet and friendly girls turn into bitches and capricious young ladies? It's all wrong for them. They are constantly dissatisfied with something. It is impossible to negotiate with them because they want everything to be their way. They do not ask, but command. They do not consider it necessary to ask opinions from their gentlemen, but do everything as they themselves think necessary.

A once trusting, loving and respectful relationship turns into the slavery of the guy and the dominance of the girl, who believes that her boyfriend owes her something. Is it possible to somehow improve the situation? You can, if you are determined to do something that will put the girl in her place.

How can you put a girl in her place if she starts to become impudent or insult a guy?

Love relationships are not created so that the guy suffers, and the girl allows herself to humiliate, insult him or become impudent at his expense. If a young lady allows herself to “trample” the honor and dignity of her gentleman, then it’s time to put her in her place.

The guy's mistake was that he allowed the girl everything. She insulted him, but he did not respond. She commanded him, and he obeyed. He had to satisfy her every whim. The guy himself did not confront the girl in any way when she became impudent. So she sat on his neck.

The best solution to this problem would be to show and even tell the girl that if she does not change her attitude, then... And this is not intimidation. These are not just words. The guy really intends to break up with the girl if she continues to be impudent and get on his head.

In most cases, after such a statement, girls really change. They do not break off the relationship, but on the contrary, they begin to respect the guys. This is exactly what they need: for the guys to also be bold and not be afraid of losing them.

If a guy continues to humiliate himself in front of a girl, she becomes bored. She begins to look for another gentleman, who, by the way, will give her a clear understanding: if she starts getting on his head, he will, without hesitation, break up with her.

From here we conclude: if a girl insults, humiliates, gets in her way, doesn’t value the relationship, then you need to tell her directly that she will lose her boyfriend if she doesn’t change her behavior. And here, reader, you must be ready to fulfill your promise: if the girl becomes more impudent, then we silently turn around and leave her alone.

Do not call. Do not write. Don't look for a meeting with a girl. Let her be alone for a while and “sober up.” If she loves, then she will understand that she was to blame. And if she didn’t love the guy, then she won’t understand anything. In this case, she is definitely not needed by a guy who is wiser and ready for a serious relationship.

Should you tolerate insults?

Often people give in to their anger and start saying unpleasant things to others. You should understand that if you are attacked with insults more than once and even after you asked the girl not to shout or call you names, then this phenomenon will continue to occur. It is a girl's character to offend. She does not understand that she is making you feel bad and unpleasant. Therefore, it will continue to do so.

Tolerate insults or not? For the first time, you can be patient, because people don’t always get along perfectly when they get to know each other. You simply warn the girl who is insulting you that it is unpleasant for you and you want not to be talked to like that. Give her some time to overcome her habit of at least communicating with you disrespectfully, reminding her that you don’t like it. But if she doesn’t want to control herself in your presence and periodically explodes with insults, then you shouldn’t tolerate it. It will never stop, and you will gradually learn that you are always to blame for everything. You need it? Do you want to be constantly guilty? If yes, then continue to tolerate insults directed at you.

Why is being insulted the problem of the person who is being so disrespectful? It is not your fault that the other person did not like something and decided to express his dissatisfaction. You don't always have to be comfortable and nice to others, just like they are to you. Therefore, unpleasant situations do not yet give another person the right to “get angry.”

The person who insults believes that he is right about what happened. He perceives his opinion as the only correct one, and sees you as the guilty one. Although in fact the following happened: you did not act as the girl wanted, and because she did not like your action, she decided to blame you. In this way, the insulting young lady is simply trying to “knock the ground out from under your feet” so that you doubt the correctness of your actions and take her side. This is a kind of manipulation to force you to change your mind and act as the manipulator wants.

If a girl has stooped to the level of abuse, this is a clear sign that she is unhappy. The girl is unhappy only because you did not do what she expected of you. Although - the fruit of the activity of the person himself, and not the result of the actions of other people. The girl who is abusing you wants you to do everything to make her happy. This, in fact, is what she accuses you of: that you did not make her happy. But how can you deprive someone of happiness if it depends only on the person himself? No one can make you happy if you don’t want to be that way, just as no one can make other people happy if they themselves don’t do anything for it.

You shouldn't tolerate being insulted. It's not your problem that the girl didn't like your decision to act differently than she expected. If you do not want to be constantly guilty, lower your self-esteem and be manipulated, then you should not continue communicating with a girl who insults you. This shouldn't be your problem. If she doesn’t respect you, allowing herself unflattering comments, then let it be her problem. And you are free to communicate with those girls who accept and respect your opinion, even if they don’t like it.

Let him respect or go to all fours

Notice that people behave with others the way they allow them to behave. If you are insulted and you smile back, you will continue to be insulted. If you are humiliated and you continue to communicate with the girl, then you will only be humiliated. Why are you in contact with someone who allows herself to disrespect you? By staying with those who laugh at you, you are silently telling them that they are doing everything right.

Follow two rules that will help you create a relationship with a girl who treats you kindly:

  1. Let him respect or go to all four directions.

It is impossible to protect yourself from dating girls who express their contempt for guys. You can meet such people, but it is up to you not to communicate with such people anymore. Make it a rule to tell girls to treat you with respect and kindness, otherwise you will stop any communication with them. There is no need to be friends or establish relationships with those who allow themselves to humiliate you. Give them a chance to change their behavior, tell them about your desires. But if nothing changes, then leave and don’t regret anything. It’s better to be alone than to surround yourself with fools who will soon turn you into the same moral monster. Give the girls a chance and walk away if they don't understand your requests.

Don't be afraid of losing your loved one, especially if you are rude or disrespected. Be clear and confident about your wishes and demand that they be taken into account, otherwise you will stop all communication.

2. It doesn’t matter what others think, the main thing is what you think about yourself.

Girls who behave disrespectfully towards others often resort to manipulation, namely, causing feelings of guilt or self-doubt. If you don't do something the way they would like, leave them, then they try to arrange the situation so that you feel guilty, while insulting you so much that you may feel unsure of your own abilities.

Do not fall for such provocations. All this is aimed at ensuring that you do not leave the company of these people, since they will have no one to mock. If you leave, do it decisively and know that you are doing everything right. If you do something that a girl doesn’t like, then know that you did what you thought was necessary, and her opinion is just her opinion.

Bottom line

You should not be interested in what the girl thinks, the main thing is what you think about yourself. Moreover, you should not be interested in the opinions of those who simply do not respect you. Let them think what they want. And you build a relationship with a girl who still considers it important to respect, appreciate and take care of you. After all, as they say, “it is impossible to become happy if you hurt someone you care about.”

Greetings, dear friend. Egor Sheremetyev is in touch. What to do when a girl pouts and looks at you displeased or ignores you altogether. All the guys faced a similar situation. And it’s okay if you really screwed up. Often you don’t understand your guilt, but the girl gets offended and may not talk to you at all. Today I will tell you what to do in such cases. If you're interested, keep reading.

First, let's understand the concept of resentment, what it is and what it is used with. In fact, resentment is manipulation. For example, a girl was offended by something you did. Why? Because she wanted you to do what she wanted. And you did it your way. And here there is a discrepancy. She uses resentment, which she demonstratively shows and watches your further actions. What is the right thing to do so as not to succumb to her manipulation, but also not to worsen your relationship?

Let's immediately identify 2 situations and an action plan:

  1. When it’s not your fault and you sincerely don’t understand why the girl was offended by you.
  2. When you realize your mistake and can agree that you are wrong.

The very first thing you must remember is do not give in to manipulation and do not throw yourself on your knees with the words: “Honey, what happened? I will do anything for you.” Behave calmly and reservedly. Don't let her make a connection between your behavior and her mood.

If she understands that you are ready to fulfill her every whim, just so that she starts smiling again, rest assured, she will begin to take advantage of it. Therefore, do not take responsibility for the girl’s emotional mood. Don't let her crush you.

Unfortunately, many guys make a huge mistake - they try to find some way out of this situation, meet them halfway, apologize, shower them with gifts, etc. Even if you are to blame, you cannot immediately run and ask for forgiveness. In this situation, you must show the man and your steadfastness to the maximum. The girl must understand that this kind of manipulation does not work on you, and she. Otherwise you can wave your hand at her and go on your way.

She started ignoring you, hasn’t called or texted you for a week? And you, too, stop writing to her and somehow reminding her of yourself. If her offense was without any particular reason, then after some time she herself will come to you and, perhaps, admit that she was wrong.

But what to do if you seriously mess up? Sometimes it happens that we offend girls without giving it much importance. And for them this is extremely important. The rules of conduct are approximately the same, but there are several nuances:

  1. Stay calm and composed.
  2. Don’t let yourself be crushed, don’t immediately run away with apologies and millions of roses.
  3. Give the girl time to calm down.
  4. After the girl calms down her emotions a little, come up and just hug her, kiss her, and apologize.

The fourth point is very important, which many people forget or simply don’t know. Some guys continue to live as if nothing happened. But it is inaction that causes cracks in relationships. You need to caress the girl, show her that you care about her. But do this after she calms down and stops sulking at you.

Let me sum it up. If you are at fault, then apologize. But this needs to be done correctly in order to remain more free and independent from the girl. That is why do not give in to provocations and hysterics, but when everything settles down, give the girl emotional support in the form of hugs, kisses, and sincere apologies. On the one hand, you show your balls of steel and your steadfastness in the face of women’s tricks. On the other hand, the girl sees that you are not indifferent to her, and to some extent you depend on her, but only a little. Good luck!

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Most women are more prone to grievances and emotional outbursts than men. Moreover, sometimes it is difficult to understand the true reasons for a girl’s behavior. In all cases, the first sign of a lady's dissatisfaction is her silence and complete lack of desire to communicate with the guy. The behavior of a young man in this situation depends on the cause of the quarrel. If a man is not to blame, his companion is simply trying to manipulate him or test how morally steadfast he is, then one should not pay attention to her manner of behavior. And when the girl calms down, then you need to give her an emotional boost: hug her, talk about her feelings. In a situation where the young man is to blame, first of all, you need to let the girl be alone and calm down. Then talk calmly and honestly about everything, explain the reasons for your action. In order to make amends, you can do some incredible romantic act that she does not expect at all.

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    Causes of women's grievances

    There are a very large number of reasons for women’s grievances. However, there are those that occur most often:

    • A man looks at other women. Not a single lady in the world will tolerate or forgive a situation when her lover examines another girl with interest and sparkle in his eyes. You should be especially careful if your loved one is nearby. After all, what can she think about a man’s behavior when she is far away, if something like this happens in her presence? Sometimes you can hear women smiling sweetly and saying that they are even happy when a man looks at other girls. They explain their behavior by the fact that he has not yet lost interest in life. This is not true, because in reality they are also very offended.
    • The man does not want to develop a relationship. A woman's resentment may be caused by the fact that she does not see the guy's serious intentions. He does not want to introduce her to his parents and tries in every possible way to avoid meeting the mother and father of the girl he loves. The woman will remain silent, but her mood can be easily guessed by how abruptly the plate of dinner is served, her facial expression during lovemaking. It’s better not to let the situation get so intense and decide to take a serious step.
    • Not enough attention. Every woman craves to receive from her beloved many signs of attention, compliments, manifestations of tenderness and care. This is especially true for relationships in bed. You shouldn’t immediately ask her to do something new and unusual for her. This requires tact, patience, restraint, eloquence and wit. You should not brush your stubble before having sex, as it will prick and cause discomfort. This may be perceived as indifference to your loved one. Telling jokes and funny stories in bed is a bad idea. After sex, you should never turn your back to the girl and fall asleep. You shouldn't be a stale cracker. You should not be afraid and not be lazy to tell your beloved about how beautiful, smart, kind, and gentle she is. You should show your romantic feelings, hug, kiss, and say nice words.

    If the man is not to blame

    Women's resentment becomes a frequent companion of relationships between lovers. It is difficult for men to understand the behavior of their beloved girl, since everything was fine, but suddenly she became offended, remains silent and does not want to talk.

    The main thing in such a situation is to really assess the reasons for such behavior. If there is no serious reason for resentment, and the offended woman throws up a scandal for no reason just like that, then this is one of the ways of female manipulation. A touchy girl tests a guy's willpower and feelings. If a young man immediately comes running and asks for forgiveness, then he will sharply lower his self-esteem and the way he looks in the eyes of his beloved.

    Girls like this behavior from guys, but the problem is that they begin to treat such men as henpecked. They cease to arouse interest in the opposite sex.

    Sometimes a girl tells a guy that he doesn’t love her, doesn’t appreciate her, and begins to cry, throw a tantrum, and provoke her into a quarrel. In such a situation, you should not succumb to the girl’s emotional breakdowns. You can do nothing, but go about your business.

    But as soon as your beloved calms down, you must immediately give her emotional reinforcement: hug, kiss, say compliments and good words. This is a very important point that many people do not pay attention to. Even if the girl has calmed down, you need to show your feelings. Otherwise, she will think that her boyfriend does not need her and will leave him.

    If causeless insults continue for more than one week, and the girl is constantly offended, then the young man should think about whether such a relationship has a future.

    If the guy is to blame

    Regardless of the reason for the offense, if the guy understands that he is wrong, and the offense is justified, then you first need to calmly and firmly ask her why she was offended. In response, the beloved will remain silent. In this case, you need to once again ask about the reasons for her behavior. If after this the companion remains silent, then the best solution would be to leave her alone for a while. She needs to be alone and think about the current situation, analyze all the circumstances.

    If a woman values ​​her man, then, having calmed down, she herself will tell about the reasons for the offense. After this, the young man will already know what to do next.

    First you need to apologize. Moreover, you need to do this only once, but in a firm and confident voice. A guy should not feel guilty, since sometimes girls achieve exactly this by trying to manipulate their other half.

    If the situation is not as serious as expected, then you can turn it into a joke. However, this should be done if the guy is confident in his sense of humor. Otherwise, a bad joke can only make the situation worse.

    Even if the girl has already forgiven, you still need to make amends. This should be done based on the girl’s preferences and your imagination. You can give her a huge bouquet, buy her something she has long dreamed of, or prepare a romantic dinner with your own hands.

    It is possible that the real reason that the girl was offended is poor health and fatigue. You should definitely hug and kiss your beloved and tell her about your attitude towards her.

    What to do if a girl doesn't want to communicate?

    If a guy calls a girl, but she doesn’t pick up the phone or answer the SMS, then not the most pleasant thoughts begin to appear in his head. You need to calm down and think about the possible reasons for this behavior:

    1. 1. Busy. Every person has situations when he cannot pick up the phone, and then simply because of fatigue or being too busy, he forgets to call back. This does not at all mean that the girl has stopped loving her boyfriend and does not want to communicate with him.
    2. 2. Doesn't hear. This reason is even easier to explain. For example, a girl was at a meeting and turned on silent mode. After she was free, she simply forgot to turn on the regular call.
    3. 3. Doesn't want to talk. This is a more significant and serious reason. If a girl does not call for several days, then this means that she has begun to avoid her boyfriend. In such a situation, you need to be patient and wait a few days. If during this time she does not call back, then such a relationship is doomed to break.
    4. 4. The guy was ahead of him. It is possible that if a young man recently met a girl on the street or in a nightclub, then she could have met another guy who seemed better to her in some way.
    5. 5. The guy stroked the girl’s vanity, and that’s enough for her. Often a girl meets guys just to satisfy her ambitions and her ego. She may not answer phone calls or text messages. In this case, the fate of the relationship is completely in the hands of the man. If he can charm her, then everything will work out.
    6. 6. The young man could not really interest the girl. She gave the number only so that he would leave her.
    7. 7. She is not free. In this case, she could give the number under the influence of momentary emotions, and then regret her action.

    Behavior rules

    You need to calm down and understand that the girl did not take an oath of allegiance, and the presence of her phone number in the young man’s mobile is not a guarantee that a romantic relationship can improve.

    You need to stop calling her and texting her asking why she is silent. If necessary, you should wait a week or a month. It all depends on the specific situation.

    You can try to start communicating with her on social networks. You can catch on to some interesting point in her profile or write a comment on her photo.

    You can write an SMS that would touch her pride: “You are a bad girl, although when we met you, you tried to be exemplary.”

    For brave guys, we can advise you to send the following SMS: “You gave me your number specifically to laugh at me. I knew there were such cruel girls. But I never could have imagined that you would turn out to be the same. I don't think you were very nervous at the time I called you. Sorry for disturbing you." It should be emphasized that this option is very risky, since the girl will think that the man is weak and humiliates himself in front of her only in order to resume communication. But if the guy has already tried all the methods and they don’t work, then you can take a risk.

    If any of the methods helped, then you should not immediately respond to her messages or calls.

    This way the girl will understand that the guy is ready to communicate with her at her first call. Women usually have no sexual interest in such men.

    Unusual ways to make amends

    Psychologists advise that in order to sincerely apologize to a girl and achieve her forgiveness for a serious offense, you need to act extraordinary and come up with something that the other half does not expect from a man at all. For this purpose, you can try one of the options.

    Agree with friends who have cars and line up the word “Sorry” on the site in front of her house.

    Create a photo collage. To do this, you need to think through several phrases that the guy wants to say to his beloved. Then take pictures of friends with word signs. The photographs are put together into one collage.

    Lay out the word “Sorry” from rose petals on the asphalt at her entrance and sing a serenade.

    Make an apology in the form of the word "Sorry" or "Sorry" from people.

    Give a bouquet of 1001 roses.

    Whatever the true reason for the resentment and quarrel with a girl, a man who truly values ​​his relationship with his beloved will always be able to find the key to her heart.

    And a little about secrets...

    I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

    It is hardly possible to meet a young man, a man, who has never encountered a woman’s grievances. It is sometimes very difficult to understand them. An insult on the part of a girl can be either a trifle, a simple whim, or an emphasis on more serious problems in a relationship. Finding themselves in such a situation, young people do not know how to act. Ignoring the situation, as well as actively sorting things out, can worsen a man’s reputation. In the eyes of a woman, a man falls if he does wrong. But what to do? And why are girls offended?

    The main causes of women's grievances

    To understand how to act in a given situation, you need to identify the main reasons for girls’ touchiness. It is worth noting that resentment is one of the methods of manipulation. Very often, girls feel offended as a protest against some action of a man, his firm conviction, affirmation. Thus, a girl can achieve what she wants through resentment. This option works against men, first of all. Of course, if a young man is not indifferent to this girl, he will follow her lead. Or, at least, he will soften his views and eliminate categoricalness. Very often, girls use insult tactics in the following situations.


    The perception of relationships differs between men and women. Many young people, without knowing it, make a number of mistakes in relation to a girl. This often happens unconsciously. In trying to prove that they are right, men only make the situation worse. In this case, the girl’s offense looks like revenge for misunderstanding, lack of attempt to understand. Sometimes, resentment helps young people open their eyes. And, in the future, he will no longer make such mistakes. It could be a bad joke or a rude statement. Simply not shaking hands when exiting a vehicle can give rise to deep resentment in a girl. After all, this gesture is regarded as disrespect for the female sex, and for the girl in particular.

    Lack of attention

    Very often girls lack male attention. All day long a man is at work (study), and in the evening he immerses himself in the virtual world of games. It is these toys that cause maximum negativity among girls. It is not difficult to be offended in such cases. Toys that can provoke resentment include a car, a mobile phone, and other modern gadgets. In such situations, a man must correctly prioritize, highlight the main and the secondary.

    Relationship problems

    Grievances regarding dissatisfaction with relationships can be considered quite serious and not unreasonable. These are more likely not grievances, but griefs and frustrations. They appear when the relationship between young people is long enough, but does not move to another level. The reluctance to get to know the girl’s parents, the reluctance to introduce the chosen one to her parents, often causes serious grievances that bring discord to the relationship as a whole. Also, such a reaction can be provoked by the reluctance of men to create a full-fledged family and walk a girl down the aisle. Naturally, such a statement only applies if the relationship lasts more than one year.

    Other reasons for grievances

    Girls can also become offended due to misunderstandings in the intimate sphere of life. A man who cares only about receiving pleasure and satisfaction in his direction will always have an offended partner next to him. Sometimes, some statements and jokes during sex are inappropriate. A girl expects relaxation, affection, pleasure from intimacy, and not focusing on stories and jokes. Sometimes, representatives of the fairer sex choose such a method of manipulation as resentment in cases where they understand that they themselves are to blame for something. So, the young man will be ashamed of the showdown, and he will be able to forget about his offense.

    What should a man do in such situations?

    If a girl is constantly offended over trifles, perhaps the young man is not so dear to her. After all, a loving person tries not to focus special attention on some little detail, but evaluates it as a whole. But to understand whether this is a trifle or not, you need to understand the situation. A young man should try to understand the girl. If she was offended, the logical question would be: why?

    It is necessary to analyze the cause of the offense in order to understand the girl’s intentions and her demands. Family relations specialists recommend not to succumb to any grievances. If a man, standing firmly on his own, at the first insult refuses his past belief, opinion, he falls in the eyes of a woman. She considers him a weakling, henpecked. Yes, some representatives of the fair half are quite happy with this state of affairs. But, in most cases, women want to see a persistent, confident young man next to them.

    Should I apologize to the girl or not? It's better to apologize, but nothing more. The apology should not be followed by any action that the woman demands. This can also be considered manipulation on the part of the man. An intelligent representative of the stronger sex will be able to play out the situation so that his chosen one ends up in his place. A clear example will help open her eyes to her behavior. She will understand that insults will not help anything. If a girl is offended for a serious reason, leading to the end of the relationship, you need to understand yourself. Perhaps specific actions, the struggle to preserve the relationship will only strengthen the union and make it free from resentment.

    Based on this, you can create a step-by-step algorithm for the young man’s actions:

    • Insist on your position. After the girl is offended and has expressed everything, you need to pause. Do not immediately change your decision, do not submit to manipulation.
    • Left alone with yourself, you should think about the whole situation and understand the root cause of the offense. Very often, women openly express some of their complaints, you just need to remember.
    • Next, the man must give the girl what she demands through insult, but ask for something in return. A kind of barter. Everyone must sacrifice something to maintain a relationship.
    • The last stage is characterized by the fulfillment of all conditions on the part of both men and women.

    Only such interconnection, understanding, and finding compromises will help maintain normal, healthy, fulfilling relationships. First of all, you need to talk to the girl. Sometimes a simple confidential conversation is quite enough to completely dispel all doubts, grievances and omissions.

    Get the girl back

    What to do if a girl is offended

    It is rare to meet a guy who has not encountered such a manifestation of female despotism as resentment! After all, you know how it happens: everything is going great and wonderful, but suddenly, because of some trifle, the girl completely stops making contact and closes herself off from you. Naturally, guys who are used to sharing their thoughts with a girl find themselves in a not very pleasant situation: they are left alone with an insensitive log!

    Also, when finding themselves in such a situation, many guys begin to make wrong actions and mistakes, which not only do not help overcome the girl’s resentment, but also aggravate the situation with power and respect in the couple. For one offense, a guy can lose so many points of personal reputation and strength that he will forever remain in the girl’s eyes: “Weak and incapable.” It is for this reason that it is necessary to approach the issue of resentment not only from the position of speedy restoration, but also from the position of maintaining strength and power.

    You need to understand that in this situation, not only the subject of the conflict is of great importance, but also the tactics for resolving such a dispute. You can even say this: testing your behavior is the girl’s main task.

    Why do girls get offended?

    Resentment is one of the ways of female manipulation, directed against a man’s firm position on any categorical issue. This method can be compared to slowly washing away the foundation from under a man’s feet, which ultimately destroys all his arguments. This is a very cunning and insidious method that works primarily against men who are not indifferent to this girl. Therefore, this can be called playing against your own people, which is simply terrible.

    Most often, girls use this tactic in two situations, which will be discussed below. There are also narrow-minded individuals who use this method every time. True, men leave such people quickly enough, because no one wants to endure it!

    Revenge for a man's mistake. Many guys are blind when it comes to relationships with their girls. They make a number of mistakes that hurt their girlfriend, and then the guys really don’t understand why she’s trying to prove something to them. Then, tired of her helplessness, the girl resorts to resentment, which serves both as an excellent way to take revenge on the guy for misunderstanding, and as a tool to widen his eyes.

    Pushing your position. Where words and beliefs don’t work, physical threats and manipulation work great. Unfortunately or fortunately, many girls do not use physical force due to its absence, but manipulation of guys is inherent in them by nature itself. So, resentment is one of the most common ways that plays into a guy’s potential to lose this girl.

    Those. Now we know that all the girl’s resentment pursues exclusively one main goal - to influence the man and force him to do what the girl wants. Everything is much simpler and very logical. If you think that your girlfriend is offended for no reason, then know that there is actually a reason, and it sits inside the girl, although she herself may not even understand it.

    How to behave when a girl is offended

    You must clearly understand that the girl wants to break you with her behavior and force you to fulfill any of her demands. And as soon as you break, it will remember the following algorithm:

    · I want to get something;

    · I get offended when they don’t give me this;

    · I get it.

    This behavior can be compared to the behavior of a small child, when he shakes his license and is hysterical, and his parents are forced to do something. However, to our great joy, the methods that our parents use also work on the girl.

    The key rule for resolving any grievance: “For you to do something, the girl must also pay a certain price.” Then it will be clear to her that her resentment will not be the key to what she wants, but only one of the tools of the trade, and that’s right. And now to some points.

    Should a guy apologize when the girl herself is wrong? Although many people advise holding your position until the end and fighting the girl, it is still better to be a little more cunning. In such a situation, you can apologize to the girl, but your words should not be followed by any actions. Those. only words and nothing more, such a reciprocal manipulation in her direction.

    Don't rush into action. Imagine a situation where a guy stands firm in his position, but as soon as the girl starts blackmailing him, he immediately jumps up and starts running and fussing. A girl in such a situation will be quite justified in thinking that the guy’s previous firmness was just nonsense, and this cannot be allowed. Therefore, during any offense, wait for a theatrical pause.

    Try to understand the reason for the girl's behavior. You probably think that analyzing the reasons for a girl’s behavior is needed in order to somehow correct the situation and find a common language with the girl? No, an analysis of the reason is needed only in order not to overpay the girl for her offense. Why give her a gift of a trip to a restaurant when her resentment would be happy with a box of chocolates. After all, we all know very well that if a girl grabs us tightly by the throat, then we can’t just get rid of her, because we love and value our relationship with her. And the girl does not leave us, but only manipulates, which also shows her positive attitude towards us.

    What should your action algorithm look like?

    1. After the girl begins to manipulate and offend you, you should take a theatrical break and not change your behavior towards her at all. No matter how she behaves, you should not succumb to her manipulations.

    2. After you are left alone and can calmly think, you need to understand the true reasons for a woman’s resentment. Most often, girls speak quite openly about their complaints, you just need to remember.

    3. Next, you need to enter a betting round. The usual market mechanisms are at work here: you offer something small and demand something from the girl in return. And then you gradually negotiate acceptable terms for resolving the conflict. If the girl does not make contact with you and is still silent, then either you have not waited enough or she is not satisfied with your terms of the deal.

    4. You fulfill your conditions, control the girl’s fulfillment of the conditions and live calmly and happily.

    One moment. Sometimes girls do not want to discuss any conditions at first, but this is a temporary phenomenon. They will be available for trading soon.

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